Cleaner (2007) Poster


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Yet Another Twist on Police Corruption
gradyharp8 June 2008
CLEANER is somewhat of an enigmatic movie: it starts out as though it is going to be a sassy comedy about a retired cop whose job it is to 'clean up' after homicides (a distinctly messy and repulsive job), turns into a rather grisly crime investigation story, adds a dollop of 'ain't life grand', and finishes as an exposé of police corruption. The story line by Matthew Aldrich is further fragmented by being so full of holes that the audience has to toss credibility overboard in order to make it through, and the method of direction by Renny Harlin can't seem to settle on which style to take. It is all kind of a mess and justifies the straight to DVD move. The saving grace of the film is a cast of stalwart actors who can make even a shaky script palatable.

Tom Cutler (Samuel L. Jackson) is a 'retired' cop who makes his living cleaning up the gory remainders of criminal acts of homicide and other grisly crimes. We learn his wife was murdered some years ago, leaving him as a single father of the bright and charming teenager Rose (Keke Palmer). Cutler happens on an assignment to clean a particularly gruesome homicide scene in the home of one Ann Northcut (Eva Mendes in a nicely understated role) and as the convoluted story develops, Cutler realizes that the crime scene represents a culmination of forces that threaten to uncork a long history of police corruption - a history that involves him and his best friend Eddie Lorenzo (Ed Harris) and the tough Detective Jim Vargas (a terrific Luis Guzmán). How the story ties together and ends is too loose to convey and would ruin the minimal drama present.

Each of the actors, even the minor roles played very well by such artists as Jose Pablo Cantillo and Robert Forster, give it the full court press. But the see-through script and the jumbled camera work and direction prevent this from being a significant film. Grady Harp
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It will clean.. er, entertain you!
Finfrosk8612 June 2015
This is a fun, relatively forgettable little flick. I saw a documentary on real life cleaners of this sort, and that is a nasty business.

Samuel L Jackson does a good job, like he normally does. Cleaner is entertaining, and I think it does a pretty decent job sucking you into the story. Eva Mendes walks around looking like some computer animated hottie (that's just how she looks!) and also gets the job done.

OK, let me address the elephant in the living room, here.. How did Renny Harlin go from something easily watchable and entertaining like this, to The Legend of Hercules? I just don't get that. Moving on.

Cleaner won't keep you up at night, it probably won't be your all time favorite, but you are entertained while it lasts. Watching Jackson clean and talk about cleaning is pretty fun.
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Good premise, little development
paul2001sw-14 August 2010
The premise of 'Cleaner' is quite clever; a professional cleaner cleans up a crime scene, only to discover that, in spite of original appearances, the police had not recorded the crime at all. Unfortunately, as he tries to find out who has put him up to this, the film descends into regulation cliché. It's not an awful film, but it is the sort of movie in which, shortly after each character appears, you can reliably predict what their ultimate role in the plot will be; and where none of the various twists comes as a real surprise. Everything is improbably connected; there's a beautiful woman (although surprisingly no sex); it all comes down to a personal showdown at the end. It's watchable; but scarcely interesting.
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Beautiful Photography, Boring Plot and a Poor Ending
ryan-12372 April 2008
Cleaner is a surprisingly boring and lackluster movie beautifully photographed. The casting is superb and would seem to be a sure recipe for cinematic success--Samuel L. Jackson, Ed Harris, Eve Mendes and Luis Guzman. The dialog is decent and well acted. The plot is where this movie just completely drops the ball.

The plot begins mildly unbelievably--A crime scene cleaner becomes unwittingly immersed in the cover up of a homicide--and then just snowballs downhill from there into a huge police cover-up (I don't want to "spoil" anything for any potential viewers) with an unbelievable plot twist and then ends in a thoroughly stupid and highly implausible ending.

The upside and downside is this movie is beautifully filmed and with such talent, thought and effort that the cinematography itself keeps you thinking it has to get better and it only gets worse.

I hope Ed Harris got paid a lot of money to do this film! Ed does a great job with the little he has to go with and proves what a great actor he is. Eva Mendes does a poor job playing a recent widow to murdered husband (is she angry/sad/sexy/conspiratorial/or just a gold-digger who married a sugar daddy who just got knocked off?). Luis Guzman does a solid job as usual.

I seem to enjoy the movies where Samuel L. Jackson plays a supporting role or shares the lead rather than being the sole lead e.g. Pulp Fiction, The Negotiator, A Time To Kill, etc... In Cleaner he does a reasonable job with a poor plot until the end where his acting coupled with a bad plot twist left me wondering what I could have done better with the time it took to watch Cleaner.

All in all I wish this cast and DoP would have had a better script. I would recommend that Matt Aldrich stick to acting and give up the script-writing. As I think everything was done well except for the storyline/plot aka the script. I give kudos to Renny Harlin (director) for a job well done.
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Good cast, good concept, terrible storyline
Just-A-Girl-1423 May 2021
The concept of cleaner is really interesting. An ex-cop becoming a crime scene cleaner. It's unique. We usually see ex cops becoming PI's or something similar. It's kinda gross to think about it and even more to see it but it's a real thing so it got my attention. The cast is also excellent. Big names like Samuel L. Jackson and Ed Harris will always catch your attention. Unfortunately that's where the good ends.

The convoluted plot is weak and unbelievable. Corruption, murders, betrayal, vengeance, affairs... it's like a bad telenovela. The ending is as weak as the plot. When the credits roll you're left with the thought of "what the hell was that?" Maybe someday someone can take the good idea and make it into something worth watching. This was not.
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Surprisingly sluggish and dull for what should have been a thriller
bob the moo10 August 2008
Tom Cutler is a crime scene cleaner – his company is contracted to remove the blood and gore left behind when the authorities have removed the bodies. A former cop, Tom is also a widower with a teenage daughter to look after. Tom gets a job like any other and cleans the mess from a bloody murder in a rich neighbourhood so that nothing remains for the family to see. He goes back the next day to find the family home but that they have no knowledge of his work or indeed that anything untoward happened. Trying to contact the cop who gave Tom the job turns out to be a dead end and a fake name, meaning that Tom has effectively deleted all evidence of a murder before anyone else knew about it. When the police launch a "missing persons" enquiry into a high-profile man in a police corruption case, Tom quickly finds himself up to his neck in trouble.

The cast attracted me to this and I wondered why, with all these people involved, I hadn't heard of it. Watching it helped me understand why it never came to my attention because it doesn't ever get going before it hurts itself. The concept is good enough as we have a former police officer now cleaning crime scenes used to delete the record of murder. On paper what happens also works well as skeletons come out of the closet and the stakes get higher as Tom nears the truth, however when it comes to delivery on screen, it all falls apart. The opening of the film is brisk enough but when it gets to the point where it has to start doing something (ie specifically when the crime is discovered) the film seems to slip into neutral gear and just coast on as before. As a result we get lots of stuff that don't work and should have been minimised or removed and also lots of stuff that is too average to impress.

What I am talking about is the lack of pace and tension in the film; I know that Tom is an older character and that a good thriller doesn't need shouting or running to engage but this film definitely needs some energy injected into it. It drags its way through the plot to the obvious conclusion (and, detail aside, it is pretty obvious) and it never really made me sit up and take notice. A lot of the problem is with the writing because on one hand we clearly have a film that is put together as a thriller but then on the other hand the writer seems keen to drive the film from the characters. Thus we have scenes of domestic troubles, moments with characters revealing things about themselves and, to be blunt, too much talking. It wouldn't matter if the film did this in a way that engaged me but at the same time it is attracting you with the thriller plot so that all this other stuff feels like a waste of time – they could have worked together but here they don't.

The cast can do nothing with it either, although none of them really help themselves. Considering what better films all those involved have done, it is disappointing to see them struggle or fail in different ways. Jackson appears to have been mis-directed because he is looking for something from within his character instead of just flicking into "thriller mode". Neither the material nor the film rewards this approach and his performance ends up feeling like another distraction. He does work well with Palmer though (who herself is very good) but again this whole side of the film feels like a distraction. Harris is obvious and a bit lazy, while Guzmán plays it the way you expect. Mendes is the biggest let-down for me. I know many don't rate her but I think she is good at what she does but, here, she just struggles with her dialogue and character and is about as poor as I think I've seen her.

Overall then what we have here is a flat film that never really sparks into life in any regard. The thriller core lacks energy and the associated threads of family etc are not allowed to grow and end up just being distractions. You can see the potential but without decided what it wants to be, general uncertainty has prevented anyone working too hard and has produced a surprisingly sluggish and dull affair.
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Finally a good movie from Renny Harlin
azraeliz24 August 2008
I had very low expectations for this movie. Renny Harlin hasn't made a decent movie in many years so I expected the usual crap, but i was very surprised. It had good plot, very nice acting and was well made. Samuel L. Jackson plays a retired police officer who has a "Cleaning company". He cleans up murder scenes and other scenes of death. One day he does a job in a mansion and gets trapped in a web of deceit.

The Movie unfolds in a low key, unusual for Renny, which usually has lot of noise and action in his movies :) It has lot of blood though(not surprising given the title...) So basically this movie is a good way to spent hour and half. Hopefully Renny boy is out of the slums....
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Strong acting, nice filmography.. Just to cover a thin story
lavis-320 March 2008
As a finnish movie fan, it's always interesting to see a new film from Renny Harlin. Especially when Samuel L. Jackson, one of the most distinctive actors ever, is in it.

Jackson plays a crime scene cleaner, which you think would be what this movie is surrounded on. With all the C.S.I. stuff out there, it might interest some. But the scene where the story starts actually tastes like an idea where to start the story, not a theme for a movie where to excavate.

The plot is an uninspiring one, from the beginning to the end. There are some attempted details and twists to bring some life and excitement to this story. I'm sorry to say they really fail. There is no depth in this movie, and every attempt to create some is exactly that - an attempt.

This is bad cause the acting is pretty and the directing is nice. I can't really understand what the director saw in this script. Maybe the idea of creating something without special effects and exploiting the CSI-thing.

I give this one 6/10. All points going to actors and the director.

The movie is categorized as "Crime / Thriller". If you want anything good (and new) like that I suggest you see "Awake".
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Good production spoiled by a weak plot
pabloz18 January 2008
Actually for once I was disappointed after seeing a Renny Harlin movie because I had high hopes for this one. Usually I've known in advance his movies would be bad but "Cleaner" seemed that it might actually be really good for a change. It's not really bad, but it isn't anything great either.

Samuel L. Jackson and Ed Harris did their job very well in the leading roles and Harlin's direction was also good. Eva Mendes' performance wasn't anything to hooray for though. The movie started off well and I thought to myself: "This might be it. The movie that puts Renny back on the top.", but sadly no. The script is just too basic. You've seen different versions of this script on the screen many many times before. The characters and the world they live in might be totally different, but it's still the same generic plot. One thing that bugged me a bit was the musical score which didn't fit in some places at all.

But as far as Harlin's movies go this is one of his better ones. It just needed that original surprise twist in the end that never came. I can't really recommend you go see this in the cinema, but it's worth a rent.
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"You're gonna get yourself killed, Man."
classicsoncall16 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The title pretty much gives away the plot if you're used to crime stories. Samuel L. Jackson is former cop Tom Cutler, who now owns 'Steri-Clean', a company that performs nasty clean up jobs, up to and including murder scenes. He's hired anonymously to personally handle a gruesome splatter job at an upscale residence, and finds himself set up for a crime he didn't commit. Over the course of the story we learn that Cutler had a shady past as a cop, the insinuation being that he killed a man in a prison yard who was convicted of murdering Tom's wife. Having him present at the scene of the murder was a scheme by outside forces to prevent him from going to authorities, since a corruption investigation could have potentially revealed that he had a past that needed to be kept hidden.

It's all pretty standard stuff for a murder mystery and crime story. As plot points are revealed, it's pretty easy to connect the dots from the murder scene to the killer, and when the finale arrives with Tom's former partner (Ed Harris) about to silence him forever, the fatal shot that stops him comes from Cutler's fourteen year old daughter (Keke Palmer), who spent most of the picture trying to unravel the mystery of her mother's death and why her father left the force. There's a bit of misdirection provided by supporting players Eva Mendes and Luis Guzmán, but their characters get sorted out as the story progresses. It's not a bad flick, just pretty standard and predictable as it heads toward the finish.
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Bland thriller with a TV movie feel
Leofwine_draca26 February 2016
Renny Harlin is a director whose talent seems to have diminished with every film he's made in the last twenty years. He first came to my attention with DIE HARD 2, one of my favourite movies all time, and then delivered a couple more entertaining movies during the 1990s (namely, the ones without Geena Davis: CLIFFHANGER and DEEP BLUE SEA). Since then, his once solid talent seems to be floundering: he made what might be Stallone's worst ever movie, DRIVEN, and then one of the worst films I've seen in a good while: 2006's THE COVENANT. CLEANER is his next film after that, and the good news is that it's better than its predecessor, but still a disappointing outing.

The problem is that, despite a fine cast, this film looks and feels like a TV movie. The scripting is the worst thing about it, a sub-standard effort heavily derived from the likes of CSI. Although it's meant to be a thriller, this is a film utterly devoid of thrills; only the strength of the acting kept me watching. There's one good twist at the outset and then everything plays out in a conventional, seen-it-all-before way. The worst thing is the villain reveal, which is so completely expected it's actually wince-inducing, along with the whole reason for that person being the villain as well.

Samuel L Jackson is a fine actor who seems to be mired in sub-standard material lately (SNAKES ON A PLANE anyone?). He gives a typically fine performance here, but his considerable talents are wasted. The same goes for Ed Harris, saddled with a nothing role. I was delighted to see Luis Guzman pop up in a larger role than he's usually given, and he's great too, although again wasted. Robert Forster delivers a cameo but the female lead is given to the horrendous Eva Mendes who never convinces for a second. This cold actress never ignites the screen and she's very poor here – although not quite as bad as she is in GHOST RIDER.

Aside from the grisly death clean-up scenes (some of which left me feeling distinctly sickened) there's absolutely nothing to remember about this film – it's just another run-of-the-mill outing and nothing to get excited about.
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Director's body of work.
monteblondo14 September 2009
Just checked Renny Harlin's data in IMDb and this movie (which completely departs in quality and style from his previous work) is NOT mentioned, can anyone correct this please? About the movie itself, great detail in photography, many small takes that help make it much more enjoyable, good music, Jackson and Harris great performers as always, although Mendez is not as convincing in her role, maybe it's that I have never perceived her as a very good actress, but if the intention was to pass her as a subtle femme fatale then I guess she's worth checking out. The girl playing Tom's daughter does not feel completely convincing as a troubled young woman, maybe this is more the director's fault than a lack of talent from the actress' part. Mr. Guzman's parts are very intense, this guy almost always steals the scene in which he appears, we have seen him grow steadily in each movie and he really delivers.
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Boring and predictable
sergepesic31 March 2009
What ever happened to Hollywood creativity? There was an interesting idea , about the guy who cleans up the crime scenes and discovers the cover-up of some kind. So far so good, and then it all goes downhill It takes all of grand 5 minutes to completely figure out the whole plot. This movie is ridden with the tritest of clichés. Characters couldn't be more boring and predictable. And the tragic part is,in all of this you could see the potential for a great thriller. It looks like the talentless, behind the scenes moneymakers, once again asserted their rights and ruined yet another movie. Will someone finally get rid of this morons and let the filmmakers do their job as they seem fit.
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wasted end
villamondial19 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It starts really interesting - the story develops around the main character, who runs a "cleaning business", specialized in cleaning up crime scenes. As a former cop, he runs into some strange situation, when one job does suddenly "offically vanish". Furthermore, he discovers some relation to an investigation into police corruption. His "Columbo Feeling" is justified, the deeper he gets into the background of the story. The good actors (Jackson, Ed Harris, Eva Mendes) play in an suspenseful story with some twists --- but only up to the last 25 minutes. (up to here 7 of 10 stars). SPOILER:::: Suddenly the movie looses its touch and in the end there is a completely unnecessary shoot-out, involving the 14-year old daughter, a betrayal of friendship and a not justified righteousness out of the character development... why not having Cutler giving up his investigation for the sake of the friendship? or having the daughter discovering some facts? or ... many possible much better story finishes are imaginable... a truly wasted ending!
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Strong Cast, Unsurprising Plot
cashiersducinemart13 September 2007
A few years ago there was an incredible segment on NPR's "This American Life" about a cleaner of crime scenes. Shortly thereafter, Pruitt Taylor Vince played a character that felt indebted to this NPR piece on "C.S.I." ("Swap Meet"). The bringing together of science and death was perfect for the CBS show. I wasn't so sure if such a character could survive a Renny Harlin film.

Pity poor Renny Harlin. It still feels that he's trying to recover from CUTTHROAT ISLAND (1995). His last few films have been lucky to even snag a U.S. theatrical release (MINDHUNTERS wasn't one of these), much less a festival screening. So, that must mean that Harlin is back on top, right? Yes and no.

That CLEANER is playing a film festival is a vote of confidence in the Finnish filmmaker. Yet, CLEANER is a strange choice for a festival program. It's very much a straight-forward thriller along the lines of KISS THE GIRLS or U.S. MARSHALLS. The presence of Samuel L. Jackson, Ed Harris, and Luis Guzman certainly does well to give the film some credibility and solid performances (though Eva Mendes feels completely out of her league). The script by Matthew Aldrich is a solid, albeit fairly predictable, effort and Harlin does a capable workman's job bringing it to life. I won't object to seeing this one again on cable.
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Run-of-the-Mill but Alright
pc9514 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Directed by Renny Harlin, "Cleaner" is slow moving but only 84 min or so runtime crime-drama. It doesn't brake any ground story or plot-wise, but is fairly interestingly narrated and played by protagonist Samuael L Jackson. There seemed to be too much reliance on showing blood and crime scenes as a grotesque sort of mood or setting tool. That kind wears thin being overused in the movie. However there is a decent amount of character development for Harris, Jackson, and Keke Palmer (satisfactorily playing Jackson's on-screen daughter). The main problem though I had towards the end was supposedly Mendez somehow romantically involved with a Harris character almost twice her age - didn't make sense or hold water. Still the movie manages to set a foreboding mood, and makes good of the locations. Music is serviceable as well. Give it a 6/10
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Ever wonder who cleans up the bloody messes at crime scenes?
TxMike14 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
In the 1994 movie "Leon" the assassin was also called a "cleaner." This movie is about a different kind of cleaner.

Samuel L. Jackson is Tom Cutler, former cop and single parent, who now works for a cleaning service. One of his specialties is cleaning up the bloody mess at crime scenes after murders. He takes it in stride, wears all the necessary protective equipment, and uses his own personal favorite mix of cleaning agents and sanitizers to make sure all possible bacteria and viruses are killed. He is thorough and he is good.

Tom's best friend and godfather to his daughter is Ed Harris as investigator Eddie Lorenzo. Eva Mendes is Ann Norcut and Luis Guzmán is Det. Jim Vargas.

The murder mystery gets going when Tom gets a clean-up order for the home of the Norcuts. He finds a key under the flower pot and a very bloody mess on the white sofa, the floor, and the wall. When he leaves it is spotless. Another routine job.

However, Tom shortly realizes that something is wrong, Mr Norcut seems to be "missing" and his wife knows nothing about the order to clean the place.

A mostly interesting movie about solving this mystery about the disappearance of Norcut. Jackson and Harris are good, as they always are.

SPOILERS: It turns out that Eddie was having an affair with Mrs Norcut. For reasons too complex to discuss here, it became necessary for Eddie to get rid of Mr Norcut, and he was the one who ordered the home to be "cleaned." In the final climax Eddie had a cocked gun to Tom's head and them we hear a gunshot. It was Tom's daughter who shot Eddie before he killed her dad.
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I am tired of keeping secrets
nogodnomasters15 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Tom Cutler (Samuel L. Jackson) is an ex-cop working as a Hazmat cleaner. As a cop he wasn't so clean. His wife was shot in a robbery. He raises a daughter (Keke Palmer) as a single father. While cleaning a crime scene, something does not add up. After some digging, he believes he may be getting set up. He has to play cop again, hoping his past does not come back to bite him.

Jackson is a tough guy but not overly done. Good plot. Simple and to the point. It is a who-dun-it without a large cast.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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It was O.k
n-oikonomoy26 April 2008
I think the movie was alright for a relaxing evening.Good acting,good photography,decent plot,what else do u expect from that kind of films!If you are not a fan of police story-tellings do your self a favor and go see the ''THE NOTEBOOK''.The movie is definitely not the best I've seen and I probably wouldn't have gone seeing it in a movie theater,but that doesn't mean that it was bad.Of course the leading actors save the day,but the movie had the atmosphere and the suspense required.O.k it wasn't THE NEGOTIATOR but somehow these people have to make a living.Yet in the end you have an entertaining movie,perfect for a DVD-evening with pop-corn and refreshments.
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This movie is one big mess
jaybob15 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There are quite a few films made. that for some reason or another go direct to DVD,playing in a few theatres in Europe.

Viewing this tonight I can see why, they decided NOT to play this in any USA theatre. They would have needed a CLEANER to clean the mess.

Matthew Aldrich's first screenplay may be his last,it starts with a good idea & goes downhill from that point on; the script was confusing, cliché ridden & above all not very interesting.

The director Reny Harlin was of no help here,He is far from a real good director BUT here he completely misses the boat.

The cast is top draw & usually reason enough to see them in a movie, Samuel Jackson, Ed Harris, Eve Mendes & Luis Guzman do the best they can with what they have to work with.I also want to mention the fine performance by 14 year old Keke Palmer, She plays the daughter of Sam Jackson & is just excellent.

If this had a more thought out script & better direction it could have been much better,.

Ratings ** (out of 4) 62 points (out of 100) IMDb 5 (out of 10)
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It's actually a 61/2 but if I have to lean one way...
blametaker7714 March 2022
Veteran filmmaker Renny Harlin knows how to direct and the heavyweight cast, namely Samuel L. Jackson and Ed Harris, knows how to act, so while the material is meh, the final product is engaging, albeit underwhelming. Just watch it, enjoy it, and forget it.
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A mess in need of a cleaner
LloydBayer1 November 2012
Last seen together in "The Spirit", Samuel L Jackson and Eva Mendes are cast again in a thriller that sports an interesting concept, only to have that concept crumble towards the end, chunk by chunk. Not surprising then, that having worked with Jackson twice before, director Renny Harlin steps out of the action league for something along the lines of a whodunit crime thriller.

For the most part, Jackson delivers in his role as a retired police detective currently in the business of cleaning up gruesome remains of the dearly departed. Could the title have been any more original? As Tom Cutler, his narration during the opening credits takes us through the repulsive and often overwhelming process of cleaning up a crime scene after forensics have taken away the corpse. As with most cases of death, natural or unnatural, the body is usually taken away for further examination by the coroner, leaving the next of kin to deal with the unsightly job of cleaning whatever remains are left at the scene of death. This is where Cutler comes in, a self employed private cleaner paid by the grieving next of kin to have blood, gore and other fluids spotlessly removed. On one such assignment, Cutler meticulously refurbishes the scene of a blood splattered homicide to its original setting only to learn shortly after, that the cleaning order did not come from the family of the deceased. Complicating the scenario is the absence of a dead body, with the wife of the supposed victim not being aware of a cleaning order in the first place. Realizing that he may have inadvertently destroyed evidence of homicide, Cutler confides in best friend and ex-partner detective Eddie Lorenzo. While Lorenzo (Ed Harris) and Cutler dig deeper into the mystery, they stumble across an increasingly evident case of police corruption of the highest order, a case in which Ann Norcut's (Eva Mendes) missing husband may be been a victim of. In the ensuing plot twist, Cutler establishes a motive, but not before establishing a link between Ann Norcut, Eddie Lorenzo and a ledger of cops on the take.

From a directional perspective, Harlin's attempt at a genre outside his league is undeniably fresh and almost flawless. His use of under toned cinematography evoking a dark atmosphere intentionally disguises the film's secret of a murder most foul. Casting is also stellar with an exceptional performance from Harris, spot on chemistry between Jackson and Keke Palmer in an unstable father-daughter relationship and one of the best roles played out by Luis Guzman as the all too suspicious yet tough detective Jim Vargas. What undermines the potentiality of this being a superb thriller is the total disregard given in founding a solid plot. Not matter what the positives are here, the plot fails to carry its own weight and comes crashing through the roof in a disappointingly predictable second half. All said and done, figuring out who the killer is won't require any special powers of deduction, the biggest mystery perhaps is trying to figure out if the killer had an accomplice and if so, what becomes of this accomplice. Numerous other holes aside, the main problem may be the direction the plot takes, where Jackson's narration in the beginning suggests an indication of dark humor, whereas Palmer's narration in the end suggests something else altogether. In the end, what could have become a sensational whodunit along the lines of "L.A. Confidential", gets reduced to a half baked has-been, any 'Nancy Drew' fan would rather not write home about.
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Hidden Gem
gabni7 April 2022
This movie is great! The way it was edited - the sequences, landscapes - were phenomenal. It's 2022, and I found this movie on Netflix and im glad I watched it. Movies from back then just seemed to be better, more original. Samuel gives one of the best performances, I've ever seen him give.
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Wonderful group of actors.
cjbarrett26 April 2022
A weak script that director Harlin manages to make worse. Harlin's best effort to date is probably Die Hard 2, which is pretty much, meh. Ha almost single handedly sank Geena Davis' career. Sam Jackson, Ed Harris and the others all do remarkably good work given the crap script and worse direction.
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drjrr7 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Not even original in the plot. Ho hum. There were a couple of angles that could have been quite interesting, but the film follows the path of 90% of Hollywood movies. I don't really "get" Samuel Jackson's acting most of the time in his other films, but he was rather good in this film. He rarely yelled and went much further in his character rather than reverting to an "in your face anger." I liked Eva Mendes - as usual - and even though she is great eye candy, she proves herself to be much more than that as an actress. Luis Guzman was actually really good also, except that I disliked the change of his character towards Samuel Jackson at the end of the film. How can one's character center around a dislike for a former cop and then turn into lollipop land within a split second? Is there no original thought left in Hollywood?
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