6 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers

This is a horror movie that attempts to build suspense but doesn't quite get there. A group of amateur spelunkers get trapped in an old mine for weeks. They somehow survive on one canteen of water for that entire time, but finally hunger gets the better of them. They decide to draw lots and eat someone's arm. Not everyone agrees, but they do it anyway. Sure enough, no sooner do they eat the arm and they are rescued. The group decides to keep the deed a secret. Any accusations by the unwilling victim will be dismissed as the babbling of a madman who was injured in the cave-in. The cave-in is blamed for his missing arm.

Five years later the leader of the group receives a severed arm in the mail. The group reforms to discuss the event. One by one they are attacked by a hatchet-wielding killer. Some are maimed; others are killed. Soon we meet the one-armed man's daughter, whom we assume is the real killer. It becomes apparent that she isn't, but we're pretty sure it isn't the obvious choice. At the end we find that we were right - it's the one-armed man's son, whom we never knew about until now - with the help of the daughter. The one-armed man is in a catatonic state because of his arm. Seems unlikely, but that's the way it is. Rather than maim or kill the last survivor of the group, they lock him up in a small room with nothing but a knife. When he gets hungry enough, he will eat his own arm. The end.

This is the darkest movie I have ever seen. I don't mean dark noir; I mean dark no lighting. Over 99% of this thing was shot at night or in the dark - even the majority of the interior scenes are dark. It's really frustrating not being able to see.

Some bad movies are amusing to watch. This one is just bad.
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