
2 Reviews
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The Unborn (2009)
11 January 2009
This movie was easily one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Theacting was horrible. The script was uninspired. This was a movie that kept contradicting itself. The film was sloppy and unoriginal. I was very disappointed and angry when I left the theater. I only give it a 2 because Gary Oldman appeared in this excuse of a film. He is the only excuse to see this film. And thats not even a good enough reason, as he phoned in his performance. Its not like I was expecting a good film. Just something to give me a jump or two. This did not even do that. This film is not only not worth the ten dollars I paid to see it, but its was not worth the hour and a half I spent watching it.
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24 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Indiana Jones is back. As much as I was excited to see Harrison Ford swing across the screen in his fedora, I was also very disappointed. 1. The story was so over the top and that it made me cringe. Aliens, really. We waited around for 19 years and aliens is the best that they could do. As soon as the UFO caused the Mayan temple collapse in on it's self, I was done. I understand that there is a supernatural element to the Jones movies, but this went to a place that seemed so unlike the others. 2. I have seen the end of times and his name is Shia Labeuf. This kid annoyed me. If this guy ends up picking up the mantle and continuing his own adventures, then they have lost a fan. He does not even come close to Ford. The swinging from the vines bit was ridiculous. I understand that they may want to have the draw of a younger crowd, but they can do better. 3. CGI. They reason why previous films were so great was how sparse the CGI was. And now it looked like reality was sparse. I know that CGI was not around in abundance back when the first three were made, but come on. This film had so much crappy CGI that it took me out of the film. I guess Lucas has a thing for shitty CGI.

I am not saying this movie is bad. But it does not live up to the Indiana Jones franchise in the least. It quickly became, in my eyes, the worst of the series. And to those that say that this is just like Raiders of the Lost Ark, I say nuts to you. This was anything but. This movie had no pacing, no character development, and a terrible story. But it was enjoyable. It was a fun movie no doubt, but as far as Indiana Jones is concerned, it does not make the cut.
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