Queen Cleopatra (TV Mini Series 2023) Poster

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I did it. I watched the whole thing
GeorgeWHAMMYBush11 May 2023
I made the decision to be the one to actually watch this.

It's worse than expected and I had severely low expectations.

There is nothing redeeming about this. The acting is wooden, there's so many leaps in logic it's genuinely concerning. This should be called Based on Cleopatra.

The Roman men are portrayed in a comical way that really shows the creators have a crippling bias against Europeans.

They threw in some weird fight training that would never have happened and some dance stuff...for some reason.

The lead actress is perfect in that she's boring, bad at acting, and looks about as much like Cleopatra as everyone in the world who saw the previews has already stated.

Netflix should give everyone a free month for having produced this wreck.
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I don't care what they tell you on Netflix, this isn't true
mirkobozic12 May 2023
This must be the jewel in the crown of Hollywood's obsession with identity and the perfect example of a whole smogarsboard of mistakes. From the unfortunate trailer that must have been designed with the explicit intent to create controversy- why elser put that silly old woman with her grandma into it?-to the girl power vibe that Jada Pinkett further emphasized with her melodramatic narration. The director seems to have a fundamental misunderstanding of the difference between fiction and documentary. People keep bringing up the example of Liz Taylor, yet the movie never claimed to be a historically correct account, but pure entertainment. This is not the case with this unfortunate concoction that puts Cleopatra into the same basket with other African queens (whatever that means), though neither her ancestry nor her position imply she had anything to do with Egyptian heritage apart from the fact she ruled over the country. If the world's leading Egyptologist who's currently searching for her tomb, Zahi Hawass, calls this a fradulent mess, the only thing viewers whose grandmothers had some basic education can do is to give this self-righteous pile of wishful thinking a skip. In the attempt to make her look more relatable, textured and stronger, Adele James made a fool of herself. I suggest to the director to stick to fiction in the future. If she continues with her wrecking ball-approach to history, who knows how far she might go. Maybe the granny from the trailer knows it, but I don't want to know. Let's hope we can put this traumatic experience to bed soon and I hope the same thing doesn't happen to Adele James' career as well.
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Riddled with historic errors and incorrect timelines
random-7077812 May 2023
It is hard to take this "documentary" seriously when there are errors is in just about every scene. Ancient Egypt existed for three and a half millennia, and the Ptolemaic period of Greek control and its involvement in Roman policies, especially the Roman civil wars is a very specific period. For example no Egyptian was spoken at the court, Greek was spoken.

But getting costumes wrong, getting basic timelines of battles (like Actium) wrong, placing Cleopatra at events we know she was not present at, mixing up things done by Anthony with those done by Octavian and an unending series of errors just makes this impossible to watch. It is clear no experts, or even anyone with a basic knowledge of the history of the time and place was involved, or if they were, their advise was inverted.

The dialogue is also laughably childish s is the acting.
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Queen Cleopatra is the result of incompetent research and poor scholarship
jonathanruano17 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Queen Cleopatra" represents a depressing trend in academia where emotion and contemporary biases matter more than facts. This TV series, in fact, is not a documentary, because it violates all the rules of documentary filmmaking. One of the main rules for making a serious documentary is to represent the past in its own terms and not project contemporary perspectives onto the past. Issa Islam breaks this rule most blatantly when saying: "The appeal of Cleopatra is that we imagine her, that everyone can imagine her in their own way. I imagine her to have curly hair like me and similar skin color." This quote captures everything that is wrong with the series. Here, he is basically saying that your view of what Cleopatra VII looked like is dependent not upon the evidence, but what people living in the present imagine her to look like. While I am not unsympathetic to the feelings which motivate someone to hold this view, these perspectives are anachronistic and are not the basis for a serious documentary. We can only reconstruct the past based upon evidence and, if we make speculations, these speculations cannot be based upon the absence of evidence. The interviewees admit that Cleopatra's mother is unknown, but then they make the mistake of claiming that this is evidence that Cleopatra was black. If we accept this logic, then almost anything can be true.

The anachronism permeating the series goes beyond Cleopatra's ethnicity. Key events in Cleopatra's life are presented in such a superficial way that they appear no different from events in the present day. For instance, Rome's civil war is seen by the documentary as a power struggle between men which begs the question of what makes this civil war any different from other power struggles in the 20th and 21st centuries. Maybe the documentary filmmakers think that all power struggles are the same, but I disagree because the evidence does not support this view. Rome's civil wars were the unintended result of the flaws with the republican system and the political climate of the time. Yet the documentary is so poorly researched that we never learn about that context. Similarly, Ancient Egypt's decline is handled so superficially that we do not understand why the kingdom is in such poor shape. There is no mention of major disruptions to commerce in the East Mediterranean, the rottenness built into an administration where Pharaohs ruled as gods and were surrounded by sycophants, or of the mistakes made by the previous Ptolemies. It's almost as though the filmmakers produced this TV series not because they were interested in the history of Cleopatra's Egypt, but to fulfill another contemporary need which has been alluded to in other reviews. Unfortunately, the writing of history does not work like that; it's about reimagining the past however imperfectly based upon the available evidence, not transforming a slice of the past into a marketable commodity that purportedly meets some present-day emotional need.

The documentary also does not work on the level of good story telling. As any academic would admit, the opening few sentences are sometimes the most difficult to write because you are trying to find the best way to introduce a major subject. This pseudo-documentary shows what happens when you get the opening wrong. There are plenty of depictions of Cleopatra as a "strong woman," smart, educated, caring, and knowledgeable about the Egyptian language, but nothing about why she is historically important. Would Ancient Egypt's history have unfolded any differently without Cleopatra VII? The documentary does not say. As we move beyond the opening to the story, we come across movie scenes that seem to paper over the cracks in the narrative rather than advance the narrative. For instance, we learn that eunuchs exercise a nefarious influence over the royal family and then are shown a movie scene of Cleopatra showing disgust for one of the eunuchs who has a surprising low voice for a eunuch. But we do not learn any insights about court politics and intrigue and how they contribute Ancient Egypt's decline or indeed how the eunuchs were able to gain so much influence over the Ptolemies. Similarly, we learn that Ancient Egypt was in crisis and then we have a movie scene showing Cleopatra asking for the granaries to be opened and a temple to be built to give people "hope." But once again, neither the interviewees nor the movie scenes give us much insight into why Ancient Egypt was in decline. After all, there must have been more to the decline than problems with the Nile not flooding enough. The superficial retelling of history is no small thing. It not only distorts the past, but it also means missed opportunities for generating enthusiasm about a rich and genuinely interesting period in Ancient Egyptian history.

All in all, the Cleopatra documentary deserves all the criticism it has been receiving. What encouraged me the most was the number of reviews focussing on the lack of sound scholarship. With the humanities facing a serious decline due to funding cuts and students being treated as customers, it is encouraging that there are people out there who still care about the rigors of the academic profession and presenting the past in its own terms. Many of the people writing reviews for IMDB on Cleopatra are the hope for the future.
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A Disappointing Departure from History
As an avid history enthusiast, I had high hopes for the Queen Cleopatra. However, upon watching it, I was left utterly disappointed and frustrated. This show, marketed as a historical drama, not only deviates from established historical facts but also presents a revisionist and fantastical version of Cleopatra's story.

One of the fundamental principles of any historical adaptation is to remain true to the events and characters of the past. Unfortunately, this series throws that principle out the window. Instead of providing an accurate portrayal of the legendary Queen Cleopatra, it takes an absurd and misguided approach, reimagining her as a sorceress with supernatural abilities. This fantastical element completely undermines the rich historical context and erodes any credibility the show might have had.

Moreover, the series seems to prioritize sensationalism over historical accuracy. Important events are either altered or entirely fabricated for the sake of creating dramatic tension. This kind of reckless manipulation of historical events not only distorts our understanding of the past but also sends a dangerous message to viewers. As George Santayana once said, "Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it." By blurring the lines between fantasy and reality, the Queen Cleopatra mini-series fails to educate and enlighten its audience about the fascinating history of ancient Egypt.

Furthermore, the characters in this series lack depth and nuance. Cleopatra, an iconic and complex historical figure, is reduced to a one-dimensional caricature. Her intelligence, political acumen, and strategic brilliance are overshadowed by her fantastical powers. The portrayal of other significant historical figures, such as Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, is equally disappointing. They are depicted as shallow and inconsequential, devoid of the depth and charisma they possessed in reality.

In addition to its historical inaccuracies and shallow character development, the dialogue is clunky and uninspiring, failing to capture the grandeur and eloquence associated with the time period.
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So bad... so so so soooo bad. I cannot believe this was even made.
First, this should not be in any documentary category. If there was a "Completely utterly fake account of History" category then this would belong in that one. I don't even know what to say other then I think the creators might be on something.

Costumes: Inaccurate Timeline: Inaccurate Civics of the time: Inaccurate Dialogue: Childish Portrayal of Cleopatra: Inaccurate Battles: Laughable Casting: Laughable Acting: Horrible

All this just makes it impossible to watch. Everyone involved in this project should be ashamed. If they wanted to do it this way they should have just made an action movie like they did with Alexander. That was horrible as well, but Queen Cleopatra has managed to make a statement of "Hold my beer" and literally make one of the worst documentaries/movies ever.
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95% of the reviews are biased
ajveaux20 May 2023
The documentary isn't bad. 95% of the reviews being 1 out of ten clearly means those reviews were driven by separate emotional discernment. It's a beautiful documentary! The commentators are very articulate. The matter of the race of Cleopatra is the main focus by the general public. Which, everyone knows she was mixed and no one knows her true color. So, who cares if she is played by a black woman. The actress is very beautiful. One of the commentators said that everyone depicts Cleopatra to be whatever race they prefer which is an understandable concept being that no one can say what race she was exactly. The show is great. I loved it.
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Inaccurate joke
DaughterJudy2413 May 2023
This movie is nothing but a shoddy, inaccurate joke of a movie. There is nothing remotely historical or biographical about it whatsoever. Someone just wanted to interject their social justice view of history into their own version and try to pass it off as if it were even remotely true. It is full of suppositions, guesses, and assumptions instead of historical fact. Aside from that, it is extremely dull and boring. They really should leave the history to actual academics instead of trying to continually push their leftist narrative via these boorish propaganda films that no one has asked for in the first place.
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An atrocious docu series.
Sleepin_Dragon18 May 2023
A badly acted, badly mate, poor docu series, Netflix have put out an absolute howler with this one.

I have always thought the purpose of a documentary was to educate, as much as entertain, there is so much about this that just doesn't work, I'm not quite sure I recognise the title character at all.

There is not enough input from the experts, and what there is, I just found so questionable. What should have been dramatic, exciting and educational, was dull, flat and uninspiring, what a shame, Cleopatra's story is a fascinating one, this does not do her any justice.

I spent a couple of hours on a drab Sunday evening watching it, I genuinely hope you don't do the same, genuinely don't waste your time on this one.

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The show is garbage
g-lambrou12 May 2023
It's a well known historical fact that Cleopatra was white, since she was Greek. This show that calls itself a "documentary" distorts that fact for ideological reasons. There is no evidence whatsoever that supports the claim that Cleopatra was of a different ethnicity or race. The creators of this terrible show have managed to offend millions of people of European descent but also Egyptians who are represented as black Africans. The show is also dangerous due to the harm it does to the young people whose main source of information is the internet rather than books. Not worth watching for sure.
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Not really deserving of all the hate it has gotten
brandonspilcher14 May 2023
I can understand why people might be skeptical of the argument that Cleopatra had any non-Macedonian ancestry given her dynasty's origins, but the sheer amount of hostility directed towards this documentary seems so disproportionate to me that I can't help but think that there's more going on than a simple disagreement with how it recounts history. If the documentary had speculated that Cleopatra had, say, Persian or Mesopotamian ancestry in addition to Macedonian, would all these people be getting so upset?

Anyway, the documentary acknowledges in the first episode that portraying Cleopatra as being part Egyptian is speculative, taking care to point out that there are real gaps in her genealogical record (e.g. The identity of her mother and paternal grandmother). That, of course, doesn't guarantee that she was part Egyptian or any other African, but I think it does give the lie to a lot of the armchair historians' overconfidence in the opposite scenario.

As for the quality of the series in general, it's not bad in my opinion. The expert commentary helps give us background while the acted dramatizations bring the history to life. I did find the actors' British accents to be distracting though (this was a problem I had with the Njinga series the filmmakers put out on Netflix). Overall, I would recommend it for people interested in Cleopatra and the people around her.
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TV as starting point for deeper studies
magnoliacream21 August 2023
I didn't expect to see an accurate account about a historical figure who lived around 70 to 30 BC since I don't believe anybody can vouch for 100% accuracy of events around that period. After all, "history is written by the victors". Furthermore, I don't depend on movies and TV shows for history lessons. When I crave for accuracy, I turn to academically accepted sources like books. I consider TV documentaries as starting points for further research, to see if the subject matter is interesting enough to spend more time on. So I watched this docuseries just to see how it will try to piece together historical events involving this most intriguing woman.

In this regard, I think this series did an okay job so I was shocked at how critics lambasted a docuseries about an ancient figure for inaccuracy. It seems a lot of reviewers did not approve of the decision to make Cleopatra dark-skinned. Is it a fact that Cleopatra was fair-skinned? Granted, the Ptolemy dynasty started with a Macedonian Greek general. But from Ptolemy I Soter to Cleopatra's father, Ptolemy XII, was there any record of who the mothers were? Is it sure that none of the mothers was dark-skinned?

As for other events shown in the series, is it not true that the Ptolemies married siblings? Didn't she marry her brother Ptolemy XIII then Ptolemy XIV? Didn't she have her brothers and sister Arsinoe killed? Didn't she have an affair with Caesar and have a child with him? Didn't she have an affair with Mark Anthony and have children with him? Didn't she and Octavian engage in a war that she lost? Didn't she commit suicide?

Even if any of these events did not happen, did all of these not happen? Considering how even Oscar-award winning historical movies also have inaccuracies, the harsh treatment this series received is rather too severe.

Having said that, there were some aspects that did turn me off this drama, one of which was the attempt to make it raunchy. I didn't expect to see award-winning acting but the actors looked awkward portraying unnecessary intimate scenes, making such scenes cringey. Nevertheless, the failure to make this another Game of Thrones does not warrant the degree to which this docuseries was flayed.
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coosbay00710 May 2023
Firstly, I need to say that I don't care that a person of color was chosen to play the lead.

That being said, to call this work of pure fiction a "Documentary" is ridiculous. I watched the first episode and had to give up. I do understand that to make a series about someone who lived a couple thousand years ago will required much "filling in of the blanks" but, come on!, at least fill in those blanks with something that was remotely probable.

I am sick of hearing people talk about historical people based on fictionalized Hollywood portrayals of them. This farce will just add to that.

This series, my friends, is FAKE NEWS.

Pure and poor fiction - nothing more.
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Please change it from doc to fiction
If you need the headline ' don't waste your time with this show' As an Egyptian and as someone who studied ancient Egyptian history I am really sad. It seems that Netflix was short on the money because the caliber of the historians they hired is a joke. As fictional series I would give it 5/10. As documentary 2 is enough. They got some facts right but I will not show it to anyone without a Hugh disclaimer " don't believe any of what you see". Regarding Cleopatra color there are a lot more experienced Egyptologists who already spoke on the matter. They are much better shows to watch if you are really interested in Cleopatra.
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Failure at all levels
hossamdalil13 May 2023
For a Documentary series , this " show " failed at all levels .

Zero historical accuracy , poor casting , not referring to a single reputable historical expert either from Greece / Macedonia where cleopatra decent or Egypt where she ruled and lived , beyond naive script as if it's meant for soap opera , poor acting , poor directing , it's amazing how bad a Documentary try to attract attention by being produced in a soap opera like , there would have been some level of understanding if it was presented as a drama or " inspired by " movie but to present a documentary with this extreme poor writing , producing , acting & direction is just unreal.
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Incorrect correctness - we have enough of it
MAD_PIGE0N17 May 2023
The Queen Cleopatra TV Show, advertised as a historical drama, disappoints due to its disregard for historical accuracy and its misleading representation of Cleopatra's ethnicity. Key historical figures like Julius Caesar and Mark Antony are simplified into one-dimensional caricatures, undermining the show's credibility. The depiction of Cleopatra's life lacks historical accuracy, distorting important milestones and relationships. Portraying Cleopatra as a dark-skinned woman contradicts historical evidence and disregards the cultural context of ancient Egypt. This misrepresentation perpetuates a false narrative, disrespecting Cleopatra's identity and overlooking the complexities of the era. The show's failure to uphold historical accuracy undermines viewers' understanding of history and diminishes the significance of Cleopatra's reign. Overall, the Queen Cleopatra TV Show falls short in delivering an authentic and accurate portrayal, compromising the integrity of historical drama. Viewers should demand higher standards of accuracy and respect for historical figures, ensuring they are depicted with dignity and cultural context.
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Fascinating, whether totally accurate or not.
mandagrammy14 May 2023
Let's face the truth, there is no way to tell for a 100% certainty whether the theories in this series are all true or not. No one has all the answers, because enough valid evidence of what happened during Cleopatra's lifetime and her background doesn't seem to exist. Some things, such as her relationships with Romans, Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, are not in dispute, but all the personal details of those relationships are in question, because no one left a record behind of private conversations between these folks. Apparently, what disturbs some folks the most about this series is the question of what race Cleopatra was. I find that a moot point, since her race does not change her story and the results of her life, and death. That is what is most important.
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lisa_ramtzen10 May 2023
I haven't seen any of the many films made about Cleopatra, but I assumed a documentary would take less liberties with the few known facts about her life. The actress playing Cleopatra gives a compelling portrayal of the legendary Pharao. However, the documentary claims that Cleopatra was black, which has no basis in history. The Hellenistic Ptolemaian dynasty was known for its inbreeding and refusal to intermarry with the Egyptians over whom they ruled. You can't rewrite history and call it a documentary. "Black Cleopatra " is an interesting thought experiment at best, or just another conspiracy theory that Netflix viewers will gobble up without questions. Netflix should stop falsely calling their speculative enertainment "documentaries". It is an entertaining and well acted mini-series about Cleopatra that's not entirely ficticious.
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Revisionism is a bad sign for humanity
disconnectedkay10 May 2023
The problem with this show is that this is not fantasy they claim it is a documentary, and they manage to spin historical facts with classic revisionism.

This will make some kids and future generations that watch this series think that scientists got it wrong and some americans know better the history of another country.

This show is an insult to history and will create generations of young adults and kids that have a distorted view of history and reality.

Americans should stop making documentaries about other country history, and they should check their own history, this is an insult to Egypt, and insult to Europe, and insult to Greece, and insult to historians, an insult to scientists and all to please a certain group in US.
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Yeah but....
Marcus_Flavius11 May 2023
Cleopatra was a direct descendant of one of Alexander the Greats generals, Ptolemy that acquired the region after his death. So she was Macedonian. They only married members of their own family so it's hard to believe that Cleopatra looked native to the region. The Romans were very accurate when minting their coins. Many were made with the Cleopatra head. She definitely wasn't as beautiful as Hollywood likes to portray either. But she must've been extremely keen to get both Julius Caesar and Marc Antony to fall in love and make babies with her.

This is the problem with the majority of the historical "documentaries" these days. How about trying to make them historically correct. If you want to watch some real history try the Great Courses with college professors. You can get as an add in on Amazon for pretty cheap. It's well worth it.
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Not bad. I just wish one day they would do a docu with characters that look accurate
sharontinnin-1460410 May 2023
I don't have a problem with a black person playing Cleopatra. I mean if White Liz can make it work why can't a black actress? Or Hispanic or Egyptian? I mean.. we do have Egyptian actors right? I just wish Jada had used a lighter skinned back actress. More realistic looking. (But we know Hollywood will take 2 dark parents and give them a light kid or a mixed couple and give them a kid with dark skin and totally nappy hair .. My family is proof it doesn't work that way IRL)

It's like when Hollywood would use white actors for all parts. White, Black (using painted on blackface) , Native American, Hispanic and Other.. I mean Cool Yul played Ramses and had me thinking he was Egyptian most of my life. Great casting.

So . Why is everyone so upset about a black person playing Cleopatra? I mean.. she was in Africa right? Obviously didn't look like Liz Taylor., but that was OK?

So, don't complain. If this portrayal was being done in ancient times, Cleopatra would be portrayed by a male stage actor. As was all acting back then.

This show is very informative. If not enough for you then get on line and do your own research.
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AdnanTawa11 May 2023
Netflix is going crazy right now. Changing the history to fit a specific agenda has never been okay. I'm all for black rights and black history, but you don't have to change someone else's history to fit the narrative you want. There are many great stories about black people, that deserve to be published, why not doing that?

If you want to learn history, don't watch this "documentary". Cleopatra was Greek, thus she was white. The documentary as shown in the trailer, starts with the phrase "Don't listen to what they told you in schools, cleopatra was black". So now we have to throw history books away and let some random person on TV tell his own story and we have to clap for them just to not hurt their feelings.
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Historical docuseries to a melodramatic narrative
LovesCinematography19 May 2023
The series delves into the intriguing historical events between Rome and Egypt during the Pre-Roman Empire era. It attempts to showcase the cultural customs and significant events of the time, albeit with a somewhat exaggerated and parodic tone. However, the execution of the acting and mannerisms falls short, displaying either overly modernistic approaches or subpar performances.

The focus primarily revolves around analyzing Cleopatra's emotional states and her relationships with high-status men during that period. At times, the narration feels akin to a gossip show, with the narrators confidently presenting speculations as if they were indisputable facts. While there is an apparent attempt to bring these historical events to life, particularly from a women empowerment standpoint, it ultimately lacks depth and veers into the realm of cliché.

Considering the effort put forth, I would rate it a 1 out of 10. The series transitions from a promising historical docuseries to a melodramatic narrative that detracts from its intended purpose.
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What in the world did I just watch?!? Someone, anyone... Please tell me this was a parody!! Or an attempt at comical fiction!! If not, I have no words!! Possibly.. No, DEFINITELY, The WORST thing I have EVER attempted to watch!! I just, I mean, I, there's just, like, I mean they're are NO words in the English language to describe how horrible this was. First things first, in a "documentary" facts are typically the midst important thing. Research, being a very close second. I don't even know how I got through this entire thing.. maybe because it was so laughably awful, in had to see where it was going... Not very far! That's where it was going!
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Documentary of lies
MElemary11 May 2023
Netflix decided to falsify history for the sake of "PC".

Rather than getting proper historians and doing a documentary on great Black figures, they just decided that "African" figure would be black and got their Egyptian history references from "Grannies" instead of Egyptologists!

You can do black Little Mermaid, Chinese Bond, or even White Black Panther! But don't do a "documentary" (not a drama!, a documentary) and reference your grandmother's bedtime stories to create new history!

Or else, why stop here? Let's get Jackie Chan to do Muhammed Ali Biopic, and maybe Omar Sharif (he was "African") and do Obama biopic, and while we're at it, maybe De Niro can do Malcolm X!!
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