
4 Reviews
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Terrific show but the format of how it is edited is totally lame
19 January 2014
I really got a kick out of watching the first three episodes. It was funny, shocking and embarrassing and the segments were actually real but for TV they are re-enacted versions of what really took place. I'm all okay with that. My only criticism is the editing of the show itself. Why? Two reasons: 1. It makes the show hard to follow and 2: They do too much repeating of what we already saw. For example, when I watch one show, they do a lot of jumping back and forth between segments, they have about 3 or 4 ER segments to fill the one hour show.

One of the things that drives me crazy is that they keep replaying a lot of what was already saw which is a horrible waste of time. Each 1 hour alloted show runs about 41 minutes so when you factor in all the replaying that goes on, that cuts the show down to something like 39 or 38 minutes, which is crazy. For that reason, I'm knocking off 2 stars.

My suggestion would be for them to complete one segment of the show before moving on to the next one. Doing it that way would make it much more easier to follow the show than the way they're doing it now.
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Tower Heist (2011)
This is definitely not "It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World" movie...
20 February 2012
For a star-studded cast, this movie fails to hit the target. If fact, it's a total bust on all fronts. The story line is bad, the script is bad, the acting is bad and the entertainment value is, well yeah, bad. I hope this movie doesn't destroy careers of those who participated in it. This is one movie that gets filed under "Out of sight, out of mind" I wouldn't be surprised if some that starred in this movie will get a Razzie Nomination and possible Award. I guess, as far as these actors go, they'll do anything for money.

Good lord

Next movie please...
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Sicko (2007)
A very emotional documentary to watch.
6 July 2007
I think the documentary SiCKO was very well done. Mr. Moore takes us down the road of the current status of what the medical care is in this country and other countries he travels to places like Canada, France, Great Britian, and lastly Cuba. His statistics are fairly accurate throughout the whole documentary (according to news reports that I have heard) that runs about 2 hours long and does a wonderful job of interviewing many people in this documentary so you have the opportunity to hear their views. This documentary is NOT ABOUT Mr. Moore but rather ABOUT the people that are affected by the medical care that they get or give in this country and abroad.

I could not believe the number of 1 star ratings that are ahead of me. Their feedback is full of bias and hate towards Mr Moore calling everything he does propaganda thus their feedback is very opinionated and unintelligent. This is proved by the feedback on the readers of these posts (for example: 19 out of 136 people found the following comment useful) These people are just plain Michael Moore haters, period! Maybe these one star posters are from the medical insurance companies or from the right wingers but you can see all the readers feedback sending out a strong message to them here.

Please keep an open mind people when posting feedback from a movie you have watched and give feedback pertaining to the movie and not your personal opinions on Michael Moore. I genuinely think Mr. Moore cares about what happens in this country and to the underprivileged and he has a constitutional right to express his opinions in whatever documentary he releases. Good for him. He is practicing capitalism with these documentary movies. You know, the thing that Americans love to do? I'm sure all of you one star voting people have had to deal with the health insurance companies at one point. I know I have.

I'm not going to talk about this documentary too much because by the time you've gotten to my feedback here, I'm pretty sure you have a good idea of what this documentary is all about. I truly recommend that everyone see this, myself. It will put you through an emotional roller-coaster ride of how patients in the USA are treated and, or, denied medical care.

Lastly, to critique, I think I Mr. Moore missed on a few very important issues.

I am a 50 year old man and I pretty much know how the American medical care system worked before the HMO system was put into place and the status of where we are now. This is what Mr. Moore missed putting in his documentary or left out that would have made a big difference and here they are:

1. Doctor abuse. When I was young, a teen-ager, I remember that doctors were abusing or charging the insurance companies for performing unnecessary procedures or charging for procedures that weren't performed. Add to that the over-prescribing of new and expensive medications and referrals to specialists that cost a lot of money. This was happening in large numbers by doctors all across this country. It was total blatant physician greed to make most dollars and it was getting WAY OUT OF HAND. As a result, the insurance companies profit margins were were getting eaten up by all these crazy medical bills. Medical insurance companies had to do something to combat their profit loss. So what they did was to pass this increase in cost to their policy holders causing employers to pay more then, eventually, making their employees pay a co-pay and contribute to annual deductibles. I remember this vividly. It was broad casted on the news all the time back then. This brought about the need for medical insurance companies to take control over these cheating, corrupt and greedy doctors. Thus the birth of HMO's (managed health care) came about like Kaiser Permanente and the like were put into place to control these outrageous doctor bills that insurance companies had to pay. Mr. Moore neglected to mention that fact. Now that medical insurance companies are now in charge of everything, the shift of blatant greed for money has gone from doctors to HMO's.

2. I would have liked to have seen a paycheck from an average middle class citizen in Canada, France, Great Britian and Cuba showing how much they have to pay in taxes towards this National Health Care system. He did not do that thus we don't have a picture of the costs involved per individual.

3. Lastly, I would have loved to see Mr. Moore interview the citizens those 4 countries on why they hate the National Health Care system so they can provide us two perspectives on a tax paid National Health Care system.

With these three things missing, the documentary is sort of one-sided and doesn't give us two sides to the story. This is where Michael Moore fails and I hope he can learn from this omission. I gave this documentary 9 stars instead of 10 because of the 3 missing things I mentioned above.

Even with the 3 missing things I mention, SiCKO hits its mark. Michael Moore is brilliant, successful and he cares.
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I cannot believe that this show was canceled after 4 shows.
29 April 2006
I have to agree with the last users comments about reality TV and horrible writers for shows. This show, "The Book of Daniel" had great promise. Watching it took my interest almost right away. It was a complex show with many complex stories filled with problems just like real life. You really had to follow it and pay attention because it was a very multitasking show. I found it very entertaining and soap opera-like. The people that starred in it were a perfect match for the show. To me, I thought this show had great success written all over it. Yes it did have some odd twists in it but over-all, I loved it. I'm very disheartened about its cancellation that happened rather abruptly. They did say, before the show was about to air, that their would be great controversy in it. Well doesn't that reflect real life? Now no one will ever know the success this show could have brung to us all. What new soap opera twists were going to happen next. I feel it was a crummy decision to take The Book of Daniel off the air. This show always had great answers to the problems that existed on it. It was a teaching tool to me.

Just like the other person commented, all we're stuck with, these days, are a lot of very boring and sometimes very graphic reality TV shows. I'm waiting for someone to die on one of the shows some day so they all will go. I guess the freedom of what you want to watch on TV now is now guided by complaints from it's viewers rather than the shows' ratings. This is truly a sad 21st century for television. If you don't like what you see, there is the remote control ya know.

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