Light Sleeper (1992)
dark New York nights
12 March 2017
John LeTour (Willem Dafoe) is a high class drug dealer in Manhattan. His boss Ann (Susan Sarandon) is moving into legitimate cosmetics business. He can't sleep and often writes in his notebooks. He runs into former love Marianne Jost (Dana Delany). She has been clean for four years. He tells her that he's been clean for two and has stopped dealing. She calls him out right away but spends the night with him after a second meeting. She falls apart after her mother dies on that night in the hospital while she's away with him. Later, he finds her drugged out with his disturbing client Tis (Victor Garber).

Paul Schrader goes down another dark road to find LeTour. Dafoe is a powerful actor although I would have liked him to fall apart more. The man is dealing with insomnia and guilt. It would be advantageous to add delusions and outbursts. It's a good film but it could go more disturbing.
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