
41 Reviews
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Really enjoyed this movie.
16 May 2024
Loved it!!!! There is no need for dialogue. When I was in film school I was taught that you should be able to make a film where you can turn the volume off and still understand what is going on. I love the minimalism of this film. Everything is shot basically in one location, the forest in northern California. There are only four main characters. So much is said without saying one word. You really get attached to this family of Sasquatch.

Sasquatch Sunset is a delightfully quirky and heartwarming film that will leave you with a smile on your face. This indie gem follows the adventures of a young cryptozoologist convinced that Bigfoot exists in the forests near her small town. What begins as a far-fetched quest blossoms into a charming coming-of-age story about friendship, family, and pursuing one's dreams against all odds.

The child actors are simply outstanding, delivering naturalistic and unaffected performances. The scenic Pacific Northwest settings are stunning, making you feel like you've been transported into an enchanted woodland. But it's the film's whimsical spirit and positive messages about believing in yourself that elevate it to pure magic.

An utter delight from start to finish, Sasquatch Sunset is sunshine for the soul - an imaginative crowd-pleaser the whole family can enjoy together. Don't let this overlooked indie gem escape your radar.
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Bodkin (2024– )
Terrible use of Will Forte.
16 May 2024
I love Will Forte and was excited to start watching a new project of his. It has taken me multiple times of watching and rewatching the first couple episodes to try and get into this. Somehow I made it to episode 4, waiting for something to happen, something to grab me and let me know that I am not wasting my time on this show..................... It never happened. I gave up, don't waste your time, there are many other better shows out there.

Netflix's crime drama "Bodkin" had the potential to be an engaging and thrilling series, but it ultimately falls flat due to its predictable storylines and lack of compelling character development. The show follows the familiar formula of a brilliant but troubled detective solving cases, a trope that has been seen countless times before. While there's nothing inherently wrong with sticking to a tried-and-true formula, "Bodkin" fails to bring any fresh or exciting twists to the table, making the cases feel formulaic and the solutions often predictable.

Furthermore, the characters in "Bodkin" lack depth and fail to engage the viewer emotionally. The titular detective, Bodkin, is a one-dimensional figure defined solely by his addiction struggles and eccentric behavior, with little exploration of his backstory or motivations. The supporting cast is similarly underdeveloped, feeling more like archetypes than fully realized characters.

The pacing of the show is also a significant issue, with entire episodes dedicated to minuscule plot developments or meandering subplots that fail to advance the main narrative. This sluggish pace can make the viewing experience feel tedious and drawn out, causing viewers to lose interest or become disengaged.

While "Bodkin" has its moments, particularly in its atmospheric cinematography, these strengths are overshadowed by the show's fundamental flaws. Without engaging characters, gripping narratives, or a sense of urgency, "Bodkin" ultimately fails to captivate and leaves viewers feeling bored and unsatisfied.
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If you like the Farrelly brother's movies you won't like this.
10 March 2024
This movie was not good. I would never have guessed this movie was made by a Farrelly brother. It pushed no boundries, it was not funny, quite boring. Don't waste your time watching this.

The Farrelly brothers, Peter and Bobby, have carved out a unique niche in the world of comedy filmmaking with their irreverent, politically incorrect, and unapologetically crude brand of humor. Their movies, such as "There's Something About Mary," "Dumb and Dumber," and "Kingpin," have become cult classics, resonating with audiences who appreciate their willingness to push boundaries and challenge societal norms.

One of the primary reasons why the Farrelly brothers' movies are so funny is their ability to find humor in the most unlikely and uncomfortable situations. They aren't afraid to tackle taboo subjects and explore the darker corners of human behavior, often drawing laughter from scenarios that others might find too cringe-worthy or offensive to joke about. This fearlessness and lack of self-censorship have allowed them to create comedic moments that are both shocking and hilarious, leaving audiences in stitches while simultaneously questioning whether they should be laughing.

Another factor that contributes to the success of their films is the brothers' knack for creating memorable and endearing characters. Despite their flaws and questionable behavior, the protagonists in Farrelly brothers movies are often likable underdogs who audiences can't help but root for. From the lovable dimwits Lloyd and Harry in "Dumb and Dumber" to the hapless Ted Striker in "Stuck on You," these characters manage to elicit empathy and laughter in equal measure, further enhancing the comedic impact of the films.

The Farrelly brothers' movies are also notable for their inventive and meticulously crafted physical comedy. Sequences involving slapstick, bodily fluids, and outrageous stunts are expertly choreographed and executed, showcasing the brothers' talent for creating visual gags that are both outrageously funny and impressively choreographed. These moments of pure, unadulterated silliness serve as a welcome respite from the more crass and vulgar humor, providing a well-rounded comedic experience that appeals to a wide range of audiences.

Furthermore, the Farrelly brothers' movies are often praised for their ability to strike a delicate balance between crude humor and genuine emotional depth. Beneath the surface of their raunchy and outrageous comedies lies a surprising amount of heart and poignancy, as they explore themes of friendship, love, and acceptance. This juxtaposition of lowbrow and highbrow elements creates a unique and engaging viewing experience that sets their films apart from many other comedies.

While the Farrelly brothers' movies are certainly not for the faint of heart or those easily offended, their unapologetic and irreverent approach to comedy has earned them a devoted following and cemented their place in the annals of cinematic history. Their willingness to push boundaries, create unforgettable characters, and seamlessly blend physical comedy with emotional depth has resulted in a body of work that continues to resonate with audiences worldwide, cementing their status as true masters of comedy.
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Terrifier (2016)
WOW!!! Didn't realize that films like this were still made.
25 December 2023
I don't know why I waited so long to watch this movie. I have heard nothing but good things about it.

It is bloody, gory and a ton of violence, so if these are not your thing in a horror movie do not watch this.

Art The Clown, such a great character. The actor that portrays Art did such a fantastic job, he says so much but never says a word.

What I really enjoyed about this movie is the practical effects. It is so nice to see a movie with no, or little, CGI.

I was born in 1971 and watching this movie reminds me of the many horror movies I grew watching in the late 70's and in the 80's.

Don't read into this movie and just enjoy it for what it is.
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A truly waste of my time.
28 October 2023
I had to crack open a ton of pistachios and I was listening to Howard Stern, then I thought, HEY I should watch The Royal Hotel, looks like it could be interesting.

Boy oh boy was I wrong. This movie goes nowhere very slowly.

I hate when I watch a movie and I'm not really getting into it but keep thinking OKAY something big is going to happen and turn this train wreck around and make it worth it.... well that in no way happened with this movie.

This movie was a complete waste of my time so please if you value your time I am doing you a huge favor here... do not watch this... there are such better movies to watch.
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Possum (2018)
Watch something else.
25 June 2023
I work in the film/video production and post production world. I used to love going to the theatre ever week and watch two movies in a day.

I used to say that movies should be longer, I want more.

Possum is a crap, boring movie. I am forty minutes in and having a difficult time wanting to continue watching this bore of a movie.

I do not think that I ask much. I simply feel that a movie should grab my interest and engage me within the first twenty minutes.

The one thing going for this bore of a movie is the soundtrack. The soundtrack is much more interesting than the story itself.

Please do not waste your time with this movie.
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If you love Midsommer and Hereditary skip this one.
15 June 2023
So far I have loved the work from Ari. Midsommer and Hereditary are truly well done, engaging films. I don't know what happened here but the train went off the tracks and kept going. After two hours I found myself begging for the movie to come to an end.

I love movies that are off the beaten path, that make me question and think, but this one was just three hours of pompous, self-indulgent, drawn out, boring drivel.

Joaquin Phoenix did a fantastic job, he looked horrible and played an incredibly great neurotic character.

Watching this film I felt like I was back in film school with my fellow students thinking that every wacky idea we came up with was so deep and meaningful and that we were true artists.

I can only hope that Ari got this out of his system and will go back to making truly entertaining movies.
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Fortunately I did not have to pay to see this.
10 May 2023
Wow. I love a good slow movie, but The Integrity of Joesph Chambers is only one of these two.... and good is not it.

I would say the only reason I did not give up on it within the first thirty minutes is that I was substitute teaching and had a two hour break. I would be a bit more pissed that my time was wasted had I been at home and watched this incredible bore on my personal time.

I remember when I first graduated film school I wished that all movies were the hours long. I wanted to see more and be entertained. As I have gotten older I realized that not everything is worthy of being made into a movie and that many stories can be told in a quarter of the time.

Maybe I would have enjoyed this a year more had all the fat been cut off and it was thirty minutes.

Boring. Go watch something better.
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Well done.
1 April 2023
This is the second or third time I have watched this movie. I love it.

The film is shot entirely in black and white, which creates a haunting and eerie atmosphere. The cinematography is stunning, with a lot of close-up shots that emphasize the emotional turmoil that Francisca is going through. The acting is also superb, with Kika Magalhaes delivering a mesmerizing performance as the lead character.

The plot of the film is slow-paced, but it is deliberate and effective in building suspense and tension. The film doesn't rely on jump scares or gore to frighten the audience, but rather on the unsettling nature of the story and the psychological trauma that Francisca experiences.

Overall, "The Eyes of My Mother" is a haunting and unforgettable film that will stay with you long after it's over. It's not for everyone, as it's a slow-burn horror movie that relies heavily on atmosphere and mood, but for those who enjoy psychological horror and character-driven stories, it's definitely worth a watch.
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Skinamarink (2022)
Waste of time.
24 January 2023
If I would have turned this in as my final assignment back in film school I would be an accountant now.

I saw a trailer for this film and it looked freaky. I liked the grainy film look and the audio was a bit haunting. Of course the trailer states that this will be the scariest movie I have ever seen... I was not expecting this to be the case but thought it may be entertaining. I was wrong.... soooooo wrong.

Two minutes into this "film" I was bored already, but hoping that this is going somewhere. Ten minutes in I was really bored, but was hoping this would go somewhere. Thirty minutes in I was disappointed with myself that I spent the past 30 minutes watching this horrible waste of time.

There are many, many other films that are way better than this mess and much more worthy of your time.

I was fortunate that I saw this "film" at no cost, the only thing wasted was my time.
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I was being paid to watch this movie (watched it at work) and I wasted my time.
21 January 2023
First off. To give this movie anything more than a 1 star is way too nice.

I guess I can give the production and post-production crew credit that they knew how to use their equipment in capturing an image. I would not give this same credit to whoever wrote the screenplay. Oh yeah, the editing... not too happy with some of the effects they used. I thought there was a problem with my copy and it was skipping, only to figure out that this terrible effect was done on purpose.

There was not much of a story to this horrible mess of a waste of time. The characters were idiotic, poorly acted and I could have cared less about any of them.

I was looking forward to seeing this, the trailer grabbed my attention and I like Stephen Dorf and the other dude... I was totally disappointed.

If you were wanting to watch this movie go watch something much better: The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, House of 1000 Corpses, Evil Dead.
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The Rental (2020)
Why can't we give movies a negative star?
17 December 2022
Giving this waste of my hour and a half or so a 1 rating is being far too generous. This kept popping up on Netflix so I thought I would give it a shot and boy do I want my time back.

There is nothing about this movie that is worth you watching it. It took over a half hour before I thought,"Okay we got something going on here," and then that thought went away and I wasted the rest of time watching this.

I don't need my hand held and have everything wrapped up neatly with an answer at the end of a movie, but this went absolutely nowhere and for no reason. Please. I beg of you to watch something better.
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If you are a true Texas Chainsaw fan you will enjoy this.
1 December 2022
This is truly a fun and entertaining ride. The characters are written as over the top, cartoonish and it has a vibe of the 90's campy movies.

This movie is completely different than the original, but that is fine. There are some scenes in here that get quite brutal, but it works well adding to the total craziness of everything going on.

If you want to stay more grounded in reality and not crazy about watching some violent scenes then maybe this movie is not for you.

I never thought about it but think it is cool... this movie has a couple women in it, Rene Zellwegger(not sure if that is how you spell it) and the woman who plays Vilmer's girlfriend.... and these are two really tough women that stand their ground and don't take any crap.
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Barbarian (2022)
30 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The only positive thing about watching this movie is that I burned a nice amount of calories watching it while on my treadmill.

I had no idea what to expect with this movie. It took about thirty minutes before it caught my interest and had me curious as to what the heck is going on.

I was questioning a few things as the movie went on and then when I looked to see that there was ten minutes left I thought there is no way that this movie is going to be able to have a worthwhile resolution with what little time is left.

If you are looking to watch a movie for a bit of a scare and a somewhat interesting plot, do not look here.

----- spoiler----- When the guy pushed the girl off the water tower/silo, whatever it was, and then the crazy woman jumped off after her.... did anyone question why when the guy came down to the ground the crazy woman was underneath the woman that he pushed off the silo?
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The Watcher (2022– )
Enjoyed up till the last episode. Don't watch, save your time.
17 October 2022
I knew nothing about The Watcher and was looking to watch something while on the treadmill the other day. At first I was questioning some of the writing and thinking things were a bit hokey, but then I got hooked.

I watched the entire season in one day. I had to to know what was going on and what was going to happen next. I truly was enjoying what I was watching.

So the last episode came on and I was excited to see how the heck they were going to wrap this up and man did they really mess this up. The plot twists were getting to be too much and when it was all over I was like "Huh? What about this thing and that thing? Why did they bring these things up and not address them any further?

I am disappointed to have spent the day watching six interesting episodes only to have the seventh episode (the last one) be a complete turd.

I would save your time and watch something else.
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Nope (2022)
The title says it all
2 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Nope.... don't waste your precious time on this movie. I was looking forward to watching Nope, I enjoyed Get Out and Us, but not this thing.

I was one hour into viewing Nope and was getting really bored, wondering where this snooze fest was going. I hit that point where I had to question myself, do I just stop watching right now or do I continue on with the hope that it pays off. I don't know why but I decided to continue watching and ended up wasting another hour of my life.

I have nothing against slow movies, some of my favorite movies are quite slow, but they have to be good and have characters that I am interested in and Nope did not have either of these things.

The woman that plays the sister is overly annoying and I did not care much for the Fry's electronics guy... and did I miss something? Why when the bug was on the security camera was the Fry's guy watching that video feed? And when he called the annoying sister, why was she not mad and yelling at him for tapping into their video feed?

Anyway... please save your time and don't bother watching this horribly boring, uninteresting movie.

If I had to try and pull something positive out of this mess... well at least I did not have to pay for this two hours of boredom.
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Glorious (2022)
I want my hour and twenty minutes back
19 August 2022
This looked interesting. I had no idea what to expect. I like odd, offbeat looking films, like this appeared to be.... but I did not care for this.

I originally made it 40 minutes in and was pretty bored and gave up to play Xbox. The next day, while trimming my weed I figured I would try watching it again. I made it to the ending, realizing that I should have stopped where I did the night before.

I enjoy films that leave you questioning and thinking about what you just saw.... but this... this was a waste of my time.
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Prey (I) (2022)
I prey you don't waste an hour thirty of your time on this.
7 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Prey starts out quite slow and boring. Eventually things pick up and it is only boring and unoriginal.

When making a prequel I expect to learn something about our subject, something new (our subject being The Predator) and we don't.

You cannot just tell the same story but putting it in the setting of the time of the Indians. Well.... I guess you can... and they did. Will the prequel to this be the Predator killing cavemen?

And I'm sorry, but if Jessie Ventura could not kill the Predator with a huge gun I have a hard time watching this little girl getting the job done. I know we are dealing with aliens here but how about just a tad of reality?

We should be so lucky that this was not released in the theatre.
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Men (2022)
Loved it. Spot on.
1 August 2022
I had no idea what to expect going into this movie and I was quite happy when I had finished watching it.

Beautifully shot, good acting, great location, engaging characters.

If you need a movie that explains everything to you all along the way and you do not like to think to much about what you are watching you might have issues with this movie.

I thought the ending scenes of the movie were interesting, engaging and entertaining.

I have become much more picky over the years as to whether I enjoy a movie or it was a waste of time, and this was by no means a waste of time.
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Crazy that this is based on a true story.
27 June 2022
This is worth a watch. I was really looking forward to this but must admit it was difficult for me to watch in the beginning. The first two episodes were just not grabbing me and I questioned whether I should continue watching. Somewhere in the third episode it clicked and I was hooked and binged the rest of the episodes that night.

It really is interesting that both these guys are real people. Incredible that one person can be so spineless and give into the will of another.
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Meh.... You are not missing anything if you skip this.
27 June 2022
The trailer looked good, the film had my attention in the beginning.

As the movie moves a long if feels more predictable.

Then ending was too predictable and too easy of an ending to what could have been an interesting movie.

I personally felt as though my time was wasted with this film.

Go watch The Eyes Of My Mother instead... now that was an interesting film that kept me glued to the screen.
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Great movie. Watched it three times in one week.
13 June 2022
Nic Cage has been in some really good movies... and way more terrible ones. This is truly a good movie. It was soo much fun, Nic played himself well. Pedro was fantastic, I love his character. I had a real fun time watching this and will watch it many times more in the future.
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X (II) (2022)
Did the other reviewers watch X? Horrible waste of time.
30 April 2022
When I first heard of this mess of a movie I was excited and hoping for a Texa Chainsaw or House of 1000 Corpses vibe. I love the retro thing.

So as the movie dragged on I kept thinking, okay at any moment this is going to get good and have a crazy twist.

No such thing, no twist. I am totally cool with senseless killing, but when you have no story at all the senseless killing really does not help.

The younger woman playing the old woman did not work.

This movie is a hot mess and a waste if your time. Thankfully I did not pay to see this, though I feel as I was still ripped off.
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Severance (2022– )
Fantastically scary
25 April 2022
It took me till the second episode to really dig this show. I love it. Great choice of actors, awesome writing, surreal location.

I look forward to season two.
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Studio 666 (2022)
Fun and a worthwhile watch if you like Dave Grohl
17 March 2022
I have to say that I really enjoyed this movie. It was allot of fun and actually well done. I was surprised to see how well the band did with their acting.

I don't laugh out loud as much as I used to, but this movie had me laughing out loud numerous times.

Check it out, a real fun watch.
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