Sophisticated comedy, turns adventure, romance and finally heartwarming drama.
31 March 2003
I feel so luck to have caught this rare film at CINEFEST the annual early & rare film festival in Syracuse, NY - March 2003. More film buffs should support these festivals and share their discoveries on the IMDB so other film fans can track these old titles down. THE WORST WOMAN IN PARIS? (1933, Fox, D: Monta Bell) This was one of the best films in Syracuse! Glamorous but bored American art student Benita Hume is gossip fodder while she and wealthy trendsetter Adolph Menjou turn heads in Paris. Tired of being tired and scandalized in gossip columns, she leaves Menjou for a trip to the US. Barely surviving a Midwest train wreck, she becomes a local hero after injuring herself while saving a baby's life. While recovering at the home of the headmaster of a boy's school (John Strong) and his family, her veneer of over-sophistications melts away and she finds herself fancying the small town life. But Strong's devoted and neglected secretary is secretly in love with him. This deceptively simple tale makes a grand arch back to Paris where Menjou now ruined and is rescued when Hume returns to save him.
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