4 Reviews
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Crawl (I) (2019)
Perfect summer, enjoyable, popcorn film
26 July 2019
FINALLY got to check this out in theaters.

And boy it delivered, totally worth the money and even in this movie they were moments that made me cringe (the good kind of cringe)

Only thing I can just pick on to some of the dialogue; it's cheesy and on the nose but then again that comes from two writers that've done mostly underground horror stuff and the only mainstream thing they did was John Carpenter'ss supposed to comeback from "The Ward".
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Us (II) (2019)
Jordan Peele gives us a two-hitter
10 April 2019
Such a strange savior for horror, it's kinda like saying Judd Apatow would be the savior of science fiction films, this movie is a perfect example of taking a familiar concept and toying around with it to create something new and interesting. Here we center on a familar taking a vacation near the beach when they are suddenly attacked by their evil doppelgangers, that aspect alone is interesting enough to keep you watching throughout, thinking "man where in the heck is this going?!". Though just a warning for "certain people", if you are confused by the ending at all, just wait till all the "ending explained" videos come out, watch those then ask yourself; "okay now inserting that information can i understand it more, and do i really need to deduct 3 or 5 points from this movie's score cause im a ignorant fool?".
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The Prodigy (2019)
Ya Know What...I Really Dug This!
9 February 2019
Right up front i wanna say i've glanced at the mixed reviews so far on R.T. & Metacritic, so here we have another case of "Man of Steel-Itis", and i'm on the positive sign. For one the actors here do a great job, Taylor from "Orange Is The New Black" does a great job with ehr looks of concern, doubt & fear and for her first horror film, wouldn't mind seeing her do more. Course it's a great sign when you have young Georgie from "IT" in your film, and i'll say the whole theme the plot goes for i REEEEEALLY dug, especially some interactions between two specific characters, and that ending...well let's just say the kinda person I am, i really dig endings like this. Overall i would highly recommend seeing this year
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Hereditary (2018)
One of those rare diamond on the rough kinda things
31 January 2019
It's easy to write off mainstream horror movies, as there are very easy to make and very easy to screw up, but every now and then we get something wondrous, and Hereditary is that to a tee. Director Ari Aster previously disturbed audiances with "The Strange Thing About the Johnsons", while i have never seen it i'll take people's word that it's freaky as hell. But Aster here knows how to make great horror that digs deep into the audiance, most importantly it combines two horrors: the horrors of family relationships and he horror of the supernatural, combining these two things creates a unsettling, dreadful, intenseas you watch this family slow rip each other to shreds , can't recommend this movie enough, one of the best of 2018, one of the best horrors ever, AND IT SHOULD'VE BEEN NOMINATED FOR SOME OSCARS THIS YEAR! (especially Toni Collette's performance)
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