Fabulous and cheerful: I never get tired of Breakfast at Tiffany's
19 October 2002
*Breakfast at Tiffany's*

Breakfast at Tiffany's is not for the cold hearted. It's a very lovely and enjoyable movie from start to bittersweet end. Audrey Hepburn is the real delight of this film, her presence outshines that of Peppard. The song "Moon River" is gorgeous, and whenever I hear it I get all nostolgic. It is in fact the only movie that really cheers my up on a rainy day, sometimes even just a bad day. There is so much to love in this film.

Audrey Hepburn. What can I say that hasn't already been said? She's incredible. The fact that she "can't act" is not even visable. She SHINES in this movie, she has grace, poise. She's gorgeous and urbane. You never cease to lose interest in Hepburn as Holly Golightly. Her strange habits and bold opinions are as funny as they are amusing. Peppard is okay, suave and gorgeous. But his character (and every other character) just aren't Audrey Hepburn.

This movie is more than just a love story. It's kind of an ode to New York in the same way Sex in The City is. It just makes you want to run away to New York and become a socialite in your perfect little black dress and over-sized sunglasses.

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