
26 Reviews
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I D 4 = great Star Wars movie in modern world
2 February 2007
Though some many harsh critics and bad attitude toward this movie, I know that. The story is cheesy, the plot is stupid, and no depth in the whole movie...alright, that can be true. However, undoubtedly, this is still a very good summer popcorn movie and indeed it hit the box office with no surprise. The Visual effects and Special effects during 96~97 were still stunning. Basically, it is quite similar to the classic Star Wars trilogy...aircraft chasing and mother ship attacked. In my personally opinion, the story itself is still interesting. The script writers actually did a good job. They created not single-dimension crisis at the same time, and when people resolved one crisis and then another one just appeared. It made the story intensive and easily grabs audiences' tension. Besides, the reason why there were still so much people feel like it was so realistic during watching in the theater was because the whole story was set in modern world. The Big Apple (where I live) and other important capitals around the world. People are familiar with these places so that people may feel very realistic at that time. Besides, I do love the first person shot and the score. The first person POV shots are really good in the battle scenes. The director Roland Emmerich is really doing a good job - to provide a good and exciting entertained movie during the summer. The score composed by David Arnold is excellent. After seeing this movie in the theater, I just ran to CD store to buy its soundtrack. The music in this movie is definitely can be placed among John Williams' classics. There is no need to take such a exciting sci-fi movie too serious.

My rating 10 out of 10.
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Good Job! Alexandre Aja! A very disturbing Good horror movie!
31 January 2007
After seeing this movie for the first time in the theater, the only thing came to my mine was : WOW! What a horror movie should be! Indeed, this movie is outstanding of its genre. The atmosphere set in this film was brilliant. Fast pace, and bloody which is necessary for this kind of film. Everything is perfect including the scoring. The whole movie is quite disturbing - which is the major reason I would give all my credits to it. Very disturbing. The best scene, personal opinion, is the trailer scene when the burning on the body tied on the tree and the rape is happening in the trailer. Very disturbing and scary as well. I would say the trailer scene can be one of my ten favorite "scary" or "disturbing" scenes. Very brilliant. Good job director Alexandre Aja!
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Pulse (I) (2006)
Fail and Disappointed
30 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, the original idea (or the original Japanese version) is good and interesting. The original idea can be a good horror story, but they fail to do so. Except the good original idea, the directing, editing and even the music score are bad. Not to mention the lack of logic and everything becomes "too easy". All these bad elements waste a good idea, even they get more money to shoot the film and have better effects. The only good thing about the film, my personal opinion, is the moment when the whole city is "occupied" by them. The atmosphere and the setting are not bad, but still, overall, Disappointed. Only good original idea can not save the whole film.
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the only thing I can say is: Beautiful
12 November 2006
Simply, the only thing I can say is beautiful. This whole movie is just beautiful as a poem. Tom Hanks and Paul Newman show their best acting in this film. I have no idea why Tom Hanks was not nominated in Academy Award? The directing and cinematography are really good. Sam Mendes is bringing different style this time, I think. The style this time is quite different from what he did in American Beauty. I love the composition and structure of every scene in this film. The use of color in this film is perfect. It deserves to win Best Cinematography. It really creates the atmosphere and the "old days" feelings. The movie score by Thomas Newman is touching. I would say no more. Just buy the DVD and then you will love it.
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Poseidon (2006)
the hell of up side down
23 June 2006
basically, this short film by Wolfgang Petersen has simple storyline. I wouldn't's say it is that bad just like most other audiences' point of views, but the story is hollow and not interesting at all. The director Wolfgang Petersen should make more effects on these main characters like Kurt Russell, Josh Lucas and so on. The most impressive is its visual effects and the opening scene when Josh Lucas appears at the edge of the upper side of the ship. The camera movement of the first scene is creative and interesting. The ship sinking scene and water splash scene are quite impressive and realistic. However, that's all about it. Nothing else special. By and large, even though the director has a lot of damn money in "eye ball dropping" visual effects, this still can not save the hollow story and boring characters. Poor Poseidon.
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Prison Hospital
4 April 2006
After seeing this documentary "Titicut Follies" by Frederick Wiseman in 1967, I find this movie is very disturbing to me. This documentary basically describes mental problem patients in the Massachusetts Correctional Institution at Bridgewater. This highly controversial documentary may present moral issues. Some institution staffs laugh at the patients when they try to help them. At the beginning and the end, both of them show to other people (including audiences) these people are improving. Actually, rest of the part of this movie shows that these people have no privacy, even in front of the camera. This movie also shows what these people like - I mean their weird and crazy action. However, I also wonder if it is real or not. Because these people may know there is a movie camera in front of them or the director asks them to do something, these people's action could be not real. After all, camera may influence what it is filming.
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School Freedom
30 March 2006
After seeing this documentary "School Prayer: A Community at War" by Slawomir Gruenberg and Ben Cranein 1999, I think this movie is interesting. It talks about religion freedom in a small community. At first, after seeing this movie, I think it is quite fear between the two side - one side insists that all students no matter from what culture should pray in the morning and another side insists that people should have religion freedom and they can do anything in an "American way". Besides, this short documentary was shown on television, so the director tried his best to keep everything even. Audiences can see and hear the two sides' opinions. However, when I see through the structure of this movie, I find that the basic story line is based on the woman - Lisa Herdahl. Then audiences may easily take her side and follow her story. Besides, the director put her as a victim and took her as a hero at the end of the movie. I think more or less the director had already chosen one side as his opinions.
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Ghost (1990)
22 March 2006
After so many years, every time when I see this movie again, it always makes my eyes water! This is basically a simple story. However, the script writer by Bruce Joel Rubin and the director by Jerry Zucker are intelligent. They made the simple story a touching, interesting one. I think most people cried at the end of the movie. This reminded me another commercial successful movie "Titanic" in the year 1997. The music (composed by Maurice Jarre) was so moving. Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore played well, not to mention Whoopi Goldberg. Her performance was amazing!(she also had excellent acting in Spielberg's early masterpiece "The Color Purple") The visual effects by ILM was extraordinary in that time. By and large, this touching movie is not only a huge commercial success, but also a classic!
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Ceský sen (2004)
Bubble Dream!
21 March 2006
After seeing this documentary "Ceský sen" (Czech Dream) by Vít Klusák and Filip Remunda in 2004, I do really love this documentary. It is funny and creative. It basically describes two film-making students made up a supermarket which did not really exist and did all kind of advertisement to grab people's attention. Finally, thousand of people came to the "fake" supermarket and then they found themselves cheated by these people. In the process of making all kind of advertisement, such as post cards, direct mails and so on, we can see the sound guy, microphone and all other devices and equipment while they are interviewing with others. In most documentaries, directors may prevent audiences seeing the equipment they are using, but in this film, they purposely showed that to the audiences - remind us this is a movie - this is a game - a fake one! It is ironic that people think documentary should show the reality and the truth. However, people in this film thought that all these were fake - not real. However, in my personal opinion, these two directors did not just "cheat". I think they just used different ways to achieve their purpose. "Cheat these filming people" is merely one way to achieve their goal. Just like Discovery Channel, if directors want to film animals, they also have to do some "particular" ways to achieve their purpose. In this film, the filming objects become from other animals to human being. Thus, I do not think what they did is cheating. Instead, what they have done is just one way to achieve their goal - to see these people's response and show how important the mass medium is. Besides, these consumers did not lose anything - including money. In addition, they have warned people in advance, so I think what they have done is okay. This documentary can be seen as a psychological experimental documentary - then their "cheating" just becomes a way for testing. All other crews who helped make posters, painting and advertisement were not right or wrong. They just did what they did - which were just like props in most films. Besides, they used "tax money" to set up everything and then filmed them out. I did not think they wasted the money, because their movie became many people's discussion subjects and made people think more in mass medium and advertisement matters. By and large, the money they spent is worthy. The dream the two students made up for people was just like a bubble. Eventually it would disappear.
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Everyone's Business
7 March 2006
After seeing this documentary "Nobody's Business" by Alan Berliner in 1996, I find myself love this documentary. This sixty-minutes-long film talks about the director Alan Berliner's father and his background. I think the basic element in this film is to identify the director and his father's families. The son persuaded his father to face his past and his lost memory. Thee director used his personal story as basis (his father, his grand father, his family, and so on) to talk about human's communication and the relationship between a father and a son. I think this movie is about the memory his father had. In contemporary society, people do not care about other people and their families - just as the title of this film, and the director tried to show that people are actually connected to each other. Sometimes, we may have to concern about other more. As the movie goes on, it also showed the loneness of people (he took his father as example). Basically, the editing and the sound use in this film are fantastic and unique. My most impressive scene is that when the father and the son had argument, and the images are cut to boxing scene. This brilliant editing made audiences understand what is going on at this moment and the boxing scene also represented their conflicts. This movie at its surface level is to show a story between a father and a son. However, behind the scene, it actually showed "generation to generation" - that means the problems and questions the director and his father may have also existed in all other people and their families. Although this seems to be a serious issue, the director used very interesting and humorous way to discuss this serious issue and introduce his family. Moreover, the clever editing and sound use are to grab audiences' attention and then they would not feel bored. By and large, this documentary is really interesting. The director used his father and his family as examples to remind other people (including me) to try to talk to and care about their families and relatives more whom they haven't talked to for a long time. It is everyone's business!
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"The ecstasy of the feature-like documentary......"
28 February 2006
After seeing this documentary "the great ecstasy of the sculptor Steiner" by Werner Herzog in 1974, I think this is a good story, but a little tricky "documentary". This 45 minutes long documentary basically recorded champion ski-jumper in a competition. I think the story basically is like other sports-related feature movies, no matter the commercial movies or not, and it gives confidence to audiences and encourages people to try their best and not to lose their hopes. Like most commercial Hollywood movies, like boxing, baseball, basketball and so on, this movie did make audiences moving. The happy ending - the protagonist broke the world record - made the movie more positive. However, I wonder if the whole story had been scripted in advanced? Firstly, it did not record other competition when the protagonist failed and the whole documentary only recorded this competition - the summit of his career. Second, the happy ending dramatized a little much for this film. The extremely slow motion with the background music portrayed the brave of the main character. Then when the reporter was worried about the main character and did not know what had happened to him, this documentary became too dramatic. After he finally got the championship, the story became too coincident. All these elements made this documentary a touching story but also a feature-like "documentary". By and large, the director dramatized the whole story to make this short film like a feature film (fiction film), and people may deeply get moved. Interestingly, the director used "documentary" this form to make the story more realistic and believable.
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Women's March?
21 February 2006
After seeing this documentary "Sherman's March" by Ross McElwee in 1986, I was so confused and had no idea what the main point of this "documentary" is. My first impression was that why the title of this film is called Sherman's March? There are only a few parts about Sherman's history and background. I have no idea why he wanted to name this long film "Sherman's March"? Besides, the major part of this documentary / biography is about the women he met and his inner fantasy for nuclear war. If the director could change the title, and remove General Sherman part, this documentary could be a nice piece about man, woman, and love. In my personal opinion, McElwee's inner mind could be dark and invisible - it reflects on his insomnia and bad dreams. However, these women having different background could be lighthouses for him to guide him to a new peaceful world. Then I think in the process of seeking love, and he could realize what he really wants by meeting different women around him. He used his own voice to narrate what he is thinking and what is in his mind when he saw different people and experience different things. I think it is quite unique - the camera becomes his eyes and audiences see what he saw through the frames and the movie not only recorded all these people he met, but also became a tool for the director to analyze himself. Even though I think this is not Sherman's March - instead, it is Women's March! I still think the content itself is quite interesting and funny. The director's unrestrained and vigorous thought and humorous conversation actually made the "path way" to "true love" more interesting.
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The Propaganda Café
14 February 2006
After seeing this documentary "The Atomic Cafe" by the three directors, Jayne Loader, Kevin Rafferty and Pierce Rafferty in 1982, I found that this film is interesting and unique. Personally, I think it is hard for me to figure what the genre is. It is hard for me to figure out what kind of movie it is. It contains lots of clips of documentaries and propaganda short films, animation, and some other feature films. This makes this movie quite unique. The three directors use all kind of footage from propaganda military film, cartoon clips and from various old movies which are related to atomic bomb to keep the narrative story continue. From the beginning of the historical background to the effects on atomic bomb which most people are afraid of after world war two and cold war. After seeing this film, I think this movie can be relevant to the tragedy 911. Though the movie talks much about the atomic bomb, I think the terrorism can be the next subject which American people are afraid of in the contemporary time. For my personal opinion, the three directors still as usual choose one side of the atomic bomb issue - they make this movie more like propaganda for US government. In the movie, fewer sequences are about the harsh result in Japan when throwing the A Bombs, and during cold war, the movie shows most sequences that the US government decides to use and develop more A Bombs, and then in the later time all American people's life is deeply influenced by these decisions and policies. Their reaction in the early 50's till 80's sort of makes people laugh - simply the new generations think that all those are quite far away from them. I think it is quite ironic and this movie in certain degree is still propagandistic for the past.
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good and simple
14 February 2006
After seeing this documentary "Pictures of the Old World", I found that this film is simply marvelous and is a great tribute to old people. This documentary "Pictures of the Old World" by Dusan Hanák in 1988 now becomes the evidence of both the sensitivity and strength of Czechoslovakia documentary. This documentary is about older people talking about their life-stories. The documentary explores the values of generation of an old countryman, and his confrontation for the harshness and difficulty of rural patterns of existence, but also celebrating ingenuity, honor and courage of a person. Hanák's image structure is scarce and precise, luminous and touching, taking us audiences from the everyday muddy works and struggles to the internal world of the imagination.
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King Kong (2005)
King Kong - Peter Jackson's another masterpiece!
17 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I went to this movie last midnight. This movie is excellent. It contains entertainment elements and something behind the surface. Director Peter Jackson this time tried hard to make his own king kong. This time in king kong, his "cross-genre" style once again appeared in this movie. Most of the CGI is extremely realistic except the first time dinosaurs' escape sequences. (they looks animation-like - not realistic) King kong's eyes are so vivid that they look like human's eyes (of course,the actor Andy Serkis' eyes) When Ann(Naomi Watts)and Kong (Andy Serkis) are sitting together watching the sunrise or when they look to each other - these sequences are touching and full of emotions. Though the composer Howard Shore was replaced by James Newton Howard right before the movie was released, the music is still moving. Especially at the end, though the ending is the same as that of the original classic, most people in the theater still cried when Kong fell down from TESB. Some lines and dialogue are quite interesting and ironic. Humour, exciting, eye-candy, action, emotion, thriller, and love...everything is in the film... I think it is quite toilsome for Kong's player - Andy Serkis :) My favorite moment in this movie was when Kong and Ann were sitting at the top and watching the sunrise without any dialogue...I do love that moment...very enchanting btw, Naomi Watts is great in this film (does anyone think that she looks like Nicole Kidman?) anyway, I give ten out of ten for this movie with no need to think about. King Kong is not a typical monster movie; it is a masterpiece full of emotions. Peter Jackson, you are awesome!
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Narnia - magic comes true!
10 December 2005
I just went back from the movie. It was so crowded...just like Star Wars EP3. The lion, the witch, and the wardrobe novels were my favorite when I was in elementary school. I remembered after reading all the series of novels, I wondered why there was no one making movies (not mini TV program) for Narnia. Until now, thanks for ILM and WETA's cooperation. At last, the magic comes true! The director Andrew Adamson and all other creative crews visualize the story in novels. Basically, I think the adaption of this movie from the novel is excellent. Such as the white witch, she is just like what was in my mind while I was reading the novel. I think most readers will not be disappointed. I find it is a Disney movie and it is for kids; thus there is no blood and much violence in this movie. (Unlike the lord of the ring trilogy, it is basically for adults and it is quite violent and bloody, but Istill love it, and it is very realistic) I think I can say it is "the lord of the ring - kid edition". The movie score composed by Harry Gregson-Williams is great and touching. Special effects and Visual effects are extraordinary. They are quite realistic. Most of the sequences are just like what they were in my mind while I was a child. After seeing it, I was moved. Finally, this classical stories are on the wild screen just like the lord of the ring, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, and so on. I heard most other people saying that they love this movie when leaving the theater. I do really look forward to the next Narnia movies! Go see it! No matter you have read the novels or not.
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The Island (2005)
The Island - actually, it is over my expectation!
13 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
At first, I assumed The Island will be another Michael Bay-style popcorn movie. However, I was wrong after going out of the theater. Basically, the original story is amazing. It has typical sci-fi elements, and of course, action elements which are "must-be" in Michael Bay's movies. I like the story even more than Arnold Schwarzenegger's The Sixth Day. I like the ending especially. It left more for the audiences to think what is actually happened if all the clones escape out. No doubt, this is still a Michael Bay's movie-car chasing and flying sequences which make all the audiences excited. His MTV-like editing and fast-cut style still exist in this movie. By and large, there are eye-candy CGI, exciting chasing sequences, and amazing story. Steve Jablonsky did a good job for composing music for this movie, and Ewan McGregor is excellent in acting. When Lincoln Six Echo and Tom Lincoln see each other, you can easily tell the two different persons. This is one of my favorite sci-fi & action movie in the summer time in 2005. It is much better than Michael's another crap "Armageddon".

I do love the ending. This story is amazing!

My rating: 9/10
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THE BEST MOVIE IN HISTORY ! If you like to see movies, go see this first !
31 October 2005
With so many awards and commends, I think I don't have to say more. In IMDb, it always the top1 or 2 in the list. This movie always is the top 1 in many people. This touching movie is always mentioned on BBS board again and again. Without fancy special effects and visual effects, without good-looking super stars, without amazing filming tricks, this movie (the story) is extraordinary. It is touching, and gives all people hope. It gives me dreams. Especially at the end of this beautiful film, when friendship comes, when dreams come true, and when the light of human's soul is lightened up. This film gives people hope. I think everyone seeing this movie has been moved. The two main actors Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman have excellent acting, and the director Frank Darabont -- he is truly amazing. It is always hard to adapt one short story into a film. However, the director've done such an amazing thing. The film is so attractive and the script is perfect. I like the way he uses narration to tell a story. One thing I felt disappointed is for Academy Award in 1995. I think it is really the most difficult year for all the members to select for the best picture and the best director. I love Forrest Gump and Shawshank Redemption. Both of them are excellent. If they are in different year, Shawshank Redemption undoubtedly deserves "the best picture" and "the best director". I wanna give this film eleven out of ten (I do love this movie!) This film with no doubt that it is the top3 important movie in film history! If you like movies, and you have no chance to see it, go see it!

One of the most important films in history.
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Rush Hour (1998)
Rush Hour? Boring Hour!
13 October 2005
I saw Jacki Chen's movies since I was a kid. However, after he went to Hollywood, his movie style changed. His movie is no longer funny and has his style. This movie is awful. It just like all other movies which contains two characters - a white and a black - to create funny plots (this time it becomes an Asian and a white). Nothing special, except Chen has lost his typical style. I think it is reasonable for Western people to buy tickets to see Chen's show, because it is new for them. However, if you have seen his movies from his early time, you will find that his movies do not have new idea anymore. I think he has to come up with some new ideas to broaden his movies or he will not be popular in the next few movies.
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Shutter (II) (2004)
Shutter, The Best Horror Movie after The Ring! A Must See Thriller!
13 October 2005
Wow! This Thailand movie is awesome! It is excellent in story, atmosphere, acting, and of course - the surprising ending you will never forget! I did not see much Thailand movie before, but this movie reached one hundred million in Thailand box office in three days! Then I started to notice this movie. It is shame that the company did not pay much attention to advertise this great thriller, or this movie will be more than that - certainly will be adapted and remake by Hollywood. This movie uses camera and its pictures to create extraordinary atmosphere. The acting is great, and the story is extremely scary - especially the ending - just like another great "the sixth sense" (you will never forget when the ending comes) At the beginning till the end, the score is great and creepy. Even it is obvious that the budget is quite low, but the story is very clever and the directors (two directors) are intellectual and they know how to tell a scary story without going to the boring formula. This clever movie not only wants to scare its audiences, but also tell something to make people think (especially for male audiences - if you have seen this movie, you know what I mean~ha~ha) Basically, in the first part of this movie, the directors put some elements to imply the final ending and create suspicious atmosphere. They do not need to use blood and gore to make the audiences uneasy and scary. Instead, they use ordinary stuffs to scare people (and all the setting is located in ordinary places) This makes people feel much more frightened because the scary story is happening in the places where people live in daily life. Wow! This movie is really good. It becomes one of my favorite scary movies since "The Ring". (I prefer the Japanese version) Rent it from the video stores if they have. You will not disappoint!
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Flightplan (2005)
13 October 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I just came back from the movie. Appears audiences like Jodie so the theater was kind a crowded. Basically, this movie is quite entertaining - if you did not think too much in the details of the plot. Jodie is still good in acting this time. However, if you pay more attention to the plot it self - just like so many people said - it is kinda silly and unrealistic. Except this, this movie is still quite good. The director Robert Schwentke uses different suspicious sequences to let audiences fall into his web - to create questions again and again. Honestly, the first part is quite good. Audiences may not easily find out what is actually going on. Then the story comes to find where the daughter is. The movie becomes an ordinary chasing - hiding sequences. I think the director Robert Schwentke wants to show the cold attitude of people nowadays, the relationship between a mother and a daughter, and so on. However, he and the scriptwriter did not pay too much attention to the story itself - I mean too many flaws. It is impossible to hid a six-year-old-girl into the dining car without being seen by ANY of the passengers. Why not Carson just kills Jodie's daughter without any troubles? I think the director/producer and screenplay writer did not notice these. By and large, this movie is still a weekend-entertaining movie.
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The Crow (1994)
The Crow, The Best Movie In The 90's
12 October 2005
when I saw this movie in 1994 (I was merely a junior high student), I was totally stunned and tears were in my eyes. This legendary film was filmed in 1994. During filming, Brandon Lee died on the set. I felt sorry for him. He extremely made the character Eric Draven. He put all his emotion into this role. This movie is very violent, but it is really touching at the end. I remembered at that time in the movie theater, over half people cried for the ending. Sometimes, sadness can be beautiful. This dark-Gothic-style in this movie is excellent. The director Alex Proyas did an excellent job, even better than that in his latter movie "I, Robot". After 6 years, I understood that this movie actually came from comic book. I think this could be the best movie adapted from comic book I have ever seen, even better than another movie I like "Spider Man". Actually, this story is an ordinary revenge story. However, the excellent setting, great directing, touching music and -as everyone knows- the extraordinary acting by Brandon Lee make this film become not merely a movie. I know there are lots of people crazy for this movie. Brandon Lee totally dedicated himself to this role, to this movie. This is the movie I can see again and again. This is a beautiful sad story. The is the best movie adapted from comic book during the 90's.
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Cinderella Man, gives people hope
11 October 2005
Apparently,after "A beautiful mind", another extra ordinary movie is bade by Ron Howard - Cinderella Man. The same production group, the same director, the same leading actor, and the same producer. This great and moving movie basically tells the same boxing movie - just like other boxing movie - put a person into the difficulty and then he eventually gains back what he deserves. However, this touching movie is different, in addition to the realistic boxing sequence, the setting can bring audiences back to the 30's. Russell Crowe once again plays an excellent job in this movie. At first, I assumed that "Cinderella Man" will be another "A Beautiful Mind", however, I was wrong after seeing this movie. This time, the director Ron Howard tries to tell a touching story in a normal and slight way. He did not put too much things into this film, but this common story makes people feel more. Anyway, go see this movie - another beautiful movie.
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A Beautiful Mind, A Beautiful movie, A beautiful story, and Beautiful Performance
11 October 2005
A beautiful mind this movie becomes one of my favorite movies in my life after seeing' this movie in the theater in 2001. AS many many people said, this movie is beautiful, touching, and surprising - including its plot which audiences would never guess at the first part of this movie - and Russell Crowe who is excellent in acting. Tom Hanks is one of my loving actors, and now Russell Crowe will be added to my list. His appearance, his movement, his dialog, his walking, and his personality changes during different period in the movie. I find it is really a pity that he did not win the academy awards because of his bad news - he punched someone outside the hotel or something like that. AS for Ed Harris, Jennifer Connelly, and Paul Bettany, they all deserved the best supporting actor/actress. All the characters are very realistic. As for the director Ron Howard, he is good in adapting the story from the original novel to the screen. He deeply describes the main character - John Nash's characters, his emotions, and the relationship with his wife. The surprising in the middle of the story is quite impressive - if the audience haven't read the novel. I do love the touching ending. It made most of the people in the theater cry. At any rate, the production of this movie is brilliant, and it deserves THE BEST MOVIE for academy awards in 2002. If you haven't seen this movie, go see it. The best movie from 2001 to 2002. my rating 10/10
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Jaws (1975)
Steven Spielberg started his legend here !
22 September 2005
I saw this incredible movie at the age of 6. I remembered after seeing this film, I was always wondering if the great shark came to bite me while I was taking the shower. Indeed, this unique movie in 1975 scared all the people away from the beach and screamed in the theater. This movie has good photography, complete story, amazing special effects (at that time), and good directing. Though this movie was a disaster for Spielberg during filming, the box office still reached unbelievable point in film history. Obvious, this movie makes Steven Spielberg this name well known all over the world. the movie is intensive, frightening, and well entertaining. Spielberg is good in creating nervous shot (like shark's point of view for approaching the victim) and excellent atmosphere. In addition, the greatest music composer John Williams used simple three to four phonograms to grab the audience's attention. At any rate, this highly entertaining movie affects film making of this genre for the later thirty years. If you like exciting, and would like to "study" movies' implication" I strongly recommend to see this film.
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