
102 Reviews
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A boring walk in the woods
3 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The hype behind this movie doesn't make sense. I saw it last night, and I did want to walk out of the theatre, but only because it's it's so boring. Basically people awaken a Jason Voorhees rip off character, who then goes on a killing spree (kinda). You follow the killer pretty much the whole time as he walks through the woods to each kill. That's it, there you go, I just saved you from wasting your own time and money on this snoozefest.

Yea, it has Gorey kills but they're few and far between and, as a horror fan, I've seen way better in a more entertaining setting. The Hatchet series and Terrifyer duo come to mind at films that do the slasher/ultra gore genre right.

In a Violent Nature commits the ultimate sin of any horror movie, or any movie for that matter, it's painfully boring. Hard pass.
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Perfect popcorn flick
13 May 2024
I had zero expectations going into this except I wanted to be entertained. I was, thoroughly. If you can just enjoy what Godzilla x Kong is trying to give you, you'll have a good time. You either know by now if these movies are for you or not, so understand this won't change your mind on the genre. It is outrageous, fictional fun that is meant to be enjoyed with popcorn, candy and friends. I loved that the movie is pretty much action from the start, doesn't really try to over explain anything and just let's you enjoy what it's presenting you. It's not a deep pool, but it is a lot of fun to swim in.
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Lisa Scissorhands
1 April 2024
Lisa Frankenstein is like a mixture of Edward Scissorhands/Heathers and John Waters, and it's really entertaining.

If the afformentioned isn't your thing, you may get less mileage out of this movie, but I really enjoyed it. I do wish it pushed for the R rating so it had more gore but that may take away from the "carefree" feeling, either way it works for me and that's my only critique.

We don't get a lot of new ideas these days and while this borrows from some great ones, it stands on its own as an 80's inspired horror romantic coming of age murder movie. Got that? It doesn't take itself too serious and is a lovely story in the end.
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Loved it
22 March 2024
If you want to hate this movie, or nit pick everything, you can. I am a big Ghostbusters fan, but my family are casual fans and we all loved Frozen Empire. It's fun, funny, at times scary and just a joy to watch. It's great seeing their world expanded. You get so much more lore, and new stuff added that would fit right along with themes from Real Ghostbusters. I can't even really fathom why this is getting negative reactions. I guess post COVID movies aren't supposed to be fun and take the audience on a ride anymore. There's a lot to love here, die hard or casual fans, and it's worth your money to see it on the big screen. A worthy sequel and I hope we get more.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
Not amazing, but it's a good time!
25 February 2024
I think people expect too much from horror movies sometimes. Thanksgiving is like eating fast food for dinner, yea it's not healthy, but it tastes pretty good and it's quick and easy. If you subvert your expectations that Thanksgiving will blow your mind, you'll be fine.

This movie is a throw back Slasher that has great gore, corny acting, hilarious dialog, trope heavy characters and a predictable bad guy. So what? I've seen way too many heady horror films miss the mark trying to be something they're not. Thanksgiving knows exactly what it is and why it's here, and that, is to entertain you. Give Thanks.
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Saw X (2023)
A bit over rated
19 November 2023
Saw isn't my favorite horror series, so I'll start there. Mainly because it has too many pointless sequels in my eyes. I had no intention of watching this, but I kept hearing good things from reputable reviews, so I figured "why not?".

So, it's not terrible. It also didn't do anything to change my view of what this series is. Actually, I think this movie commits a worse offense for me, it's kind of boring and the kills are sort of uninspired.

I can get behind whacky over the top fun if the kills are cool or it's just so ott that it is fun. This film is a weird combination of things. It starts great and I do appreciate seeing John Kramer give reason to his story, but when he begins to enact his revenge, well, I feel like we've seen it all before and more inventive.

IDE say if you're a Saw series this may score high, but for me, not as much.
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Interesting nasty little possession film
12 November 2023
So, I've been hearing hype about this film from fairly credible horror sources, and I have to say, it's definitely one of the more interesting possession movies I've seen.

First things first, I'm not an Exorcist devotee. I actually find it a bit boring. Spiritual stuff doesn't really scare me. Where this movie succeeds is that it doesn't really make you feel afraid, it makes you disturbed.

Literally this film pulls no punches. There is no line for where it goes, so the storey and gore are very, very convincing and disgusting/disturbing. No one wins in this thing. It's a film that leaves you with a bleak feeling and ashes in your mouth. The way it explains possession is different, but interesting and leaves you asking A LOT of questions.

In all this does what horror should do, horrify.
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The Little Mermaid (I) (2023)
It's a dingle hopper
18 September 2023
Well, this movie is a live action adaptation of the animated film. It's also like forty minutes too long, which Disney loves to do.

It looks pretty good for the most part I guess, but why does Akwafina have to be a voice in everything? I actually like her in most roles, but it's becoming too much when she's being shoe horned into everything.

If you don't really enjoy the animated film this won't change your mind. I don't and it didn't, but I do want to give it credit for giving something to fans of the original, as it does provide that. I think Disney just needs to self edit a bit more and I'll be on board.
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Elemental (2023)
Very middle of the pack
18 September 2023
First off, I'm an adult reviewing a movie for kids, so that disqualifies me to some degree..but anyway. Elemental isn't bad per se, I watched it with my kids. It's not a home run either. The story is pretty basic, the plot twist isn't much and it does have an okay emotional pull at the end that will make adults get in their feelings...but it's just kind of one and done for me. Some movies like Encanto or Big Hero Six are great for repeat watches, but I think this is just very middle of the road and one watch does the trick. I'm sure my younger son will watch it more, so mileage varies on audience I suppose.
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Pretty boring
3 September 2023
Taking a chapter out of a book and making a full run time film is a tall order. With Last Voyage, it definitely underwhelms. This movie felt like a Netflix movie. Actually I prefer the 3 part Dracula mini series they made to this.

The movie is flat on real scares, relying on mostly jump scare crap and the CGI for Dracula looks bad to me. There a themes tossed in that are absolutely unnecessary and the way the film picks and chooses what to use from the story and what to add is unnecessary and detracts from the story.

Overall, this could have been good, but it's light on mood, plays easy moves to get you invested and the payoff isn't worth your time.
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Mandatory Halloween Viewing
30 August 2023
This is a purely biased review, I LOVE this movie.

Trick 'r Treat is the best Halloween film. It captures the perfect atmosphere in a compilation style film that stitches together to create one coherent story. All the sub plots are great, and the character of Sam is a horror icon.

The vibe is spot on with a bit of camp, creep and horror all done with a deft hand. The gore is perfect and practically done, no CGI here at all. The acting is all well executed and fun. There is nothing missing in this film.

Really this is a retroactive review to just gush about how much I enjoy this film and if you are looking for something to watch this Halloween look no further.
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Far Better than you would think
30 August 2023
When you see the film title and art, it looks pretty uninteresting honestly. Then you learn it's found footage. Hard Pass. Well, to be fair, give Hell House LLC a shot, because it's actually a pretty good little found footage film that creates a creepy atmosphere and the pay off is good.

The film is about a group of friends who purchase an old building and they are creating a haunt for the Halloween season and it all goes wrong when a fire breaks out in the basement.

There are supernatural elements at play and the found footage style works really well here with the haunted house background. I find myself re-watching this around October.
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Cobweb (2023)
2/3 great, 1/3 mindless garbage
30 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So, I think it's pretty apparent at this point what is wrong with Cobweb. The first 2/3 of the film from the start until the third act is really good. It does a fine job of creating a tense atmosphere that sets up for a great pay off. And there's the problem, because there is no great pay off. The last 1/3 of the movie fumbles the conclusion and devolves into...well I don't know what you would call it.

To me, this movie could have set up some kind of awesome "are the parent's serial killers" or "is this a Black Phone supernatural thing", but it doesn't. It demystifies any of that and goes into a "mutated living in the wall older sibling" ending and it does so in such a stupid way that it ruins the last portion of this movie.

The big reveal is that the first born sister was born disfigured or...something like that and is put in the basement by the know, why not, or she was evil or something like that and then when she's released she has supernatural abilities and can climb walls like a spider and has super strength and can rip off heads like no problem, but can't seem to break through dry wall or push over a piece of furniture to escape, so she has to have her 11 year old brother do it? And then when she gets out she tries to kill him? Why?

The movie never really explains any of this in detail and lazily expects it to work. It doesn't. This last act feels like a bad 2000's era horror film, you know the ones that have really vague lore, bad CGI and gore/but not really gore when you re-watch them.

All in all, Cobweb had everything going for it and ultimately crashes in the final act in such a grand way that I will not be returning to it.
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Talk to Me (I) (2022)
Probably the best horror film of 2023
22 August 2023
First up, this is probably the best horror film of the year.

This is what horror fans have been missing. A really well written, well acted and legitimately disturbing horror movie that doesn't pander to it's audience.

Talk to me starts out with a bang and paces itself really well. It explains just enough to make you want to know more, but doesn't over explain so much that it ruins any atmosphere or mystique that it tries to build. The scares here are well earned because they are created through a rich atmosphere and actually terrifying scenes, instead of relying on jump scares, dare I say almost 'old school' in nature.

This has a vibe like Exorcist III, where it's very, very creepy and you never feel at ease at any time watching the movie. The violence is so sudden, intense and startling when it occurs, that you can't ever let your guard down, which I loved.

I don't want to give any spoilers away about this movie, because it's so refreshing. I saw this in theatres and think the high fi sound really benefits from seeing it this way, but watch it however you can, and keep the lights on after.
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Infinity Pool (2023)
Please stop with this...
20 June 2023
Okay, y'all need to quit with these movies. This isn't high brow art, this isn't horror. This is just art house incoherent garbage that is interesting to people who have never seen pornography or who live under a rock. Mia Goth is awfuuuuulll, like, laughibly bad in everything she does but this tops it. I don't know why she's used like some special ingredient, because no eye brow self is collecting a check and wasting everyone's time selling you that she's good at this acting/hot girl thing. Hard pass. Infinity Pool is predictable, pretentious hot garbage made for people who don't enjoy the horror genre but want to seem interesting.
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Great second film
18 June 2023
So, I very much enjoyed this movie. It's well paced, has some of the most beautiful animation I've seen and the voice acting is top knotch. This version of Spider Man is probably my favorite film adaptation. I think these movies are special and they give me the same emotional gravity that the Guardians of the Galaxy films do. My only real issue with this movie was it left me wanting more. That's the mark of a great film, but when it ends, it hits a pretty hard stop and unlike Infinite War, which gave some kind of resolution, here I'm just left with not knowing the rest until the next film. Yea, it's a silly gripe, but I'm a sucker for some resolution at film end. Either way, I love these movies and can't wait for the next.
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A wonderful finale
14 May 2023
I've been in a slump with super hero movies lately. I was hoping James Gunn's latest and last installment for the Guardians franchise would bring me back into the fold. It certainly did.

This movie has the gravitas lacking in so many newer Marvel films. It gives you greater emotional pull either of the first two, but still has all the heart and probably the best action sequences to boot. The fight in the hallway is particularly good!

Oh, and let's not leave out that the main villain, High Evolutionary, is one of the most developed and real villains we've had in some time. Easily the most menacing since Thanos.

In all this films gives all of our beloved Guardians their due while continuing to offer the fans something to charish for the ages. A wonderful send off.
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I can't explain what's missing here...
24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I hate writing this review, because I feel like maybe I missed something here, but I didn't love Evil Dead Rise

The film starts off with a great opening scene then goes back a day prior to explain what is occurring. I really like the setting of this being in an apartment, as it gives the film more dread. I also love how the children give a back story/urban legend explanation then find the hidden book in a really cool way. I guess I wanted more if this back story, as it's really cool.

The movie then goes pretty break neck and carnage ensues. The character development isn't great, so I didn't really care that they were all in this awful situation. The acting is good for sure, especially the mother, she makes the film.

There's a lot of blood in this flick, and maybe I watch too many horrymovies, but I wanted this to be more brutal with gore. Blood and gore are different to me, just to clarify. Anyway, when I found out this was initially made to be released via streaming, it made more sense.

I think there's a good movie in here, but it fell flat for me. I loved the 2013 reboot, so maybe my expectations were off. I guess you could do way worse for a fun time in theaters, but to end "I'm not mad, just disappointed".
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Super Mario is a winner!
11 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Super Mario Bros movie is something refreshing. It's a throwback to when movies were fun for the sake of it and it's all about having a good time while providing just enough o Mario Bros Easter eggs to keep fan service.

The story is strait forward. Bowser conquers kingdoms and wants to make Peach, the queen of the mushroom kingdom his bride. Mario and Luigi are brothers who arrive in the mushroom kingdom from earth accidentally. They are split up and Mario has to work with Peach to get Luigi back, and she needs Mario to help defeat Bowser. That's the plot.

It's great because the movie runs this story well, with out any real fat to trim. It's entertaining, funny, cute and even kinda spooky at times. The stakes never feel tired and the voice actors great. The whole film is beautiful to look at as well. Added plus, this thing is done at under an hour and a half, which is perfect for a family film.

This movie is fun, entertaining and hits it's marks, which I assume will lead to a sequel or two, and I am ready. Well done.
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Scream VI (2023)
It's a fun, hot mess.
27 March 2023
So, Ive been a fan of this franchise since the original. I overall this series is good and just to cut to the quick, this entry doesn't deviate from being a solid entry in the Scream franchise.

The setting of New York City was a welcome change of pace and overall the darker tone in this film is a nice follow up to Scream 5. The film definitely goes off the rails for the finale, and that is what will either make you hate or enjoy this flick. It's pretty whacky honestly but it kinda worked for me. I just wish the film makers were a bit bolder here.

The gore is great and there are some pretty grisly moments for these kinds of movies. Overall this is a flawed but enjoyable entry that propels the series into an interesting direction that seems worthwhile.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
It could be a classic in the making
2 February 2023
I've never played the games this show is based from. I also am bored with most outbreak shows, but The Last if Us is built different. The first episode starts out normal enough but how it progresses and ultimately sets Joel up on his trajectory is heart wrenching and excellently crafted.

The characters are developed naturally but the show doesn't get bogged down with pointless dialogue or trying to do more than propel it's story forward while slowly expanding the world Joel and Ellie exist in. With only three episodes in it's hard to say how great this will be, but so far The Last of Us is one of the best new shows out there.
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A welcome return
23 January 2023
Puss in Boots: The last wish does what few sequels manage to do and that's create a follow up story that expands the characters while telling a good story.

The Last Wish starts off with Puss engaged in his antics before facing down a very serious, and kind of frightening foe. In searching for a way to fight this for, he comes across great past charactyand fantastic new faces that enhance the Shrek/Puss in Boots world.

This movie uses adult themes but delivers them in an action packed, fun way. The humor lands and the heartwarming moments work. With out giving the film away, what more could you ask for? Also, the animation style is fantastic (very inspired by Into the Spider verse).
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
It's fairly predictable
15 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know what I was expecting from this movie. I guess I had zero expectations, so this review is as unbiased as I can make it. Don't Worry Darling is a film that explores themes of toxic masculinity, patriarchal over sight and innate human nature. It's also a bit slow paced and kind of predictable if you watched films like Repo Men, Total Recall or Minority Report. No, it's not an action film, but it uses the distopian future/living in another reality theme to propel it's main story. The acting is good and the message of the film is easy to see, but the execution just left me asking questions about other things the film doesn't answer.

Overall it's not awful, but a bit slow and a little under halfway through I had the plot figured out.
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8 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love gore and movies about revenge. The Retaliators says that's what it brings, but in reality it's a very disjointed film that feels like a lot of cocaine was used in it's inception. I don't really know what to say other than this isn't even a 'so bad it's good' watch. It's got members of Five Finger Death Punch in some what major roles, which, if this was about them playing music, fine. It's not. They're members of a biker gang...ugh...add in The guy from Papa Roach as a serial killer, and Tommy Lee for no reasyat all and then jam a rejected Rob Zombie script up the ol' butt and this is what you get. Trust me, just pass on this one.
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M3GAN (2022)
Very entertaining
7 January 2023
M3gan is a cautionary tale about dealing with loss and how detachment from dealing with your emotions is dangerous. That said, it's also a very entertaining movie about an android who is built to befriend a little girl, and obviously it goes horribly haywire. With out spilling the films guys (honestly the previews give it away) M3gan is a fast paced flick. It's billed as horror, but it has moments of a thriller and some very funny parts as well. I tend to laugh at inappropriate times, so I found this film pretty funny. But, it's not because it was bad! M3gan isn't reinventing anything with it's story or how it's delivered, but it is done well and gives you a fun new story about a killer robot. Chucky would approve.
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