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entertaining "brain fluff" chicky flick
mtwilliams23923 February 2008
I am a sucker for a good, sappy, romantic comedy. I have always liked Mandy Moore (especially in "A Walk to Remember") and I thought she was pretty good in this.

Nothing that will make you think which is nice if you're looking for a fun girly movie.

My only complaints are that the movie dragged a bit long for this type of movie... could've cut out some of the chase scenes. But I liked the different places they went, those are such beautiful areas of the world and the movie reminded me of my trip to Europe when I was in college.

If you're looking for something deep or an epic romance, this is not for you. But if you want something good to watch on a night home alone or with girlfriends, this is a great pick.
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If only
Before202022 January 2021
If it wasn't for Matthew Goode's big, pretty eyes, and warm acting, I wouldn't have made it through this movie. I forgot what a horrible actress Mandy Moore was. The story is beyond ridiculous, her character is so irritating. Why any man would fall for a twit like the one she plays, makes no sense. No wonder romantic movies have fallen out of popularity.
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Surprisingly entertaining teenage romantic comedy
cimartel21 June 2004
I never expected this romantic comedy made for the teenage audience to be so entertaining. Mandy Moore gives us an endearing interpretation as Anna, the daughter of the President of the United States, rebelling against her lack of freedom and the difficulties of her love life. She takes on the opportunity to travel to Prague when his parents are on an official visit, and tries to get away from the strict security staff she's permanently surrounded with, to experience some freedom as a anonymous teenager. In Prague, she meets handsome brit Ben (Matthew Goode), who was perfectly casted for his role of an aloof, dutiful secret agent who, predictably, falls in love with Anna while trying to protect her while chasing her through several European cities. Both Mandy Moore and Matthew Goode offer very good and believable interpretations of their characters, which together with the beautiful scenery, more than make up for the not-so-original dialogue. Chasing Liberty is a good bet for those who like this type of genre.
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Brainless, but cute and entertaining
meganduck23 May 2004
This film, it is true, requires little brainpower. It is, however, light and fun fare, particularly for teenagers. Moore is adequate but not stellar as the President's whiny daughter. My biggest complaint with the movie is that her repeated comments about wanting "freedom" get old very quickly, and she comes off as a spoiled brat, but that's more the fault of the writing, not Moore. Matthew Goode in his breakout performance is far more charming, showing off a relaxed, witty presence that make his character well worth watching (and if his performance isn't enough, his looks should be!). The sub-love-story of Moore's two bodyguards, Weiss and Morales, is also funny and at times more interesting than the lead characters themselves. The scenery easily makes up for the lack of depth. All in all, it's a cute and entertaining film and at times is outright funny. Worth watching and even buying, for times when you're not in mood for heavy drama!

"I...want to swim the Danube!" "Actually, it's the Vltava." "Who says they want to swim naked in the Vltava? Nobody says that." "That's because Vltava is Polish for 'unhealthy bacteria level'!"
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An Enjoyable Romance
lpalmer-17 July 2005
I admit I'm a hopeless romantic, but I really enjoyed every bit of this movie, from the actors to the soundtrack. I found Mandy Moore convincing in the role of sheltered first daughter, Anna Foster, and Matthew Goode perfectly charming as her reluctant undercover bodyguard, Ben Calder. The European scenery, alone, is worth the watch. The story, while a little predictable, still held enough surprises to make it fun, funny, and sweet. I particularly enjoyed the banter between Jeremy Piven and Annabella Sciorra, secret service agents who follow Anna and Ben to Venice and Berlin. If you're looking for a little romance, give this a try. I don't think you'll regret it.
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A great travel guide
kwokchika24 January 2006
The story is thin, but at least it suggests a nice route if you want to experience the best of Eurpoe in summer: Prague (Yes, the river is Vlatra instead of Danbue, and the pub Marquise de Sade is a great place...) > Venice (with a nice home stay -- and beware of pickpockets!)> Austria > Love Parade in Berlin (unfortunately the Berlin state council is discussing a suspension -- but Munich wants to take it up!). I can't imagine how they can manage to make that Love Parade scene. But whatever, it can refresh your memory well if you have been to those places.

The story? There is a story?
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Yet another romantic comedy
colinhansen12 January 2004
Well, this wasn't a totally boring movie, but it was close. The best part was definitly the shooting locations. The sceanary was beautiful if you are into European architecture and the like. Mandy Moore is not an experianced actress which is proven in this movie. Chasing Liberty was definitly a good premise to a movie and the casting was great minus the lead. Jeremy Piven and Matthew Goode were great. Not to be to hard on Mandy Moore but there are a ton of better actresses out there that good have made the movie ten times better.
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Terrible premise; horrible delivery
ChooseChris14 November 2004
I suppose that the complete fabrication of a world in which the President and the secret service would compromise the safety of the first daughter for the purpose of deceiving her could be forgiven in light of the fact that it supports the unusual circumstances needed to have these two people "fall in love". But I don't forgive it because it's so completely and utterly stupid. I also can't overlook the fact that she is a self-centered and nasty person throughout this entire film. I had no sympathy for her character. I have no idea what it must be like to have a fantastically rich, powerful, and loving family and yet have a strong desire to be foolish and reckless, placing yourself and another person in danger because you feel your own life lacks something. Any man that has been in a position of selfless sacrifice in favor of a woman he loves, only to have her carelessly treat him, will despise her character. She pursues her own desires without concern or even any thought how it might affect others. As far as she knows the man she is with is an amazingly kind stranger, but she treats him like dirt. She imposes upon him to drive her all over town, she gets him mugged, and then when she doesn't get her way she pouts and leaves him stranded on a dirt road. She jumps in the back of a passing truck and leaves him stranded in the middle of nowhere. That's before she kicks him in the crotch at the end of the movie. What man would ever find such a whiny, selfish, heartless woman attractive? I despised her character in this film and I was hoping Ben, the male lead, would develop a backbone and tell her what a selfish and spoiled little brat she truly was. But, alas, it never happened. The ending was as predictable as the movie was lackluster. This is a definite thumbs-down. Boring and predictable with an unbelievable premise and a lead female character so selfish and spoiled I wanted to smack her.
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My Guilty Pleasure
psh3424 January 2005
I know, I know. This is a teenybop, sickly sweet movie. But I can't help it. It is my biggest guilty pleasure. I have seen this movie over 10 times and am now buying the DVD.

In a world were most movies are so full of sex and/or have Chasing Liberty. Sure you can guess the end within the first 10 minutes, but so what?!? Mandy Moore is just adorable and Matthew Goode is just...hum...really great eye candy!!! He is just too cute for words!

The music in this movie is pretty techno and I really enjoyed the scenes in the concert and at the Love Parade. Keep looking for the CD of the soundtrack to come out.

Anyhow, I am sure 98 of 100 people will say don't waste your time, but I disagree. I just love this movie.
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More than good film-making...In the bad way
jpschapira19 December 2005
Earlier this year I saw "First Daughter" with Katie Holmes. The movie I'm writing about now was also going to be called "First Daughter", and coincidentally dealt with the same plot lines the Holmes' film did. "First Daughter" was a bad film, with the best of intentions, and without trying to make any comparisons; somehow "Chasing Liberty" is a little bit better, when it isn't even good.

The format presented gives the main characters more freedom to develop their own relationship. These are Mandy Moore as Anna, the president's rebellious daughter; and Mathew Goode as undercover agent Ben Calder. What was a final revelation in "First Daughter" is the first thing we learn here. Calder has to protect the girl but something glows between them, and she doesn't know the truth.

The script by Derek Guiley and David Schneiderman very interestingly develops talks between them that indirectly define their situation, and how it could be handled; but they never say anything directly. At the same time, two secret service agents that take care of Anna work out their own relationship. It's good to see actors that play characters as the movie passes by, and these two agents are played by Jeremy Piven and Anabella Sciorra. They're both great and their chemistry is contagious, making the movie very pleasant.

And that's a very reliable proof that movies can depend on what they count with. Take Mark Harmon as the president, for example. He is much more pleasant and calmed than what any Michael Keaton could have achieved with extreme efforts. Then there's this supporting character, a very annoying world traveler called McGruff, who's played by Martin Hancock, and wins the audience with ten minutes of screen time.

It is hard to explain, but it's how I think it goes. And the movie also has Mandy Moore as its lead. How many times have I suggested that the girl stops recording albums and dedicates her time on an acting career? She's so talented and warm. She takes the clichéd role from the angle it should be taken and comes off as a winner. Mathew Goode is, however, the revelation. With the accent and the looks, he gives a safe and likable portrayal.

Director Andy Cadiff could easily be called a TV director, but the experience served him well; because he goes around Europe and enchants the viewer's yeas with the sceneries and shots. I hope he leaves the television business once and for all and tries to make more things in the big screen; he's got the talent for it.

His movie's definitely got the talent to be good too, but it fails. I believe that the film is much more complex than what it seems, but is blinded by the clichéd formula it follows and we miss to see the intelligence. "First Daughter" was about good intentions, "Chasing Liberty" is about good film-making, but lacks something I'll look for when I find it adequate.
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Wait, I'm supposed to empathize with Anna?
soymaid32713 January 2006
This could've been one of those fun-and-fancy-free movies, with a likable heroine, a lighthearted escape, and fun roaming the countryside with a cute guy in tow. Whoops. Stop at item number one.

Was it Moore's acting? She has done far better in b*tchier roles (see Saved!) than protagonist-ic ones. Here, her regrettable gift at whining is combined with what the writers must have assumed is a normal teenage demeanor of spoiled, petulant adolescent who supposedly yearns for freedom but has no conception of what the real world is like without the protection of her father's name and money, nor does she seem to sincerely want one. Her complaints are so clichés and insincere that we sense she would be appeased if daddy let her have a shopping spree instead. She longs for some romanticized version of freedom, seen perhaps in movies, but it obviously emotionally unequipped to handle it. This, and Ben's obvious perception of this (I liked him more at the beginning when he was only annoyed by her, and don't see why he stopped) totally derail the movie.

I don't like to go on so about a single aspect of a film when others -- the extras, the adventures they have together through a beautiful countryside, and so on -- are so appealing. But there you have it. This movie was almost charming. Too bad.
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Bleach-215 January 2004
I found this movie to be fun and enjoyable to just go see with the girls, but if you're looking at this movie as if was supposed to be more, you'll be disappointed. It was entertaining and fun, and I highly recommend it. Just remember that not all movies have to be intellectually stimulating, they are there to entertain you, and this one does just that.
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Chase the blues away by viewing this movie!
inkblot118 May 2006
Anna (Mandy Moore) is having gargantuan tough luck as the President's daughter. At least, that is, when she is out on a date. Inevitably, the man in the picture usually exits early, not having the fortitude to withstand the scrutiny of the public and the interference of the Secret Service. What's a beautiful young lady to do? Escape, now there's an idea. On a European tour with the folks, Anna takes great pains to lose herself in a crowd of people and strike out on her own adventure. The young man who aids in her plot is a handsome charmer, too. Will anyone discover who she is? Is there another secret afoot, too? This is a nice film for the female population, young and old. Moore is spunky and fetching and her love interest is attractive, too. How welcoming to see Jeremy Piven and co-star Annabella Sciorra in this movie as well. They supply the banter and fun of a couple attracted to each other, in spite of first impressions. The scenery is absolutely fabulous, too, of course. Ladies, get the girlish relatives together in the family room at the next holiday encounter to watch this film. It will take the sting out of being left with the dishes....again.
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Bad Influent Movie
vynhatphan1 July 2019
So the female protagonist kept complaining about her overprotective parents and didn't appreciate how much they loved her. Then later she had a beer with a completely stranger that she had just met for not even 1 hour. However, she told him how rich she was (staying in 5-star hotels) despite the fact that in real life this could have got her raped, kidnapped or even killed! I mean what kind of 18-year-old girl doesn't know the basic safety rules such as not telling a stranger your information or not having a drink with them?!! In this movie, she's just lucky to meet her dad's secret agent. In real life, we aren't so sure about that! Young girls watching this could have done the same thing and got themselves into danger! In my country, 13-year-old girls got pregnant because they trusted strangers online (or irl) and movie like this totally is one of the bad influences that made them day-dreaming about handsome strangers!
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At least Mandy Moore has a great smile!
TheMovieMark14 June 2004
"So Stephanie's at a wrestling event," said Amber, my 16-year-old sister, "and you're watching 'Chasing Liberty.' What's wrong with this picture?"

It's a good question, and it's one I'm scared to answer. Stephanie's coworkers had an extra (and FREE) ticket to WWE's Raw and asked if she wanted to go. Much to my chagrin (because I faced the very scary prospect of watching the screening of "Chasing Liberty" by myself) she wanted to go. So I said, "Have a good time!" and proceeded to beg my sister to go to the movie screening. Thankfully, she did. However, that doesn't change the fact that I've now seen more Romantic Comedies within the last year than I have in my previous 27 years combined. I am not turning into a girl, I am NOT turning into a girl, I AM NOT TURNING INTO A GIRL!

And you know, I'd love to be all macho and talk about how horrible this movie is all while flexing my biceps and muscle-bouncing my pecs, but I have to admit that the movie *swallows manly pride* isn't awful. Now don't get me wrong, this isn't a great movie in any way, but I happen to think that Mandy Moore has a likable screen presence. Plus, I think she's cute and therefore that helped me sit through this. Because, you know, I'm a guy and um, macho guys can watch a girly movie as long as a cute girl is in it! Yeah!

My main problem with the movie is the lame dialogue. "Do you think they'll shoot me if I kiss you?" "No, but I will if you don't." Yeah, how about you just shoot *me* and sort it out later. It's also annoying how Mandy Moore drops little pump-fisting tidbits of you-can-do-it "wisdom" throughout the movie. "The things that you're scared of are usually the most worthwhile." And I heard that a stitch in time saves nine.

Not surprisingly, this is a pretty predictable movie. Mandy Moore rebels. Matthew Goode helps her escape. It turns out that Matthew is working for the secret service. He doesn't tell Mandy. They fall in love. Cheesy pop songs fill the air. Mandy finds out Matthew lied and storms off. And well, do I really need to tell you how it ends? No, I didn't think so.

Speaking of the cheesy pop songs, man, things started off so well with Mandy dancing around to Tom Petty's "American Girl." But aside from a Chris Isaak song later in the movie, the rest were pure Velveeta. It's a standard formula for these types of movies: "Uh-oh, we've had 10 minutes of lame dialogue, we need 20 seconds of a sappy love song. STAT!"

If Mandy Moore hadn't been in this movie, then there really wouldn't have been anything to hold my interest. That's not to say the rest of the cast is bad, they just don't do a lot for me. Matthew Goode is all right I suppose. I'll admit that he's better than your typical teenage movie pretty boy, but what's up with his perpetual expression of confusion? He just walked around most the time with a vacant stare and would often look off to the side as if he was trying to find a way to escape his surroundings. I found myself doing the same thing a couple of times, but Mandy Moore would suck me right back into the movie. Oh, and note to the producers: escaping from the secret service on a moped doesn't help anybody's tough guy image.

Jeremy Piven and Annabella Sciorra are quarreling Secret Service Agents who do the best they can with the cheesy material they're given, and Mark Harmon fails to turn the cinematic world on its ear with his Presidential portrayal. He wasn't bad, but you could've put just about anybody in the role and gotten the same effect.

The movie runs a little too long. I think 90 minutes would suffice. This thing is almost 2 hours long, and there's just really no need.


This is a Romantic Comedy that contains a predictable romance plot and is only occasionally funny. It's worth a matinee price at best, and I'd really recommend saving it for a rental. Better yet, just catch it when it eventually airs on TV.

If you're a teenage girl, a Mandy Moore fan, or someone who loves cute romantic comedies no matter how cheesy or predictable they are, then you'll probably enjoy this. If you're a guy, then please don't see this alone. If your significant other wants to see it, then make sure and tell her that she "owes you" and then quietly enjoy watching Mandy Moore for a couple of hours.
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Chasing Liberty
vanderkelenlouise25 March 2014
Chasing liberty:

Biographical information:

America, 2004 World premier: 02/07/2004 Running length: 1:11 MPAA Classification: PG-13 (sexual content and brief nudity) Cast: Mandy Moore, Matthew Goode, Jeremy Piven, Annabella Sciorra, Mark Harmon, Caroline Goodall, Stark Sands, Miriam Margolves, Beatrice Rosen and The Roots. Director: Andy Cadiff Producers: Broderick Johnson, Andrew A. kosove and David Parfitt. Screenplay: Derek Guiley and David Schneiderman. Cinematography: Ashley Rowe Music: Christian Hanson Distribution: Warner Bros. Pictures Genre: Romantic comedy

Film review: The story is about Anna "Liberty" Foster who is the 18-year old daughter of the American president. This means she has no freedom, something she dislikes more than anything else. One night she wants to go with a friend of her to a concert in Prague and she has an agreement with her dad: this time only two security guards. When she discovers that he has broken his promise, she runs away with a nice boy. She continues her plan to go to The Love Parade in Berlin and the guy joins her. Finely she's free and she can do whatever she wants without being controlled by the guards. During their trip they fall in love. But how long is this fairytale going to survive? I was looking for a film that could give me a break and I must say this romantic comedy was perfect for this! A while ago, a friend told me she saw the film and she found him very good. So one evening, when I discovered that the film was broadcast on TV, I had to see him. I also knew that Mandy Moore was one of the actresses. That's one of the main reasons I thought the film would be good. Why? Because I saw another film with her in the leading role (A walk to remember) and it's one of my favorite films. Besides, all the other actors and actresses played their role well. You clearly see that Ben is falling in love with her despite her complaining about her overprotective father and the security guards. Actually everything about the film was very good! For example the costumes of Liberty. In the White House she is dressed appropriately, but when she discovers the world her clothes changes. In fact, her whole look changes: she colors her hair so nobody will recognize her and she is dressed like all other normal teenagers. The lightening was good as well as the camera work. There were a couple of nice close-ups when it gets romantic. A nice bonus were the postcards we saw every time she went to another city. Another thing I like is the title. You can interpret it in two different ways. First you can say that they are chasing after Anna "Liberty" Foster and second you can also say that she is chasing liberty/freedom. So I really enjoyed the film and recommend the girls to see him sometime.
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Instead Liberty love at first sight :-)
pkpera15 June 2019
Well, my heart almost broke seeing how hard life of most powerful man's on Earth daughter's life is hard and controlled. Surely, that's much more interesting for average viewer than life of some 18 year girl, which family just lost it's home because greedy bankers or whoever. And surely, there is much more of later than of president (add here prime ministers, kings etc) daughters. Yet, people will care much more for those having something other than material problems. Yes, that was always so, even with Audrey Hepburn - and her name is almost mandatory when writing review of this :-)

Indeed, there was lot of cliche in this. For instance locations in Europe. Like it was taken from some tourist catalog. And, of course when they went on wrong train, it did not go to some unknown (for oversea people) city, but straight to Venice. On top of all, even when they left without any money, because one of rare realistic moments in movie it went well, actually way too good. But hey, true love makes people around loving you :-) Actually, their love was so strong that even agents developed romantic relationship. And I must say, I liked it, even if that male agent was a schmuck.

I give it 6 despite writing almost nothing good about. It was watchable, charming bigger part of time. And of course darn predictable. Pure escapism, indeed. Or giving self (as viewer) liberty from real life problems :-)
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A rehash of Roman Holiday that's pure formula through and through but made watchable with appealing leads and locations.
IonicBreezeMachine26 November 2023
Anna Foster (Mandy Moore) is the First Daughter of the United States who grows more and more frustrated with her father President James Foster's (Mark Harmon) assigned protection details that routinely prevent her from having any private or personal life. On a trip to the G8 summit in Prague, Anna experiences the city firsthand but after learning her father reneged on his promise of a minimal security detail runs off with the help of Ben Calder (Matthew Goode) who unbeknownst to her is a secret service agent. James decides to let the illusion go on giving Anna "controlled freedom" against the advice of all including Ben and as Ben tries to keep Anna's wild impulses in check he starts to develop feelings for her.

Chasing Liberty is a 2004 romantic comedy that marked one of two romantic comedy films based around the First Daughter (the other being First Daughter released later that year) both beginning development around 1999 or 2000 respectively and inspired by Chelsea Clinton's experiences trying to avoid public attention. Neither film performed particularly well critically or financially, but Chasing Liberty was seen as the better of the two by virtue of at least having appealing leads. Chasing Liberty is very disposable date night fodder that's harmless and inoffensive even if it takes very little chances.

If there's anything to be said for the movie, Mandy Moore and Matthew Goode are at least charming leads who have solid chemistry with each other. The early scenes in particular in Prague and Venice feature some amusing moments between the two even if we're met with the familiar "road movie" cliches but at least they're delivered in a way that makes them somewhat palatable. As a travelogue there's certainly some nice picturesque locales we're exposed to even if we venture into the occasional cartoonish/sitcom archetype, but it never feels grating. As with most romantic comedies the film is heavily based on formula and needs to be judged primarily on the strength of its leads and writing. While the movie has two solid leads the writing is more hit and miss especially in how it's maybe overlong by about 20 minutes and would've benefitted from a shorter runtime, and Mark Harmon while seemingly well suited to this role feels like the movie is a bit too forgiving for the part he plays in the whole string of events with Ben baring the brunt of the blame.

Chasing Liberty is a "rental" movie through and through. While it's scores better than Andy Cadiff's prior directorial effort Leave it to Beaver, it's very much a sitcom plot with sitcom stakes and sitcom jokes. There's worse options for date night, but there's also better ones.
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Another teen movie that adds nothing new to the genre
christian12313 November 2004
Pop singer Mandy Moore plays Anna Foster, the 18-year-old daughter of the President in this romantic comedy set in Europe, as she tries to ditch her Secret Service handlers to enjoy a bit of fun and romance with her new boyfriend (Matthew Goode).

It's pretty obvious that not a lot of thought went into this film. The whole thing is pretty generic and predictable. It's all been done before and it's all been done much better. I really only watched Chasing Liberty because my girlfriend wanted to watch it. We both ended up not liking it. The whole film was just very dull and pointless. I know its just a harmless chick flick but that doesn't mean it should be so lifeless. Most of the film is just Mandy Moore running around Europe with two security guards watching after her. The subplot with the two security guards is the only interesting aspect this film has to offer, Unfortunately, the subplot doesn't take up much screen time.

The acting is just as generic as the script. Mandy Moor is a decent actress but here she's completely dull. Her acting is so unconvincing and wooden though she does appear to be having fun and this helps a little. Mark Harmon plays her father and he gives a bland performance. The only person to give a good performance is Jeremy Piven. He plays one of the security guards and he's the only thing keeping the film together. Director Andy Cadiff moves things at a really slow pace and he will put the audience to sleep fast. He usually just directs fluff like Growing Pains so that's not much of a surprise.

I think the worst part about the movie is the music. It's so corny and annoying. If no one was talking then some cheesy song would be playing. It's almost like they wanted to punish their audience with all the bad music and acting. Surprisingly, the running time is only 105 minutes. Of course, it feels much longer and a lot of this stuff could have been edited. Also, I don't think teens will really like this movie because it's probably too long for them. It's not mature enough for an adult audience so the only people that will like this film are fans of Mandy Moore. Make that only die hard fans of Mandy Moore. In the end, this generic teen film is worth skipping. Rating 3/10
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A Wonderfully Cute Romantic Comedy!
amelie200423 August 2004
I really loved this film. I will freely admit that I have a penchant for romantic comedies, but I have seen my share of bad ones and this is definitely a must-see for fans of the genre. It works because it has a far-fetched storyline that allows for the two main characters to frolic around Europe with two secret service agents on their tails. It also works because of the beautiful backdrop of Europe as the setting for this fairy tale romance. The locations the director chose are stunning- mainly Prague and Venice. Gorgeous! The romantic glow of Europe makes the movie so much more romantic. It's not hard to believe that Anna and Ben fall in love while taking a moonlit gondola ride. I also really enjoyed the story line of the two secret service agents who are trying to find Anna- Weiss and Morales- in many ways their romance is even more enjoyable storyline than that of the main characters. The music used in the film works very well, too. Mandy Moore and Matthew Goode are new actors but they have palpable chemistry and both work perfectly in their roles. For a romantic comedy I'd have to say... 9/10
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Your typical romantic comedy, but worth checking out.
BodaciousK1510 January 2004
Chasing Liberty is definitely your molded romantic comedy, but its colorful cast and nice settings bring it all together.

From the moment the movie started I knew what the story would be, but the creators throw in so many plot twists and turns that you can't help but enjoy the movie. It also helps that the cast is fun and unique.

I would recommend Chasing Liberty to anyone who enjoys a good romantic comedy.
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Bland, generic teen romance
CuriosityKilledShawn27 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a bit of a sucker when it comes to Mandy Moore, I loved A Walk to Remember and Saved but I'm afraid there's nothing new or interesting about Chasing Liberty. A girl who just happens to be the President's daughter (one of those safe, non-mass-murdering, non-greed-driven, non-corrupt President's that only exist in movies) escapes her parents clutches to go off on an unrestricted journey of self-discovery yadda yadda yadda.

But here's the catch, the man she's travelling with is working for her dad. Gee, do you think she'll be heartbroken when she finds out? How utterly predictable. The romance blossoming between the two agents tailing her (Annabella Sciorra and the great Jeremy Piven) is more interesting but hardly brilliance.

Her journey across Europe isn't even that interesting and she meets nothing more than assortment of stereotypes along the way. If a Euro-travelogue movie is what your after than go for European Vacation.

The movie is presented in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen with Dolby 5.1 sound and a bunch of extras I so do not care for. Sorry Mandy, I am unimpressed this time.
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Should Have Done Better
silver_lightning1726 January 2004
While this was not DEEP material by any standards, no romantic comedy is! This is probably the first romantic comedy to come out since "How to Lose A Guy in Ten Days" that I've really really enjoyed. And probably the first comedy of any kind that has made me actually laugh out loud in the theater. Mandy Moore is much more than a pretty face and voice, she CAN act. And Matthew Goode was is great with dry humor, and a decent actor. The scenery was gorgeous, the story humorous, the actors pulled if off well...this movie should have done so much better.
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teen 'Roman Holiday'
blanche-22 August 2015
"Chasing Liberty" from 2004 is a film for young people, much younger than I am, certainly, but I rented it because I am a huge fan of Matthew Goode. The film stars Mandy Moore, Mark Harmon, Jeremy Piven, Annabelle Scioorra, and Caroline Goodall.

The President's teenage daughter (Mandy Moore) is sick and tired of never being alone and being unable to date anyone who doesn't become intimated by practically being strip-searched when he picks her up and surrounded by secret service.

When the First Family goes to Prague, she gives the secret service the slip and takes off on a motorcycle with a handsome young man (Matthew Goode). Little does she know, he's one of the President's people.

Cute film, with nice performances. But the star of the film is all the European scenery in Prague, Berlin, and Venice. It's just beautiful.

All the music is great, including the opera.

I enjoyed it a lot.
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Predictable teen movie with an unlikable lead
unimportant10 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I appreciate a good movie, but sometimes, I just don't feel like watching a serious, thought-provoking movie. Sometimes, I want to relax and watch a movie that won't make me think. Chasing Liberty is definitely in that category, except instead of being relaxing fluff, it was maddening.

Mandy Moore plays Anna, the President's 18-year-old daughter who just wants some freedom. She bitches to her father about the Secret Service ruining her social life, and begs him to let her attend a concert in Prague with only two Secret Service agents babysitting her. When she realizes that the concert is crawling with undercover agents, contrary to her father's promise, she decides to rebel and run away on her own.

She hitches a ride with a stranger on a motorcycle, Ben, who turns out to be yet another Secret Service agent. Mr. President orders the young male agent to watch Anna but not reveal his identity, so that she will think she's free. Fortunately, Anna is so full of herself that she thinks Ben follows her around just because he likes her, so she doesn't get suspicious. And what do you know? They fall in love.

The mostly predictable plot is standard for a teen movie, but the real problem with Chasing Liberty is that Anna is completely unlikable -- she comes off as a spoiled, selfish, irresponsible brat, and I just kept wanting to smack her. It's difficult to believe that Ben would fall in love with such an annoying little snot. (2/10)
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