War of the Worlds 2: The Next Wave (Video 2008) Poster

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Disgraceful to the "War of the Worlds" name
Dragoneyed3632 June 2008
Oh goodness, why do people make this crap?! Are these filmmakers literally trying to kill us by demolishing our brain cells? First of all, I'm not going take long on reviewing a film that's not worth it, so let's make this quick and start off by calling out the bad stuff. (Which is basically everything about the film.)

  • The acting was horrendous. The worst you could possibly get.

  • The special effects were complete trash. Everything that had to deal with any special effects whatsoever was horrible.

  • The walkers were also disappointing, and they weren't cool or edgy at all, nor were they new or awesome in anyway possible.

  • The constant, unnecessary, background music got on my last nerve. It didn't go two seconds without playing some sort of irritating, repetitive music!

  • The twist at the end was incredibly stupid and predictable.

There was nothing good about this film, except for the fact that it made me breathe relief when the end credits showed, because the agony of watching this movie was finally over.

If you're a big fan of the story, I beg of you to not to watch this film, or even consider watching it. If you don't, you will be doing yourself a tremendous deed.
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H G Wells would be turning in his grave!
gee-604 June 2008
When I first saw this, I couldn't believe it! War of the Worlds, from the book, the radio drama and the original '53 movie is classic, in every respect of the word. I'm not a huge fan of the Spielberg remake, to be honest, it would have been so much better setting it in the 'Victorian' era, but I digress.

WOTW 2 is terrible, I mean, truly awful. The acting is some of the worst I have seen. The directing isn't that bad, but it's nothing special. The SFX are terrible...I've see TV adverts with better effects! The story seemed to be from a junior school competition.

This really is an insult to H G Wells...he would be rolling in his grave over this. Avoid it at all costs.
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I was for the aliens - to kill all those TERRIBLE actors
stetoye28 May 2008
It baffles me every time I see one of these terrible Sci-Fi murders! Who gives these goons money to make rubbish like this? I love SciFi films, but this effort is an insult to SciFi!

There is no sense of drama, you are left wondering what the hell is going on? and the action scenes (alien scenes) are repeated... Kim Little obviously got her place in this movie because she was in the first one, but she was absolutely terrible...

I can't believe the director actually appeared in such a well groomed TV series as 24... He obviously learned nothing in his time there!!! The acting is wooden, the dialogue corny... in summary, don't waste 90 minutes of your life!
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A bloody dumb movie....
snazeerm4 May 2008
To tell you the truth, i started watching this movie because i thought that it was a Spielberg sequel.But 2 seconds into the movie i realized that...well...that it wasn't a Spielberg sequel. So all you people expecting to see a good movie, be warned you're going to regret watching it.Its 85 minutes of your life you are never getting back.The animation was bad enough to be mistaken for animation from the 80s.Even I can act better than the actors and the actress( I don't know why anyone would hire her for this movie). There wasn't even a proper storyline.I don't think it deserves the rating of 3/10.If it were up to me i would have given it a 0.5/10.Looks like the writer is a fan of the movie Independence Day because there are scenes in the movie that are just like the ones in the movie Independence Day. Anyway...if anyone still wants to watch this movie after this review...Be my guest.
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The worst "movie" I ever seen
emilio-6615 October 2008
I cant believe that this movie went out to market. It should be some organization regulating sh!t from getting on the shelves.

This is the kind of movies that you cant stop viewing it because you think that it will get better at some time and then BANG! the titles appear.

I just registered here (this is my first review) just to put this honest comment, and I hope that it can save 1.5 hours of life to somebody. I don't know how people here could vote with 3 or even 5 stars, whoever did this should be sued.

I don't have other thing to say about this movie without saying bad words, but it seems I need to complete 10 lines.

Please don't ever view this movie or you will regret it
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One of the worst!
sudic230 June 2008
One of the worst, if not the worst movie, I have seen in my life! Ed Wood could not make anything this bad! His movies are at least a couple of levels above this piece of junk! I didn't think someone could make a movie this bad in the modern era.

Its an insult to the previous actors and writers of the other movie.

Mr. Wells would cry in his seat if he saw this crap.

Weak story line, amateurish graphics.

College and Highschool students make better movies for their midterm.

Please don't waste any money on this one cause they didn't.

TV shows like Doctor Who, Battlestar Gallatica, and Stargate are about 100 times more interesting, better made, and have better actors.

P.U. What a stinker!
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Not worth spending an hour and a half
marvinmartian25 April 2008
I've never seen anything so boring...

From the story (which is basically a mix between War of the World and Independence Day) to the acting (I was wondering if one can still call that acting since the trees in the forest have more attitude than the actual actors)....

Not mentioning the special effects (a little "ziiiiip" and a ray to make people disappear).

This movie had no budget and wanted to look like a million-dollar movie but frankly it was just painful to watch...

Now directing... well what can I say? ... we all know C. Thomas Howell as an actor ... so let me know that he is twice as bad as a director... there's basically no direction at all...

It's always sad to see someone like a former A-list actor becoming something like this but take my advice... do not buy or rent this movie.. keep your money for something worth it !
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Absolutely awful!
ukidding30 March 2008
I felt like watching a 1969 Sci-fi movie through out the whole time... The computer generated portion of this movie is absurd and out-dated.

The actors and actress mostly seemed like they are unprofessionally trained especially their voice acting. It felt like they are trying to act like they are acting, which is the most disastrous phenomena you can have in a movie.

I couldn't stand finishing the movie after seeing the laboratory and the scientists that totally disgusted me with their fake acting. Compared with Independence Day, Matrix or any other Sci-Fi movies, this is the absolutely WORST! Do not waste your time and money on this!
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Almost unwatchable
rlange-319 September 2008
Horrible acting, terrible special effects, plot holes a mile wide, and not much a plot to begin with -- I had hoped for some improvement over the first version but there really is none. It's not even very good for laughs.

For just one example, and this won't spoil the plot, the remnant human air force takes off to do battle. For some reason they are all launched initially by remote control from a desktop computer. (I know, I know.) Yet the pilots themselves are all taken by surprise. They don't even realize how they are going to be taking off. Huh? Trying to find something positive to say, some of the scientific dialogue is fairly sophisticated -- branes are mentioned for example. The problem is that it feels tacked on to the pedestrian plot and contributes little. You aren't going to find much in this movie. I'm still waiting to find a modern day War of the Worlds in which people actually credibly fight back. The one with Cruise had good special effects but a pathetic message. This one doesn't even have the special effects.
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One of the worst movies ever...
NicoB19816 April 2008
Well I didn't like the first movie to this series but now they have outdone themselves in the worst possible way. A really stupid story, which I could still overlook, if there wasn't really really horrible bad acting!! I wont really comment on the computer effects, which were not good ones, because that shouldn't be what a movie is about anyway... The only thing that really bothered me is that especially in the flight scenes they showed the same sequence over and over and over and over again? Do they think i am stupid and my attention span is less than 45 seconds? This movie can only be regarded as a very bad joke gone really wrong...
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Not a complete waste of time - but probably for the wrong reasons
mr-bob7913 April 2012
This is a sequel to a straight to video version that was made around the same time as Spielbergs version. It stars C. Thomas Howell. After he appeared in the first film he decided that he could do a better job with the sequel and took the helm as director. Yes, it is every bit as sh1te and avoidable as it sounds. However, one of the co-stars, a Mr. Christopher Reid, who plays the character 'Pete'. His most notable achievement was the character 'Kid' in the Kid 'n' Play films from the late 80's / early 90's. His most notable achievement until now! He is quite simply the single most worst actor ever. EVER. If, instead of him, they had hired some clueless gimp off the street, not given them a script or any inkling as to what part they were playing or what they were supposed to be doing, they would have done a better job. It's this performance that makes the film worth watching. The part has made him a legend in my eyes. Absolute legend. Do yourself a service and watch this film.
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Asda Smart Price alien invasion tale.
smellthecult-com-119 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First off, let's start with a given: Anyone so chest rippingly stupid as to actually compare this micro-budget fiasco with the Spielberg behemoth needs to have scorpions dangled into their eyeballs. For a long, long time.

This is a movie brought to us by the magnificently awful The Asylum production house, most of whose output is a direct cash-in on other major Hollywood releases; Transmorphers, The Day the Earth Stopped, The Da Vinci Treasure etc.

Written by, directed by, starring in, driven to the multiplex by, hawked on street corners by the wonderfully excitable and relentlessly twitchy C. Thomas Howell (he's been in real shows you know (24, Coronation Street, ER, The Big Fat Lie) the story here picks up 2 years after the cataclysmic events of the big budget elder brother. The Martians are gone, wiped out by the microbes that so handily came to humanity's rescue, but Howell's George Herbert is none too convinced, and constantly monitors 'channels' to keep an ear out for any "ULLAH!" from outer space. As luck would have it, it's not long before The Walkers are back and, within the blink of an eye, one of the mighty robotic tripods has swept his son away, providing him with the mission required for the movie to continue.

Oh, thrown into the mix is some guff about time / space portals, a faux Earth fashioned by The Martians to fool our heroes, and a nice line in organic spacecraft interiors fashioned via the medium of pink blankets covered in cling film, and you've got the general idea.

Cheap as chutney, but to be admired for the sheer audacity of the rip-off, as well as the film-makers clear ambition (we can't afford to make it, but by The Christ's we're going to make it anyway), I say ignore the naysayers and check this out sci-fi geeks. You might just enjoy it as much as I did.
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Not that bad
Mooncalf22 August 2008
I'm a bit surprised at all the vitriolic comments regarding this film. It makes me wonder if these critics were expecting a Spielberg-type movie.

Personally I knew very well that this was a low budget movie and set my expectations according to that. I thought that C. Thomas Howell was quite OK in the lead role. Some of the other actors left something to be desired, I'll admit that.

The special effects and CGI may not have been state-of-the-art, but then again I don't expect that in a low budget movie. The script should have been better, though. It doesn't take a whole lot of money to write an intelligent script.

Still, over all I enjoyed the film. Anyone who thinks that this is one of the worst movies ever cannot have seen many low budget movies.
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It's OK, but...
gfw_gigan16 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a pretty bad movie, but is still enjoyable in a certain sense, and is definitely one of the better Asylum films. The first Asylum WOTW is pretty good. This one is not, but who cares.

The CG is spotty. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, sometimes the tripods don't have shadows. Stock footage is used over and over again.

The sets are... spotty as well. The interiors of the tripods seem out of a 1960's Doctor Who episode. The interiors of the human ships are quite good.

The music is nonexistent. Don't bother buying any soundtrack.

The acting is... you guessed it... spotty. Most people are bad, one soldier character was obviously written as comedy relief but came across as Jar Jar's kid brother, but C. Thomas is pretty good in his role.

At last, the script. IT MADE NO SENSE. It was poorly written. When the aliens arrive, it was like they were already there. Because we don't see them arrive. We just assume they do, and we don't see very many. The lines are terrible at times. There were too many conveniences... It sucked.

It is a terrible movie. But you should watch it if the alternative is to watch a sci fi channel flick.
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Not Good
strachur28 March 2008
Do you know I was actually enjoying this, until Kim Little http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0514605/ appeared. She was so wooden with that Southern Drawl, it was almost as if she was allowed to act like that just because she was in the first one! Director was not in control. The line "Victoria really seems to know what she is talking about" "seem's" to reflect that. Know wonder she was always next in line for a shuttle mission.Can I just add, what a pile of mince. Their is no way this should be released. The graphics were admirable but I think too expensive, leaving very little for make-up and sets.Their was a good try by two actors, namely C.Thomas Howell The Dad and also the director who I believe was shedding real tears at having to play this part and see his project not live up to his expectation! The other casualty, sorry actor was Fred Griffith http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001367/ who played Major Kramer. As for the the rest of the cast they were misdirected and seemed to be awkward and edgy throughout the film, which made it crap from start to finish when are the good films coming out in 2008! In conclusion good actor, blinkered director, not enough budget.
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The next wave??? The next trickle more like....terrible movie....
markymark7020 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
War of the Worlds - the one with Howell in it (yes the cheap, crap, exploitive knock off of Spielberg's movie) was in a word - 'terrible'. This was worse.

Even as I write this review, I am finding it hard to comprehend how you could get a worse film than the first one because that was truly terrible. But this attempt does not do anyone's career any good here.

Where do I start? I'll just throw some random thoughts out - in no specific order:

  • The movie looks cheap. I've seen better sets in a school play.

  • The acting is terrible. The blond scientist - although looking good - is especially wooden with an accent to grind your ears. Howell himself wasn't too bad - but let's not get carried away here either - he wasn't good. But compared to what was around him - he deserves an academy award.

  • The direction was poor - some nice road movie shots but other than that - my 2 pre-teen sons could direct better than this.

  • The CGI was crap. I've seen better CGI on an Atari in the 1980's. The laser beams from the ships approach to Mars would have been better drawn in by hand.

  • The Plot??? What plot??? I could not follow it....Martians invade and went away but they didn't really go away - we are just living in a version of Earth they created so they can monitor us? What? In the first film - when the Walkers zapped you - your skin was ripped from your body and you died there and then. Somehow this has changed for the second film - you don't die, instead you are brought aboard and encased in a tendril-like shroud whilst the aliens suck the blood from you - or something stupid like that anyway. Plus - Howell is searching for his son and manages to find him the minute he gets voluntarily zapped by a Walker? How convenient is that? These Walkers have taken over the world - yes, 'the world', a big place, but yet Howell finds his son encased in the very same walker that zapped him!!! Come on!!!

  • Some more random thoughts:

  • Howell's travelling buddy was supposed to be comic relief - but only ended up annoying.

  • The fighter pilots travel from earth to mars by remote control as they have no power supplies. Don't ask. One guy crash-lands on Mars (which is an earth look-a-like in a martian petri-dish). Don't ask. The plane is burnt to a crisp yet is able to take off after some off-screen repairs and fly back to the real earth with an extra 4 passengers. Don't ask. Because there are no answers!!! Just plain ridiculous.

  • Technobabble - it's all here: frequencies, wormholes, time-travelling, alternate realities - you name it - they throw it in. But it's all so confusing and poorly done - it turns the viewer right off.

  • The way in which Howell kills the martians - by injecting a small amount of his own blood which is infected by something or other (I cannot remember what) is ludicrous in the extreme.

  • The ending lets it wide open for a part 3.... PLEASE DO NOT MAKE IT !!! I BEG OF YOU PLEASE!!!!!!

I've stated before that I have always like Howell as an actor - but why does he do this stuff? If I was a struggling actor with no gigs and nothing to survive on but my McDonald's wages and whatever food I can snaffle from the kitchen there - I'd still turn down this movie. Doing stuff like this is career suicide !!! How can he stand up alongside his peers and look them in the eye? Embarrassing to the extreme. But I fear he has gone so far down that rabbit hole now - he ain't ever gonna see the light !!!

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That "Southern Drawl"....
rebeltaz-187053 July 2021
I saw this on Comet TV tonight and ... oh my gosh. Let me start with something no one else has mentioned - Vicky's accent. That girl is from Oklahoma and, even if she was from the South, ain't nobody here talk like that, I think that girl's been watching "Gone With the Wind" one too many times. I swear I was expecting to hear here say "I do declare. I think I am getting the vapors."

I have always liked C. Thomas Howell, but even he could not make me watch this crap. There is little to no plot, but worse than that is the made up techno-babble. I think they used every buzzword they could think of to fill in the dialog.

The soundtrack... good Lord. That music was more distracting than anything. In my opinion, music should be "felt" and not heard. It should enhance a scene, not dominate it. Yeah, well... this checked all of the wrong boxes.

The fact that I would rather write this than continue watching it (while on a Friday night my girlfriend waits to see "how it ends)") should tell you how much I DIDN'T enjoy it!
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Disappointing Mid to Low Budget Sequel
SilentOne925 May 2008
This film is directed by and stars C Thomas Howell as George Herbert. The film starts 2 years after the initial invasion of the creatures. The Aliens have apparently regrouped and are attacking again. Howell is a scientist who along with another Scientist Victoria (Kim Little); Military leader (Darren Dalton) and Pete (Christopher Reid) must lead to stop the 2nd Invasion. The film tries to add some new layers to the original stories with explanations that the attacking ships are actually living organisms who feed off the humans they zap. They are other additions which they try which does not work. This is a bad movie which possibly could have been better. The special effects were pretty bad with the exception of the pod creatures. All the other effects were pretty below average. Acting was OK (nothing extraordinary) and most of the characters fit the stereotypes of the characters they play (brooding hero who needs to save someone, wisecracking sidekick, etc.)I can not recommend the movie but if one sees it they will realize a better movie could have been made with what they had
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Do not waste your time. Period.
sulken200024 April 2008
I would have given it 1 out of 10, but I admit there was a time or two that I thought the movie was picking up, but I was wrong. So, 2oo10 for THOSE particular scenes.

This movie was so horrible, it didn't deserve the title of War of the Worlds. I don't see how they got permission to name it that. The acting was horrible. The CG was even worse. And like the other guy posted, there were way too many conveniences. The walkers looked nothing like the ones from the first one.

And last, the worst part of the entire movie in my opinion, was the shredded sheets that played as some type of skin that were supposed to "hold" you whilst your blood and fluids were drained. The sheets were clearly just draped over the victims, not serving a purpose, and looking extremely fake.

I'm sorry if I offended anyone who actually would think this movie is worthy of the WOTW title, but you must realize, it had a huge burden of standards that all WOTW fans were expecting to be fulfilled, and this movie did just the opposite.

This movie is guaranteed to get 0 rewards.
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Really quite amazingly bad.
stingerdelux-128 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Erm...Where do I begin? The acting is amateur at best. The editing is whimsical, there are times in the movie when what is going on on the screen does not correlate with what the characters are saying (you'll know exactly what I mean if you watch it, it's appalling!).

Don't be expecting the same quality special effects as the first one - no, we are talking little better than early Doctor Who special effects.

The storyline will have Orson spinning in his grave. I have seen much better production values on YouTube (I'm serious! It's that bad). This is quite possibly the worst possible sequel that could have been made to follow an already dodgy first movie.

Any redeeming features? It ended, that was pretty good....
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brilliant film well worth watching
drworm197426 May 2008
i was happy when i found out they had made this i thought it was brilliant i love war of the world films i have seen them all including the series.i thought this one was brilliant the effects were good the tripods were excellent better then the first ones in 1st film . the plot was good and hopefully asylum will make a 3rd one as the aliens are not dead. the acting was good as well i wish there were more war of the world type films out there i say 10/10 for it. hopefully with all the technology on earth they have they can build better weapons and ships next time hopefully i liked the fighters and mother ship and weapons on tripods was better as well
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Probably The BEST of Theasylum MOCKBUSTERS !
guestar5729 March 2008
WAR OF THE WORLDS 2 : The Next Wave With Christopher"Kid" Ried and C. Thomas Howell (Also directed by him). Theasylum.cc

No other studio HAS EVER attempted a sequel to WOTW, Theasylum has proved it deserved more attention and besides C. Thomas Howell owns the role over Tom Cruise version !

Those tripoded aliens are back and they plan on harvesting The Earth and its inhabitants. The 'Tiny Juggernaut' creations are truly menacing and have some unusual ways in ridding themselves of pesky humans.

C. Thomas has some nice backup from Chris " Kid " Ried in a almost comic relief turn, And C. Thomas' Son is great in debut. The cover to DVD has those warm Theasylum covers that jump off BB shelf and Film Legend © Fred Olen Ray has started using. …Now about the ending, COME ON ---A PART 3 ???
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This movie was so bad I think it gave me eye cancer......
dratomic18 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I could give a better critique of a piece of corn filled "Mr. Hankey" than I can this abomination. This cinematic abortion held me fascinated because I couldn't believe that there wasn't a single coherent moment for me to grasp onto during the time I lost from my life enduring it. That someone actually spent money (badly) on a movie that no one could take any pride in is amazing. Give any aspiring YouTube generation Science Fiction geek 1/100th of those funds and you could get something that was at least palatable and possibly inspired. No, they had to fill some greedy pockets with the cash they should have spent on, oh say PLOT, or character development or even a pity payment to the estate of poor H. G. Wells. Who has to be suffering the curses of the damned watching his legacy being tortured to an untimely death in the name of, well I can't think of what they were trying to do with this piece of vomit. The abuse of scientific language made my head spin and yet like a multi-car pileup with vivid carnage and destruction I couldn't turn away hoping that I wasn't suffering some stress induced stroke and hallucinating my ass off in preparation for my impending death.
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xenomorph_uk17 November 2010
That's a new word I've invented. It's similar in meaning to garbage, rubbish, trash, awful, terrible etc... but, I was concerned that I would devalue those words much like debasing a currency, should I use them to describe this movie. Honestly, such words are inadequate in describing this abomination. There is absolutely nothing positive that can be said about this movie. Geez, even associating it with the word "Movie", makes me cringe.

The acting? It was utterly disgraceful. I am genuinely shocked that anyone involved in this production believed that such poor acting was at all acceptable. I have never in my life witnessed such an absence of talent.

The score? If by some awful act of cruelty, you are held against your will, your eyelids forced open and held in place by some diabolical device, leaving you with no choice but to watch this production, then I recommend that you chew off your own tongue and spit it in general direction of the mute button thereby sparing your ears the constant assault of meaningless noise.

The effects? Awful, just awful. The sets were cheap and tacky with an even lower production value of that you would expect from school theatre work.

The plot? Really, I don't think there was one. Something aboutÂ… bah, I can't be bothered.

Really, I made it to the 35th minute (including commercials), before I changed channels. I honestly believe that the CIA should consider the viewing of this movie as a viable alternative to water-boarding.
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Why in the World?
Neb22917 January 2011
I mean, what?!? Who in their right mind would make such a film? Well the answer to that is C.Thomas Howell, and judging by the appearance of the man he ain't in his right mind. To star in and direct this tripe has clearly got to the lad and that might explain why his acting is almost the worst i have ever seen, but not quite....

That title goes to the incomparable Kim Little. Good God! I just noticed that she was also in the first one playing a different character. Really, she was that good they thought, Yeh, get Kim for the sequel, she's the business!?!

The film itself is unutterable bilge. Claw your eyes out to ease the pain type of thing. A script a rabid monkey clearly wrote, while on a bender. Fx from Doctor Who circa 1973. Don't worry though after half an hour your brain will have stopped all higher functions and you will be sitting there, drooling, not even knowing your own name.

The only saving grace for me was that i caught this on TV and didn't shell out for this on Video like some. If my Video shop stocked this i would have to immediately leave the premises and pray to almighty Bhudda that it was obliterated by invading Aliens.

The only reason they make this stuff is to try and trick some money from you.

Write a letter to your Congressman, e-mail the Pope, phone the President! We have watched this so you don't have to. Save yourselves! Don't, Just Don't.
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