To Leech His Own
20 August 2000
Warning: Spoilers
There's a key scene in the film where Estelle Hemsley, as an old African woman about to be given the gift a youth states: "For a man, old age has rewards. If he is wise, his gray hairs bring dignity and he is treated with honor and respect. But for the aged woman, there is nothing. At best, she's pitied. More often, her lot is of contempt and neglect. What woman lives who has passed the prime of her life who would not give her remaining years to reclaim even a few moments of joy and happiness and know the worship of men. For the end of life should be its moment of triumph. So it is with the aged women of Nandos, a last flowering of love, beauty--before death." Unfortunately, this is, for the most part, true today, especially in films. A much older actor can pair with a decades-younger actress, and there's no fanfare. The opposite rarely occurs, and if it does, there's much ado.

In this film, Coleen Gray receives this gift and does have to kill to keep her youth, but only to selfish, dangerous people: her cruel husband (Philip Terry), a guide who ditches her (John Van Dreelen), a crook (Arthur Batanides) and a jealous would-be killer (Gloria Talbot). She won't harm her new boyfriend (Grant Williams), because she loves him. Gray has several classics to her cinema credits, but she'll be remembered for this role: convincing makeup are given full-bodied mannerisms, voice inflections that amazingly reflect old, middle, and young age.

The cast is most earnest, giving two black actors (Civil Rights Era gaining momentum) dignified parts: Hemsley, expert as the native old woman, Kim Hamilton as her younger counterpart - the character a smart negotiator and commanding, Terry as the nasty, rotten-to-the-core husband (first dialog scene with Gray fascinates as it is one long 5 minute take with no cuts). But the aspects of male vs. Female aging will stay with you after the final fadeout. The title remains appropriate (i.e. Sucking out body fluids (pineal brain juice here), "leeching off others").
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