Couples go to the country to watch a boat being built.
11 July 2001
What the heck is this? Is this even a horror film? You don't actually get to see any real horror 'till 50 minutes into the film. Most of the film is just the couples going at it. Like I said to a friend earlier, I feel as though I've lost 5% brain cells having watched this crap. It basically starts off with couples going off to the country-side to watch some stupid friend of theirs show off his boat and fix it up a bit. Besides the lame plot, there's crappy acting and directing too. The thing that kept me watching the film was spotting the boom mic in every shot. I don't see how they could just leave that in there. The director must have been on the brink of going blind because the mic was so easy to spot. It was actually kind of fun spotting it.

There's obviously a lot of pointless nudity in the film since I mentioned the couples go at it a lot in the film. That's basically most of the movie right there. When the killings do start there's nothing special. Just some lame hanging and a few more wasted deaths. The killer was so predictable. This whole movie is predictable.

I was so confused when I was watching the film. I kept wondering where the heck they were going and why people would get mad for no apparent reason. There are so many plot holes and things that confuse you that you spend 15 minutes of your time trying to figure out what the heck just happened 15 minutes ago.

The mask the killer used for the film was some lame mask that I assumed was the only mask left that the prop guy could get his hands on. It's like one of those masks that are left behind in stores the day before Halloween, because all the good masks are already taken. If I could give this film a lower rating I would. I'm gonna add this `film' to my worst films list. Can't believe I wasted my time on this.

One of the crappiest films I've ever seen. A waste of a slasher film, and you don't even realize it's a slasher until 50 minutes into the film. Don't waste your time on this unless you're an aspiring director that wants to make sure to not make the same mistakes the director for this film did. Try to keep the boom mics outta the shot people.
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