Review of Kid

Kid (1990)
i LOVE this movie
6 May 1999
ok, i know this is no Citizen Kane or Casablanca. But i love it anyway.

It's the story of this guy coming back to his hometown for revenge, after his parents were killed there under his own eyes a couple of decades ago. He hunts down all the culprits and kills them. There's romance, suspense and action which makes this quite a complete movie.

I first saw this movie when i was 10, and since then it has become one of my cult favorites.... The acting is bad, the plot is ok, but what really steals the show for me is the dialogue : pure genius (in a it's so bad it's good kinda way)! Especially when they talk about the book ' The Hobbit'...that scene has me roaring in laughter every time i see it, it's so unintentionnally funny !! There are so many pieces of dialogue and situations that sticks in your mind for you know not what reasons ... Like the scene with the Sheriff getting his head blown away by 'accident'... EXCELLENT !! And the music is great too !

If you like revenge and cool dialogue, rent/buy this movie.
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