
28 Reviews
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Mousa (2021)
Not bad but 90% of the reviews here are fake.
8 January 2023
An unexpected film from Egypt. Clear cultural differences in characters and character development. It's funny to read the other reviews here. So many obviously fake supportive reviews. That being said it is an interesting and original idea and I imagine a bit controversial in the country since their own government is their main enemy today. I don't think Egypt wants Mousa coming after the corrupt government and religious leaders who betrayed Arab Spring.

I can't really comment on the acting since I am watching subtitles. There is a young lady who is one of the leads who is gorgeous and has star power. Honestly didn't get her name but can see her having a career far beyond this little movie and Egypt.
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Belfast (2021)
This is why people used to go to the movies.
30 August 2022
A gentle film that sees the world as fresh and troubled from the eyes of a boy in Northern Ireland. Outstanding cast. Well paced direction. Really just about flawless. And nothing blew up and no one was brutally murdered. So nice not to see a single Super Hero. Just life heroes. Even with the goings on in America today it is hard to imagine neighbor against neighbor for the sake of religious differences based on flavor of belief. We forget how long and blood the conflict in Northern Ireland was and we rarely see a film that shows what life was like there and what life was like there for children growing up. A remarkable film.
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P-Valley (2020– )
Poor Harry Potter.
28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is an odd show. A window into a culture that either doesn't exist or one that does. Surprisingly well acted. Language and rap music a bit hard to swallow but the assumption is this is supposed to portray the culture. The character Autumn Night was the young woman at the railway cafe that Harry Potter was supposed to meet before Dumbledore appeared. Too bad Harry. She is spectacular.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Disappointing. At least when the Russo's do superheroes you expect mindlessness.
25 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's fun and ridiculous and disappointing. A mindless extravaganza all over Europe with no real purpose or plot you care about. The Russo's do better with comic book material because the characters are already cardboard and the plot is already fantastically unreal. This whole movie is almost a commercial for gun control. For an outstanding cast of very charismatic actors it is a real shame. I think it was called The Gray Man because it is blah and colourless. I do wonder what covert ops could destroy Prague and just get away with it. Bourne. Not. Bond. Not. Blah. Yes. One more thing. Why Ryan Gosling in anything? He deadpans and smirks and stands shirtless and sweating. I can see why he was cast as a neo Replicant. If someone is going to be shirtless repeatedly in a movie at least Chris Hemsworth has a sense of humor. And here is the spoiler. Chris Evans represents Six's father. Wow. Revelation. What tripe. I almost feel sorry for Netflix. They buy cheap Koreans and Turkish tv series and make money and then blow it all on a vanity project for $200M. $200M? For this?
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Naomi (2022)
If this show gets a second season somebody is blackmailing the network
30 June 2022
I wanted to like this show. I started watching it on Netflix. It is trite. Contrived. Confusing. I am still not clear what world his takes place on or where it is going or why. Over halfway through and if there was anything else to watch right now I would just stop. It is truly terrible and embarrassing that this is tied in any way to the DC Universe.
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The Batman (2022)
More melodrama than drama. Miss Chris Nolan's Batman
19 April 2022
The emo moody Batman is more melodrama than drama. Batman with his inner monologue reminds me of Rorschach in Watchmen than any version of Batman I recognise. The sets are dark and gothic, a bit reminiscent of Tim Burton, but not as interesting just sort of annoying like I want to adjust my television (I did not see it in a Theater).

I am not sure why this film were made. I am not sure who conceptualised it or why. I just know it was disappointing and tedious and frankly imagine many Millennials will have never seen the Nolan Batman let alone Tim Burton's. I say that because in conversation the other day a young man told me how he liked Bladerunner 2049 and didn't even realise there was an original film. He did the same with when I mentioned that Dune was a series of books and that there had been a David Lynch first film. No criticism just pointing out to a lot of audience this is th only Batman so there would be no comparison. And there should be.
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Moonshot (2022)
Rom com to Mars. Why call it Moonshot?
10 April 2022
This is predictable and silly. Not worthy of review. My only question is if they are on a shuttle to Mars why is the movie called Moonshot? Asking for a friend.
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I know Netflix will buy anything but come on
4 March 2022
I made it through the first episode. This looks like a high school film project, shot on their phones and edited there too. I know Netflix will buy anything but I wonder about the actors I recognize in this. Did they know what they signed up for? Are they all in recovery and need a little money? This show is embarrassingly bad. It will definitely get 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. More programming like this an I might as well cancel my Netflix.
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Archive (2020)
28 February 2022
This little gem was a true surprise. An intelligent and well crafted sci Fi movie. No monsters. No time travel. No zombies. No Kaiju. A thoughtful and sweet movie that has a true surprise ending. It starts out slow and builds in what seems to be a linear fashion but it is so much more at the end. Highly recommended.
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Kimi (2022)
It's like Rear Window without Hitchcock or suspense or substance. Or Grace Kelly. Or Jimmy Stewart.
12 February 2022
Soderbergh gets me to watch even though a lot of his little movies lately are crap.

I am tired of vague homages to classic movies filled with modern cliches that bore us everyday. Why do I want to watch a film with the mildest suspense and the dullest characters? I don't care about them or the shallow plots. I watch them to the end because I am sitting in my living room. If I paid money for this directly I would ask for it back.
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Pretty Little Liars (2010–2017)
The best kind of tripe but a talented young cast
11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The writing and plot is atrocious. The very talented young cast makes up for a lot. Clearly they young women use a lot of Murine because they extreme facial close ups never show a single blood shot eye. Also most of the deus ex machina would be eliminated if anyone locked their phones. Lol

But you have to watch she show. It is stupid crack tv with another impossibly beautiful cast. I know Lucy Hale and Ashley Benson have gone on to do finer work which they clearly were capable of.

Hard to believe this made it seven season and season one was well over 20 episodes. I guess our collective IQ is lower than I think.
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Dickinson (2019–2021)
Amusing but...
31 December 2021
It occurs to me that young people who watch these sort of creative historical anachronisms might make them not realize that Amherst was a strictly whites only school. It did not allow women or anyone except affluent white young men. I thought the same thing about Bridgerton. In trying to be wondrously modern we are rewriting history in a way that could whitewash it for generations. Just a thought.
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Red Notice (2021)
Even The Rock couldn't save this one.
17 November 2021
Cliche after cliche after cliche. Predictable and even the twists and turns are boring and unbelievable. I am not sure how these three first tier stars were talked into making this. I presume the director was a friend or there was a huge payday involved.

Don't waste your time watching it.
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So ends the Marvel Universe
12 November 2021
To see Sir Ben Kingsley reprise his role as comedy relief for a movie that already has us suffering through another Awkafina performance is sad and redundant. This is what happens when Disney and Marvel try too hard to find a path forward after Endgame. The Asian theme is new but the vague attempts to tie the movie to the MCU smack of desperation. This is just not a good movie. A lot of expensive visuals but that does not make a movie good. Lots of narrative and exposition to explain the visuals but that does not make the movie good or interesting. I understand that it is show business and this movie was made to make money but if I hadn't been lucky enough to watch it on Disney+ I would feel cheated.
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Disappointing. A lot of exposition. Not much sense. And why is there an Awkafina?
12 November 2021
This was one of those movies where they tried to recreate better and seemed to think that throwing in every possible cliche and special effect would do it. I have found several films I wanted to enjoy ruined by the performance of Awkafina. She and Timothy Chalamet seem to populate another alternative universe where they are considered star power. But even with her presence I don't think I could like this movie. Nothing new here except an Asian theme.
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Dune (2021)
Big. Loud dialogue trying to compensate for the lack of narrative
22 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The director's style is evident. Very much like his Bladerunner. Herbert's book is not particularly visual. There is much narrative and explanation cleverly placed in each chapter but impossible to translate to film. The Lynch version relied on a voiceover which was a dated and awkward mechanism even then.

The film is of course visually stunning. Huge CGI set pieces. I saw it at home on HBO (in a home theater) and can imagine how overwhelming it would be to an audience in a theater but being overwhelmed and going ooh and ahh is not necessarily a great film.

The dialogue is consistently overacted as if to emphasize the importance of a few words and the dialogue is very familiar from other versions because Herbert only gave us so much to say.

That being said. I guess Villeneuve did the best anyone could. And just one thought always: why don't they ever wear some damn sunglasses on Arakis? Lol.
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Reminiscence (2021)
Lovely cinematography. Decent performances. But sci if meets every old detective movie trope.
21 August 2021
I wanted to like this movie. But it is lazy writing to rely on a voiceover even when mimicking some version of film noir. Even Hugh Jackman seems uncomfortable in this role like he knows being in this movie was a mistake. It is clear there was a vision here that might have been a good film in the hands of less self indulgent director. What works on a forgiving episodic tv show does not work in a feature film. This is a movie that I hope has a director's cut because it turns out the studio mucked it up.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
Great cast but I felt like I was watching a white exploitation movie
28 July 2021
Great cast but every cliche and stereotype I could imagine. It felt like a white exploitation movie. Even the talented performances of Alexandra Daddario and Connie Britton could not save it. I have read reviews that call this satire but satire is supposed to be witty and amusing and nothing about this dark dark series was either. I know Netflix will buy anything but this one is hard to figure.
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Black Summer (2019–2021)
How can you make zombies boring?
11 June 2021
This is the most boring interation of the zombie genre ever. I didn't think it was possible to make a zombie movie boring but these scenarios and the actors directed incompetence makes this neither more realistic or interesting. I can't believe Netflix would make a Season 2. Good for naps.
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Titans (I) (2018–2023)
By far the best and most interesting of any DC series or project
28 April 2021
Not sure why there are so many negative reviews. This was by far the most interesting and in depth series from the DC universe. Much better than the over CGI'd current crop of movies we are being subjected to and infinitely better than the sad and badly acted past and present series on the CW. I wish there were another season coming.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Surprising. A true feel good show.
28 March 2021
I didn't expect to like this and it's rare that something on tv actually makes me feel good. It is witty, silly, and sort of wonderful. It is nice to see Juno Temple and once again I am amazed at her range. And I have seen Hannah Waddingham but I have never SEEN Hannan Waddingham. Stunning actress who in another era should have been a Bond girl or one of the Avengers (the British tv series not the MCU). I will be sad when this season ends and hope the show has somewhere to go from here.
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Nomadland (2020)
A lovely gentle film with a perfect pace
9 March 2021
You need an actress like Frances McDormand to bring flavor to such a simple direct narrative. This is a movie about something but it is more about a mood. It is about loss and the loss of love and home and about one form of living in our troubled times. It is a lovely film and make me want to see Ms. Zhou next and completely completely different film for Marvel Eternals.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Season 1 is good. The rest are typical American television.
31 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 makes some disturbing alterations from the book. They personalize many of the characters because they want to create a tv series. This distorts Margaret Atwood's meaning and message and its is disturbing that Hollywood convinced her to go along with the changes. Season two and three become 24 style dramas mixed with a little American Horror Story. If you can forget the true value of the original source material go ahead and watch them but if you know the book you will instantly smell the hand of an ambitious show runner.
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The Beach Bum (2019)
Donald Trump meets Spicoli
5 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Talented cast. Badly directed loose performances. I wanted to like this tale of a sociopath who lives off that special charm and impossible good fortune. They lost me when he essentially kills his wife and seems to care about it as much as losing his swim trunks.

Anti hero movies are always fun but movies that glamourise disgusting reprobates who live meaningless and destructive lives just seem out of date. Glad the main character could burn up millions of dollars for a good laugh instead of doing something charitable but then this man is Trump in swim trunks.
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Amazingly talented cast in a mediocre made for TV movie full of every trope you can stuff in a turkey.
3 December 2020
Why? Just why? Every movie trope. Every foreseeable outcome. Mildly correct politically but how did they get this cast together for this turkey?
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