6 Reviews
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AmeriGeddon (2016)
I have seen worse come out of Hollyweird with a multimillion dollar budgets
23 January 2024
I have seen reviews of this film from the far left and the far right. I'm not by any stretch of the imagination a blood thirsty militia man. But I am a prepper and a patriot. I have been saying that this country is headed for civil unrest for a long time. This film depicts a group of people that are fed up with the government pushing us toward globalism. Is this a great film? No. Did they do a great job with this film considering the budget they had? Yes. The acting was great, even if the script wasn't. The dialogue needed work. The special effects were okay. I just think that this is a film worthy of watching.
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Seriously funny
29 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had never heard of this film. But I saw it in the rack at Wally World and saw that Ala Tudyk was in it. I have always liked his work, from playing Wash in "Firefly" to Sonny in "I Robot". I didn't have any per-conceived notions about this film. Man, was I pleasantly surprised. From the beginning, I could see that the production values were top notch. The dialogue was amazingly funny and the gore was on-point without going over the line. The entire plot was beautifully thought-out and a great twist on the over used 'crazed hill billies' theme. The characters were very believable. The laughs weren't cheap, but were very smart. As far as horror-comedies go, this is on the order of "Shaun Of The Dead". The deaths of the college kids were different and not gratuitous. All in all, I would highly recommend the film to everyone.
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Michael J. Fox?
7 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
When a friend told about this film, I was a bit leery. I mean, Marty McFly in Vietnam? But this was an outstanding performance By Michael J. Fox as well as Sean Penn. The film is based on a true story of soldiers that go out on patrol. While on their way, they kidnap, rape and murder a Vietnamese girl. This is a very intense movie that was filmed in Thailand by Brian DePalma. The girl,Thuy Thu Le, is a Vietnamese actress that was cast by DePalma for realism. She puts in a great performance as well. Other faces that you will recognize are John C. Reilly and John Leguizamo. As I said, this movie is very intense and very hard to watch at times. There is a gang rape scene that is especially difficult. But all-in-all, one heck of a good watch.
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Danger Close (2019)
Pleasant surprise
25 December 2019
I purchased this movie because I was looking for something different to watch last night. I thought that what I was getting was your basic mid-grade war movie. I was very pleasantly surprise. This had notes from "We Were Soldiers" as well as "Saving Private Ryan". The acting was top-notch, especially from Travis Fimmel and Daniel Webber. The cinematography was breath-taking at times. The combat scenes were very well done. They didn't fall into the trap of having fountains of blood spraying twenty feet in the air. Instead, they were more subdued. Granted, this is not a great movie for the kids, but that isn't the intended audience. All in all, I thought that it was a great movie.
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Hyena Road (2015)
Even the dirt is hostile
20 June 2018
This is a great film. It follows a number of Canadian Special Forces troops in Afghanistan. But this isn't just a shoot-'em-up war flick. It goes into a lot of the Afghan culture. It talks about blood feuds. It, also, brings up an ancient tribal code called Pashtunwali. It talks about the ideas of "panah" (to give one shelter in your home) and "badal" (justice and revenge). There is a monologue by Andrew Wall. At the end he says, "Even the dirt here is hostile. In Afghanistan, dogs fight dogs, birds fight birds, men kill men." So, if you are looking for a great movie about soldiers in the "sand box". If you want to see great performances from actors that you, probably, have never heard of. If you want to see breath taking scenery. Then this is the movie for you.
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If you are l[ooking for a cute little popcorn movie, go somewhere else.
15 June 2018
Hands down, this is the worst movie I have ever seen. Now, take into account that I'm 62 years old and a life long movie fan. I have seen a remake of "Plan 9 From Outer Space" which was worse than the original. I didn't't even think that that was possible. But Garlic And Gunpowder goes to an all time low. I'm not going to give any spoilers, but the acting was awful. Just the fact that Judy Tenuta was near top billing should give you an idea of how bad it was. The plot was preposterous. There were lots of sophomoric jokes. But even those were unfunny. The only reason that I gave it one star was because they wouldn't't let me give it zero stars.
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