One of the best Ever !!!!!!!!!!!!
20 October 2001
Due to being overjoyed in January 2005 at being finally able to own a copy of this masterpiece on DVD, I am re-editing my previous comments dating from 2001 slightly. Since that time, I have noticed a marked increase in the number of comments upon this film, and, furthermore, nearly all of the comments are highly positive. That just goes to show what a masterpiece this film is !

Indeed, I have my own personal list of top ten best films and this is one of them together with "Waterloo Bridge" !. It is a beautifully romantic (they just don't mak'em like that any more !!) and satisfying film to watch, and I just love the tune "O Perfect Love" which recurs on several occasions through the movie. I just wonder whether there is someone else in the world who loves this movie as much as me. Greer Garson is incredibly beautiful and sexy in this film and I would dearly loved to be "picked up" by her like Smithy was !! The overall plot is fantastic and is like a dream and the actors are beautiful. I may add that the quality of the DVD recording is excellent and in several languages/subtitles so there is no excuse for anyone being disappointed ! You need a large supply of hankies or Kleenex to make it right to the end without being flooded out. I did ! Let's hope that "Waterloo Bridge" will be given the same treatment in the coming months ..............
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