Very good. A MUST for Cagney & O'Brien fans, and with a great running gag.
24 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers
(spoilers) Leatherpuss. Stupid. Hot-head. These are but a few of the many insults traded by Jim Cagney (as Seaman 2nd Class Chester `Chesty' O'Connor) and Pat O'Brien (as Chief Petty Officer Biff Martin) both on and off the U.S.S. Arizona.

The film follows their tumultuous association as civilians (before ironworker Cagney joins the navy) and then as military colleagues thrust upon each other on a peacetime vessel.

James Cagney looks great in a tux, and gets to dance a little before the real fun starts. The ironworkers have thrown themselves a dance, and first prize is a big silver cup. Chesty's pristine, crisp rented tuxedo doesn't last very long, as Gladys Hawkins, his girlfriend, literally waltzes off with Biff Martin. Chesty doesn't take kindly to this, and the two men, who have previously locked horns (Cagney and the ironmen antagonize the passing sailors by shouting conflicting commands at them), come to blows. O'Brien wins the fight, and the dance crowd simply walks over the prostrate form of poor Chesty, who can only lie there in a heap. To add insult to injury, O'Brien and Gladys win the 1st prize for the waltz contest! The following day, things get even worse, as Chesty is laid off from his job and Gladys dumps him, preferring Biff's company.

Vowing revenge, Chesty decides to join the navy to get even with Biff. First stop is the San Diego naval training station, where Frank McHugh (always top-notch, and extremely funny in this movie) as Wilbur `Droopy' Mullins enters the picture. He and Chesty become fast friends who cover for each other and who borrow money back and forth so fast all throughout the film, forget trying to keep up. Droopy's reason d'etre seems to be to try to send his poor mom enough money for her to buy a decent pair of false teeth, ones that will enable her to keep up with her job as choir singer AND allow her to eat meat. This is a VERY funny running gag, with an excellent pay-off at the end of the film.

After training, Chesty and Droopy are assigned to Biff's ship, the U.S.S. Arizona, as hoped. The moment Chesty claps eyes on Biff, he attempts to punch him. Needless to say, this is not encouraged, and his efforts are immediately curtailed. Biff then decides to make naval life very difficult for his nemesis.

While Chesty has supposedly given up on `dames' because of his experience with Gladys, enter Dot, Biff's sister (played well by Gloria Stuart). Of course, Chesty is unaware that she's also a Martin, and chases her until he wrangles a dinner invitation out of her. On liberty for the evening of the dinner, Biff pays a visit to Dot, and in seconds, the boys are at it again.

After a series of misadventures, Chesty actually escapes duty by bribery and sneaking off the ship in disguise (to see Dot), and is admonished by Biff, who reports him as AWOL. Chesty is a prisoner and cannot leave the ship. He degrades the other sailors, who avoid him at all costs. He and Dot also split, in a dramatic, well-played scene, in which they are both terribly disillusioned. Later Chesty proves his courage during a mock battle, but he denounces the officers, the medal he receives, and the navy as a whole. He is then granted a transfer to a naval aircraft (a zeppelin). The crew of the Arizona must then act as ground crew for a mock maneuver Chesty's aircraft is involved in, Biff gets in trouble, and Chesty ends up saving the day and getting the girl. Droopy's infamous mom is finally seen at the end of the film, and we even get a glimpse of her new false teeth!

Very entertaining and lots of fun, with all the stars in top form. Cagney and O'Brien argue and fight all through the film in some great comic scenes – yet they were best friends in real life!

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