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Black Panther (2018)
Wakanda or...
3 March 2018
Why is Black Panther the biggest scam of all black movies ever??

Have you wondered why so much promotion has been lavished, on this studio production (gathering by the way the youngest pearls of black cinema), and worldwide... At least the fact that a big studio embraced such a project should have made you tick...

What's the message? What bs is hiding behind it? Here it is, my 'brethens', in a nutshell: Black social case kid with strong revolutionary message is a big threat to money, white of course-even if here it has been given black faces. It is an Orwellian tale, indeed...

Who is Wakanda? Wakanda is peopled by Oreo Cookie duplicated ad nauseum, it is OreocookieLand as a matter of fact-or what Malcolm would have called the House....brothers, whereas social case kid is the Thus, Wakanda elite have the money, the knowledge, the power, and most important they share knowledge with white dude. By the way, white dude talks black and he lets you handle everything because, of course, he is 'mr. niceguy'. (By the way, have you ever seen a white dude taking a bullet for a sister? I haven't...not in this world we live in.)

Doesn't it seems to you that Wakanda is the Western World with a black face - like a masquerade, a new minstrel show, every black man's hope, deep inside?

So, of course, you have again symbols of dependence -Mr. Nice guy will of course help oreocookie peeps. The second addiction, which I had already noticed in Blade, is a drug-here it is some ancestral blueish hallucinogenic 'thang' they drink, as if they could not summon enough strength within, and of course, 3rd addiction: prayer, this time to the ancestors. Of course, you have the ridiculous gear that Marvel heroes always wear...the one piece suit, that make men's ass real tight...They even threw in some martial arts to try to make it look real...Come on, peeps!

Yeah they sold it to you fine, this one! You've got gotten...You've been played! So who cares if all the cast is black? Down the line, we've gotten bamboozled one more time.

Watch out people: what they want is to make the struggle wrong.

Of course social kid, the 'black monster' (even defined as such by King of Wakanda) is given as a product of your own doing-since his uncle abandoned him, which erases all the real bad conditions of systemic racism and you were so excited that almost everybody (finally!) is black in that movie that you did not see the real message of this real killer movie.

Because it is here to kill our thirst for justice. It makes justice seekers the monsters. What is really at stake here is the fear of big money, at the emergence of an educated black intelligentsia issued from the ghetto.

And wait with all the promo...they have created a cornucopia of products to sell you, because money has to be made again, on black folks' dreams... An orgy of shopping for lack of hope!

The only thing i can tell you is: go beyond appearances. Hollywood is a cliché machine whose strongest function is to create ideologies, sets of beliefs to live by. And the well being of black people is still not on their very conservative agenda!

Beware what they feed you lavishly...They would not insert money into anything that could topple the power of their chosen elite.

My thoughts go to the black panthers-the real heroes who fought for a cause and died in shame and bad repute... This film repackages the concept into something hollow, a farce that does not render to these dedicated fighters for black freedom the recognition they deserve!

After 2nd thought, I deem the fostered division between the diaspora and the Motherland the most treacherous message of that flick. Imagine. Africa would stop being a cash cow, if ever Blacks united beyond borders: they killed panafricanism once for all!

And if you ask me, I'll say - I'd rather watch again: Undercover brother, Baadaass, Get out, Do the right thing...etc. These were soul movies.

My review of Black Panther does not question the brilliant performance of its actors. I still think the cast was outstanding and the cinematography impeccable!

Hey...They might even give it an oscar; i'll call it the Oscar of all Scams!

Damn, they also got me too...And sorry to burst your little Marvel bubble! It's wake up or Wakanda!

Wakanda, or...Wake up right now! Which one will you choose? ;)

LM ARNAL, writer and painter
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Miss Sloane (2016)
A thriller with a surprise!
27 January 2017
I picked this movie without prejudice, as I hadn't heard a word about it. And I loved it!!!

The tempo is sustained, the performances outstanding. An interesting story with a twist, well written, and the perfect cast.

One element that also enhances the movie: its diversity. Multi-faceted characters which gives spice to the story's meat.

The only downside: the way love is given a bad name. How do you want the youth to connect if you keep telling them that love ain't the sh*t?? It is a recurrent theme in 21st century cinema that i condemn, because it perpetuates mechanic sex--humans deprived from feelings. I am for a little more optimism in that domain and the human species.

My 2cents; LM ARNAL
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A must see
27 January 2017
Now that is a movie that everyone needs to see. It relates the life of three women, but in their tracks the life of millions of blacks who have contributed to American culture and success.

The cast is outstanding, the music off the hook. The cinematography spotless. Dream-like. The right combination of colors and light. A beauty.

It also shows that intelligence connects beyond gender and race. I am referring to the roles - one/played by Costner and 2/ the part of Glenn Allen that show that true intelligence fosters tolerance, and it brings the human race forward.

The story is touching, and it might spark a love for mathematics in you--even if you come from anti-nerd matter!

No need to mention that the trinity Spencer, Monae, Hensen are as bright as the stars they are trying to reach in the movie. Costner true to himself is an incarnation of tolerance and genius as i remembered him in the Bodyguard. And the guy who plays Glenn Allen is candy for the eye: these two remind us that there are some nice folks out there--and that intelligence breaks all barriers.

Truly stimulating for the mind--one of the best movie I have seen lately (after SPOTLIGHT, same level)

This movie deserves all possible awards;for it is just "avant-garde", in the style, the content, and the strength it oozes!

Came out the day of my birthday--Epiphany. That has to mean something! Support that gem of a movie!
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Elle (I) (2016)
Is this the message we want to leave for women??
27 January 2017
This is the worse movie i've seen in 2016!!! It makes me think that the theme of rape treated by a man is just not doable--unless he has himself been raped!! NO RAPED WOMAN GOES TO DINNER AND ANNOUNCES matter-of-factly pass me the bottle of wine and by the way i just got raped. It often takes weeks, months, or years to recover. I came out of this movie upset, because i thought that is the line of conduct that is prescribed for the women to come??? (Below is the comment i made to the filmmaker's page in French) I rushed to see the movie as i have always loved Huppert Djian and i did love Basic Instinct that was smartly made. Here it is made entertainment--it had nothing to do with Basic Instinct that was a top movie. ELLE is a flop--with a lot of money and bad taste backing it... This 'coldness of being' is setting an example for the youth; let's not forget it. No one wants to make friends with the rapist--even if it is to take a revenge. It just sounds off--the whole movie!!! What message for girls?? Is this the future that we reserve for women--to act like a man, to emulate him in his violence??) Careful what you feed the youth: they might re-serve it to you someday.. (FRENCH ON MY FB PAGE)

LM ARNAL, auteur/writer
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Miss Sloane (2016)
A thriller with a surprise!
27 January 2017
I picked this movie without prejudice, as I hadn't heard a word about it. And I loved it!!!

The tempo is sustained, the performances outstanding. An interesting story with a twist, well written, and the perfect cast.

One element that also enhances the movie: its diversity. Multi-faceted characters which gives spice to the story's meat.

The only downside: the way love is given a bad name. How do you want the youth to connect if you keep telling them that love ain't the sh*t?? It is a recurrent theme in 21st century cinema that i condemn, because it perpetuates mechanic sex--humans deprived from feelings. I am for a little more optimism in that domain and the human species.

My 2cents; LM ARNAL
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