Robin Hood (TV Series 1984–1986) Poster


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Is this the spirit of England?
david_hagstrom21 July 2008
This is one of my favorite series, all categories, all time.

I was fortunate enough to get a hold of the whole series on VHS a few years ago. I loved it when I saw it back in -91 -92, when I was about 12. I love it as much, or more, today, which is remarkable considering my (hopefully) improved film appreciation and criticism skills. Most of the movies I liked back then I'm not that fond of today, besides for the nostalgia factor. That factor is present here as well, but there's so much more to Robin of Sherwood than nostalgia.

There are only a few bad things about this series. First, the picture and sound quality is so-so, at least in the first couple of episodes. Fortunately, it gets better. Secondly, you could have wished for a bit more blood and realism in the fighting scenes, although I know that was not an option in this case.

So, on to the good things! And there are a lot of them. First of all, Michael Praed IS Robin Hood. I don't think I have seen him in a single role since then, which only strengthen this fact for me. He delivers such a believable performance as Robin. Jason Connery had an impossible task replacing him. The fact that Michael Praed hasn't become a bigger name as an actor is unbelievable. Or perhaps that was his fate, to do this one role perfectly, then disappear.

I love Nickolas Graces Sheriff of Nottingham. He is really not a complex character, but totally rotten. The relation between him and Gisburne is just hilarious. Actually, just looking at de Rainault sitting in his throne, bored, glaring, makes me laugh even before he has said anything. Another actor that deserves extra praise is Ray Winstone as Will Scarlet. You can really feel the sadness inside of him as well as his hate for the soldiers who killed his wife. Winstone is an actor that finally has gotten his well deserved Hollywood breakthrough (in films as The Departed and Beowulf). There are a lot of other great actors here, too.

I love the portrayal of the Robin gang. They are having fun, playing, laughing, you really get a feel of the camaraderie between them, the closeness that comes from a tight bound group such as this. Those bonding scenes are so important.

I think that it being UK produced with British actors really made it better, compared to for example the -92 feature film version with Kevin Costner, that just feels fake, fake, fake. (Christian Slater as Will Scarlet, come on..) The cast being able to speak English with British accent makes it more believable, and I get the feeling that the actors, as well as the director and writers, behind the series can put themselves much more into the shoes of the Robin Hood gang than an American crew could have. The music is wonderful, Clannad is perfect for the feel of the series. The music is another of those things they just nailed.

An exciting addition also is the fantasy and magic spice that is put in there. It's not over the top, but believable and just makes the whole thing better and more interesting. I also love how nicely the mix of comedy, adventure and drama is blended.

Those are a few of the things that makes this series so alive and so genuine. It's by far the best Robin Hood version I have ever seen. I won't wrap up with the "Nothing's forgotten" quote. But one thing that never will be forgotten, for me, is this fantastic Robin Hood retelling. See it.
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together we
gilleliath14 August 2021
Three things made this a success: Clannad's music, the crusty, rustic visual style (very different from the manicured Hollywood forests Errol Flynn used to run around), and Michael Praed's jawline. The last may have been useful in attracting viewers initially, but when you watch it I think it's the first that is most important. It's a real case of serendipity: the point to which Clannad's haunting 'prog folk' music had evolved just happened to mesh perfectly with what the show needed - a vaguely mystical hippie vibe, yet also rooted in genuine tradition. It's so atmospheric and nostalgic: the story may be slow and improbable, the script nothing out of the ordinary, the action scenes certainly tame by today's standards; but that music sustains the sense that you are sharing a special adventure with a special group of people.
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Fantastic Series...
Alex-37228 September 2000
Fantastic series, one of my few favorites (Miami Vice and Tour of Duty are the other two, and this series is right up there with them).

These guys aren't into wearing frilly tights - they dress more like woodsmen. Everything about this series breathes an aire of realism, artistic license or not.

It paints a picture of a Europe only slightly out of the grasp of paganism, as most of the villagers still have their local deities, and there are Satan worshipping nuns, and magi, witches and sorcerers casting spells.

However, what comes to the fore most, is that it's a series of it's time. Rather than the version of the fifties, which was a lament against centralized government and the McCarthy era persecutions, this series is thoroughly grounded in the 1980s, Thatcherist bleakness, and has a strong environmentalist leaning. Robin's protector is a nature worshipper called Hern The Hunter, who often appears wearing the head of a deer, and is a personification (as is this Robin) of The Green Man, an alternative version of Osiris (the Egyptian god of vegetation and resurrection - it is interesting to note that in these series, Robin In The Hood isn't a person, but a concept; when the old one is killed, a new one is summoned telepathically by Hern - the person may die, but Robin In The Hood will live forever, hence the concept of resurrection).

The music and score are really outstanding, and performed by the Irish formation, Clannad. When watching it, I couldn't help but think how _boring_ authentic medieval Anglosaxon folk music would have been. :-)

All this is beautifully shot in the lush forrests of Wales, which pass for The New Forrest.

The only down side is that in the initial episodes of both series, the actors have to overcome their own skepsis, and convince themselves that this really is a serious work. After that, they get into it and the acting is great! Michael Praed as the first Robin (the second is played by Sean Connery's son, Jason), Judi Trott makes a beautiful and fragile redheaded Marion, Phil Rose as the portly and really kind-hearted friar Tuck, Ray Winstone as the volatile and lovelorn Scarlet, Clive Mantle as the giant shepard Little John, Peter Llewellyn Williams as Little John's bumpkin friend and fellow shepard, and Mark Ryan as the ex-Hashashin/Assassin Nazir - all of them giving great performances. Also great are the steady Bad Guys, Nicholas Grace as the bug-eyed, scheming Sheriff of Nottingham, and his aristocratic, bumbling sidekick (and Robin's half brother, as it turns out) Robert Addie as Sir Guy of Gisburne. Really cool too is fashion designer Richard O'Brien, as the evil Lord Owen of Clun's (Olliver Cotton) magician Gulnar (he appears near the end of the first series and later in the second).

The Tithe Barn in Bradford on Avon stood in for the Sheriff's castle. (Check it out on under "places of interest".)

So, if you're at all into mythology, the Middle Ages, romanticism, don't waste your time on Xena or Hercules - this is the real thing, so go out and watch it!

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The best retelling of the Robin Hood legend - ever!
artisan-419 May 2004
This retelling weaves myth and magic with the Robin Hood legend and, indeed, Robin becomes associated with the forest god, Herne the Hunter reinforcing the idea that Robin is a medieval incarnation of The Green Man (the 'foliate head' of the old religion which is often found carved on many churches).

The scripts were were well written, the plotting well thought out and the characters - and ensemble cast - excellent. In particular, congratulations to Mark Ryan - who became Nasir the Saracen. Due to be killed off at the end of the the first episode, he was so good, that he remained as a permanent cast member.

Ultimately, though, the series' immediate appeal was due to the amazing on-screen chemistry between its two leads, Michael Praed and the beautiful Judi Trott as (the first) Robin and his Marion. Praed's youthful, dark, good looks had an almost 'fey' quality which made the magical element entirely believable. (And by 'fey' I don't mean to imply any loss of masculinity.) The first two seasons - with Praed - were by far the best.

In the third season, Jason Connery had a hell of a task following an actor so perfect for the Robin role, but he did reasonably well and the strong ensemble cast carried the change of lead well. Richard Carpeneter's wise decision to make the new 'Robin Hood' a completely different character with a completely different background was a very wise move.

I suppose any review should mention the immense debt Costner's Robin Hood Prince of Thieves owes to Robin of Sherwood. Some might say that 'debt' was putting it mildly! Costner not only retained the Saracen (who until Nasir had never been a Robin Hood character at all) but he filmed in many of the same locations; used the same horsemaster (Stevie Dent) and clung to the magical elements - though being a good old American boy stuck to the idea of Christianity good - old religion bad, whereas Robin of Sherwood often showed the political corruption of the Church (historically accurate)and the simple spirituality of the old religion (unrelated to 'black' magic). Alan Rickman's OTT sheriff was a wilder version of Nickolas Grace's sly characterisation.

What more can I say? If you've never seen Robin of Sherwood, rush out and buy the complete thing on DVD - I guarantee you'll watch it again and again for the lovely filmic quality of the camera work, the leisurely but never dull pacing (which invests in the attention span and intelligence of its audience), the acting, the ideas, the very real emotional kick and (much praised) the delightful music by Clannad.

And did I mention Michael Pread...?
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Timeless Escapism
ManOnTheStairs28 April 2006
As listed and stated in many previous comments, this unique series has many excellent elements and ingredients to its credit. Indeed, more than 20 years after it was originally transmitted, it is still watched, and watched again, and has a huge global fan-following, something which must indicate that the makers of this series undeniably got something right.

The root of the series' brilliance and remarkable appeal has however got to be that it rests on wonderfully written dialogue and timeless characters – all of which are brought to life by marvellous actors. The characters are wonderful in particular because of their complexity. In contrast to many other Robin Hood adaptations, and indeed many other film and TV-productions in general, the good guys in this series often make mistakes and can be seen to have apparent flaws, while the baddies, although put forward as evil and ruthless, frequently can be understood and even on occasion seem quite sympathetic. This very much makes Robin of Sherwood into a story about multifaceted, REAL people – rather than of good and bad people – something which very much adds to its uniqueness and remarkable appeal. Also, although very much being an action-packed series featuring numerous amazing stunts (which are remarkable in themselves seeing as this was made long before today's computer animation, green screens, and so forth. Thus, behind every one of those endless guys falling off castle walls, horses, and catching fire, there actually is a real person who at some point DID fall off a castle wall or a horse or catch fire), there is always amazing dialogue going on between the different characters in each episode. In the final analysis, however, it is generally the series' baddies – Nickolas Grace as The Sheriff of Nottingham, Robert Addie as Sir Guy of Gisburne, and Philip Jackson as The Abbot Hugo de Rainault – who get the very best lines and who more than often steal the show with their arguments full of wit and cant. "It's a wedding, not a celebration!" is just one of their many timeless "pearls of wisdom" which seems to follow one through life :-).

20 years after the fact, it is indeed hard to believe that Robin of Sherwood was originally something made for television – and apparently not with a great deal of money – in order to provide fleeting Saturday afternoon amusement for small children in Great Britain. Filmed in beautiful locations, with clever, amazing scripts and featuring remarkable stunts and fantastic actors – many of whom give the performance of their lives in this show – this in numerous ways seems to be more professionally made and have more production value than many a Hollywood film.
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Nothings Forgotten.......Nothing's ever Forgotten
Kelchubordnor27 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When this series first came out on DVD I almost killed myself getting it off the shelf. This has a special place in my heart as I love not just the premise but the music. Clannad were right place perfect timing for this 80s Gem. I remember watching this with my late grandfather who was a massive fan too and inspired most of what I have achieved in life. The story is simple really Robin of Loxley and his band of merry men (and woman) outwit the sheriff of Nottingham and Sir Guy of Gisborne, on many occasions. The lead played by a young in his element Michael Praed is just perfect. A young Ray Winstone (who based his character on a football hooligan) is superb and adds the soldier that the merry men needed.

The rest of the band slot nicely into place. The irony of the story is of course that although a saracen is one of the merry men since this version, in reality there is no mention ever of a saracen in any of the stories. The one thing that I always feel saves this production is that the acting is very good standard, just my opinion of course. I love the premise of being Herne the Hunters son and once called you are it basically, also the fact that in theory the mantle passes from son to son so never dies. Quite clever and a battle you cannot win. I am a leaf driven by the wind......... Please watch and enjoy a superb series.
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No need to watch any other Robin Hood series, certainly not the dreadful PC BBC remake
daver619 March 2015
RoS is my favourite series of all time; everything that needs to be said has been said, and really I just wanted to bore, er...share. I had just left home and was living in a bedsit in Clifton, Bristol. Every Saturday evening my friends would come around and we would watch that week's episode and then repair to the pub to discuss it and laugh at the amusing antics and dialogue of the Sheriff and Guy. The series was mainly filmed in Blaise Woods (woodland scenes) and Vassels Park (village scenes) in Bristol in the South West of England (although the extended Demons episode was filmed in Cornwall) and I recognised many of the locations whilst watching it. Some years later I would take my dog Cedric through the same woods and think about the series as I walked through the still recognisable locations (The remnants of the village were still visible in Vassels Park). Sometimes I would see Phil Rose (who played Friar Tuck) in a club I used to frequent on a Friday or Saturday night called The Alexander Club (now renamed The Luna Club) in Clifton Bristol.

Perhaps I should organise tours of these locations for the faithful; just like many towns have ghost walks or history walks!!! I have the full series on DVD and play some of the episodes every now and again; I always have to watch 'just one more episode'!
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The Only Ever Robin
annette-207495 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
It may be difficult for younger generations to imagine just how different the series was when it was first aired. It was really like nothing I had ever seen before. Other TV series seemed just to have the actors do their thing and then film it. Obviously I know that there's more to it, but in RoS almost every frame has an artistic quality; the colours, compositions and overall aesthetic effects are remarkable, even if the technical quality is less than stellar. Or perhaps it is exactly because the series lacks the high gloss of a Hollywood production that it is so eye-catching. This may also be the reason why the locations look so real. Many of the landscape images are so vivid that I feel I could step right into the scene and go for a walk - the arrival at Kirklee Abbey, for example. At the same time, the places also seem surreal, dreamlike and beyond this world, and I'm not just talking about the colour filters and dry ice mist.

Which brings me to Michael Praed. I don't know how I can praise his performance enough. His Robin is grounded and earthy and has an intense physical presence (well, let's be honest and call it swoon-inducing), yet at the same time he is ethereal and otherworldly to a degree that rivals Galadriel. I have seen him described as "fey" and that might be the most fitting word. He is so young and vulnerable and overwhelmed with the task allotted to him, and he is fierce and determined and, well, incredibly brave. In his early fighting scenes, he looks scared just as if, you know, he was doing this for the first time. When he encounters Marion in her bed chamber, his upper lip is glistening with sweat, because he has just been running for his life. Observe him in the duel with the Templar: he looks terrified. And then again he in turn can look terrifying: just think of the scene when he is bewitched by Lilith and tells Much to cut his bonds. Praed displays a wonderful variety and subtlety of facial expressions, and his rare smiles are utter enchantment. More than anything else, it is his warmth and affection for his friends that make him so irresistible. ***SPOILER*** No other fictional character's death has ever wrenched my heartstrings like Robin's. Praed is not a hard act to follow; he is an impossible act to follow. Sorry, Jason.

Judi Trott perfectly matches Praed in the sense that her Marion is simultaneously gritty and elfin. She is as beautiful as a Pre-Raphaelite Madonna and yet convincingly down-to-earth in her woodland outfit. She is feisty and can kick ass with the best of them but remains sensitive and gentle-hearted. The interactions between Marion and Robin are full of tenderness and I adore it that the love-at-first-sight thing is conveyed by having them talk from the first moment as if they've known each other for ages. They work flawlessly as a team. A great scene is when Marion visits Robin in the dungeons in The Words of Wayland and they combine caresses with an exchange of crucial information. I also love it that Marion is so at ease with the other Merries and thinks nothing of cuddling John or stroking Much's hair while he rests his head on her lap. She does this in a casual and entirely innocent way; she has thrown in her lot with a bunch of rough guys and has taken them to her heart like a sister.

All the Merries are great, each in their own way. Mark Ryan as Nasir was my teenage favourite, probably because he was taciturn and mysterious and of course, awesomely cool. Clive Mantle and Ray Winstone did an excellent job portraying strong men in their own right who follow Robin out of love and loyalty but are not afraid to confront him and argue with him when he is wrong. Peter Llewellyn Williams had perhaps the toughest part, playing a character that was routinely underrated. It would have been great to see him grow up more, but the script didn't seem to provide for that. Well, I still dig Nasir, but nowadays Friar Tuck is probably my favourite Merry after Robin and Marion. He has an adorable accent and some of the funniest lines, and Phil Rose's body language and facial expressions are priceless.

It is a rare thing in my experience to have villains who are absolutely loathsome but whom I nevertheless enjoy watching. Gisbourne and de Rainault are complete scum; cruel, selfish, callous, arrogant, black-hearted scoundrels beyond redemption. And yet they are highly entertaining and wonderfully funny in their weird co-dependent relationship full of frustrations on either side. Nickolas Grace succeeds in giving the Sheriff a certain degree of dignity, bat-crazy though he seems most of the time. And Robert Addie makes such good use of his impressive hurt-puppy look that in spite of all my loathing I did at times feel sorry for him. As a teen, I never picked up on the homoerotic vibes between them, obvious as they are; as an adult I find them a fascinating ingredient in the overall mix.

The traditional tales of Robin Hood offer material for sound action adventures which, quite frankly, wouldn't have interested me much as a teenage girl and even less so as a middle-aged woman. Whoever had the idea to include paganism and elements of fantasy was a genius. Blending these aspects with the medieval setting is what gave the series its unique charm.

So much more could be praised about the series. All the locations were wonderful, and I regret not seeing at least one episode set in the winter. The costume department deserves a medal.

Precisely once in my life did I go out and buy the sound track to a film or TV show. It was Clannad's Legend. 'nuff said.
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Ingenious and complex plotting
caroline-macafee20 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So many good reviews here, but I'd like to just add my appreciation of the story telling. The constant element is that we have a small band against large odds. Although they're highly skilled with their weapons, there are too few of them to overcome those odds without clever stratagems. Episode after episode, ingenious stratagems keep coming. But the writing keeps it real - sometimes things go horribly wrong.

The complexity of the plots is also admirable. The sub-plots that are used to get particular characters into particular places never seem contrived, as they always develop the characters as well, or reveal more back story.

The thing that really had me open-mouthed, though, was the way the new Robin was introduced into the story and into Marion's growing regard. Sheer genius.
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A Legend
kjm02022 August 2006
Warning: Spoilers
To quote Jason Connery and Mark Ryan on one of the many DVD commentaries, that "wobbly music" over the HTV logo was enough to get me jumping from whatever I was doing to glue my face against the screen for an hour. The individual stories contained within the series were excellent and the character development was wonderful. Robin of Loxley goes through a very convincing journey over the two series he appears in, even though his departure from the programme was unplanned. Marian also develops her relationship with both of Herne's sons very well.

After languishing for many years in TV wasteland, I re-encountered the series on Sky 1 in the UK in the mid nineties and was even more impressed that the series seemed even better than I remembered. This is no children's television programme, it deals with witchcraft, treason, rebellion and injustice. And, it manages to do it without showing too much blood. As far as I can recall, you only see a bit of the red stuff in the Pilot film (Episodes 1 and 2 on the DVD set). The DVDs are great, containing a wealth of extras including cast commentaries on Series 3 only (the Jason Connery Robin) and crew commentaries for Series 1 and 2. The picture quality is very good and the remixed and remastered surround sound is amazing.

The idea of freedom is important, freedom prevails. Nothing's forgotten. Nothing's ever forgotten.
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Will Stay With Me A Long Time
BenignPillows5 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This review is based on the first two seasons (series) only.

Robin of Sherwood is an old series, and it shows, but there's still no denying the excellent cinematography and music.

You can often recognize early 1980s music by a "brittle" sound quality (from the then newly invented synthesizer), and hearing the title track, I admit my heart sank. From the "Strange Land" theme onward, though, I realized this might be something special. Now I'm playing "Legend" 24/7, and will be checking out Clannad's other material. Never too late!

The technical DVD quality notwithstanding (I should have bought the blu-ray) - the cinematograhy really is top notch, too. Lots of visual inventiveness, and the shots are so carefully composed it's a joy to watch. I love all the lush greenery, birdsong etc, making the forest almost a character of it's own. In line with its romantic and religious view of nature, this Sherwood has no days of that famous English rain, and certainly none of those winters Lady Marion worried about, when Robin was trying to persuade her to live in the woods with him.

It's generally an unapologetically romantic show, which you don't see much these days, while also challenging common perceptions of King Richard and the Templars. I love that.

Michael Praed is a huge asset. An idealistic and unfIinchingly brave Robin, with a tender side. I actually found him a bit stiff at first, probably because he was used to stage acting (that might also explain his beautiful enunciation!) But yeah, then I fell for him, just like everybody else.. He seems to give it his all, and those looks? Christ. Especially in the first season. Second season it seemed like they were trying to transform him into that guy from Modern Talking. Maybe that's why he jumped ship. 1980s fashion... Anyway, he comes very close to perfect.

I also really like Judi Trott as Marion. Refined, beautiful, graceful. She had some spirit and spark in the first few episodes that I missed in the later ones, and lacks the insane charisma of her co-star, but she's a good actress. The way she's written is a good balance between tough and vulnerable. She was a dancer, and I love that she's so agile and light-footed - it makes her believable as a good runner, horsewoman, and archer. As such, she really holds her own as part of the "Merries". ( Apparently the actress struggled with the bow at first, but she was still believable with it.)

The acting is generally good, but the actors don't get that much to work with, other than fighting, planning, and scheming. No wait, the good guys also have fun. An effort must have been made for them to become friends in real life, because the band members have such great chemistry between them, and are truly "merry". They still play types, though. I know it's to be expected from an action-adventure show, but I got a bit tired of Will Scarlet's only characteristic being "hothead". His character had seemed so promising.

The "bad guys" don't work for me. I'm sorry, because I know a lot of people love the campiness of the Sheriff and Guy of Gisburne, but to me it gets boring when you realize there's not going to be any backstory, nuance, development... No sides to them, really, but smart/evil and stupid/evil, and if the Sheriff's mustache had been longer he would have been twirling it, the way he overacts. One of the reasons I'm not watching season 3, is I can't take more of those two repeating themselves. (Another reason being the whole idea of Marion being "handed down" to the next Robin).

Aside from that, I find the quality of episodes surprisingly uneven. The two-parters and season finales are by far the best, and I don't think that's a coincidence. Honestly, I think the show was hampered by the convention of the day of "stand alone" episodes, able to be aired in any order (and indeed, the order was changed). This means everything has to be established, developed, and solved within one episode. Little time for build-up of conflict, no stakes or lasting consequences, no referring to events of previous episodes, and sometimes continuity issues. So when, for example, Will Scarlet challenges Robin's leadership, it comes out of nowhere, and then is never mentioned again. A character's father, thought to be dead, turns up alive, but is then immediately whisked away, not seen again, and in a later episode is once more referred to as dead. Guy of Gisburne gets shot in the back by a crossbow at close range, yet in the following episode walks around like he only got a little burnt!

Yeah, that kind of thing does nothing for your suspension of disbelief. "The Greatest Enemy" is an exception to all of this, and I love it all the more for it.

I think this is one reason why I'm not too keen on Herne the Hunter, although I generally like fantasy. For one thing, I'd prefer a Robin Hood who comes up with the ideas of freedom and justice on his own, and considers his life his own, not one who does a god's bidding. More importantly, though, they seemed to bring Herne and his magic out whenever they were about to run out of time, and needed to solve everything before the episode was over. Like a (literal) deus ex machina.

It just got too easy. I know it's an unfair criticism, because everyone did it like that back then. The divide between series and "mini series" (who told continuing stories) was much sharper. I think Buffy The Vampire Slayer was one of the first "Mission Of The Week" shows that also did overarching storylines, and that was more than I decade later. I can't help wondering, though, what this show might have been with a few longer storylines and character arcs. I think it would have reached its (considerable) potential more.

At its best, the writing, the acting, the Praed, photo, and music still combine to form something very special and memorable. There are images - especially from The King's Fool, The Swords of Wayland, and The Greatest Enemy, that will stay with me for a very long time.

And now, back to Clannad.
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Still the best version of the legend of Robin Hood....................
Wayne113814 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I was fortunate enough to have seen this show during its original run on television and I have bought the videos, the DVD's and for the past three weeks, I have had the pleasure of watching the show again from start to finish on blu-ray. A show that is still in my top 5 shows of all time and this version of the story of Robin Hood is still the definitive version and to be honest, it will never be topped.

The show is near on perfect with exactly the right balance of story, action and mysticism, with the latter being done perfectly in my book. Even if you had never seen the show before, I cant think why you would be disappointed with it as each episode is a gem.

The main cast through all three series was just some of the most spot on casting ever in a show and Ray Winstones Will Scarlet will NEVER be topped. He was fantastic in it as he got the balance of the character just right. Another mention should go to Nikolas Grace with his portrayal of The Sheriff Of Nottingham. You couldn't help but love him and hate him at the same time. And his put downs at Gisbourne were at times were just hilarious and some of the real highlights of the show. Guest stars aplenty during its run as well with the likes of John Rhys Davies, Ian Ogilvy, Michael Craig, Lewis Collins (superb!!), Phil Davis (brilliant and hilarious as Prince John!!!), George Baker, Richard O'Brien and Patricia Hodge amongst others just excelling in the roles they were given. Its as if they born to play each of their characters.

My two favourite episodes were The Greatest Enemy and The Inheritance with both episodes having brilliant pay off endings which were done to perfection. The Greatest Enemy is still a tearjerker even today. Also with this series, this was always the legend of Robin Hood I grew up with and was told about: The Silver Arrow and especially the part of the legend that says where Robin Hood fired his last arrow, is the place where he died. For this reason, the show just nails it. With regard to Michael Praed leaving, it was really a double edged sword to be honest. IF he had stayed, the series would still have ended after series three and we wouldn't (or would we??) have got the episode The Greatest Enemy. So it wouldn't have made much difference really. Its a shame he did leave though as he never really went on to anything better afterwards. I always thought he left as he got offered a role in the series Dynasty, but he actually left to go to Broadway which completely back fired on him.

When series three came around, I always remember having no problem with Jason Connery taking over. Again, it was another case of excellent casting and although he was a very different Robin, he seemed to be more 'full on' with the character.

The music by Clannad. Again, it was another case of doing the right thing for the show and their music was just the icing on the cake to be honest. Hernes Theme still send shivers down my spine every time I hear it and its just a shame that we STILL haven't had a proper full release of music from the show for all three seasons. Season three having no release whatsoever!!

After watching the documentaries on the show again, I always thought that the reason a fourth and final series never happened is because Goldcrest who put up a lot of the money for the show went bust after financing the Al Pacino flop Revolution. But this wasn't the case at all. It was the fact that the money just couldn't be found and so we never really got a proper send off for this amazing show. I think this is a real shame as the show never lost its way. But like with most classic shows, the reason they are so good even today is because so few episodes were made.

I ask everyone to watch this version of Robin Hood and don't waste your time with any other version. This has and always will be THE definitive version of the legend. Excellent.
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Cute Judi Trott as Marion, Beautiful Clannad Score, Definitive 80's Robin Hood
alleywayambush17 January 2023
Being born in 1982, I'm too young to remember this from back in the day. (I only saw it for 1st time around 2020) What I can say is that this production certainly provided (slightly older) kids of the 80's with their screen 'prototype' of the mythological icon Robin Hood, kind of the equivalent of what Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves meant to someone of my age, only more organic and traditional; less Americanized !

Sure, the programme itself is perhaps just another cheesy 80's fantasy production (if not as much as RH:POT !), and sure, such fantasy kitsch can only be so original, and subsequently quite generic ! But it does have its distinct attributes.

For a start, trained ballerina Judi Trott was a very cute, tender, petite and refined Maid Marian, and a particularly confident and talented actress considering she was only 20-years-old in the 1st series.

Other actors included Clive Mantle as Little John; think Casualty, Bottom, Vicar Of Dibley and the 1996 UK stage production of 'Of Mice And Men'. 'Cockney geezer hardman' Ray Winstone was an unexpected choice of actor for Will Scarlett; in the old mid-20th century screen productions of Robin Hood he was typically portrayed as quite camp !

Another substantial element was the tender, harmonic and enlightening theme tune by Clannad; quite evocative of the 'magical' natural forest setting. I believe they did the other music in the production too.

All in all, lets give it 6/10 for cute actresses, enlightening music and an iconic 80's interpretation of old robin Hood, even if it's otherwise yet another quite cheesy and generic 80's fantasy production.
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If you are looking for a classic Robin Hood story, Look elsewhere.
longviewpnk8 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This series takes a classic story and makes rubbish of it. Robin is somehow mystified by an elk-man in the forest and is embroiled in all sorts of druidism and outright satanic episodes. The story is more about him avoiding the evil sheriff than helping the poor. This is barely watchable. And to top all the ridiculousness they kill Robin at the end of series 2 and replace him with another actor. Some people may like this show as a fantasy show but it is NOT a Robin Hood show. If you want Robin fighting in king Richards name against Prince John and the sheriff and if you want Robin feeding the poor and oppressed, watch the classic series or the newest from the BBC.
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This is the one to watch
Ayame16 August 1999
Warning: Spoilers
It never occurred to me that I might find "Robin of Sherwood" in the Internet Movie Database, but since I have, I can't help but write something about it. Looking over the other comments, there's not much left which hasn't already been said, but here goes.

One of the things which appealed to me the most about this series (besides Michael Praed!) was the grit and, to my eyes, the realism of the series. There was straw on the floor, people were scruffy and dirty, regular bathing was considered deviant behavior, the Sheriff was an atheist, everyone had a different, often myopic point of view, people died young. I remember the episode in which Gisburne falls in love with a Jewess. When the town turns violently anti-Semitic, Gisburne can't understand why she would never consider giving up her heritage to become his safe and well off Christian wife. To him, it was just common sense. These little details made the story rich and complex. Combined with the mystery of Herne, Clannad's beautiful music and weekly action, I couldn't help but become addicted. This series is the yardstick by which I measure all other versions of Robin Hood. Compared to the rest, this is the one to watch.
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Brilliant writing and casting
riggo-7350314 February 2020
Loved it over and over... still great watching years later
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absolutely smashing version and well acted!
grammymember24 April 2009
By mistake, I ordered a series from the BBC, their new version of Robin Hood. Very disappointing in comparison with RoS. Terrible costuming and backgrounds. While I enjoyed the Sheriff, who took cues from the Nick Grace character, the rest of the cast left much to be desired. As a "for instance", Marion's costuming looked suspiciously like it came from Walmart. And Sir Guy, well, he looked a bit like a character from an outer space movie! RoS has stolen the spotlight, probably forever, in the telling of this tale. Cast, costuming, story lines, scenery, filming and soundtrack by Clannad are all superb, as is evidenced by all the continual feedback some 26 years on. RoS is a timeless classic. My thanks to all who made the series.
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Tough decision... praed or connery
riggo-735039 December 2019
Written well, superb support cast and a villain list that werent too serious

Mystical and at it's time, expensive and spectacular to make

A gem of its time
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Treasured Memories
T_Side24 July 2020
Robin of Sherwood was initially screened at the optimum time for me - I was a young boy and hopelessly in love with it. For the time - the early-mid 1980s - it was a lavish production, especially by British standards, and a great deal of care had gone into it. At the moment I'm rewatching the entire run. It's being screened on ITV, where perhaps it's consigned to endless repeats, and once again it's wonderful. Sure, there are elements about it that are dated - Robin of Sherwood is nearly forty years old now and, like anything from so long ago, it's technically not up to the level of more recent offerings - but it remains an important and charming effort, and here are some reasons why I recommend it without reservation.

Its background drew in some of the best of British television talent. Sidney Cole, who came armed with a back catalogue including numerous historical dramas, Ealing movies and the excellent Man in a Suitcase series, was on production duties. Richard 'Kip' Carpenter was its main creative force. With Dick Turpin behind him, Kip was already well versed in writing historical dramas, and a retelling of the Robin Hood legend was next on his agenda. But how to tell an old and already countlessly adapted set of myths in a fresh and vital way?

Robin of Sherwood is set in the saga's traditional period, during the interregnum between King Richard I's Crusades and the ascension of King John. England is portrayed as a largely corrupt and morally bankrupt backdrop. The Normans are firmly in charge, the rest of the realm under their heel, and greedy overlords like the Sheriff of Nottingham exist to exploit the masses and grow fat and rich. The church, that other great power broker of the time, is shown to be grasping after land and pursuing its own secular interests. The people need a hero, someone to fight for them, and along comes Robin Hood, ready to steal from the rich and give to the poor.

So far so good, all the things you've seen before, but the real masterstroke of the series is to add mythical elements to the Robin legend. One of the character's longstanding traits, that he's a returned Crusader whose titles and estates are taken from him by the unscrupulous authorities, is excised. Here, Robin is an orphaned noble's son, who via a string of adventures emerges as the leader of a group of disparate outlaws. He's taken on as 'the Hooded Man, champion of oppressed people and made the son of Herne the Hunter, linking him to ancient, pagan woodland gods. This is good stuff, hinting at antique English traditions that linger in the mind, long after the country has converted to Christianity, and is permitted by the church providing the people continue to get their children baptised and remain more or less in line.

In its first two series, Robin is played by Michael Praed, virtually an unknown beforehand and growing in authority and command as he took on the role. Wooed away by Broadway and a part in American soap Dynasty, both ill-fated career choices, it turns out, Jason Connery was then recruited to play the noble-born Robert of Huntingdon who throws his lot in with the outlaws. It wasn't quite the same, and these comments will focus mainly on the Praed era, bookended by his origin story and his character's epic end in the final episode of Series Two. Aspects of Praed's appearance betray the show's dated look - Robin has beautifully conditioned hair (perhaps the waters in Sherwood ran with Timotei products) and is ever clean-shaven - but these are quibbles and can be overlooked within the context of its efforts to present contemporary England in as accurate a way as possible. Everything looks poor and resolutely medieval. The villages are mud huts, straw roofs and rudely designed wagons. Even Nottingham Castle, the acme of high living, is dirty, smoky, and domestic animals run free along its corridors.

The merry men develop a fine sense of camaraderie and genuine affection for each other. They're led by Clive Mantle's Little John, Phil Rose as an earthy Friar Tuck and a young, Scum-era Ray Winstone playing the rebellious Will Scarlett, each line barked through gritted teeth as he poses a constant challenge to Robin's authority. Another unknown, Judi Trott, plays Marian as the archetypal English rose, falling in with Robin's crew as her lands are squabbled over between nobles and the church. And then there's Nasir, marking the first appearance of a Saracen fighter as part of the crew. Another anachronism - he's played by a Yorkshireman, Mark Ryan, and barely speaks because doing so means he would need to get to grips with his character's Middle Eastern dialect.

Ranged against them are a set of authority figures that are beautifully drawn. Give me Nickolas Grace as the Sheriff any day. Smart and politically astute, but perpetually bored and sarcastic, he's wonderfully played. It seems his wardship of Sir Guy of Gisburne (Robert Addie) is more a curse than an honour. The sword-happy yet air-headed Gisburne is a constant disappointment, abusing his position by bedding local women ("another unhappy accident, Gisburne?") and riding roughshod over the locals. In these stories, Gisburne is doomed to be ever two steps behind Robin and it's no different here, though Addie contributes to the fun by mentally being no match for the wolfshead.

RoS is beautifully filmed, depicting Sherwood as an earthly paradise, all lush greens and thick leafy cover for the outlaws. The Irish band Clannad provide a soundtrack that uses contemporary instruments and breathy vocals, and ensures the show sounds nothing like the usual orchestral overtures the accompany the action.

Is it the best adaptation? I am a fan of the 1938 Errol Flynn movie, but few efforts look or sound quite like this one, taking its time to develop the characters and outline the social and political backdrop against which the action takes place. It was a big success, however producing it was a costly affair and ultimately it was cancelled when its financial backer, the production company Goldcrest, ran out of money thanks to some commercial movie flops. We're left with three series, which draw in supernatural elements, myths and legends from England's storied past, and tells us something about the medieval time period. Some episodes are better than others. On occasion it steals from other sources, for instance ripping off the conclusion of Raiders of the Lost Ark in a yarn that otherwise tells of atrocities against the Jewish population. Elsewhere, I can't recommend the two-part The Swords of Wayland highly enough; it pits Robin, often on his own, against devil worshipping nuns who machinate to summon none less than Satan back to Earth. It's gripping storytelling, highly suspenseful, and it was shown in full to a no doubt gripped audience back in 1985.

Watched now, especially against the BBC series from the 2000s, its class and complexity shines through. The latter drama has its good points, even if it serves as an offering to fill in the Doctor Who slot, but it pales against this version, which draws far more faithfully on the England of the time and makes a sincere effort to suggest what life was like, Robin of Sherwood provides a background in which a legendary character like the Hooded Man would be both necessary and retain his romantic goodness during retellings through the ages.
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the only decent Robin Hood.
hodekin200031 July 2007
Some people don't appreciate the magical elements in ROS,but they are what sets this series apart, that and the fact the producers actually decided to dress the actors in proper period clothes and armour--not anachronistic feathered caps,multi-coloured tights and plate armour!

But I am really writing to comment on an earlier poster's article. Um, Michael Praed did not leave ROS to do Jules Verne! There are 15 years between these two series. Yup, I agree and Michael might well agree too that leaving ROS was not a good move--but it was a coveted Broadway role that tempted him in '84 and then Dynasty with its megabucks paychecks....
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Just Good TV
kcterrell-2504624 March 2018
Truly, one of the best TV series of the past 35 years. Each episode stands alone as a story that collectively makes up the legend of Robin in the Hood. Of particular note is the extraordinary acting of Nicholas Grace as the Sheriff of Nottingham, and the exquisite writing. The dialogue is linear at times, and besmirchingly guile at others ("It's a wedding Gisbane, not a celebration.") Amazing to detail in the musical contribution/overwrite. It's one of those shows that invites the viewer to be aware of details in production/direction. The show overall is a force of craft and skill. The episodic storylines maybe could have been more inventive. And the writers seem to have run out of ideas in the final season, but this series is well-worth the watch, the immersion, and the enjoyment.
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#2 on my personal favorite movies chart.
a-lazowski23 February 2008
This HTV series is beautiful. I strongly recommend watching the movie. It has got everything it should: remarkable script, strong characters, beautiful scenery and exceptional atmosphere. Add some ambient score from Clannad and you receive unforgettable picture. I love every adventure movie from HTV I saw: Return To Treasure Island, Smuggler, Adventurer, but Robin of Sherwood beats them all. I would like to thank the whole HTV production team and Richard Carpenter in particular for giving me plenty of adventures and excitement. I have got the DVD release in my little movie collection. I regret very much movies like these are not made anymore.
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ok it's from 1985
themick991 July 2018
But people could act 30yrs ago. people could write music 30yrs ago, people could direct 30yrs ago and people could write 30yrs ago. pity none of those people were hoodwinked into being involved in this abysmal failure. gad, where do i begin? the soundtrack is tediously repetitive, the acting worse than the high school freshman one act, the cinematography poorly reminiscent of someone's first foray into super8. the editing, scissor and tape. the characters were monotonically, one dimensional. how could anyone not blinded by childhood memories of this give this more than a 4? the version with richard greene 30yrs prior stands hood and yoke above this paltry effort. the only redeeming quality was that it was actually shot in english old forest. nonetheless it actually hurt to watch. i made it to season 2 in the unrequited hope it might improve, stay away! stay far away. ok, it was included on my amazon, but i would still like my money back!
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The Definitive Robin Hood
richard_k_johnson21 September 2004
There is nothing more I can add to what has already been said about the entire series. As well as taking me back to a time in my life when the words "mortgage" and "bills" meant anything to me - and when Saturday night prime-time entertainment didn't involve reality TV, people wanting to be pop stars and hour-long programmes to pick lottery numbers when I could do it myself in ten minutes at the most) - there is no other TV show or movie about Robin Hood that even comes close to being on a par with "Robin Of Sherwood."

Every member of this young cast brings their character to life, and the Merry Men are perfectly written and acted. The Sheriff Of Nottingham breaks away from the usual mustache-twirling, scenery-eating bad guy, and has more in common with a corrupt politician than his previous incarnations.

Michael Praed's Robin Of Loxley was certainly a better Robin than Jason Connery's, but that isn't to take anything away from Connery. Praed's swansong in "The Greatest Enemy" is one of the best episodes of any TV show I have seen in such a long time.

Richard Carpenter's knowledge of both the legend of Robin Hood and beliefs in England at that time clearly show here - and it goes without saying that if the people behind "Prince Of Thieves" had this much insight and knowledge of the source material, their "Raw-bin Hood" would not have been so dismal. Blatantly stealing elements from RoS, and yet ignoring others make this film merely a pale imitation of RoS.

Without wanting to sound harsh, Connery seems to have been chosen to garner a little publicity for this often under-rated show; the son of a former incarnation of Robin Hood playing a modern-day Robin Hood. Connery handles the part extremely well, but isn't the actor Praed was. That said, I do prefer the third season episodes and stories to the first two series'. No one would envy having to follow in the footsteps of a role made famous by someone else for two series, and there is - as in all the series' - an excellent camaraderie and relationships - between Robin, his Merry Men and his Merry Woman.

The addition of the "old religion" trying to continue, while the new religion of Christianty tries its hardest to stamp it out. It's ironic that this reminds me of "Prince Of Thieves" in relation to RoS: borrowing a lot of elements from the original, and tweaking them a little. Still, though, the old version prevails over time.

Clannad's soundtrack works excellently alongside the programme - and I doubt RoS would have been the success it was without it. If you don't already have Clannad's "Legend", go out this weekend and treat yourself.

All of the stars appear on the DVD boxsets and everybody has good memories and making this show. Now a huge star, Ray Winstone seems genuinely pleased to take time out to talk about his experiences and love of the show.

Whoever suggested in this discussion that Carpenter should bring all of the Merry Men back together as older, wiser outlaws is 100% right. Do it now.

"Nothing's Forgotten. Nothing Is Ever Forgotten."
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Where's Herne Now?
kzintichmee15 December 2006
I watched this series on PBS back in the eighties and still watch the old tapes every couple of years or so. Very atmospheric and creepy sometimes. This is a very good show as the characters are all well defined and acted. You are drawn into the plot and come to care for these people. The villains are almost laughably evil, especially the Sheriff of Nottingham. Man, I would love to beat the s--t out of that snotty little bastard. Nicholas Grace does an excellent job and must have had a great time being the Sheriff. His whipping boy, Sir Guy, is equally hissable but is also pathetic. Lots of murder and mayhem in this series, along with tons of black magic and Devil worship and things of that nature. I noticed it got an award for children's television which is surprising. If I had kids, I would not let them watch this. Outstanding use of locations in this show also. It is now on DVD, so go out and buy it.
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