12 Reviews
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Moonlighting (1985–1989)
started great, then tanked!
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this on DVD. The first two seasons were wonderful. Some of the best shows ever.

Then - mid season 3, omg - something seriously bad happened. I've read there were conflicts between Cybill and Bruce, but it's more than that. As each episode progressed, I could only wonder, "Who wrote this crap?" Just horrid. Once Bert popped out of a cake at a bachelor party, I figured it couldn't be redeemed, and it wasn't.

The way they handled the pregnancy was certainly different. Cold hearted in some ways, the way she just disappeared. But then - it's rare to have a character have a miscarriage.

Anyway - after fast-forwarding through a whole lot of this, I'm still in the 5th season. I do feel the need to watch all of it. But I'm not sure why. It doesn't seem to be returning to it's original greatness.
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Outer Range (2022– )
waiting for another episode to explain it all
23 May 2022
I wanted this series to be good.

But for the life of me - I don't understand what it was about. I figured there would be at least one more episode to explain it. Overall it's dark, confusing mess.

I gave it 4 stars because the parts that weren't dark, were beautifully filmed in a beautiful area.
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Route 66 (1960–1964)
never on Route 66
6 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This show is cracking me up! I'm into the 4th season, and they have not yet actually been on Route 66! Maine to Florida and New Orleans, Oregon - all over the country - but none, so far, anywhere along the famous road! Florida one week, Oregon the next, then back to Florida. Too funny.

The shows are mostly very interesting. Most are written by Stirling Silliphant, an amazing writer. Some interesting subjects. Others, as with all series, not so good.

There are many unexplainable things: 1. No matter where they are, they get jobs. ALL kinds of jobs. Unrelated to each other. Where did they get all the skills, and how are so many jobs available 2. They always have the right clothes and whatever they need - but - seriously - you can't pack all that into a Corvette. Yea - it sure is fiction here!

3. They have twice ran out of gas. And then they act surprised. Seriously?

Hahaha. Funny, but for the wrong reasons.

I'd recommend watching - but it truly is all over the place location and plot wise.
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The Lighthouse (I) (2019)
six words - I wish I didn't watch it
18 March 2020
I fast forwarded through a lot of it, somehow thinking there would be something in it to make it worth watching. Wrong. I gave it a 2 because of the scenery and photography. Would give it a negative for the rest.
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Firecreek (1968)
This is a great movie
8 March 2020
Evil is difficult to watch, and this movie has evil in spades. And it is excellent. The pairing of good guy Jimmy Stewart, with Henry Fonda as the leader of the bad guys, is brilliant. Gary Lockwood - who knew he could be so bad?! I don't want to give any of it away, so I suppose I shouldn't write more. What I can't believe is that I'd never heard of it.
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Scrutiny (2019– )
Let Benny (Carvin Jones) perform. He'd be the highlight of the show!
1 February 2020
He's the only reason I tried watching this. Not anything this woman wants or needs to watch. Full of cliches. Bad cliches. Carvin Jones is an amazing musician. They need to have him perform. Then there'd be something to watch!
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Ad Astra (2019)
couldn't give it a ZERO
8 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so glad I only wasted $1.90 to rent this from Redbox. Yowza - is it BAAAAAAD. They must have paid Pitt, Jones and Sutherland a whole lot to be part of this crap. Astonishing. Nothing makes sense. Grateful for the "fast forward" button on my DVD player. Pitt, with just his space suit on, currently holding a metal door to deflect rocks in a planet's rings. Lands on his space ship. Bounces around a bit. Grabs a handle. Gets back inside. Yea - THAT'S gonna happen. Unbelievable. Wow. OK - maybe I'll give it the '1' because some of the scenes are quite pretty. Nah - even that doesn't work. What the hell were those aggressive space monkeys doing, anyway?!
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one of the worst movies I've seen
7 February 2019
Omg - I wasted two hours of my life watching this. I thought it'd be worth it to see Kris Kristofferson with his shirts half off but - nope. It really tanked for me when they "built their house" in the middle of nowhere, and it was finished before they went through their wedding gifts. Streisand was SO WRONG for this part. What in the world was considered so appealing about her? He saw her singing with "The Oreos" (seriously - Streisand standing in between two black women!), and thought she was going to change his life and be a star? Seriously - not.
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Grace and Frankie (2015–2022)
Better than I expected
23 May 2015
I have to admit I wasn't expecting much when I read this is a show about two seventy-something men realizing they are gay and in love with each other. I watched it because of the cast. And there they are - in all their glory - giving a new definition to the phrase, "senior citizen." They each have an energy for life that many younger people have lost. omg - does Jane still look great! Lily Tomlin is fantastic in her role as a woman left alone after 40 years of marriage. I wondered if each were adapting to this huge change as well as they thought they were. And both Martin Sheen and Sam Waterston play their roles with truth and compassion. (Hard to believe Martin starred in Apocalypse Now - talk about range!) There is clearly still a love between each of the couples, but their lives have changed. I also truly enjoy the way they all interact with each other, especially when there are problems and confusions and misunderstandings. They communicate so well and so openly, something we all need to learn how to do better. I enjoyed each episode, and am glad I watched it.
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Alice in Wonderland (I) (2010)
horrible, violent movie
6 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Wow - what violence! And I don't mean just for a "children's" story. I don't think children should watch this. I wanted to walk out after about 15 minutes. This is a dark, violent movie with evil, mean characters. Helena Bonham Carter spewed, "Off with her head!" about ten times too often. Enough! I don't remember any of this violence in the book. There were some excellent special effects. The disappearing Cheshire cat was well done. The caterpillar making its cocoon was interesting. But this was not enough to make it worth seeing. I usually wait for movies to come out on DVD because of movies like this. I wish I hadn't wasted my money and time watching this in a theatre. If I had waited for the DVD, I wouldn't have felt the need to watch all of it, and could have saved a couple hours of my life.
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Che: Part One (2008)
wake me up!
22 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
oops - I'm home already. I guess I was still sleeping through the ride home. OK, there was some good story information buried in the 4 hr 17 min ordeal I just went through (I was subjected to parts 1 and 2 in the same night), but by the end, I was thinking - just let him die, already. I've never seen longer periods of rambling images, and scenes that could have been half as long, and twice as effective. Three hours MIGHT have been tolerable. By the last hour, I was at the back of the theater doing stretches, and ended up missing some of the subtitles. Phew! The only saving grace was Benecio del Toro, who I apparently could watch forever and not feel the need to leave the theater.
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16 January 2006
I don't think this contains any spoilers, since nothing really happens in the movie. In the end - what happened? Did he learn anything? Did he go through any life or attitude change? Doesn't seem that way. Murray's character seemed to waste money, and his and my time, just doing nothing. This character a "Don Juan"! Where and when and how? He's one of the most boring, sad sack characters I've ever watched. Maybe the movie is meant to show the desperation of some women who would actually fall for a man like this? I don't buy into all the artsy excuses given on this comment board as to what value this movie has. It really didn't need to be made. I agree with the comments about it being a bad student film.

Too bad a talent like Bill Murray was wasted in this film. The entire cast seemed to have been suckered into it.
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