Review of Hardcore

Hardcore (1979)
Downbeat Social Commentary Movie
21 October 2017
During the VHS revolution back in the 80's I remember the box cover for this movie on the video store shelves but back then it just wasn't interesting enough to take much notice. And so this is one of those movies I'd never seen until now, perhaps due to the adult themes portrayed, it never appeared on British television, at least as far as I know.

So I dialled it up online and being someone who prefers older movies and the aesthetic of celluloid finally got around to viewing this rather downbeat TV style movie. Although the director Paul Schrader also wrote the screenplay for Taxi Driver, this movie has none of the surreal fantasy aspects of that movie. Hardcore just feels like the sort of humdrum social drama you would find on TV except with an A list Oscar winning actor in it.

Don't get me wrong, this movie does have its moments, some moments comedic and some sleazy sequences which aim to raise the excitement just a bit. And there are times when this kind of movie hits the right notes, perhaps when you're in a somewhat more thoughtful and relaxed mood.

George C Scott does look a bit out of place in this movie, not entirely comfortable I thought and perhaps took the role thinking that Schrader's previous involvement with Taxi Driver might help reset his career in a more upward trajectory. Sadly it didn't!
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