
17 Reviews
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Passenger (2024– )
A Total Mess
25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly I would like to point out I would be given this a minus zero if there was such a point. I must admit it did peak my interest at the beginning, Katie one of the main characters goes into the woods alone and seemingly comes into contact with some sort of creature, then goes missing for a day (or two). It just spirals out of control from then on, with so many little side stories, Katie being a drug mule, her brother playing online dare games, and Eddie Wells one of the main characters getting out of jail after stabbing Jim Brackenill, etc, what does this have to do with the main story? I have no idea because it explains very little. The police force consists of four members whose talents would have been better used in a Carry-On movie. One of the main characters, Ryia looks out of place and would be better suited working on a market stall with her oversized mustard coat and thick scarves she did not give off the detective Vibes. I would not recommend this because, after a few days, I am still wondering what it was all about.
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The Housekeeper (II) (2023)
Could have been better
28 September 2023
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Firstly what's with the music, all the way through the movie sometimes overpowering the dialogue, it would have been so much better without that annoying sound, well almost the acting was pretty bad, especially from Denise Richards she was like a demented Barbie doll, the other actors Richard Gunn who played Preston Ash and IIean Almaguer who played the housekeeper were OK nothing special. As for the storyline it's been done before and a lot better it was a little confusing toward the end of the movie with the music getting louder and louder my head was aching. It was not a good movie and I would not recommend it,
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The Winchesters (2022–2023)
15 October 2022
I was looking forward to The Winchesters, but to be honest, I think this was made for a teenage audience, Supernatural was an absolutely brilliant series with good acting, story, and direction but The Winchesters just haven't got what it takes to hold an audience's interest, the main characters Mary and John were just OK, I didn't feel any connection to them, it all gives off a Scooby-Doo vibe, I was expecting to see shaggy, Velma, Fred, and Daphne come running round the corner. I may watch the rest of season one episodes but I'm not expecting a great deal this is one of those shows that is canceled after the first season.
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A Must Watch Movie
18 July 2022
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Brilliant movie loved it, good storyline and the child actors were brilliant and very convincing. I loved the fact that they stayed kids, yes, he could have killed the woman a few times but remember they are kids and a normal kid wouldn't think like that even in this situation, the boys were brilliant, especially Billy (Lonnie Chavis) you just want to scoop him up and give him a cuddle he stole the movie,,,10/10 Highly recommended keeps you on the edge of your seat.
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Could have been better
9 February 2022
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Where to begin? Firstly the music score was terrible it really grates on every nerve. The acting was good each character played their part well, Its a pity David Arquette didn't have much screen time I like him as a actor. The story was almost like the 2004 film The Village (which is a more superior movie ). Overall the movie wasn't bad if you have nothing else to watch but just expect a lot from it. Its slightly woke, you have a mixed-race community all living together as one big happy family seeing it was set in 1866 this would be rather unlikely but then again its just a movie. Would I recommend it? Yes, if your bored and nothing else to watch.
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Spencer (2021)
Terrible Movie
9 November 2021
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What's with the reviews that are giving this drivel top marks, Have I watch the same movie as them? It was boring and painful to watch. Diana might of came across as a desperate woman and a wronged women, finding out her husband give the same present to her as he did his mistress on Christmas day, but the real Diana Spence was manipulative and knew what she was getting into when she married into the royal family and no way would she have been this needy as portrayed in this movie. Kristen Stewart while her English accent was good, her performance was wooden as always she made Diana seem pathetic. And what's with the servant Maggie, why did they have to put a scene in like that,( telling Diana she loved her) Maggie was a fictional character I really didn't understand the gay aspect (I know Stewart is gay in real life). The movie was slow, and very tedious and I would think if the royal family watched it, especially her sons, William and Harry they would be very disappointed. They was more emphasis on her bulimia than telling a true story.
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The Last Inn (2021)
I won't be recommending this in a hurry
13 October 2021
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I give it 5 for the storyline which could have been a lot better if it wasn't for the wooden actors, the main lead Laura is so wooden she would give Pinocchio a run for the money. It doesn't explained why the male inn owner was cutting up dead bodies that was out of place with the rest of the movie. If you liked the movie The Other's this could is a poorer version. Would I recommend this movie ? No, it lacked the suspense of The Other's, there is a lot of running about the hallways screaming, mainly the lead character looking for Steven another lame character who's not as annoying as Laura and the acting a tad better. Is there anything I can say that's positive about this movie, yes, it only on for 98 minutes.
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The Clearing (2020)
Good on the edge of your seat movie
20 June 2020
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I don't understand why this movie got such a low rating, The story was interesting, while Liam McIntyre gives a good performance as a father trying to save his child. Yes, he became a one-man fighting machine and in the real world he would have been bitten when fighting the infected at the beginning of the movie, but this is not the real world but this was a fun, sometimes on the edge of your seat movie, I would definitely recommend it but don't take it too seriously because zombies aren't real.
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10x10 (2018)
Good Movie
11 February 2019
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Firstly i don't understand why this movie got such bad reviews? the acting was good the story-line was good, Luke Evans gives a strong performance as a grieving man who wants answers why his wife died in hospital. Lewis, (Evans) an outwardly ordinary man, kidnaps a woman and holds her in a soundproof cell, where he attempts to extract a dark secret from her.There are some very violent fight scenes between the two as Lewis (Evans) lets his guard down and she fights back. I would recommend this movie 100% very entertaining
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Cabin 28 (2017)
27 September 2017
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This could have been so much better, the acting was terrible so wooden. The mother was annoying, in-fact all the characters were dull as dishwater.The most scariest thing about this movie is, it's based on a actual murder of, Glenna Sue Sharp (née Davis), known as Sue (age 36), her son John (age 15), and his friend, Dana Wingate (age 17), the youngest daughter's skull was found two years later miles from the house her family were murdered in, no-one had been charged with the murders. They had all the ingredients for a brilliant movie, to give some understanding what this family went through, instead the roles were given to untalented nobody's who are in need of a good acting coach
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strange movie
8 September 2017
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A film without dialogue, i don't know what the producer was trying to achieve it could have so much better as a talkie, the story line was quite good and the actors did a descent job but the lack of verbal chatter was off-putting, the music score was OK, but at times it seemed like stepping back in time to the golden silent era of movie making especially scenes with the victim and her mother, it had a descent ending but as a talkie it would have been great
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30 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly i would like to ask "What come's at night" and to answer my own question Nothing!!!. The film go's nowhere the story's boring and the characters are nothing special you really don't care if they live or die. quoting the movie description. " Secure within a desolate home as an unnatural threat terrorizes the world, the tenuous domestic order he has established with his wife and son is put to the ultimate test with the arrival of a desperate young family seeking refuge. Despite the best intentions of both families, paranoia and mistrust boil over as the horrors outside creep ever- closer, awakening something hidden and monstrous within him as he learns that the protection of his family comes at the cost of his soul. sounds good but it's very misleading,would not recommend this
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8 May 2017
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To start with the story-line was weak, no real explanation as to who the Aztec (Not American)Mummy was or maybe it did and i fell asleep for a few minutes. A shawl wrapped around a mannequin wearing a blue mask, with large eyes and teeth does not qualify as a Mummy, getting back to the acting, did they have a script? the actors were unlikable you really didn't care if they lived or died and like most badly done movies it relied on gore, each member of the group seemly getting possessed by the blue mannequin with the big eyes and turning them into cannibalistic ghouls . The music was quit annoying too this is not a good movie in-fact its one of the worse I've seen in a long time, on that point i would not recommend this movie.
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Beacon Point (2016)
Disappointing Movie
2 May 2017
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A movie that had so much potential but fell flat on it's face. The plot is never really explained, the characters are dull you really don't care what happens to them. It all points to Alien abduction, have they been spying on the human race? the movie seems to be going in that direction, but still some explanation of how and why they are here was needed, why did some humans die and others didn't after being abducted. It all seemed like a rushed script no real thought to the story, i would not recommend this movie,
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Mundane movie
15 April 2017
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This tragic story had so much potential for a really good and interesting movie but did not deliver. There was no depth to any of the characters you really didn't care if they lived or died. Crispin Glover was miscast as William Foster, I was expecting Marty Mcfly to rescue his dad in the Delorian , his acting was so wooden it was fine for comedy but not a serious role. The story-line was weak, I would have like a more accurate story this movie just skimmed over the top of what happened to these people, better acting and bigger budget it could have been a first rate movie but unfortunately it was more like a made for TV film, these emigrants became trapped in the Sierra Nevada Mountains during one of the most brutal winters on record yet the film made it look like they were out on a family hiking trip the weather was so mild not a snow flake in sight. I hope they do eventually make a more honest and realistic movie we don't have to focus on the cannibalistic side and make it a gore-fest, but more on the family unit, the story of survival and the aftermath of the survivors
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Bethany (2017)
Tedious movie
12 April 2017
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I read the reviews for this movie and i thought i was in for a treat, how wrong i was. Stefanie Estes the lead actress, who played the role of Claire give a mind-numbing performance, i realize she was portraying a troubled character,she was brought up by an abusive mother and returned to the house of her childhood after her mother died only to be plagued by strange occurrences. The relationship between her and her husband played by Zack Ward just didn't gel, i did not feel any romantic motions between them.The story of the twin haunting the living sibling has been done before and a lot better than this movie, there is a few creepy moments but overall i would not recommend this movie
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Parasites (I) (2016)
Awful movie
6 April 2017
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Oh my, where do i begin?, the story-line had possibility's but the acting was just so bad i don't think the best actor in Hollywood could make this tripe look good. The film started out OK, a bunch of rich collage kids out for a thrill on the wrong side of the tracks, it has been done before and a lot better, its just hard to believe a fit young collage soccer player could not out-run a bunch of unfit middle aged vagrants i actually found this hard to watch right till the end.I would not recommend this movie
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