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Death in Happy Valley
JamesHitchcock28 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Although "White Mischief" is set in Kenya during British rule it does not, unlike most "heritage films" with a colonial setting, concentrate on relations between the British and their colonial subjects. Instead, it dramatises one of the twentieth century's unsolved great murder mysteries, the shooting on the night of 24th January 1941 of Josslyn Hay, 22nd Earl of Erroll. Erroll, a Scottish aristocrat, was a member of the "Happy Valley set", a group of wealthy white settlers in Kenya who had become notorious for their decadent, hedonistic lifestyle, centred upon drinking, gambling, drug-taking and adultery. The film was based on a book by James Fox, who adapted the title of Evelyn Waugh's satirical novel "Black Mischief", and came two years after "Out of Africa", another film about the white community in Kenya.

Erroll had a reputation as a womaniser, and at the time of his death was conducting an affair with Diana, the beautiful young wife of Sir Henry "Jock" Delves Broughton, a much older wealthy landowner. Broughton, the obvious suspect in Erroll's murder, was arrested and tried for the crime, but was sensationally acquitted. Despite his acquittal, he was ostracised by his former associates and committed suicide the following year.

Films which suggest solutions to real-life unsolved crimes are not always satisfactory, whether those crimes be the Kennedy assassination, the Jack the Ripper murders or (as in the recent "Zodiac") the San Francisco Zodiac killings. "White Mischief" hints very strongly that, notwithstanding his acquittal, Broughton was indeed the killer, even though the evidence brought against him at his trial was weak. Since the film was made, it has been suggested that the real killer was Alice de Janzé, a former mistress of Erroll jilted by him in favour of Diana Broughton. (Like Jock Broughton, Alice committed suicide not long after the murder). The theory has also been put forward that he was assassinated by the British Secret Service, which regarded him as a potential traitor. (Before the war he had been an outspoken supporter of Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists).

The attraction of "White Mischief", however, does not lie in its attempt to solve an unsolved crime, but in the vivid picture it paints of a particular place and time. The outbreak of war in 1939 had not affected the Happy Valley set's appetite for pleasure, and their wild lifestyle continued unabated. (Their antics caused something of a scandal in Britain, where people were having to endure the hardships and dangers of war). Yet the film suggests that beneath this hedonistic surface lay world-weariness, disillusionment and even deep unhappiness. The one person who does seem content with life is the eccentric, laconic farmer Gilbert Colville who, despite possessing great wealth, has adopted a more simple way of life and (unlike most of the other white settlers) has befriended the native Africans.

Alice de Janzé was one of the most notorious members of the Happy Valley set, having led a scandalous life even before beginning her affair with Erroll. She is included in this film, however, largely in order to exemplify its moral that pleasure is not necessarily the same as happiness. One of the key lines in the film is her exclamation upon waking up one fine morning "Oh God, not another f***ing beautiful day!". Her suicide is portrayed as having been motivated partly by grief at Erroll's death and partly by a sense of the pointlessness of her existence. It is significant that the film ends with her funeral, although I was not sure if this strange scene, a cocktail party with elegantly dressed men and women dancing to jazz records in a graveyard by a lake, was a re-enactment of an actual historical event or if director Michael Radford was simply indulging a taste for surrealism. Either way, it seemed to sum up the Happy Valley way of life.

Alice was, by all accounts, a beautiful and fascinating woman despite her scandalous immorality, so I felt that the role demanded an actress more charismatic than Sarah Miles. Alice was actually American by birth, so I am surprised that the producers did not take this opportunity to bring in a Hollywood star. The three main stars, however, Greta Scacchi as Diana, Joss Ackland as Jock and Charles Dance as Erroll, were all very good; the lovely Greta has seldom, if ever, looked lovelier than she does here. There is also a good cameo from John Hurt as Colville.

Ackland was particularly good in conveying his character's anguish. Broughton is played as a man who finds it difficult to show emotion, and this is due to more than the conventional "stiff upper lip". He is a keen sportsman and gambler for whom losing gracefully is part of his personal code of honour; before marrying Diana he made a pact with her that if she ever feel in love with someone else he would not stand in her way. He discovers too late, however, that he is deeply in love with his young wife and that affairs of the heart cannot be dealt with as smoothly as the payment of one's gambling debts.

I would not rank White Mischief quite as highly as "Out of Africa", which brought an epic sweep and grandeur to its tale of colonial life. As a portrayal of the decadent lifestyle of a particular place and time, however, it is a very watchable one. 7/10
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A worthwhile and sexy retelling of a famous murder-mystery case.
Pedro_H1 November 2004
Circa World War II a grisly - but rich- old buffer and his far-too-young-for-him wife enjoy the high life in Kenya's Happy Valley. However their happiness proves sadly short lived. Based on a famous true life case.

Interesting approach to the "central" crime-celeb subject. While many would have plunged straight in to the murder-mystery to get the movie off with a bang - not here. This is a lesson in restraint.

This film seems to view the crime of secondary importance to atmosphere and the establishment of character and order. This is probably wise, because the mystery part of the crime is rather weak and one-sided. Especially in the manner the story is told.

(While tying to be true to the facts there is more nodding and winking going on here than in a New York gay bar!)

You can't complain about production values and acting, they are only of the very first order. Charles Dance was an actor born in to the wrong age - if the studio system had got a hold of him they could have turned him in to a superstar. He doesn't have enough to do here - but he does this "cad" act well enough.

Kenya is made to look like heaven on earth - if you are white and well off that is. Here life is one big party with plenty of sun, sea and sex - with an army of cheap black labour to do any real work.

The gin and tonic set form their own little England allowing the sex games to go on a bit further than at home because there are no prying eyes.

If any movie showcased Scacchi's ample prime-time charms is this one. I don't know if the lady is a naturist in real life, but she never looks that bothered about whether she is wearing clothes or not. Her classy English accent further convinces you that if any woman was worth killing over it is her.

(In interviews she talks about the audience getting tired of seeing her breasts!)

Watching the film is rather like watching the film Titanic. You realize that everything you see is going to be destroyed, while those on the screen sail on without a care in the world.

If the central crime had been more interesting and more ambiguous I might have enjoyed it more. A clear case of a film being rather weighed down by being based on facts rather than having the freedom of total fiction.
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Idle hands
tomsview25 December 2015
Although I wouldn't say this is a great movie, it is definitely an entertaining one.

The film tells the mostly true story of the fairly outrageous goings on amongst upper class Britons in Kenya during WW2. If the film does anything, it captures that outrageous spirit perfectly.

Aging Sir John Henry Delves Broughton (Joss Ackland) leaves war-torn England with his beautiful young wife, Diana (Greta Scacchi), to oversee his properties in British Kenya. They join other ex-pat aristocrats in the incongruously named Happy Valley community. Although cocooned from the war in Europe, the denizens of the valley are completely at the mercy of the boredom generated by their privileged lifestyles, and their overheated libidos.

They joyously encourage new arrivals to cheat on their partners, and then just as joyously inform the other halves about what is going on. Broughton begins to realise that he has something more disturbing than German bombs and falling commodity prices to worry about when Diana begins an open affair with Josslyn Hay, the Earl of Erroll (Charles Dance).

Eventually it all ends in tears, murder and suicide.

The film was not successful at the box office, and it's hard to pick just what put people off. However there is a fair amount of nudity in the film, which I think still tends to alienate mainstream audiences. Maybe the whole thing sounded too unsavoury - Diana is irresistible to males, especially older ones with even Trevor Howard's character peeping at her in the bath. There isn't anyone in the story whose intentions are strictly honourable.

But with that said, the performances are fascinating. Joss Ackland is superb; we feel his humiliation as the virile Erroll offers Diana what he can't.

The 1940's probably weren't the most flattering period for fashions, however Greta Scacchi looks stunning in them - she reminded me of Lana Turner in "The Postman Always Rings Twice".

Charles Dance exudes an element of danger, much like Vincent Cassel. Tall and lithe, he wears black tie beautifully, but when he strips down you see how fit and agile he is - not a man to be trifled with.

"White Mischief" has a certain pace and style and glides by easily. It stays in the memory, and is a long way from being a bad movie.
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An Evocation, not a Reconstruction (Possible SPOILER)
Philby-35 May 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Adapted from James Fox's non-fiction book of the same name, 'White Mischief' recounts the mystery of the murder of Scottish aristocrat and noted philanderer Josslyn Hay, 22nd Earl of Erroll in Kenya in 1941. The husband of one of his conquests, Sir 'Jock' Delves Broughton, was tried for the murder, but acquitted. While the book is really an example of investigatory, not to say obsessive, journalism on the part of Fox and his mentor at the Sunday Times, Cyril Connolly, Michael Radford's film is more evocative of time and place.

Most colonial history has the rejects of the imperial society setting out to the colonies to better themselves, but Kenya between 1900 and 1940 proved a rare exception when a significant number of wealthy aristocratic English moved to the 'White Highlands' to settle. Others were found to do the actual work of ranching or coffee-growing and there was little for the rich to do except be idle. So grew the legend of the 'Happy Valley ' set, where drugs and alcohol fuelled continuous debauchery.

By the time the events covered in this movie occurred, the 'Happy Valley' period was pretty well over with several of the leading lights having succumbed to the rigours of the lifestyle. But Erroll (Charles Dance, charming) a veteran of the Valley is still surrounded by admiring women and has little trouble attracting Diana Broughton (Greta Scaachi, sizzling) when she arrives in 1940 from England to escape the war. Her husband Sir Jock (Joss Ackland, his best performance ever), 30 years older, knows Diana married him for money and security. She knows Erroll is broke but thinks Jock will pay her off. What she doesn't know is that Jock, through bad luck and mismanagement, has lost most of his considerable fortune (he once owned a good slice of Cheshire) and looks like losing the rest. (The film does not mention that the real Sir Jock had by 1940 committed serious fraud on at least two occasions to get himself out of financial difficulty).

In the film, Jock takes a while to realise what is going on, and then appears to accept the situation, even hosting a dinner at the Muthaiga Club in honour of the happy adulterous couple. Next morning Erroll is found shot dead in his car a couple of miles from the Broughton's house in suburban Nairobi. The case against Jock is not strong, and not carefully put together. He is represented by a first-rate South African trial lawyer, Harry Morris (Ray McAnally, in an uncharacteristically weak performance), who has little trouble evoking the sympathy of an all-white settlor jury.

The aftermath, for evident artistic reasons, is altered for the film, but the sense of it is still there. Within a short time Jock is dead, and Diana marries the eccentric Gilbert Colville (John Hurt, convincing), who is the biggest rancher in the colony. The last scene, where Diana comes across a cocktail party being held in a graveyard on the shores of Lake Naivasha at the request of one of the deceased, an alumni of Happy Valley, is quite surreal, and somehow captures the evanescence of it all, the fleeting moment between birth and death we call life. This part of Africa is sometimes said to be the Garden of Eden, the paradisaical place where mankind originated, and it's a truly beautiful place, but it's also clear the serpents were there all along.

Since this movie was made, a new theory about Erroll's death has emerged; that he was done to death by the British Security services as it was thought his fascist sympathies would make him likely to pass intelligence to the Italians (Erroll was a deskbound officer in the army). A lady called Eroll Trzebinski, resident in Kenya for 30 years, published a book 'The Life and Death of Lord Erroll' in 1999. Ms Trzebinski has written three other books including a well-received biography of Karen Blixen's lover Dennys Finch-Hatton. Well, I suppose it's no less credible than the theory Diana did it.

PS Another version of the story is told by Julian Fellowes in his "Most Mysterious Murder " TV series (2005). It's not a patch on this one but pretty convincingly identifies Jock as the culprit, with Diana accessory after the fact.
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Well made trashy melodrama
rosscinema9 December 2003
Warning: Spoilers
This story is loosely based on a real scandal that occurred in Kenya during the second world war and the film captures all the decadent events that were happening in an area nicknamed "Happy Valley". Story takes place in 1940 in Kenya where Sir Jock Delves Broughton (Joss Ackland) has brought back with him a much younger bride. Jock is in his 60's and his new bride Diana (Greta Scacchi) is probably more than 30 years younger. Diana meets the assorted British colonists that live there and spend their time drinking and going to parties and having sex with one another. Diana meets the local stud Josslyn Hay (Charles Dance) and it doesn't take long before the two are having a very public affair much to the chagrin of Jock. One night Joss drops Diana off and proceeds to drive down the road when someone appears out of the darkness and shoots Joss in the head killing him.


Jock is quickly accused of the murder and has to stand trial where it becomes a media circus. Jock is acquitted of the murder of Joss and Diana goes back to live with him but has serious thoughts that he was in fact guilty of her lovers murder. This film was directed by Michael Radford who also had directed the vastly underrated "1984". He would go on to direct other interesting films such as "Il Postino", "B. Monkey" and "Dancing at the Blue Iguana". In those films Radford has shown a knack for filming stories in exotic locations and also showing the more decadent lifestyles of individuals. He does that here in this film as well and even though the material is presented in a trashy manner, Radford still creates genuine moments with effective atmosphere. Scacchi is utterly beautiful to watch and her nude scenes are not easily forgotten. The best performance in the film comes from Ackland who has spent most of his film career being a character actor. His most effective scene is where he is sitting on his bed with a tear coming down his face while he contemplates what he should do. John Hurt plays a character named Gilbert Colvile and barely utters more than two words at a time. I had the feeling that his character was there just to make him another suspect in the murder. One of the more interesting bits of casting (For me anyway) is Jacqueline Pearce as Idina. I grew up watching Pearce in the Hammer horror films and it was quite the sight to see her in the nude in this film. Despite her age she was still very beautiful to look at. Also, a very young Hugh Grant has a small role at the beginning of the film. This is definitely a step down for a good director like Radford but he does capture the spirit of these people who are doing they're best to ignore the fact that a war is raging on in their own home country. The last shot in the film perfectly illustrates this as everyone gets together at the funeral of a close friend to have another party.
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The rich and useless at play in Africa.
jdhb-768-6123415 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"White Mischief" is dramatised version of real events that occurred in Kenya in 1940. As such, it has to be accepted that there is a degree of theatrical licence and that the principal participants may not have been quite as portrayed. Nonetheless, the film does show the hedonistic, dissipated and largely useless lives led by a bunch of rich expats and which led to a murder and 2 apparent suicides.

The setting is good, the casting and acting also. The script is perfectly fine and the direction mostly good although there are some points at which it seems to lose focus and a few occasions on which scenes appear to have little relevance to the main story. Joss Ackland, as the cuckolded husband, is exactly as wooden as his part demands, stiff upper lip and all until he finally loses control. Charles Dance provides a perfectly good philanderer and Greta Scacchi is a suitably desirable source of the all the problems, even if she comes across as a rather pointless individual - perhaps that's what the real Lady Broughton was like.

The rest of the cast slips in and out mostly not making a huge impression. Sarah Miles is a sadly comical figure as Alice de Janzé, and John Hurt a somewhat mysterious one as Gilbert Colville, whom Lady Broughton later married. Trevor Howard's part seemed almost superfluous unless it was intended to simply introduce a sounding board for 'Jock' Broughton's thoughts or a vaguely plausible co-conspirator in the murder of Lord Errol. The other names in the cast seemed to do little more than provide scenery for the unfolding drama.

This is not a bad film and it's very watchable. However, neither is it a great film nor one that I would rush home to see. It's a solid effort worthy of a 7 in my estimation, but no more than that.
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Moderate film of a dazzling historical event
Oblomov-22 August 2007
Even with the rather unimaginative script and lacklustre direction, WHITE MISCHIEF comes across as a good movie, largely because of the times and the place. But I cannot help feeling that a great opportunity was missed here to make a really memorable period piece considering the plot and setting. The fantastic location of Kenya's 'Happy Valley', the hedonistic lifestyle of the White settlers in the face of the war in Europe, the love triangle that led to Lord Erroll's murder and the subsequent dead-end investigation - all cried out for a more inspirational handling than the rather insipid effort by Michael Radford who both wrote the script and directed the film. Even Roger Deakins' cinematography was nothing to shout about.

Still, the film does manage to make something of a mark, thanks largely to great performances by Joss Ackland, Sara Miles and to some extent, Greta Scacchi. I debated for a while whether or not to buy the DVD and on balance decided that it was a worthwhile investment.
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a shortened storyline taken from earlier film
elgorrion24 June 2006
The performances of Sarah Miles and John Hurt make this film worth watching; however it is disappointing that Michael Radford does not use the full storyline of the original film : "The Happy Valley" - made in 1987, nor is the source acknowledged in the credits. Other than that it is quite a good remake, but the original should not be missed, as the story continues for some length - indeed the end of "White Mischief" is about the halfway point of the story in "The Happy Valley". This is another of Radford's remakes that seemed to receive acclaim as if it were an original concept - just as his version of the tale of Pablo Neruda - "Il Postino" - was taken from the lesser known earlier film "Ardiente Pacientia" (Burning Patience) which for my money was the the better film.
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Pills, Booze, Swinging, Cross-Dressing and other activities in World War II Africa
dragon-9017 August 1999
A wild and wicked romp through the expatriate community around Nairobi, Kenya, during World War II. Greta Scacchi is radiant beyond mortal words as the femme fatale that upsets the not-so-delicate social, sexual, psychosexual balances of the "happy valley" crowd of faded British aristocrats and other late-era colonials. The steller cast, including Charles Dance in a terrific romantic lead, an over-the-top Sarah Miles, Joss Ackland in his best role, John Hurt, Trevor Howard, Geraldine Chaplin, even a young Hugh Grant, and so many others, is absolutely superb. Set against the spectacular backdrop of East Africa, this movie is a tale of love, lust, revenge, and destruction, and expertly captures the look and feel of the waning British colonial era in its dialogue, costumes, even music. An absolute treat!
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Cinematography carries plot predictability
renafaye775 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the actors in this, John Hurt and Trevor Howard are a rich addition to the mix. I found the film fascinating because the "cad", played by Charles Dance, was visually exciting to watch, and moves so gracefully. One of the later scenes in the movie when the two lovers are together in the bedroom is especially memorable because Dance photographs so beautifully. I stayed up late last night just to see this scene in the movie. There's a new cable channel on our provider, and to my great disappointment, they cut this scene to, I presume, eliminate views of Greta Scacci's breasts. So I missed the full frontal view of Charles Dance, but there were still some enjoyable views of a well developed man without all the steroid developed muscles you see in current "thrillers." The movie still retained some beautifully filmed scenes of the ocean, the polo match, and one or two scenes where the rich people do some cross dressing. Charles Dance in a beautiful long dress, wearing ear "bobs" was somewhat alarming, but, even the evil old husband had on a woman's dress and pearls. It's also reminiscent of a time when people smoked cigarettes prodigiously, and, used Western Union to communicate quickly.

There's a lot of detail where the native servants show personality and resourcefulness. That component adds depth to the story of life styles of the rich and shameless, which, seems like, is an eternal theme. Wealthy people now just don't dress nearly so beautifully as the characters in this unique movie.
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idle hands in the British empire
mjneu5914 January 2011
This cynical drama set in pre-WWII colonial Kenya (where the lifestyles of the rich and decadent were enhanced by casual drug abuse and infidelity) presents a glossy but unfocused account of a May-December marriage of convenience, brought to a tragic end after one too many indiscreet liaisons between frustrated young wife Greta Scacchi and local Casanova Charles Dance. The film is based on a true story, widely reported at the time (in England, at least), and like its two lovers is cool and dispassionate and pleasant to look at. But the script makes the fatal mistake of sanitizing the illicit affair with feelings of true love, and because all the sex is conducted with such impeccable protocol the effect is more polite than shocking. Director and co-writer Michael Radford's script is full of barbed and witty dialogue, but re-writes history for a dramatically tidy (and quite bloody) resolution.
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Strange, decadent, and worthwhile
fastfilmhh29 April 2008
Based on the book by James Fox (not the handsome English actor of a certain age) this film remains hard to pin down: it's part murder mystery, part sociological study, part history of pre-WW2 East African colonialism, part romance, part dionysian orgy (really), part Evelyn Waugh/Somerset Maughm, part romance, part.... etc. etc. And it's all true.

Yes, the actors are more spectacular looking than their real life counterparts (particularly Scacchi, seldom more stunning.) Sarah Miles' strange character wafts through as most memorable of all in a rich ensemble set of louche decadents. (And yet the actress in real life admitted she may not have gotten a handle on the real woman, just an impression. Based upon my reading of Fox's and Trzebinski's books' accounts on the Alice de Janze, I'd have to agree. Nothing like her except the memorable quips and woozy flair.) Plus, most folks who didn't swim through the primo decadence of the 1960's firsthand might be appalled at what passes for entertainment in British colonial East Africa of the 1930'/40s. But what you'll get for your treasure hunt (this is a hard film to find) is the truth of a murder mystery, weird but real characters, a slice of history, all against the gorgeous panoply of Kenya, despite all its troubles one of the most beautiful spots on the entire planet, all shot on location right where the real events unfolded.
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Boring... despite everything.
borgolarici1 December 2021
I love British colonial movies for obvious reasons: they're decadent, lavish, over the top and often entirely too sentimental. White mischief has everything you'd ask from such a movie, yet is boring. The main problem imho is the script, which is simply bad.
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A spotty script, but with haunting moments
moonspinner5514 July 2007
Michael Radford directed and co-wrote this adaptation of James Fox's book taking place in Kenya during World War II. High society Brits evade the swarming Nazis by hiding out in Africa while money-hungry Greta Scacchi gets caught up in heated love-triangle. Languid, slowly-paced British-made drama without enough inner-fire; the handling is awfully sullen, and clichés abound, despite attractive locales and sexy Greta spicing the scenario. Terrific supporting cast includes John Hurt, Hugh Grant, and Geraldine Chaplin, yet they can't do much to infuse the film with life. Radford does pull off an amazing finale however, and his final shot is haunting. ** from ****
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White Mischief
shiksa-grrrl27 January 2001
As a family member, related to the main character, Sir Jock obviously for myself, it was a very interesting piece to watch, having grown up with full knowledge of the story in its entirety.

It was fairly accurate, although, typically, like any Hollywood film, some artistic licenses were granted. In fact, in real life, Sir Jock, a typical aristocrat of his time, had been in other troubles before, such as insurance fraud, and to this day I am somewhat surprised even with his titles, money, etc, he actually got away with this crime, for everyone strongly feels he did do it.

"The Sixth Earl of Carnarvon, Lord Porchester, was a close friend of Sir Delves, and a horse-racing jockey. Upon hearing of Jock's acquittal, he sent the famous cable: 'HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS UNDERSTAND YOU WON A NECK CLEVERLY REGARDS PORCHEY'. "

I loved the film, loved the decadence, and from what I have been told, this was all very typical of its time in Happy Valley Kenya. I gather both the Queen, as well as Bill Wyman from the Rolling Stones, each called it their favorite film for that year. Anyone especially familiar with British life, humor, etc, would find this most interesting.

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Ah yes! Feel the boredom, the monotony, the tedium!
=G=22 February 2002
Many films, most rather bland by cinematic standards, have been made about the antics of idle rich Brits living abroad estranged from their homeland during the days of WWII. Though most such films have dealt with Italy's Tuscany area (specifically Lake Como), "White Mischief" is another such flick which slogs tediously through seemingly endless moments of uppercrusty decadence until finally and almost reluctantly getting around to...drum roll, please...the Murder! Telling a true story which is not even a footnote of a footnote in African history, this long on talent and short on story flick conjures up too little, too late. A mediocre watch at best which will be most appreciated by those into period dramas about Brits abroad.
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OK production
pyenme7 September 2008
I got this as another piece of my "Charles Dance" collection (see some of my other comments on other films....). At least in this one, he plays British, and I get to see more of him actually acting. That said, this movie was another 1980's British movie short on writing and long on "atmosphere". Not to mention that terrible score that made me want to turn off the sound and wait for dialog. Lots of familiar faces, and some interesting characters floating through the scenery - but once again, I long for more development of the main characters through conversation. We can make suppositions about "whodunnit" from the ending, but perhaps not - no spoilers here, but I have my own opinion on the answer......
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Nostalgia for the green hills of Africa
dierregi11 February 2024
I lived in Kenya for some years and visited most of the places shown in the movie, except that Happy Valley was long gone but the Diana and Joss (Lord Erroll) love story was still debated.

Diana - probably a sexy gold-digger - married as her second husband the much older Sir Broughton, "Jock" Delves, and moved happily to Kenya just as WWII started. Who can blame her? Given the chance, would you have stayed in war-torn Europe or moved with a millionaire to a beautiful country?

Unfortunately, once there Diana was immediately in the middle of a sexual scandal, becoming in record time the lover of the notorious Lord Josslyn Erroll, the womanizer of Happy Valley. Married and divorced twice, Joss is shown to have fallen in love with Diana (and vice-versa), but their liaison lasted a month, so it's difficult to say if it was true love or a hot flirt. Joss's life was cut short by a few bullets and the guilty party was never officially found.

One of Joss's discarded lovers was the eccentric American heiress Alice de Janzé, notorious for having shot her lover (in Paris - and in his genitals - according to Diana's friend June). Being trigger-happy Alice was a suspect in the murder, but she had no motive since the two were not involved at the time. Alice committed suicide shortly after Joss's death, but she had uterine cancer, and, being over 40, she was also upset about getting old in a social scene where only beauty was important. One of the the lines of the movie is indeed "Do you know what happens to a girl when she gets over 40? Nothing"

Therefore, as pointed out also in the James Fox book, on which the movie is based, the only possible suspect as the one with a motive was Diana's husband, even if he was acquitted. In the movie, he's shown shooting himself in Kenya, after having shot Joss's dog - as if he wasn't a despicable enough character. In real life, he died in Liverpool in 1942, of a morphine overdose.

Diana went on marrying the rich Colvile, she divorced again and with her fourth marriage, she became Lady Delamere, of the once famous (in Kenya) Delamere Dairy.

I don't know how it was in Diana's time, but in the movie is too sanitized and civilized a background. Kenya is beautiful, but rough, dusty, and dangerous. Roads are treacherous even for modern Land Rover and I don't know how they could manage to speed on dirt roads with the vehicles of the 40s, as shown in a few scenes.
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Filthy rich and very safe
jimjamjonny393 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say about this that hasn't been already said. A very wealthy man married a much younger woman, living in Kenya doring WW2, introduces her to a friend, she likes him they have an affair and hubby decides to murder lover because he idolizes his wife. Gets away with the crime only to shoot himself later.
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What a treat !!
demanning525 March 2005
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing that keeps me from giving this a 10, is the hit and miss score. There are moments when the music is completely wrong for what is going on. That said, the storyline is not new, in fact it is based on an actual incident. What makes it so entertaining is it's cast, their lines,beautiful wardrobes and the different "mischief" they nearly all take part in. Drugs,booze,polo, parties, mate swapping (and stealing), and eventually murder, has rarely looked so delicious on screen. There are moments here that should stick in your memory for years to come. One such scene involves Sarah Miles and her special way of saying goodbye to a dear departed. It's a shame that this Michael Radford gem is evidently out of print. Should you be lucky enough to find it to rent, I strongly recommend you having on hand a fine Port and some chocolate lobster!
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White Mischief
CinemaSerf2 November 2023
"Alice" (Sarah Miles) moves to colonial Kenya with her elderly husband "Jock" (Joss Ackland) and soon she is enjoying the social whirl that is their unfettered lifestyle. She falls in easily with the great and the good - even befriending the all-but-mute "Colvile" (John Hurt) but it's not that dalliance that worries her husband, though. It's one with the debonaire Earl of Erroll (Charles Dance) and soon a rather embarrassing/cuckolding menage à trois gradually emerges. When the latter man is found brutally slaughtered, a court case ensues but will it convict the culprit? It's speculatively based on real events and the photography is stunning, as is the general aesthetic of the drama. The film itself, though, is all rather underwhelming. A solid cast of British stage and screen actors cannot turn the really pedestrian screenplay into anything that remotely depicts the complex, hedonistic and entitled lives these people lived amidst the abject poverty of the local population. I reckon Joss Ackland is the only one who emerges with any credit here - and that's largely because he has probably the better part, especially as the plot thickens - but as for the rest of this, it's all just a disappointing critique on spoiled people, drug abuse and over-indulgence that I found a bit too sterile.
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The extraordinarily dull lives of the aristocracy
Leofwine_draca10 February 2014
WHITE MISCHIEF purports to tell the true story of a murder that shocked British colonials living in Kenya during the 1940s. It's a familiar milieu for those of us who've seen anything of GOSFORD PARK, DOWNTOWN ABBEY, etc., with slightly bizarre aristocrats wining, dining and, of course, sleeping together against a hedonistic backdrop of the pursuit of pleasure.

The problem with WHITE MISCHIEF is a simple one: the characters are all so dull. The pretty-but-vacuous lead character, played by Greta Scacchi, is a fine example of this; she has absolutely no depth or presence, nothing on which to centre the viewer's attention. The male cast members, particularly Joss Ackland and Charles Dance, are by far the more interesting, but even these have little to work with.

For fans of British cinema, WHITE MISCHIEF is worth catching thanks to the presence of numerous familiar faces, including Ray McAnally, Trevor Howard, John Hurt and Geraldine Chaplin. There are also turns for a couple of youngsters, Hugh Grant and Gregor Fisher, and an eye-popping cameo from Hammer starlet Jacqueline Pearce (THE REPTILE).

Sadly, though, I found this dull and sleep-inducing for the most part, despite the interest generated by the murder sub-plot. That and the subsequent court case are intriguing, as is Ackland at the climax, but the rest of the film is just an entirely forgettable example of the extraordinarily dull lives of the aristocracy and why they are best ignored for the most part.
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Catherine Tramell's adventures in the happy valley
HarlequeenStudio7 October 2017
Basic Instinct set in Kenya at the end of Art Deco era which also marks the beginning of WWII. That means, the costumes and sets are gorgeous. Bravo! Greta Scacchi is stunning and we get full frontal nudity from her and Charles Dance... and everybody else. Greta Scacchi looks like a proper Hollywood golden age movie star, just looking at her perfect nails and hairdo makes me forget about the trivialities such as the depth of the character, etc. Every frame is gorgeous and perfectly lit. And the decadence - the drug use, the orgies, the masturbation to a corpse in a morgue, that's all glorious to watch in this dull era of superhero films and sequels and dramas that boast 'strong' female characters. It only lacks more... well, nudity. I feel that the romance between the two main protagonists ends too quickly for us to give a damn. But maybe that would have turned it into a 'soapy' melodrama. Maybe we can't relate to the whole situations because the characters have very few or zero redeeming qualities and, after all, they are the idle rich - we are not, but still. The film has a TV feel to it, like one of those Agatha Christie adaptations, which I'm not sure is bad; I adore these films. British aristocracy stuck in their lavish mansions; that's been a part of the Gothic lore ever since the folk tales were invented, and I'm sure it's them who invented them. This film is very dreamy and at the same time scary. There's a sense of a curse, that all the characters have been cursed, especially in the last scene which is like a picnic with the dead.
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I read the book.
Chloe1314141422 January 2002
Was well into the film before I realized it was based on the factual story of a famous murder case. I was transported and still feel that way every time I get a chance to enjoy it again. I forgot who the actors were-they became the characters. That's how you know a film is splendid. I love the restraint of a fine British actor. No words are wasted. A glance tells it all. Everyone in the cast should be knighted by the Queen! I'll drop her Majesty a line right away. Chloe
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Delightfully Over the Top
Tunica1 November 1999
In no way a mainstream movie, White Mischief is a fascinating study of decadence among the expatriate English crowd in Kenya during WWII. Shows that not all Brits through the years have been stiff upper lip. [I already knew this.] Excellent photography, fine performances, witty dialog. Based on a true story.
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