One of my early favorites
7 July 2002
Like the previous commenter Jenny, I saw this movie when it first came out, and I too could not stop thinking about it! I saw it in this really nice theater in downtown Seattle (can't remember the name.. I think it has since been closed down and turned into something more steel and glass-like. Oh well, the memories linger...)

I have not seen this movie since I saw it in 1977, but I remember I saw it mere months before heading off to serve in the US military, and the images from this film somehow remained in my young mind throughout the time I was in the service, and beyond.

I still vividly remember the "prostitution" scene, and I still remember the flying scenes - as a fan of all things aviation-related, the movie is worth seeing just for the flight scenes alone.

I can remember going out on a few dates with girls back then, and talking glowingly about this fabulous movie. They thought I was a passionate, dreamy-eyed romantic or something. Must've had them fooled, I guess.

But if you want to see a good movie that's a bit of a potboiler paperback novel come to life, then this one's for you. I myself will be looking for a copy of this film in my local video store shortly.
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