Dashcam (2021) Poster

(I) (2021)

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Would of been better if the lead died in the first 15 minutes.
Draysan-Jennings5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the past Blumhouse has made some great horror films. When I see their name attached to a film, I feel compelled to give it a shot. Unfortunately for the last several years most of their films have been disappointing. And once again I've been fooled. To the leads cringing voice and obnoxious demeanor, to the seizure inducing camera movement to zero storyline. Blumhouse falls short again. 4 stars.
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I hate her
meowmasboy4 June 2022
The main female lead is so obnoxious, so selfish, so oblivious to anything else, so self-absorbed, and so damn American, that I wanted her to die in the first five minutes. This is why the world hates us. She also seemed to take to the role a little too easily. Is she like this in real life?
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markustiercher21 March 2022
While Rob Savage managed to deliver a spooky zoom horror film with Host - his second feature unfortunately does not deliver as much.

A big part of that is the fact that the protagonist is utterly horrible to watch. Considering the fact that the actress is not so different to the character she plays, it's not really fun watching her on screen. If the film had been able to elevate this through a great and engaging script, it might have saved this film, but sadly it didn't - so it doesn't.
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The most irritating main character of all-time
sbcxynkt4 June 2022
Let's start with the good: the special effects are really impressive.

The bad: literally everything else. This was EXCRUCIATING to get through due to the horrifically annoying main character. My god, what a terrible character. Also, I know you have to suspend belief especially in found footage horror, but there's absolutely no way her devices would have kept working, let alone stay open in the same app, after being smashed, dropped, thrown, and submerged in water.
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Even Jesus Can't Fix This
Foutainoflife7 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I hated everything about this. It's not found footage. It's found garbage.

Our main character is THE character you WANT to see die. This overwhelming desire is established within the first 5-15 minutes. If you finish the movie, it will be because you want to see this woman die a slow, painful, yet poetic death. Her ignorance, selfishness and lack of rhyme is outright repugnant. Had such a befitting death actually happened, I could've possibly given this 3 stars. Alas, into the garbage it goes with it's single star rating and a well deserved good riddance.

I wouldn't suggest it if you are actually looking for something good to watch but if you want to watch just to see how bad it is and feel like a trooper for having made it to the end, by all means, have at it.
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A rough watch
BandSAboutMovies24 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a fan of Giant Drag and Annie Hardy, the band's lead vocalist, guitarist and songwriter. She's known for the explicit lyrics in her songs and battling hecklers on stage, which really ties into how she acts in Dashcam, a movie that has her on-screen and livestreaming for most of the movie. As she deals with the coronavirus pandemic, she's been riding around downtown Los Angeles and singing and rapping on her stream. She decides to go to London to visit her old bandmate Stretch and instantly enrages his girlfriend and makes his food delivery job a nightmare.

Then she steals his car and phone.

That's when she meets Angela, an old woman followed by someone trying to kill her who offers plenty of money to get her out of town.

That's when things go wrong.

Directed by Rob Savage (Host), who co-wrote the script with Gemma Hurley and Jed Shepherd (who wrote Host), this is based on Hardy's real life, as Band Car was a show that she did where she improvised songs while she drove based on what those in the chat room sent.

So while I'm a fan of Hardy's music, I am not a fan of her in this movie, which finds her playing a MAGA anti-vaxxer in the broadest way possible when she isn't freestyle rapping about shoving things into orifices. It feels either too easy or - if earnest - too insipid and too uninspired - the simplest form of shock comedy that has nuance in a burst and is absolutely and utterly grating at 77 minutes ending with a cute idea of her rapping the credits making this feel like it will never end. I'm worried that I'm going to wake up in a Jacob's Ladder situation and it'll still be halfway done.

I will never get the idea of doing found footage or streaming movies in the place of a traditional narrative but I lost that battle long ago.
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Almost a little too relentless if anything
jtindahouse3 June 2022
I've been looking forward to 'Dashcam' for a long time now. Rob Savage's first movie 'Host' was terrific and I am always down for fresh found footage. I watched no trailers, read nothing about it and just went in completely blind. My feelings about it are mixed.

First of all, it is very different to 'Host'. You wouldn't know these were by the same director if you weren't told. Whereas that one was more of a slow-burn with a big pay-off, this one is just bonkers for 75% of the film. It is relentless, and if how slow the typical found footage movies are bothers you then this could be right up your alley.

I found it a little too much at times if I'm honest. It was so relentless and fast-paced that it lost a lot of its tension. There wasn't enough time for things to simmer and for your mind to start wondering about what was coming next.

The main girl in this movie is going to divide people like nothing else. I personally loved her. I found her a unique and interesting character that made me laugh on multiple occasions. However I can absolutely understand people who find her not to their liking.

There were some very good jump-scares in this movie. And because it is found footage they are not using loud music to amplify the effect (at least I hope they're not? I can't actually remember now). They are very well crafted regardless.

The movie feels like an 80 minute 'V/H/S' segment if I'm honest. It has that kind of bizarre feel and relentless pace about it. It isn't going to be for everyone, but it will certainly appeal to a certain type of horror/found footage fan. 7/10.
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Candidate For Most Cretinous Character
johnnyhbtvs272 June 2022
Is Annie Hardy like her character in the movie? If so, dearie me. One of the most repulsive characters i've witnessed, Dashcam is woeful and has no redeeming features whatsoever. Avoid at all costs.
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One for the found footage fans
sean-rae2 June 2022
Like his previous work, Rob savage goes modern found footage horror and delivers on the scares. The practical effects in this and seemless CGI are really impressive and had me cringing in some parts with just how gory it was. A lot is left to your imagination caused by the out of control camera, but found footage is almost its own genre by now so this sorta thing is to be expected.

Like 'Host' the film is short and sweet, I feel you could shave 15-20 mins off this one but apart from the long set up when it kicks off, it doesn't really stop. Both films give you a little time to catch your breath before taking it away again.

My only main problem was the unlikeable lead actress. She gave a great performance if she was going for someone you love to hate, and I was glad to see her put through hell, no redeeming qualities about her, and I feel as though she learns nothing through her ordeal, but it was an entertaining journey.

Would love to see what Savage can do with a bigger budget. He clearly has a lot of love for found footage and is bringing some creative new technique and scares to the table, will be following his career from now on.
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Intolerable at times
SoumikBanerjee19966 June 2022
For those who are unaware, I adore found footage features and there are mainly two reasons behind my fondness for this sub-genre. For one, with its shaky, grainy footage; the whole set-up kind of gives you an unadulterated, authentic feel, a touch of realism that you typically are deprived of in the case of a conventional film. And two, with its POV perspective, these films effortlessly make you a part of their experience, they make you feel like you are in it, partaking like the actors on-screen.

Now, the only downside is that each one of those aforementioned characteristics can only shine to its brightest when they are properly supervised and under a controlled environment. There are certain limitations, and specific boundaries, as a filmmaker, needs to abide by. If somebody crosses that limit, the whole set-up could collapse at any given moment. And I'm afraid, that's exactly what happened in this case.

Too much grain and too much shake spoiled my scope for any enjoyment. Despite some intriguing ideas and a handful of shocks and surprises; Half the time, I found myself squinting my eyes hard to try to make some sense of what was happening. Believe me, I have seen plenty of found footage in my life, but none of them got on my nerves as this one did. The unsophisticatedness of the imageries just put me off and took me out of the experience.

And to add to my misery, there was barely any context, any backstory given for the supernatural things that takes place. As for the characters, one of the wackiest, unlikable sets of personalities I have ever withstood in a movie. I don't care if that was deliberate or not, I just couldn't care less for any of these individuals and that's a shame.
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Great found footage movie
davidv-748156 June 2022
As a fan of horror and especially found footage horror this movie was fantastic. Surprisingly funny as well as unpredictable. I don't often review movies but this definitely deserves better score than what I see here. The lead actress was great.
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Still fun, despite the annoying nature of its characters
pasaribuharisfadli9 June 2022
After Host, Rob Savage returns with another chilling found-footage, Dashcam. He played a little different formula here and more or less delivered the same effectiveness in scares and tension. For better or worse, there's slightly more action for those who crave a more fast-paced thrill instead of the slow burn atmosphere.
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Horrific...And not in the way you want a horror film to be.
iamtherobotman5 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
There's no explanation as to what is actually going on.

This annoying Woman leaves the US during Covid to escape the lockdown, and heads to the UK, where we were still locked down, so that aspect of the 'story' makes no sense.

So then she annoys her friend and his girlfriend, steals his car, ends up being paid to take this Woman to a friends, and then the film really starts making no sense.

It transpires this Woman has some kind of 'super powers', great strength, able to levitate, able to instil absolutely no fear in the viewer. Most of what happens is impossible to make out, since of course we're seeing everything via the camera, and this is one of the major flaws of these 'found footage' films. We're then meant to believe that the character(s) have the same view of the World as we have through their camera(s), this of course is complete nonsense to anyone with any sense, or anyone who has used a smartphone .

There's one scene in particular which highlights this all too obvious flaw.

Our overly annoying heroine and her friend are standing face to face in a theme park, we're seeing the scene from his perspective(well, his cameras perspective), she rips the camera out of his hand, turns it to face him, and we're hit with one of the many attempts at a 'jump scare', as the 'possessed' Woman is standing right next to the friend... Now, how could this annoying character not see this women without the aid of the camera??

These events happen all too often in these found footage films, and i think, for me, that's one of the worst aspects of them. People simply don't act, or react normally in these films, so why bother making them?? Just make a standard film.

You also always get those scenes where they're fleeing for their very lives, they trip, their camera spills out of their hand, landing several feet away in heavy undergrowth, the 'bad guy' is right on their tail. What do they then do? Do they, get up ASAP, and run for their lives? No, they get up, and rummage around looking for their camera, just to ensure they get their grizzly death caught on shaky, blurry footage.

This film almost goes that stage further. The 'annoying one' has her phone in a clip, attached to her cap. Incredibly, she never, throughout all the panic, clambering through trees, and pipe, almost drowning in a sinking car, loses her phone, the clip, or her cap. It really is remarkable.

Another fail in this film is a characters inability to drive a car further than 100 yards before careering off the road, and hitting the only tree/pylon around. Three cars were wrecked by this Woman in the last 20 minutes of the film. Just drive!!!

Found footage films should be done away with, we're even being drowned in 'laptop' found footage films. You have to be very skilled at film making to make a good one.

By far the best first person/found footage film i've seen, was the original 'Rec'. That's how these films should be made, not like this one. This one is a mess. There's no storyline as such, there's absolutely no explanation as to what this 'parasite' was, where it came from. I get the impression we're meant to take it as a metaphor for Covid, that's my best guess.

I can only suggest avoiding this film, sadly. It is truly awful.
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Really, Blumhouse? Really?
lishiana-damico4 June 2022
I want my $6 back. I don't know what was worse ...the lack of an actual story or Annie Hardy's puke mouth rapping. The only I don't blame is the sweet white kitty she abandoned in the states. That poor little thing dodged a bullet.
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The worst thing I've seen so far
blupics3 June 2022
I've seen a lot of bad movies, and not just american ones. This is beyond words. Absolutely everything is terrible. I refuse to waste any more of my time on this. Skip this one, for everyone's sake. Awful, just awful.
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Should've been a YouTube video instead
scivilized12 September 2021
Lacks story, lacks point. Self-indulgent cringe. You would wish the main character Annie to die the whole time so that the movie ends.
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Decent watch
mf281214 June 2022
Firstly I have to state that many, many people just aren't getting the fact Annie's character is written to be this obnoxious idiot and plays the role to perfection because it's doing it's job. Maybe too well going by some reviews. It's a skill being able to make an audience hate you deliberately and you have to be able to differentiate between good acting doing it's job like this movie or because someone is just a crap actor. I think the younger audience are being (using their diction here) "triggered". Like the the little kid in the Babadook. Brilliantly done.

Anyway, onto the movie. I see a lot of people saying it's "disgusting". Well guys, that's called practical effects which have been worked on by actual people and not CGI and it affects viewers much more, for example, John Carpenters "The Thing" (I'm in no way saying this is anywhere near as good as that masterpiece). I found it entertaining which is obviously what I want from a movie, and at just 82 minutes, it's not too taxing. So it is gory, and I'm not a fan of too much gore in movies unless it adds to the story and isn't just for shock value or to make it horror.

The acting is fine and there's also a good few cameos from the cast of the directors first movie "Host" which I highly recommend.

Overall I would recommend this to friends and think it's a decent movie, especially for only a 2nd attempt at a movie. I'll definitely will be following this director in the future and look forward to more projects.
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First 20 minutes is unbearable
cookingpapa-737166 June 2022
The movie is max 1 hr 19 mins and the first 20 mins is unbearable; consisting of literal human feces, obnoxious and constant singing, not to mention a super unlikable main character. Instead of being horror, the movie tries to make you squirm from needles, etc, and did I mention feces. Waste of time. Don't bother. Super obnoxious movie. I can't imagine how anyone greenlit this to go into production.
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Undermined By Its Insufferable Protagonist
CinemaClown12 June 2022
From the director of Host comes a new found-footage horror once again set in the midst of the ongoing pandemic but this time is unable to duplicate the freshness & ingenuity of his previous outing. Dashcam conjures a few effective scares and is able to sustain its intensity once things escalate but the film as a whole is also consistently undermined by its insufferable protagonist.

Directed by Rob Savage, the problem with his latest feature is that it provides zero incentive to why any of us should care about what happens to the vile & vexatious mouthpiece it puts at its centre, plus her actions only has us wishing for the worst. It is a deliberate choice no doubt but not one that's thought through coz more could've been achieved with a character worth giving a damn about.

While the dramatic portions are weak, the film delivers on the horror front and features several chilling & unsettling moments with its clever setups & savage thrills. Once again, the jump scares are well-executed, plus there's ample gore in store. It also has a visceral, nightmarish quality yet lacks the immersive element to make it count. Lastly, Annie Hardy plays her own fictional version and easily gets on everyone's nerves.

Overall, Dashcam unleashes an unrelenting assault on the senses in both good & bad ways but the film's scare factor is also severely diminished by the problematic main character who remains an annoying, repulsive & grating presence at all times. Still, Savage's latest film isn't without its merits and even manages to be occasionally tense, thrilling & unsettling once things begin to go haywire. A missed opportunity of sorts but worth a shot anyway.
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It was pretty crazy
aciarleglio-15 June 2022
It wasn't a slow burn found footage thats for sure. It was pretty intense wild imagery. I found it creepy and gross, so yes, I liked it! Some people complain about hating the main characters, but I personally never understand why you have to like characters to give a movie a good review. In this type of movie, It made sense to have an unlike able personality. I think the fast camera work and cut ups made it thrilling, but I think It could have been even more suspenseful if the there was a little less and maybe some of the timing was changed in the editing room. Just my opinion, some of the scares missed because my brain couldn't process the action fast enough, but I still love what they went for with this one.
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I refuse to believe anyone enjoyed any part of this
donmega62818 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely up there for the worst "movie" I've ever seen. I don't even know what I watched.

The main character is the single most annoying and horrible person I've ever witnessed. I wish she would have died in the first minute. I hope she's just the best actor in the world and nothing like that in real life. But I wouldn't bet on it.

Why her "friend", who she completely screws over the minute she gets to his place and every chance she gets, decides to try to help her in any way is beyond confusing .

He had multiple chances to ditch her and some very, very obvious reasons to get out of the situation.

I'm positive they made this huge pile of garbage just to annoy people and get reviews like this. So, you're welcome.
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jamesisraelson7 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is awesome. I loved it. Granted I couldn't see what was happening through most of it. Haha. But loved the Annie character and the absurd humor in the film. I want more adventures of Annie fighting the occult please.
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Don't understand the low rating!!
horterevil-294478 June 2022
This is a 6.3 movie hands down. It's so fun! Not horror movie needs to be get out. Great movie to drink a beer and hangout to. Making it a 7 to throw off the curve.
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jonasatmosfera2 June 2022
Do we need this tripe?

It is bad, the main character should be buried alive and the script was written by a bunch of brain dead morons who think they are geniuses but in reality are dumber than a pile of sand. There is no story, nothing. It is all about stereotypes....

Ah...and the red cap and the covid mentions are, well, what you expect in garbage like this.

I am sure that not even the proud parents of the folks who made this steaming pile could not feel like throwing up after watching it.

Shooting yourself on the foot with a nail gun is more enjoyable than watching Dashcam.
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positive reviews are from the makers of the movie!
Okay so where do i start. This has to be the worst found footage horror movie ive ever seen. The main actress i dont think ive ever wanted to punch a character so much in my life. Her rapping is atrocious i mean to the point you wanna tear your ears off. Her character is annoying and just messed up dont think ive ever seen anyone like this before. The horror scares? Couldn't bloody see anything cause all it was just shaky shaky cam all over the place. Skip it trust me you aint missing anything.
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