Mike Oldfield: Étude (1984 Music Video)
A unique soundtrack video for "The Killing Fields"
1 May 2024
A quite unusual surprise of a music video, this one for the track "Étude" composed by Mike Oldfield and used as part of award winning film "The Killing Field", sells the film, the music theme and its own particular art as it does not revolve exactly by just showing clips from the film as soundtrack videos tend to show. Instead, we have a unique concept where a lone Asian child watches the film on TV, then later on a bigger screen on top of the TV, and he also observes a series of black-and-white photographs that ends up displayed around the nice apartment.

The tense and dramatic clips from "The Killing Fields" and the art of photography (one of the central themes of the film covering journalists and photographers covering the Khmer Rouge massacre on Cambodia) contrast with great effect with the image of the peaceful kid observing the chaos on the screen while the tidy place is all peaceful and quiet, except for the oriental-like theme playing in the background. It's a fine theme, presented in one of the quietest moments of the war/drama film, but if I had to choose one of Oldfield's themes from it to have a music video made for it, I'd choose the nerve-wrecking "Evacuation", a track that I grew to like and pay more attention in subsequent views of the film and outside of it as well.

Typically, instrumental music score from films don't get the chance to have clips made for it, outside of fan tributes on the internet. This one was done way back, Oldfield's team and they manage to accomplish some great results that leave audiences curious in seeing Roland Joffe's film and also enjoy the beautiful composition by Oldfield. 9/10.
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