Time and time again
24 November 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie in 2002, so got a bit confused about the 1966 scenes before I remembered the film was made in 1960! So I was in effect watching the future of the past from the present.

But enough of that. I enjoyed the movie, and as others have pointed out before me it stayed pretty faithful to the book. There's a couple of changes that kind of rub me the wrong way though.


In the book our nameless hero went straight to a distant future, in the movie "George Wells" makes a couple of stops in the new century. During the first of these, in 1917, he finds his house boarded up and learns that it's been abandoned for years. So we know he's going to disappear, but since he's telling the story after he came back, we know from the beginning that he's going to embark on a second journey.

Second (and this is the spoiler, in case you missed the warning above), in the book our hero just flees from the morlocks and leaves the world as it has become, in the movie he and the "peaceful" eloi help each other kill the morlocks (by the rather implausible device of throwing wood down the ventilation shafts to feed the fire they accidentally started - yeah right!) and live happily ever after in the restored utopia. And these are supposed to be the good guys. No matter how you look at it, this is still cold blooded murder (genocide even), and I for one would not want to live in a world where one half of the population has killed off the other half for whatever reason.
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