
21 Reviews
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The Traitors (2023– )
A Tale of Two Seasons
31 March 2024
The debut season of "The Traitors" in the US brilliantly captured my attention, offering a refreshing blend of mystery, strategy, and raw human interaction. With a cast comprising a few familiar faces amidst a sea of ordinary individuals, it struck the perfect balance between relatability and intrigue. This blend allowed viewers to see themselves in the contestants' shoes, navigating the treacherous waters of trust and deception in a high-stakes game. The strategic depth, coupled with genuine reactions from the players, made for a compelling watch. However, Season 2 took a dramatic departure from this winning formula, opting to cast the show entirely with reality TV stars known for their previous stints on various other shows. This decision, in my view, severely detracted from the essence of what made the first season so captivating. The inclusion of these personalities brought an air of entitlement and an overdose of theatrics that felt out of place in the nuanced game of deceit and detection that "The Traitors" aims to be. Their penchant for drama overshadowed the strategic gameplay, turning the show into a showcase of overblown personalities rather than a battle of wits. The charm of "The Traitors" lies in its ability to blur the lines between the ordinary and the extraordinary, making viewers question what they would do in a similar situation. Season 1 excelled at this, but Season 2's shift towards a cast of reality TV veterans felt like a misstep, prioritizing shock value and drama over the strategic depth and authenticity that drew fans like myself to the series initially. In conclusion, while "The Traitors" (US version) remains a uniquely engaging series, its second season represents a missed opportunity to build on the strong foundation laid by its predecessor. Instead of enhancing the show's core elements, the decision to cast exclusively reality TV stars has, unfortunately, led to a diluted experience, focusing more on theatrics than the intriguing game of trust and betrayal at its heart.
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The Traitors NZ (2023– )
New Zealand Falls Short of Franchise Grandeur
31 March 2024
As a fervent enthusiast of "The Traitors" series, having indulged in both seasons from the US, UK, and Australia, I approached "The Traitors - New Zealand" with high expectations. This show, at its core, presents an engrossing battle of wits, where 'the Faithful' strive to identify 'the Traitors' amidst their ranks. However, I found the first season of the New Zealand iteration to be underwhelming. My disappointment stems not from the concept, which remains compelling, but from the apparent budget constraints that starkly contrast with the grandeur of its counterparts. One of the series' charms has always been its setting, which plays a crucial role in creating an atmosphere of suspense and grandiosity. Unfortunately, "The Traitors - New Zealand" falls short in this regard. The participants are confined to small, sparsely decorated rooms for their daily congregations, a far cry from the majestic Andross Castle that graced the US and UK versions. This shift not only diminishes the show's visual appeal but also, I suspect, impacts the contestants' experience and, by extension, the viewers'. In a country with a population of approximately 5 million, the limitations of a small market are evident in the New Zealand version's production values. It's a poignant reminder of the challenges faced by smaller Commonwealth countries in matching the production quality of larger nations. The scenic backdrop, an element of the show that could have been its saving grace, also fails to captivate, further compounding the disappointment. Despite these criticisms, my affection for the franchise remains undimmed. I believe with adequate support and investment, "The Traitors - New Zealand" could yet capture the essence that makes this series so enthralling. It might be time for the show's fans to rally, possibly through a GoFundMe, to bolster the production budget, ensuring the New Zealand iteration can stand tall among its illustrious predecessors.
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The Out-Laws (2023)
Action-packed Silly Fun
11 July 2023
A Happy Madison (Adam Sandler) produced film. Except for Adam DeVine, the casting is stellar. Sorry, I don't find him funny, though he did make me laugh at least once. Pierce Brosnan, Ellen Barkin, Julie Hagerty, and Richard Kind deliver as the parents. This is the first time I've taken notice of Poorna Jagannathan, who did a wonderful job as the mob boss. The action scenes were quite entertaining and the supporting cast brought their A-game. I'm surprised by the poor reviews. This film is not going to win any awards. It's funny and silly, but it has a solid plot, well-executed action, a decent script, and a cast that made it enjoyable. Even a few inside jokes, if you're paying attention. Grab a pint of ice cream or a bag of popcorn and have a good laugh.
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Succession (2018–2023)
A Masterpiece of Bad Acting with One Shining Star.
3 April 2023
HBO's hit series "Succession" is a rare gem in the world of television, delivering some of the most cringe-worthy acting performances imaginable. Nicholas Braun, Kieran Culkin, and Sarah Snook should be commended for their remarkable ability to make every scene they're in feel like a high school drama production.

However, the one bright spot in this parade of bad acting is Brian Cox's portrayal of Logan Roy, the patriarch of the wealthy and dysfunctional Roy family. Cox's ability to actually act makes him stand out like a diamond in a pile of dung, and he manages to bring depth and complexity to a character that is otherwise one-dimensional.

Despite the uneven performances, "Succession" is a masterpiece of television drama, exploring the lives of the mega-rich in a way that makes you feel like you're watching a car crash in slow motion. The writing is sharp and witty, and the show's ability to balance humor and seriousness is nothing short of amazing.

If you're looking for a series that will make you cringe and laugh at the same time, "Succession" is a must-watch. The bad acting alone is worth the price of admission, and Brian Cox's performance is a reminder that there is still some hope for the craft of acting.
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Night Sky (2022)
I want eight hours of my life back.
18 January 2023
The best thing about this series is watching the craft of acting masterfully delivered by Sissy Spacek. Kudos to JK Simmons for coming in a close second. As for the rest of the cast...meh. Not a memorable performance by the entire ensemble. But the real disappointment is the script. After eight hours of viewing, it's barely revealed who is chasing who and for why. The script labors slowly forward, never revealing the circumstances and true purpose of "mechanical device" at the center of the story. We've all watched two-hour blockbuster films that took us from nothing to conclusion, but not this dud. I firmly believe that's the intent. Tell us nothing. Drag this into a second season, or beyond, by getting viewers hood-winked into believing the next episode will divulge the answers. Nope. The writer should have been a minister. Long on gibberish and weak on answers.
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The Sinner (2017–2021)
1 November 2022
I've enjoyed every season of "The Sinner" but Season 4 is particularly magnificent. Incredible writing worthy of every industry award. The story is a riddle, in a riddle, in a riddle. Just when you think you know where this anthology season is headed, the writers take you down another brilliant rabbit hole. Bill Pullman is a master of his craft. He delivers an amazing performance as aging cop that's utterly realistic. Then, Mr. Pullman envelopes his character with a lifetime of heavily-weighted guilt that's only understood by the viewer if you've watched Seasons 1-3. Season 4 is the opera singer's high note. But don't start there. Begin at the beginning.
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If only it were as good as the last ten minutes
18 September 2022
Love the premise of this film. Props for the strong casting. It's just to slow and lacking in artful dialogue. I felt like they were ripping off "Fargo" including a lame reference in the dialogue. The central male character, who's a comic, is really bad at being a comic. But no comic is so bad that they don't have years of material to lean on. This comic has no act whatsoever. And that's why this film drags on. He's boring beyond the pale. The only saving grace is the last ten minutes. That segment makes the entire film worth it. What a recovery. Like watching a patient flatline and comes back from the dead.
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Better Things: White Rock (2017)
Season 2, Episode 9
27 June 2022
Not only is it my favorite episode of "Better Things," it is my favorite episode of any show as long as memory serves me. Watching it, I am verklempt. I have no family, and this no memories like this. I treasure this thirty minutes, keep it close to my heart, and revisit it often.
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The Old Man (2022– )
Brillant. Absolutely brilliant.
23 June 2022
An intelligence agency thriller that's believable. Fight scenes as they should be. A subtle Shakespearean in its delivery. A cast of masters that are a gift to the craft of acting.
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Buried in Barstow (2022 TV Movie)
The Best of Lifetime Movies
22 June 2022
My wife loves Lifetime Movies and I'm along for the ride. I've ever been impressed...until now. Buried in Barstow is the best that Lifetime Movies has to offer. Angie Harmon and her co-stars actually apply the craft of acting. Unlike other Lifetime Movies, I wasn't rolling my eyes at bad acting and a lame script. Congratulations, Lifetime MO ies for finally delivering a real film.

A sequel would be great. Don't keep us waiting.
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Shining Girls (2022)
Not what you think it is.
5 June 2022
What you think is a run-of-the-mill murder thriller is actually a sci-fi murder thriller. Good plot. Strong acting. A slow burn, but worth watching. Confident Rod Serling (RIP) would give it a thumbs up.
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Reacher (2022– )
Roid Rage Television
16 February 2022
Let's start with Ritchson. "Redwood," as one character in the first episode refers to Reacher, has the personality to match a short stack of lumber. He couldn't act his way out of a paper bag if a life depended on it.

The content has no redeeming value for anyone other than the wannabe tough guy mob who drool as Reacher cracks bones and breaks heads.

If you're in need of a testosterone overdose to fill your void of paranoia, depression, and violence, you've come to right place.
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1 January 2022
Here's the sad truth. Jason Priestley and Kelly Rutherford are much better at the craft of acting than the performances the give in this series. Why they are delivering their lines in such horrific fashion is beyond my comprehension. Did the director say, "Deliver it like you're brand new to the craft."? As for the other actors, I had low expectations. But it's really sad to watch pros utterly bomb in from of the camera.
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Ruby is a lot more naughty in Part 3
24 December 2021
Good girl Ruby has taken a sabbatical. She wants what she wants. Nothing is going to get in her way, including her sister, Giselle. We get to see Ruby's lustful and selfish side. What a naughty vixen.
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Mayor of Kingstown (2021– )
Worthless Cinema
5 December 2021
This horrific series must be the by-product from one of Taylor Sheridan's and Hugh Dillon's roid rage weekends. A confusing, boring, sloppy, tedious, waste of time. Very disappointed that Dianne Wiest signed on to this rubbish train. Two stars: One for English language adaptation and the other for no misspellings in the credits.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
A Cinematography Failure
13 November 2021
The director and cinematographers should be seriously embarrassed. There are so many lengthy scenes where one can literally not make out anything going on, even if every source of light in your viewing room is obstructed. Very disappointing.
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Losing Alice (2020)
Tedious and boring
30 September 2021
I can only assume that Apple+ licensed this wannabe film noir art project for an amazing bargain basement price. I literally fell to sleep. I could care less what happens to these characters.
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Deadly Misconduct (2021 TV Movie)
Would prefer to award it zero stars
5 September 2021
It's to be expected that a "Lifetime Movie" will be predictable, of modest budget, and a way to burn two hours of one's life. But this is bad. Really bad. The Canadian director shot this in Norman, Oklahoma area and by all appearances locally rented his cast, equipment, props, and wardrobe after his arrival. With the exception of the two principal actors (referring to them as actors is being kind) the rest of the cast don't look to have ever delivered a line of dialogue in a school play. This entire production is an embarrassment to the craft of acting and filmmaking.
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Beckett (2021)
Woulda Coulda Shoulda
16 August 2021
This storyline had so much potential. A mini-thriller. Sadly, the director and/or the screenwriter must have thought the audience would connect the cavernous gaps in the plot by some form of osmosis. After watching, you'll be left with desire to call the director and say, "Why couldn't you just add one or two sporadic lines dialogue to fill us in on what is going on? Is that too much to ask?"
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Mortal (2020)
Better than Marvel's bogus story
4 April 2021
Acknowledging that it's all fantasy, at least this story is more believable than the cartoonish version that Marvel brou to the screen. I'm unsure about the ending. Sequel?
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Sharp Objects (2018)
Worth watching, but...
27 August 2018
.....horrible direction by Jean-Marc Vallée. The viewer is expected to arrive at too many conclusions without any context. Had it not been for my wife having read the book, we'd both have been lost. Not Vallée's best work. Props to Miquel Sandoval for a stellar supporting performance.
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