A billion laughs
6 June 1999
A film that is sadly overlooked, but I can't figure out why. It's a fantastic heist yarn, with Jim Hutton leading a bunch of losers as they sneak into the US Mint in DC to help him replace $50,000 that accidentally got sent through the garbage disposal. Everyone in this film is great; Jim Hutton had a real screen presence and I really miss him in films. Dorothy Provine is the girl who loves him secretly, and she finally gets the chance to tell him. She's also a pretty good comedienne. Milton Berle, Victor Buono, Jack Gilford, Joey Bishop and Walter Brennan are the rest of the gang, and they are all wonderful. Milton's turn as George Washington is a gem. And Victor Buono as an amusement park ride operator with visions of being a sea captain is just wonderful. It's a well plotted film, and moves along briskly with no lags. Perfect for a movie night with the kids. This just came out in 2012 at Warner Archive on DVD, so grab it before it's gone.
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