
46 Reviews
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Big Fish (2003)
Life as a big fairy tale
27 June 2018
This is a beautiful story about a man with the rich inner world, which was not understandable to his son. Developed by his imagination, the whole life he told an incredible stories to the others. And so, his ordinary life in a small provincial town,he painted with unreal colors, and made an unfinished fairy tale. On the other hand, there is his son, who, due to his father's frequent absence, was forced to relate his life to the fantastic stories which his father left him, instead of reality. And he trusted him, until the moment when he realized that he had believed in only one great fairy-tale throughout his life. And then there is a split in him and he rejects his father, because of his own misunderstanding of the specific personality which his father has. As a result of circumstances, he begins to realize that his father was in fact all his life, one honest person, a man who always helped to the others, who was always guided by goodness and courage. Because all of our lives are actually how we seen them, and if someone wants to make his life as a fairytale, let him do it. And whats happened at the end? Using the same formula, out of love as a base, not wanting to disappoint his father , he told us the incredible story of his father's end, seeking to round up the magical world in which his father lived. And the fairy tale story continues to live, through the unrealistic adventures that the son is now transmitting to his son. A wonderful story indeed.
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A great story about mourning and regret
27 June 2018
This is a great family drama. The story says that middle-aged man survives the death of his daughter and the emotional attachment to a young prostitute, whom he wants to help. I can understand their feelings. From personal experience, I know what death of close person bring to marriage. Alienation, misunderstanding, resentment. I've lost stepdaughter, and I know for these feelings ,as they appear in the film. His need for saving a young person, who went on the wrong path ,is natural. He blame himself and his wife for the death of their daughter, and now,trying to improve himself by helping a young girl. On the other hand, her binding to these people is also natural,despite the dissolute life that she leads , in her soul , she feels the need for family, safe house, and this is the thread that bound them. For me, film is not excessive in feelings. And the end is excellent, everyone in the story realized what is reality.
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Hereafter (2010)
Could be much better
27 June 2018
The film is good, but stretched to two hours, and all could fit in 90 minutes. Crawling through the film three stories. Life of a successful journalist, who experienced clinical death after writing a book about it and seek answers to questions about the afterlife. The second story is about a boy who can hardly bear the loss of loved ones. Third, the main story of the life of a young man with paranormal abilities, which can establish a connection with the dead. The fate of those three people, will be connected in an interesting way. Everything would be much better in this film, when avoid unnecessary film shots that stretch the course, or interesting stories and if the pace of events was more dynamic.
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Calendar (1993)
A good movie from Atom Egoyan
27 June 2018
I watched a phenomenal Armenian film by Atom Egoyan from 1993. Great movie with a wonderful presentation of Armenian churches, and nature. Cameraman goes with his wife (Armenian) to take pictures for the calendar, on which are the Armenian churches. They take a guide, who tells them about the history of these cultural sites. His wife is also a translator. The film is interwoven with shooting staff, and current times when the photographer is thinking about his life. He is trying to establish a relationship with many women, and takes them to dinner . It's always another one. The most interesting shots in the film are the scenes which are constantly appears. The same romantic dinner, scenes starts with a bottle of wine ,and her question, can I use the phone ? Each of them do the same, called their lover with whom they talk for hours, until he remembers his life and trying something to write about it. The film impressed me with its concept.
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Mary and Max (2009)
A wonderful emotional story
27 June 2018
I watched the film " Mary and Max " ,beautiful Australian animation by Adam Elliot, based on a true story. It is about the friendship between a lonely girl in Australia and a lonely man in America. Through many years of friendship that held, writing letters to each other, resolve their psychological problems and situations ,that life bring to them . In the film, I saw a book that I read "I'm OK, you are OK" .Through the film runs a beautiful music , famous songs like Zorba's Dance and Que sera, sera.
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Matador (1986)
An exceptional work of art
27 June 2018
And again me and the Spanish cinematography, Pedro Almodavar and his famous "Matador ". Excellent camera with a nice separate film frames, throughout the film holds special attention. Also, the soundtrack, tells the story perfectly. I especially remember the scene, when Mary stands on the bridge, where she saw the suicide and when she says, that this place is very attracted to her ,and keep her returning there. The story of the sick passions, obsessions with death, which even leads to a fascination with, the moment of eclipse in connection with the eclipse of the mind, a sense of guilt absent, Parapsychological phenomena ,prediction of events, the Oedipus complex, as it was Pedro masterfully arranged in "Matador". The film I really liked and left a strong impression on me. What to say that this film is really exceptional work of art.
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Something new about Brasil
27 June 2018
I watched the Brazilian film "A Idade da Terra" by Glaube Rocha, from 1980 .The film begins five-minute staff of the rising sun, with the Brazilian, indigenous music. The following are alternate shots of contrasts of light and darkness, music, songs and dances, colorful costumes , which remindes me of the famous Carnival in Rio de Janeiro. Alternate story about the end of the world, with tales of revolutions in the world, the independence of all countries, the totality of U.S. policy. Less knowledge about the historical and social conditions in Brazil ,hinder me in understanding some parts of the film, especially when it comes to associations with some political leaders and political events in Brazil, and the entire film I experienced as a theatrical performance. I can not say I understand it well enough, just hints of something about which I do not have enough knowledge and information.
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Quite noir
27 June 2018
I watched the Brazilian film "A Festa da Menina morta" by Matheus Nachtergaele 2008. Stories from remote areas of Brasil, where people are offering animal sacrifices to local gods. One rural schizophrenic and homosexual, declared as a Saint. All the action takes place in preparation for the festival to celebrate the " Dead Girls Day ". In that village is a lot of drunkard and mental disturbed people. Film is quite noir.
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Nice black comedy
27 June 2018
SPOILER: In the Irish town of Tula Mor is one of 52 people get on the lottery 7 million pounds. Since no one raises an award, a small town trying to find out the reason. They found dead Ned, with a smile on his face tightening a ticket in hand. But in Ireland the law is such ,that only people who bought the ticket could raise the reward. Then the town because it unites, and hope that the money be divided into 51 section. Nice black comedy.

Something from this movie which make mi laugh:

Boy Morris talks with the priest and asked him: Have you met Jesus? He say-no. If he pay to you?-No. The priest ask him: Maurice, would you able to interest the church? Morris say : I would never have to work for someone which I never met , and who doesn't pay to me.
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20 Cigarettes (2010)
A good movie
27 June 2018
Really great movie. It's placed in Iraque, during the peace mission in 2003 year. Film director and his asisstance went on Iraque to make some film. Camera is a good show details after the bomb attack of the peace camp . I forgot to mention the excellent soundtrack in this movie.
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72 days (2010)
A charming movie
27 June 2018
This is a really charming film, full of black humor. Unemployed brothers receive a American pension from their grandmother. When grandmother dies, they come up with the idea to kidnap the old lady out of a nursing home to continue receiving benefits.
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Reign Over Me (2007)
A great masterpiece
27 June 2018
I can't find enough words to describe this film. I think this is the best drama I've ever watched so far. And what is the most interesting about this movie is that Adam Sandler is masterfully played his role. How wonderful they told us this story, as well-managed operation, how well presented emotion. We don't know ,that man could be stronger than animals in suffering and loosing of loved ones. Masterpiece.
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An extraordinary movie
27 June 2018
Great movie, with plenty of political, brilliant jokes and black humor, interesting stories, like a parody of the war and to life itself. Someone get lucky in life and that is so.
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An excellent war film
27 June 2018
I watched it twice and think maybe it is the best war or antiwar movie I ever saw. It is highly recommended for watching.
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Surprisingly low rating here
27 June 2018
" Don't look back ", a good psychological drama with elements of horror,but I am surprised that it's the low rating on IMDb. Film is very good and interesting.
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Piano, solo (2007)
Deserves a much higher rating.
27 June 2018
I watch a movie " Piano, solo " ,about a life of jazz pianist Luca Flores . Great movie, but I watched the original one, in Italian, because I could not find any translation on my language, even in English. In any case, I understand a little Italian, fortunately there is not much dialogue, there is a more good classical and jazz music. Great movie, but low-rated on IMDB in my opinion, deserves a much higher rating.
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Not too bad,even if we are talking about Bruce Willis
27 June 2018
" Tears of the Sun " .A good movie, in my opinion. The seemingly simple story, turned into a war drama, full of uncertain events and the emotional moments, which effectively link the action through the Nigerian jungle, through a civil war that has claimed a lot of unnecessary casualties. Good film for action films, which I don't like a lot.Movie also have a little stupid, American fittings, "we are good guys and rescue some black people there". Bruce Willis make face like a real dangerous guy, Monica Bellucci wasn't fastened her shirt in all film, which was a nice movie scene
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Very disappointing
27 June 2018
I expected to see something like that. I think that people never should read the book first, then watch the movie. I don't know for others, but this movie completely ruined a book. It didn't express not even 10% of feelings which we may feel while reading this amazing book ( one of my favorite ). It is very disappointing for me.
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27 June 2018
I really liked this movie. Although , I'm not a fan of this genre and i don't know what is the full quality of this movie, but I like it a lot. Curious, for me something new, beautifully shot film scenes, nice music,extraordinary camera.
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So emotional movie
27 June 2018
" Like dandelion dust ", a beautiful film, about adopted boy, whose biological parents wants to take him , after six years. This movie talk about emotions, and I think that it is always an interesting theme to talk about emotions. With such a topic it is always up to date.The success of this film is that it is able to convey emotions, and proof of this are my shed tears.
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Winter's Bone (2010)
An unusual movie
27 June 2018
Very difficult and unusual film ,about a girl who takes care of the sick mother, sister and brother. Her father is a drug dealer and he is killed. She is involved in all these events.
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Wilde (1997)
A wonderful story about the Oscar Wilde's life
27 June 2018
I watch this fascinating film. How beautiful it is. How great man Oscar Wilde was.In fact, I've always said, that it is very important to know the biography of writers, in order to understand his work. Now ,I realize that it is also crucial. His work "The Picture of Dorian Gray" has left the most beautiful impression on anyone who had read it. I have never heard a bad opinion about that book. I almost read his work "De Profundis, " which is left an even bigger impression on me. Free sentences and philosophical thoughts, thoughts about life, very advanced for that time, a lot of emotion and truth, which is pronounced in this work, have made me his biggest fan. Since the act is written in short forms, in general, could not realize that this is a farewell letter to his young lover, for which it has slaved for two years. I found out tonight,while I am watching the movie about his life. Therefore, I say, it is necessary to know about life as a writer, that would be the right way, understand his work. Now I have to read "De Profundis" again, because otherwise it will be understood in light of new knowledge. Since I am his great literary fan, much easier I submitted a homosexual scene, which is in the movie. Yet he was a great man, sharp of mind and true words, and with his intellect surpassed the former, and I think the present time.
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An extraordinary movie
27 June 2018
" The Saint of Fort Washington " is a shocking, life film, which leaves nobody indifferent. Tells the story of the homeless, the helpless and the sick people, who wear their tragedy with optimism and faith in better life. Both of main actors, Danny Glover and Matt Dillon,are masterfully played their roles. All recommendations to watched this exceptional drama.
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27 June 2018
This is one of unusual movies I've watched lately. I think everyone will agree that the topic is unique. Theme of the absurdity of human existence, love, lost hopes, illusions and death. Their unusual passivity, when their own fate is in question. It reminds me of the passivity of people in concentration camps of World War II, who without any resistance, accept their fate. In this film are more unusual reaction of these young people, who agree to be sacrificial lambs.
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Great Ari Folman's film
27 June 2018
" Waltz with Bashir ",Israeli animated film that has it all. War story, made a documentary, the memory of veterans, the problem of separation of vague memories from actual events. I really liked this film. I had no idea that won the Oscar for best foreign film in 2009. The true story of an unnecessary massacre in the Palestinian camp, who carried the Christian soldiers, disguised in Israeli army uniforms. I can say, very boldly something to show. True story, documentary, presented as animated movie, but at the end, we can see a horrible , original scene of the massacre. I am thrilled with the film.
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