Snuff (1975)
Decent bad film
3 April 2002
Talk about a great ad campaign! I remember being very young and seeing all the ads for "Snuff," and all the surrounding controversy, and said one day, I will be able to see this film somehow. So a number of years later, I managed to rent it (when joining a video club didn't mean you had to have a credit card and a driver's license) and finally view the big forbidden film. I knew it was gonna be a bad film, I just hoped it would be a "good" bad film, and it actually was.

The plot really isn't that bad, the movie is pretty interesting. I won't repeat the history of the movie (read other reviews for that) but the added-ending sequence, while interesting, actually was a letdown because I did think the actual story part of the movie wasn't so bad.

I haven't seen "Snuff" in a long time and maybe I'd hate it now, but I would pick this up on DVD if it ever came out in that format, with various extras and maybe a documentary surrounding all the hoopla and strategy during it's initial release. I even read that many if not all the "protesters" outside the theaters playing this film were rented by the theaters. It's a classic case of great marketing.
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