A really brutal horror experience...but fans will LOVE it !
11 December 2003
Zombi Holocaust is one of the biggest pleasant surprises I purchased in a long time. And that's a really positive thing to say because you probably know this kind of horror films...Fully made and produced in Italy in the early 80's, these movies have like a dozen alternate titles and versions. Tons of similar movies like this were made during this decade but most of them only seem promising but disappoint in the end. Zombi Holocaust doesn't !! This movie is an extremely enjoyable mixture of all kind of interesting and nasty horror topics. Okay, the movie is called "Zombi" Holocaust and there ARE a few zombies to detect, but Zombie Holocaust is sooooo much more than that !!

Actually, the plot of Zombie Holocaust is about a mad scientist / doctor who uses a tribe of cannibals to perform medical experiments on. Due to those experiments, the aborigines become zombies. Now, in that simple plot summary, we've had ZOMBIES, CANNIBALS and freakin' MAD DOCTORS !!! I don't know about you, but to me that already sounds like every fan's dream. And I can assure you that - if you have the privilege to watch the fully uncut version like I did - you'll have a true gorefest !! The level of sickness and utterly nasty scenes is very extreme and it even surpasses the work of undeniable masters in the field like Lucio Fulci and Ruggero Deodato in certain sequences. Zombie Holocaust contains a gruesome autopsy, many throats are being slit, faces and guts are being ripped off/out etc etc...the gore highlights really are numberless. If I have to pick one, I'd say the scene where a zombi is hacked up for barbeque by a propeller !! Classic need-to-see stuff for horror fans !!!

Furthermore, the plot contains many, many holes and the acting is abominable. Even though O'Brien shows a lot of potential as the freaky doctor, he's given too less screentime to impress you enough. And even though Alexandra Delli Colli has a gorgeous body, ( and she proves that multiple times by showing it ) she isn't much of a talented actress. But seriously...who cares about all these things ? Besides, bad acting is necessary for this kind of early 80's horror...it adds a lot more charm to the production.

Zombi Holocaust is just a magnificent splatter movie that comes with my highest possible recommendation. I've only got to known this movie recently because of all the confusing aka's. It was listed as "Zombie3" in my local videostore and as "Zombie Holocaust" in another. But there are just way to many Italian movies called like that to let it bother you. Seek this one and enjoy it !!
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