Traffic Troubles With Mr. Lloyd
8 September 2003
A Hal Roach HAROLD LLOYD 2-Reeler.

A young man races across town in his beloved new Model T - occasionally having to GET OUT AND GET UNDER to repair it - to keep an appointment with his girlfriend.

Harold Lloyd is simply hilarious as the single-minded fellow who will go to any length to protect his Ford car, even giving it a shot of heroin at one point to keep its motor running. Of course, every indignity & frustration is heaped upon him as he makes his determined way towards his destination, making for some wonderful sight gags. As always, his athletic prowess is remarkable, especially considering this film was produced after the accident which cost him half of his right hand.

Mildred Davis, who would later marry Harold, plays his girlfriend. Sunshine Sammy Morrison, one of the earliest OUR GANG members, is very funny as the kid with the banana.

Vince Giordano and His Nighthawk Orchestra have supplied an excellent antique film score which perfectly complements Harold's antics on the screen.
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