
17 Reviews
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The Acolyte (2024– )
A Stunning Spectacle with a Story Lost in Space
5 June 2024
The latest sci-fi series, The Acolyte, is a frustrating paradox of technical brilliance and narrative incompetence. From the very first episode, it's clear that the production team spared no expense. The CGI is breathtaking, the sound design is immersive, the music is haunting, and the alien creatures are genuinely intriguing. Unfortunately, all of this is in service of a story that is, quite frankly, baffling.

Halfway through the first episode, I found myself repeatedly asking "why?" Why are the characters making these choices? Why are these events unfolding in this way? Why should I care about any of this? I hoped the second episode would provide some answers, but instead, it only deepened the mystery. Now, I'm not only asking "why" about the plot, but also "why" I'm still watching.

The Acolyte is a textbook example of style over substance. It's a visually stunning spectacle, but without a compelling story at its core, it's ultimately an empty experience. If you're easily impressed by flashy visuals and don't mind a nonsensical plot, then you might find something to enjoy here. But for those seeking a sci-fi series with substance and depth, I'd recommend looking elsewhere.
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A True Story Stretched Too Thin
18 May 2024
"End of the Rope," a film based on the true story of North Dakota's last lynching, had the potential to be a gripping historical drama. Unfortunately, its excessive length of 2 hours and 19 minutes ultimately undermines its impact.

The acting is decent, and the background music complements the story well. However, the pacing is sluggish, and the film could easily have been trimmed by 30 minutes or more without sacrificing any essential plot points.

A few anachronistic details, such as items not in use in 1931, detract from the historical accuracy. While these may seem minor, they disrupt the immersion for viewers who are familiar with the time period.

Overall, "End of the Rope" would have earned a 6 out of 10 rating if it were a tighter, more focused film. However, its excessive length significantly detracts from the viewing experience, ultimately earning it a 3 out of 10. The performances and music are commendable, but the film's pacing issues and unnecessary scenes make it a slog to watch.

Despite its flaws, "End of the Rope" still offers a glimpse into a dark chapter of American history. If you're a fan of historical dramas and don't mind a slower pace, it may be worth watching. However, if you're looking for a tightly edited and fast-paced film, you may want to look elsewhere.
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Dark Matter (2024– )
Great show to fall asleep to
8 May 2024
This is slow. It is not a sci fi. I'm not sure what it is but not a drama or thriller, maybe a bedtime story. I love Jennifer Connelly but she can't help something so slow.

This has a bit of alternate reality going on that must be the sci fi part but they keep swapping back and forth. Some scenes only last a few seconds and then back to the other reality. Of course it has the same main characters in the alternate realities so it may take a bit to figure out that they swapped again.

There is a bit of facial prosthetics to one character in the different reality but that is poorly done. The background sound is good but then they play horrible music as the end of the first episode. I gave up halfway through the second so I'm not sure if that is recurring.

If you need to watch TV to fall asleep then this is for you. If you need a show with content then look elsewhere.
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New Life (I) (2023)
Funny that all the bad reviews get flagged for spoilers.
3 May 2024
It is a horror that I watched it.

If you want to veg out and not think then this might be an ok movie. If you have problems with any plot holes, logic problems, or a movie making sense then you better skip this.

The cast is good. The acting is ok. They even have decent background music and sound effects which I think really makes a difference. The make up is ok which I guess is the biggest horror part of this movie besides the time I wasted watching it.

The storyline says "apocalyptic proportions." There is nothing apocalyptic about this. It is just a bad story.

It seems to be a rule that movies around 90 minutes or less are not good. This is under that 90 minutes. I guess that was good for saving my time. Skip the movie and find something else.
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This is not a kid's movie
17 April 2024
I thought this was a kid's movie at first. I had no intention of watching it. A friend of mine said it had good ratings and Reddit also had people praising the movie. I don't know how.

I made it to twelve minutes and I could not take it anymore. I still didn't know what was going on. It looked like a movie made by stoners for stoners. It definitely was not a movie for kids. There were some scenes that could be considered violent.

If you want to veg out in front of a screen for a while and turn your brain off then this is definitely for you. If you want at least a little bit of content then go elsewhere.
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Beacon 23 (2023– )
What is going on?
14 April 2024
The first season was pretty good. It followed along with the book enough that it held my attention. Just tried watching the second episode of the second season and I gave up about three quarters of the way through. I have no clue what is going on anymore. It is as if the writers are on drugs. The long plot is gone. There may be a secondary plot going on but it is not realistic and little to do with the long term plot.

The acting is ok. I could not see any problems with the CGI. Sound and background music is good. None of that matters though without a decent plot.

Watch the first season and think of it as a mini-series. Skip anything after that.
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Manhunt (2024)
Hard to follow
29 March 2024
This is another show that skips around timelines randomly without letting the audience know. That would be ok if it is obvious like younger versions of the characters. The timeline jumps in this are days, weeks, or a few months apart and the characters look exactly the same for the most part. When the timeline jumps at least put in a line saying so.

TV should be relaxing break from reality. You should be able to turn off your brain and enjoy the show. You shouldn't need to constantly try to figure out if the show jumped timelines again.

The acting, costumes, and background music all look good. I know what the plot is supposed to be but having to figure where we are in the plot a dozen times per episode just is not fun. I gave up on it part way through the fourth episode.

Also, why is this not a mini-series? Are they going to have several seasons where Booth keeps escaping? They might as well name it The Fugitive then.
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The Lazarus Project (2022–2023)
Another Time Travel Never Ender
16 November 2023
Another time travel series that never ends. A time travel plot itself isn't bad but lately they always seem to loop back onto the character interacting with themselves and it never ends. Add in flashbacks or flash-forwards and it just gets more and more complicated. The writers just get to keep making stuff up that doesn't make sense.

Details matter. Repeatedly showing airplane occupants flying up in the air due to turbulence and then seconds later they are all securely seated with seat belts on makes no sense. They also have their oxygen masks on at sea level. There are no private jets with a six foot aisle between the seats and a twelve foot fuselage. Then there are very few, if any, real life people that can make head shots with every shot, especially at more than twenty yards, with a silencer on, and every member does it every episode.
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Moonfall (2022)
This should be a comedy
7 February 2022
There is so much in this film that could never happen and is fake that it should be a comedy. If they would have put comedy in the movie description I would have rated it much higher. I give it a 5 for Action, a 5 for Adventure, a 5 for Comedy, a 10 for Fiction, and a -100 for Science.

The only way this could have been written is if the author's only source of science growing up was from comic books.
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
Decent show but way too slow
31 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The acting is good. I can even see where the plot is going, at least I think I can and it seems good.

There were several things that did not make sense. People were living in tents, even in an airport with huge hangers. At least put the tents, or better yet some campers, in the hangers and live in those. People were living without electricity but with a 1 in 1000 survival rate there would have been enough solar panels for everyone to use the amount of electricity they wanted. This seems to happen in every end of the world show though, like the huge windmill in the middle of a town with half of it below the tree line (TWD).

I made it part way through episode seven. There were a few episodes that kept my attention but the majority of them were pausing because I was bored, come back an hour later to watch some more, fall asleep, watch some more the next day, pause again, and repeat. It just isn't worth it.
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Encounter (III) (2021)
Not a Scifi film
10 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Is is really science fiction if there is no science in it?

I admit that I gave up halfway through, probably gave it halfway too much. A crazy dad kidnaps his kids because he thinks the world is being taken over by an alien parasite being transmitted by mosquitoes.

Even as a drama about a crazy dad kidnapping his kids it isn't very good.
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Bad Description for a Bad Movie
5 February 2021
Hopefully this will save someone some time. Unless you were in this movie or have a friend or family member in this movie and you wish to give them support, skip this movie. Skip this movie. Skip it.
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Norman (IV) (2019)
Slow and no attention to details
5 February 2021
I thought this might be decent. There was no attention to details. They are using black powder rifles in the first scene which require caps to fire. The close up scenes are shown without the cap installed but the person is ready to shoot. A second later he takes a shot and they know enough to have a cap installed for shooting. Then he reloads and again does not install a cap. To me it is the little things like this that matter. If they do not care about the details then how much do they care about the script?

I did watch it a little longer though. After the first ten minutes I was bored and couldn't wait for the long drawn out monologue to get over with. I gave up shortly after.
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26 January 2021
How can anyone care about the movie when they don't care about the grammar in the description of the movie.
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Balloon (2019)
Great short film
22 May 2020
I watched this thinking it was a full movie. A kid discovers that he has super powers right at the time that he is starting to get bullied in school. For a fifteen minute short it was very good. I really hate to watch short films because they just get started with a story and it is over. This could have been a full movie and it would be great if they did make it into a full movie. It did come to an end at a great spot. This is one of the best short films that I have ever seen.
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The I-Land (2019– )
Great Location, Good Actors, What Was The Plot?
12 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A beautiful tropical island, a scenic waterfall, good looking actors and actresses, all in a series with no plot and very little filming common sense.

The very first scenes show the cast supposedly washed up on shore however they appear above the water line. Their clothes are dry but they could have been unconscious for a while.

Another scene shows them starting a fire using broken bottle pieces to apparently magnify the sunlight into a point to start the fire. There is not much magnification in a broken bottle piece and a colored (green glass) piece is going to block a lot of that needed light. The worst part about that scene is that they were sitting in the shade.

There is also a poorly done CGI scene with blood in the water. The poor CGI and the missing common sense are forgivable in student short films but this is Netflix. Maybe the producers had a nice vacation for themselves and used the movie as an excuse to spend other people's money to pay for it.

I only watched the first episode but I could not figure out where the story was going and had little interest in wasting more time on it.
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Zoe (I) (2018)
Could not get past the poor editing.
21 July 2018
This is my first review. I just had to say how poor the editing was. The sound goes from a whisper that needs the volume turned up to hear and right to a loud honking horn or screaming that cold be close to blowing your speakers out. That is just in the first half hour. Sound needed to be adjusted a dozen times.

It could have been a good movie. I rarely give up once I start watching a movie but this is just unwatchable.
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