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The Witcher: The Cost of Chaos (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
28 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Well, the last two episodes were so awful that I wasn't sure if they were made to make fun of everything. I never thought that I will leave a comment about dialog, but the dialog is a disaster. The pace and the stories are so slow and boring that you feel like you're wasting time. No, you know you're wasting time but you're hoping that something is going to happen and that this can't be all that there is and then it's the end. Awful. I thought that the worst show ever was Ring of Powers but these 2 episodes took over. If you think about it, it's disgraceful not only to the books/game fans but to those who liked the show without any previous knowledge about The Witcher. The worst ending of a season ever. From a good show it transformed to some kind of strange show for kids... Mommy and daddy love each other while their precious princess for 30 min walks around desert saying on repeat "Hang on, you can do it". On repeat. She cries, parents cry, friends cry, they all cry and repeat the same sentences for 2 episodes. I gave it 2 stars because it's the last season for Henry... I don't understand why they didn't end it with first part.
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Good Omens (2019– )
I loooooved it
19 September 2022
I loved it! I haven't read the book but I will now and I love when this happens. Tenant was fantastic, Sheen also, but somehow I only watched Tennant acting in series where he's grumpy and sad so this, for me, was the surprise in the best way possible. I liked that there are carefully done details. On the very beginning, when it starts to rain, angel hides Tennant from the rain, under his wing. Just like an angel would. I love when writers think and create details like this because it gives a certain depth to characters. It's funny and relaxing and the acting is really good. I'm really glad I've found it.
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Note to the creators of the show
19 September 2022
Why didn't you consult random fans? You could've read Quora or Reddit or any of the forums with fan's ideas and suggestions for the story. It's 5 seasons... You could've explain so much, do so much...better. Can you do better in the next season? Unfortunately, I'm not so sure anymore.

I've read some of the reviews, there are people giving 10 and leaving comments such as "I can't wait to see Morgoth's ring". I mean these people don't even know what they're talking about. People who are new to this don't even know the difference, they think it's the same character or that Morgoth is an ancient Sauron's tower. I mean, new fans don't understand anything, old fans don't understand why and what's going on.

Personally, I dislike the most the feeling that this is part of GOT, it looks like we're constantly between the North and King's Landing. These can't be compared. The look and the 'vibe' of the elfs is simply...boring. The actors don't show the grace and the wisdom of the elfs, and they're not filmed to be the 'great' or 'chosen' ones. To put Galadriel instead of Gil Galad or eeeven Elrond to be a warrior is beyond me. And then to make her so stubborn and unwise is the worst part of this. She constantly looks and talks through her teeth and looks so angry that it's becoming irritating.

I don't even know what to say about their look. They're not taller nor do they have long hair and they don't behave as elfs from the books. At least you could've done this right.

I like the look of dwarves and Moria. I even like the look of Hardfoots, but if Gandalf is the man who's with them then that will be total fiasco and end of the series for me.

Looking on the bright side, I believe more people will read the books now, because of the all backlash.

Also I hope that somehow you'll manage to change the wrongdoings in the next seasons and be more in tune with Tolkien's story because this is not the story of the rings of power.
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Game of Thrones: The Long Night (2019)
Season 8, Episode 3
Expectation can be met just not in this episode
29 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Some "reviewers" need to get a life and stop admiring every episode because of GOT's previous glory. I just love those people who remind us in these reviews how actors had rough time, how it was difficult to film all those white walkers blaa blaaa. That is their job people. GOT became what it is because these people knew their job and we've admired them for many seasons, but if the episode is bad and doesn't meet the expectation then it's fair to say so. And I also looove those people who truly believe that if you leave bad review you know nothing (John Snow) or you are not a true fan. I've been a fan of books as well of series for a decade now but this episode was simply disappointing. First of all GOT started with white walkers and we see them as main villains for 8 seasons . They have inexplicable power, NK is a character like no other and now it seems that Cersei is bigger than NK....Come on...I mean ok, GOT is based on shock moments and as our favorite characters died we understood that nothing can be foreseen, however this episode feels like shock for the sake of shock. Like the writers said "Hey, everyone is going to think that everybody is going to die lets not do that" It doesn't matter that the NK is the strongest or that fans follow Bran through the woods for 3 seasons, or that dragon died because of him or that he ruined THE WALL. Let's create shock... Also let's give the public what they want because they want it so much, let's create Arya and Gendry love affair, let's make Jamie die in Brienne's hands or vice versa , let's make Cleganebowl.,..I mean cooome oooon, we love GOT because we can expect the unexpected. I admit, Arya's killing of NK was unexpected, but for him to die in this episode without any explanation of his connection with Bran and to leave Sersei as the main villain is just disappointing. I can hear commercial break "Stay tuned to see what happens with lover quarrel between your favorite characters Dany and Jon,love triangle Cersei, Brienne and Jamie, and of course new lovers Arya and Gendry..... Just disappointing. To make corpses from the crypts strong enough to break the stone to get out, but not strong enough to break the wood is just magnificent idea... To wake the dead Starks from hundreds of years ago but not to wake Rickon or Kate is just fantastic...
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15 February 2019
Go see this movie, it is warm and beautiful. CGI is great as is the story and characters. It's about not forgetting to nurture your inner child but also about seeing perspective of a child and grown up life. It is often very funny and true to it's characters. Bouncing Tigger and miserable donkey and sweet Piglet, Pooh with the balloon, everything is here and it looks real. After watching this I felt really good.
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JKP sold her soul - review for HP fans
15 February 2019
Is this movie about Grindelwald and Dumbledore or Newt and beasts or Credence or American aurors? You can't mix that all up and expect from real HP fans to connect with the characters. I don't know why this is called Fantastic beasts as there are roughly 5 beasts shown, 2 of which we already seen. The description says the adventures of Newt... This movie has nothing to do with Newt and it could easily be only Tina running around... The thing is that Jacob, the Muggle was the best character and that is just sad for movie about magic. Johnny Depp looks more drunk that scary. I truly think that he was actually drunk in few scenes. This was the first "Voldemort", the man that craved power, fear and wanted Muggles to be practically slaves. There is nothing! that makes me feel that. It' like he's random mafia boss. The main/end twist got me sooo angry. I mean you can't deliver that twist to HP fans which know everything about Dubledore and hope we care that much about destiny of Credence. If this is the case than Credence was badly written from the start as we do not connect with him or care if he's gonna join Gridelwald or Dumbledore. I truly believe that 70% of people who will go to see the movie are HP fans. Then JKR and team had to understand and listen to the fans and create something believable. It's not that we are just fans of HP, we love the magic, the idea, the world. And for other 30% that haven't watched or cared about HP I just don't see how this movie will transform them into fans. There is a book about beasts for God sake... The adventure of Newt would be exploring the beasts, fighting bad wizards to free the beasts, introducing to us the magic of the beasts, making us understand Newt the awkward boy... If this movie isn't about the fans of HP than there should be no Grindelwald as he is a book character. There are 3 or 4 unimportant mentions of him in HP movies so they must have assumed that we already know who he is. Then make a movie about him and Dumbledore, how they met,how they went separate ways, how Dumbledore changed, the story about Ariana, the history of main characters.. If it's about Credence and America, then make him a new HP, explain to us his strength, give him his adventures with American aurors, show us different way of magical life in USA... These could easily be separate movies or franchises... This is a movie about making money on previous admiration and love. I'm sorry but my main feeling is that JKR sold her soul.
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OK movie
23 December 2018
I don't know why but I expected something different from the trailer... The acting is really good but somehow I constantly felt like something is missing and expected a climax that never came. The vibe is strange, it's like you're not sure if the movie will transform into a comedy or a crime story. I find this strange because it's about really important theme. You either make fun of Klan or turn it into a serious crime movie. The ending about 2017 is really serious and disturbing for me but the movie wasn't so much which is awkward since I think of racism as a stupidity of mankind. I didn't read the book and the comments are that for Ron it was easy to infiltrate to the Klan but to be the first black policeman in Colorado Springs sure wasn't as easy as presented here. However this was an OK movie about important issue that shows you that you can be the change in the world.
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Penny Dreadful (2014–2016)
A masterpiece of acting
23 December 2018
All hail to Eva Green! What an actress! If for nothing else you should see it for her. And I must say for all the other actors - bravo. The first season is amazing. I must say that I'm not overly fond of watching horror movies but this was something different. Let's say that not all episodes are horror. The combination of characters, the writing, the dark atmosphere, everything was brilliant. It is an interesting journey through characters such as Frankenstein, Dorian Grey etc. But I must go back to the acting and once again say it's a masterpiece. I really recommend this one.
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Aquaman (2018)
Visuals that comic-book movie deserves
22 December 2018
I find many action scenes in comic-book movies too short or too long with not enough "drama". This movie has good balance of showing strength of Aquaman with just the right amount of number and length of action scenes. The visuals are really stunning and really well done. I rolled my eyes on stupid jokes and this is probably the only downside of this movie. It's like they're there to compete with Marvel...whatever. For me Nolan's Batmans were the movies made more for adults, this one is more for children although older gen that like comic-books will be pleased. 9/10 for CGI and 7.5/10 for movie in whole.
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Music was the OK
22 December 2018
Well, if this is sexy then we are doomed. I did like the music therefor it deserves 3/10.
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The worst movie I have ever seen
22 December 2018
Really...This was awful. I would gave it a -10 if I could and I don't understand how this stupidity has such high score as 5 is really high for this. The oooonly thing that you may find OK are the moments when Megan Fox is normal and beautiful... When I think about...even her beauty can't help this monstrosity.
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Black Mirror (2011– )
22 December 2018
This is a brilliant show! It is extremely disturbing and at the same time ingenious. It took me a year to watch second episode as I was too in shock from the first one. However it makes you question our time, our lives and society in general. I can't compare it to anything I've seen so far. Each episode leaves you speechless and the only thing you can actually say after a while is OMG!
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Sherlock (2010–2017)
Almost perfect
22 December 2018
I love Sherlock, the books, the character, the genius and this one has it all. The only reason I didn't gave it a 10 is because the last season was eeeeeextremely disappointing. And because Jeremy Brett deserves 10/10. However this is a brilliant Sherlock homage.
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Bodyguard (2018)
Liked it
22 December 2018
It has lots of unexpected twists and this is why I liked it. It seems to me that nowadays they make series in which you can foresee the ending too soon and very easily. The pace was a bit slow but if you are into series where you're not sure what happens next or who the killer is then this will be interesting for you.
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Bird Box (2018)
Boring box
22 December 2018
This was pointless... The plot, the writing, everything except the actors. There is no story here whatsoever... If you want to see Sandra running around blindfolded then this is a movie for you .
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