
25 Reviews
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The Fabelmans (2022)
I really wanted to like this movie...but just~ meh-barely.
26 June 2023
I think it's time for Steven to retire/move on-do something else. His last good/great movie was Schinder's List. After that, bleeech. Nothing worth a watch here. I thought he might had understood this after the Iast two Indiana Jone's fiascos. Both terrible and now the Fablemans? A complete bore and rather disjointed. Someone please explain to me what the character of Uncle Boris is about? It didn't movie the plot or the action. What was that scene even in the movie for? Didn't get it at all. The movie is too talky, too self serving, too much self pity and a toooo long. I thought Michelle Williams was just blah. The ending was a complete disappointment. Grade? D- Don't bother.
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John Adams (2008)
I would use this in my history class.
23 February 2023
One of the finest historical TV productions made. 7 part series made for TV. Well written-historically accurate -excellent dialogue- and well acted.

I stumbled upon this and my husband and I watched all 7 parts over 3 days. It's that good.

The viewer truly gets the "feel" of the American Revolution. So well done. My hats all to the entire cast and crew for this well researched (David McCullough) drama.

I am a retired teacher and I would definitely use this as part of teaching a high school American history class. It's both factual and interesting and provides valuable insight in the founding of America. There were times- clearly illustrated- that it's pretty amazing that we made it as a country. Don't miss it- it's that good.
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Needed more air-air scenes to prop up a no plot flick.
23 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie for the flight scenes and the movie needed a lot more of them. The plot is heavy, dumb and predictable and without more air to air stuff, the movie just kind of limps along in search of a plot. There's lots of gung ho military jazz- but that doesn't help move it along. It just kind of gets stuck. There's a lot of "remember what's his name" -what a great guy Iceman was- and corny stuff like that. Have no idea the purpose of Jennifer Connolly's part is for-she's just there as the widow of the deceased fighter pilot Iceman, that Tom Cruise's character carries a torch for through out the entire movie. This movie is on a par with the first Top 'Gun flick-which was pretty crappy. I paid 3.99 to watch this and it was barely worth that. Can't believe this movie raked in 1 billion- so not worth it.
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Charade (1963)
The plot is not believable - at all.
16 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the big name stars, this movie is weak and contrived. The plot does not make any sense at all. I really had a hard time trying to keep following the plot line-as it bounced all over the place. Audrey Hepburn's acting is bad- just plain bad. In fact all of the acting is pretty awful. Nothing is believable. The name of of the movie should be- "A Bunch of Actors in Search of a Plot." All I know is that Hepburn is a widow of an ex-CIA agent (I think) who allegedly stole 250K and for some reason-about 4 people think Hepburn knows where the money is, but there's no reason to base that assumption on anything. Really absurd and ridiculous meandering stupid movie. Don't waste your time; it's really bad.

Nice clothes on Ms. Hepburn bu Givenchy. That's it.
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Bad- funny-pure 1950's goo
14 January 2023
This movies is so '50s it's a rip roaring comedy. People are sleeping together and they're NOT married?? Oh my my my. No one ever thinks of the dreaded birth control. And the dialogue is beyond melodramatic. Bad funny-watch with that kind of viewpoint and then it's watchable- sort of.

Meanwhile everyone is sleeping with everyone or- they act like refrigerators- screaming, "I hate sex." Watch out folks, because soon the Pill will arrive followed by the '60's and sexual liberation.

I found this movie to be overly judgemental and preachy-not my favorite. The writing stinks as well as the over the top acting.

Watch and have a good laugh.
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Just plain stinks.
25 October 2022
Don't waste a brain cell watching this schlock. Predictable overly cute to the point of making the viewer nauseous - gag. Ok I made my point. Avoid. Everybody is super rich and adorable while living in a fantasy land in a 10 million dollar home with idiotic marital issues. Yawn. California Celebrity Dreaming.

Alec Baldwin is aging badly. And of course Meryl Street is overly cute to the point of being ridiculous. This is how Hollywood fails...they think the audience really likes 1 dimensional shallow fools -and that's what the lead characters are: one dimensional shallow clods. Typical Nancy Myers -I've seen this plot 10,000 times- oh brother.
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This movie is terrible
28 June 2022
Look- I love Diana Ross-as an entertainer-she's excellent. Loved the Supremes. But she's awful as an actress. Billy Dee is also a total lightweight actor. The script is bad and it results in a long boring movie. I guess if you're a huge fan of Billie Holiday-then maybe you'll watch, but overall, it's pretty bad. And do NOT watch Mahogany- it's even worse- 1 star.
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Mahogany (1975)
love the music-fashions and the 70's.---but the movie/acting is terrible
28 June 2022
Every time this movie is shown, I watch it-because I love the soundtrack- the fashions- Marshall Field's Dept. Store and 1970's. However, the writing is trite and cornball- the acting is terrible and writing is predictable.
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
One Word: STINKS
24 June 2022
Not funny- about a bunch of misfit millennial types who spend a week in a super posh resort in Maui. The adults are all worthless dim bulb types- totally wrapped up in their do nothing- too much money lives-all the while being kow-towed to by an obsequious resort staff. The teens all look they're on the verge of offing their overly spoiled self satisfied instagram-influencing zero lives. A waste of time and oxygen. Totally- Stinks.
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Super Pumped (2022– )
Pretty Bad-talky-with dull characters
3 April 2022
Started watching the first episode and didn't finish. Dull -slow moving- and no plot. Just this arrogant silicone valley type guy with a FU attitude toward society. about making that interesting-by developing a PLOT? Terrible writing and I wanted to tell all the arrogant characters to just shut up and do something, instead of getting angry and yelling. Don't waste your time with this turkey. Stinks.
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The Americans (2013–2018)
Intense-chilling-frightening watch.
14 March 2022
One of the best series produced. Want to know what the COLD war was really like? This series spells it all out. The Soviets plan for world domination was ruthless-terrifying and dangerous. One of the best series I have ever watched. It's that good. No kiddies in the room-way too intense.
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The Dropout (2022)
Elizabeth Holmes- liar-sociopath-egotist
14 March 2022
Have watched 4 episodes and they say that truth is always stranger than fiction. Well here's an example. The truth about Elizabeth Holmes and her quest to be the youngest-billionaire CEO - was for her at any cost. She was ruthless in her attempt to move into a Steve Jobs position- complete with fake voice- dressing all in black and affecting any other mannerisms to dupe people. She lied to everyone- even sick people. She needs to be in jail. A definite watch.
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If you're an OLD Beatle fan, you will love it.
16 February 2022
By an OLD Beatle fan, I mean- you 1st saw The Beatles on Ed Sullivan and watched them evolve both personally and musically. We all kind of grew up together. You remember the songs, the girl friends, marriages, divorces, new songs, old songs, concerts- all of it. You will also see and wonder about Yoko's weird presence in the recording sessions: really weird and why is she there? Probably to control John. What I found particularly interesting is how they composed songs- FASCINATING! All playing off each other- all a tune to one another and could feel what was needed to make the song work--and watch a song grow. That in itself if interesting for any Beatle fan!
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The Gilded Age (2022– )
Power-Greed-Class Distinctions-NYC Society
14 February 2022
A good watch- great acting and a fascinating look of the ladies who lunch- only with ladies of similar old money over the top opulent aloof lifestyles. The husbands of these "swans of 5th Ave" are power mad-greedy deceitful bullies. Insightful and much of this prejudice and condescension of this world has not changed in today's world. It's still around-sadly. Good writing and well produced. A definite recommend.
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Marry Me (2022)
This movie is for 5 year olds-
13 February 2022
Another J-Lo megaton bomb. J-Lo is one the WORST actors today, A great actor selects great scripts and knows the roles they are suited for and can perform well. J-Lo has NONE of that ability. The only film she ever made -worth a watch was Hustlers. She played a low life Hustler- fitting. Probably explains why she was so good- playing herself. Every other film she made is an absolute stink bomb and they are all basically the same stupid vapid inane plots. This is just another J-Lo stupid narcissistic fantasy plot- a major ego film- like Maid in Manhattan- The Wedding Planner- Monster In Law- which ALL sucked. Is that worth a watch? Negative. Don't bother - she needs to go back to being a flygirl. Wait! Maybe she's too old. Want to see some good talent? Lady Gaga in House of Gucci- there's some real acting - there's some real talent. Not this garbage- terrible. I'm sure J-Lo resents Lady Gaga and her talent- being the narcissist she is.
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Watch this chick turn the tables on the bad boys.
11 February 2022
You know guys who get a girl DRUNK and then assault her? Well here's a lady they should NOT mess with. Carey Mulligan is excellent as the lady with an axe to grind. Right on Sister. Good plot- good scenes- For once the jerks in life get their just rewards. A definite watch~ A.
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Depressing- no plot- loser characters....barf
2 February 2022
Where do I start? A plot would be helpful, because it has none. Depressing loser types meander through casino life- with flashbacks to torture scenes in military black ops sites. Fun. 1 hour of this torture and back in the envelope. The critics loved it- audience reviews-hated it. What does that tell you? And it a Martin's Scorcese film- it sucks- Martin's on the way....down. Don't bother.
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Hawaii Five-0 (2010–2020)
absolutely stinks.
8 December 2021
The new 5-0 characters are a bunch of smug clods. Stupid dialogue and dumb plots-the characters are plain annoying. No more intense (I want this guy Danno) McGarrett's character was an icon- so was Chin- Danno- Duke- Kono; great characters-well acted. Of course there was Wo-Fat (McGarrett's nemesis) and McGarrett was former naval intelligence. The characters had depth. The writing was tight and the original show was so well liked-terms like 5-0, book 'em Danno, and be there -Aloha...followed by the rolling wave....we ALL knew and remembered. Why do they think they can remake a classic shows? Ego? Probably -well they can't the ORIGINAL 5-0 was excellent. The NEW 5-0? SCHLOCK. BLEECH. Avoid- change the channel.
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What happens when you inherit the family business...and the business is.....
15 November 2021
Gritty-film about drugs/family legacy and a desire to get out. Some can and others can't. Get a realistic look at the ugliness of selling pills in the poor areas of the south. John Harnett is excellent as the older brother who gets it. A definite watch.
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Dopesick (2021)
a definite watch- parents should watch to protect their kids.
15 November 2021
Gritty hard -to watch at times- but important and a chance to learn- and understand. The acting is excellent -realistic and poignant. A+/a definite watch. Parents watch this and -know- what's out there and the harm it can do to your kids. And the Sacklers? They all need to go to jail- and surrender their billions and be required to build rehab centers in all the areas they polluted with oxycontin.
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The Goop Lab (2020– )
Boy is this stupid.
15 November 2021
You want to see people with TOOOO much money and TOOOO much time on their hands? Welcome to the world of Paltrow and Goop claptrap. A bunch of looney bored people trying to sell and espouse a "lifestyle". I couldn't even watch 1 full episode; it's that bad. Welcome to world of bored idiotic airheads who think people actually care about them. We don't. However I did discover a new form of torture-it's called. The Goop Lab-because watching just 5 minutes is pure torture; it totally sucks.
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Head (1968)
Can I give it ZERO stars?
24 April 2021
Zero stars- it's that bad. Stupid - moronic and just plain dumb. Trying desperately to be hip-with it and funny. Fails al all three attempts. A completely inept pathetically poor-cringe worthy attempt-at mimicking "A Hard Day"s Night". Absolutely stinks. P. U. Jack Nicholson's writing results in a film that's a megaton bomb.
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hilarious- old school comedy. just plain funnty~
24 April 2021
I wish the writing for comedy was this good today. Carl Reiner- what a comedic genius! This movie is just plain ha ha -funny and hooray- it's not vulgar like most of today's trashy comedies. Watch - laugh and enjoy ~and btw -there's nothing in here the kids can't see.
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Dracula (2020)
Keep this vampire away...wear GARLIC
17 May 2020
Stinks- absurd- and just plain dopey. This bloodsucker has no plot and off course has a 'feminist' slant with nuns; yeah that's believable. The time the old bloodsucker is at it again but with more gore. Awful, and bad funny at times. Want to watch THE BEST Dracula production ever? 1977- with Louis Jourdan- absolutely creepy...and straight from Bram Stoker's story. This Dracula in 2020---sucks...just plain sucks.
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Count Dracula (1977 TV Movie)
THE creepiest Count ever.
17 May 2020
Creepy weird- filmed in black and white and Louis Jourdan is incredible as the creepy bloodsucker. No romance here, but chills and creepiness. And his ladies? Also creepy scary and weird. Best rendition ever. Don't miss it.
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