
12 Reviews
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The opposite of grim dark.
20 May 2024
I haven't seen or read a story this wholesome in-I don't know how long.

This is the epitome of writing wisdom.

Build a world and don't explain stuff that isn't necessary.

Don't lecture the viewer on politics.

Don't use arousing imagery for the debased viewers delight.

Write characters that resemble real humans with real emotions.

Have an overarching themt you explore, that's interesting.

Animation quality is great.

The dub is great.

It's novel, while exploring the themes that have always since time immemorial been the themes that stories evolve around.

One is love, not just sensual love but love as the will of the good for another.

And death-the one thing we can all be sure to not stave off.
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Undoubtedly brilliant
28 November 2023
What a performance by the actors and what an incredible effort was put into all this the historical accuracy of certain things is obviously not very well established because these things are not part of Holy Scripture but rather are part of private relevation. But there is good reason to believe they transpired akin to what has been shown on screen.

This is the best performance by Caviezel and also one of the best performances in movie history. Considering through how much suffering he went on set I think it's justified to say that he is somewhat of a hero because through his suffering he has helped many people contemplate on the suffering and The passion of Christ.

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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Wasted fantasies biggest masterpiece
8 October 2023
This show is very hard to judge and rate objectively when knowing the books it's based on.

The characters are made worse.

Evil is made way too sympathetic.

Story is altered and maimed almost beyond recognition.

The casting is bad, some actors just don't look at all like they should.

All this isn't helped by the lack of budget compared to the rings of power or other shows. Considering the insane potential this show had I would love to give it a 2-3/10.

But judging this show compared to current TV and Streaming series that are running, I can say that it compares to them with a rating of 6/10.

Meaning it's entertaining enough to justify watching it if you have nothing better to do.

I don't regret seeing the first two seasons. The second season is even close to a 7/10 in some episodes.

The final episode is an absolute travesty though.

I can only hope that we get an animated adaptation at some point that has the goal to adapt the books and not some morally flawed gyno-power fantasy that Amazon's chief of writing executives seem to have.
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Naught but pain
2 September 2023
This movie has arguably the most iconic soundtrack ever. Howard Shore and Hans Zimmer have created their respective masterpieces but this movie is more famous for the soundtrack than anything else so this goes to show what an amazing track this is.

The movie itself is really not extremely entertaining for my taste and I felt really uncomfortable many times. But the art of showing the absolute fall into the abyss of addiction and misery hasn't really been shown better in other ones.

I rate this movie a 5/10 for the entertainment a 10/10 for the soundtrack and an 8/10 in total due to the sheer impressiveness of the pressing pain and misery that is conveyed to the screen, the calamity of drug addiction going rampant with someones life.
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Plan B (2023– )
not good enough
10 April 2023
Total: 5.5/10 Plot: 6/10 Characters: 6/10 Protagonists: 7/10 Antagonists: 4/10 Romance: 5/10 Philosophy: 8/10 Entertainment: 6/10

This show is pretty close to being actually really good.

I wish I could recommend this, but unfortunately there are blatant issues.

First of all in the first episode relatively at the beginning (hence not really a spoiler) It seems like the brother of the protagonists girlfriend is sleeping with his sister, which is never brought up again. This to me was egregious and I wanted some form of pay off to that scene that never came.

The second issue is, that we just don't really get any satisfactory payoff scenes at all. They are always drowned in new issues for the protagonist.

The third is that the protagonist is really not very likeable even though he isn't as horrible as the other characters.

To me this could have been a dark comedy about the abyss that the human sociality can be. But it also fails at that due to the plot not allowing for things to spiral out of the ordinary too far before our protagonist pulls the halyard and sets sail to another realm of possibilities only to run another issue.

The acting is good. The overall promised time travel works relatively well even though way too unexplored.

I wanted to like this show because I like the concept of a character knowing the future in fiction and acting accordingly to his knowledge.

I'm willing to give it a 5.5/10 for what it's worth with a tendency to a 6.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
I was not expecting much. Was positively surprised. Last episode ruined it all.
17 February 2022
The idea of the ending could have worked with 2 more episodes. It's very rushed and didn't feel good.

They could have changed the last 20 minutes and made a whole nother season with what they had going on.

It was a disgrace.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
dull climate change propaganda
24 December 2021

Multi millionaire DiCaprio is the kinda guy that flies around the world emitting tons of CO2 taking first class flights, just to tell people that "they're all gonna die" if they dont start making cuts on the little wealth they still have.

Oh and so are these other celebs. As soon as millionaires stop telling how to live, while they drown in liquid caviar, I might consider it.
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You (2018–2024)
The makers are competent but the content is sickening.
20 November 2021
This show is showcasing the lowest what humanity has to offer.

Don't watch if you struggle with demons yourself.

From a cinematographic point of view I think it's well done and would be an 8 if it wasn't for the fact that I constantly wanna stop watching because all characters are either evil or effed up.
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Logan (2017)
Plothole the Movie
23 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have a hard time giving this movie even 3 stars instead of 1.

Here are a few plotholes:

Girl being mute half movie, then speaking spanish for a quarter of the movie then speaking english for a quarter of the movie. Was never explained and made no sense.

Anti logan character being able to slice through metal like butter with adamantium blades, later girl with adamantiumblades needs multiple hits to chop through wood.

Why is logan not healing exactly? He's getting older but in the comics logan just lives like 300 years something and our logan isnt that old and should still be able to heal.

Kids talking rhetorically so advanced like they are well in their 30s.

Villain explaining his masterplan for no reason just to give characters enough time to make a move.

Villain poisoned the food, water all around the earth for decades to get rid of Mutant births. Nice plan.

Girl that spontaniously learned to talk spontaniously can drive a car.

Logan gets impaled by adamantium blades and is fine, later gets impaled by wood and dies.

Mutant kids with insane powers like freeze, shackle, lightning or telekinesis cant stop one raging logan clone to save the real logan.

I dont have logan claws but if I had I would use them better, the amount of ineptitude either characters puts into the world is beyond me and some of them had what? A century of experience? yep...

aaaand the Best ONE:

Trucks in the future are portrayed as self driving vehicles, but are their tip is flat so they are completely non aerodynamic. Premium Quality Physics.

Well yes I cant say much good about this movie apart from the acting of our protagonist and relatively little woke culture. So naturally I wanted to quit many times during the film but since I had seen all the other Xman movies years ago and this came on Netflix I had o finish it.

thanks for reading if you are the kinda person triggered by plotholes, see another movie. Cheers
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"Me, won't me" ..... "Help, it let go" .... what's the ghost telling us?
11 September 2020
Conjuring 2 is the sequel to the above average horror movie conjuring 1 which I liked for it's lack of unneccessary forced horror and instead the characters wouldn't act incredibly dumb and it doesn't even seem so unrealistic with the religious theme.

I gave conjuring1 6/10 for it's great take at the horror genre which is very hard to do right because the few people that actually watch it have very different interests.

But a movie that has an R rating without much violence, blood, sex/nudity, or death must be somewhat thrilling. But to me conjuring 1 wasn't really scary and it felt a bit long for the little that happened.

Conjuring 2 takes the concept of conjuring 1 (first family being haunted then ghost hunters coming and fighting it) and makes a story about a more powerful entity that is actually dangerous to our exorcist / ghost hunter couple

But we receive new concepts as well, being the big view on proving the supernatural and giving our entity more of a personality.

Conjuring 2 is a lot scarier than conjuring 1 (I always watch these movies alone in bed at night so if they don't scare they aren't scary). and the new demon Valak's design is the most terrifying I've seen in horror movies so far except the thing.

Also the acting in general but especially of the child is phenomenal.

Conjuring 2 also doesn't force our characters to make some bs decisions so the plot can continue like in the nun and even the movie the nun was spared with too much idiocy.

Forwarding to the style, the scenes filmed in ego perspective were absolutely thrilling as well as the few but very effective jump scares.

In conclusion I recommand this movie to anyone interested in horror to get scared or fans of the genre that all have aready seen it.

I'm definitely gonna see conjuring 3 if they next one improves upon this movie it could be the first horror movie ever to get 8/10 by me. This movie wasn't so far away.
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Nightcrawler (2014)
probably among my top 10 best movies I have seen
20 July 2020
Now this movie probably isn't for everybody. Most of the bad reviews claim, this movie wasn't an "experience". Truth be told, no this isn't like infinity wars or mission impossible. This movie is not at all aiming to entertain very pleasently so one can enjoy their popcorn.

This movie tells the story of a person I would consider to be a clinical psychopath that talks like he just read a book called " how to build a company and be a winner" and treats humans around him unspeakably bad to a degree where you feel pain seeing it.

The reason this movie is so great is how we can see the plot of a movie through the eyes of the villain who also happens to be our protagonist. Jake Gyllenhaal is acting his best here. Probably his best performance so far. I would say that without him this movie might just have ended up as a mediocre film, a 5-6 / 10 but his insane performance makes this freakshow so thrilling that you can literally not distinguish between the actor and the finctional lunatic anymore.

I don't wanna get too much into detail though. The ending of the movie is absolutely phenomenal and all in all it's almost flawless til then.

The only reason I am struggling to give it 10/10 is that the part about him being sexually attracted to the elderly woman, which just completely disgusted me and I found it unecessary but maybe someone else finds especially this obscure part extremely good and therefore likes it even better. Maybe it deserves the 10/10 couldn't say.

Make sure you don't have to pause when watching and you can see it in one go for the maximum experience.

My 0,00$
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The Meg (2018)
big shark eye candy
8 June 2020
The movie has like 9 or 10 scenes that are horribly dumb but aside from that it's not the worst and the budget is high enough to make the movie visually stunning.

If you wanna relax and see a Shark attack movie done properly than this one is for you. You gotta understand that for this genre this movie was really good. 6/10 imo is a totally fine rating so dont get confused.
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