one day my generation will only know Maria Callas through osmosis
2 June 2023
Born as I was after Maria Callas died, I should start by noting that I learned of the noted opera singer from an almanac of the 20th century; one of the entries was about Callas's death (and included a photo of her). I later saw Jonathan Demme's "Philadelphia", and Tom Hanks's character listens to one of Callas's recordings in a scene. I've never listened to any of her recordings directly (and probably never will, since opera's just not my cup of tea).

Anyway, Franco Zeffirelli's "Callas Forever" is acceptable. It's a fictionalized look at the last few months of the temperamental soprano's life. Fanny Ardant plays the past-her-prime Callas, with Jeremy Irons as her former manager. It shows the diva's understanding that her voice isn't what it once was, even as the ex-manager tries to get her to perform again.

After a career topped by 1968's "Romeo and Juliet", almost any movie would seem like a letdown for Zeffirelli. This one's okay not great. Maybe worth seeing once. According to Wikipedia, a Callas biopic is getting planned with Angelina Jolie set to star.
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