Don't waste your time
31 May 2012
I am a huge fan of the Paranormal movies,the last one was the weakest but still enjoyable, and horror movies in general. Chernobyl was not even in the same league with any of the paranormal movies, for a suspense/horror movie it was juvenile and predictable. By now everyone knows the gist of the movie from the other reviews so I am not going to bore you with retelling. Suffice it to say, the story was weak to nonexistent, the characters were shallow and unbelievable and you know nothing about the monsters to include not even getting to see them. If I was forced to say one good thing about the movie I would admit that the concept is really good and the Chernobyl accident is the perfect backdrop for a great horror story, I really wish they would have pulled it off.

I am really glad I went to the matinée and only paid 5 bucks to get in. They should have paid me 5 bucks to sit through it.
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