
17 Reviews
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Corona (II) (2020)
Fear is a lousy movie
21 May 2023
This is so bad it's good. Good for a laugh. Supposed to be serious but it's not. There is no catharsis, the viewer does not care about any of these characters particularly the douche landlord and the old racist guy in the wheelchair. The characters actions are incredibly stupid and the only possible character that has any sense is the angry black man. This film has the possible potential of becoming the next room, people will yell at the screen and drink at certain parts in this so called film. A group of first graders could make a better movie with $1000.00 and a camera. This film gets negative 100 stars.
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The Act (1983)
Pretty big mess of a movie
5 June 2020
This film has been advertised as a comedy, thriller. News Flash, nothing comedic, or thrilling in this movie, except maybe the couple having sex in the closet. The convoluted plot moves all over the place with very slow pacing, poor lighting, acting, dreadful. The caper aspect is not masterfully crafted, nor is it intriguing in any way. Eddie Albert has some amusing lines from time to time but other than that it is just mishmash. The songs are by John Sebastian of the "Lovin' Spoonful" and are just thrown in to any section of the film as filler. The plot generally involves union leaders, presidents, criminals, prostitutes,corruption and a bad acting troop, If you like bad independent cinema from the 1980's give it a look, otherwise avoid this turkey. I vote this film should be a contender on the new MST3K, or Riff-tracks.
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Johnny Garage (1983 TV Movie)
Failed Pilot
26 May 2020
This show would have lost its steam after a few episodes. There's only so much you can do with a sitcom involving a garage mechanic and his employees. Ron Carey is amusing and likable playing an "officer levitt" type character, but ultimately the plots would have become boring and routine, and even recycled. It was a wise choice not picking up this show.
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There Goes the Neighborhood (1983 TV Special)
failed potential tv pilot
26 May 2020
This does not work at all. A wealthy man dies leaving his entire estate to three hobos. The sister of the deceased man lives next door, and her husband works for his late brother in laws company that is now owned by the hobos. This may be of interest to see a pre Police Academy G.W. Bailey. Unfortunately No one is funny, not even Buddy Hackett, and unfortunately this episode is predictable.
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Rough Cut (2015)
excruciatingly bad
23 October 2019
Its hard to believe that this mishmash mess was released in cinemas. This film was found in the 75% off bin at FYE, and it was already $1.99, so that being said it cost 25 cents. I can see why it was 25 cents. Dismal, convoluted plot, filmed with a video camera, and horrible acting make for a classic dud that can be submitted to MST3K. An example of how bad this film is would be a scene where the "heroine" goes to Moscow, the green screen is laughable, the Kremlin gets blurry and none of the actors walk forward, they exit to the sides. You know you have problems when dead guys start to move. 200,000 Euros down the drain that could have been spent on a better film.
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Getting away from the main point here
14 October 2019
Romantic Comedy contains many clips of films dating back from the 1930's- present day. The film maker attempts to make the point that many of these Rom Coms were heterosexual and all had happy endings, some with implausible happy endings, and the LGBTQ ones have been hidden, independent, more obscure titles. Well I believe the main point here is escape. People wanted an escape from their day to day lives so they went to the movies to see a nice film, which is why many of the 1930's-50's rom coms have the happy endings they do. People must remember that it is only a movie and not real life. If you are looking for love, a relationship, you have to find it yourself. It is not going to be a fairy tale romance like in a Julia Roberts Rom Com.
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12 October 2019
A look at the cinematic process of film making from the perspective of one of the worlds greatest female directors. This documentary is a gem, with Varda highlighting some of her best cinematic works, as well as a few failures. The viewer is taken on a journey through her life, from its humble beginnings to working with her husband Jaques Demy. We are shown vast projects involving art, still photos and cinematic sculptures that are sure to dazzle the viewer.
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Well Acted
12 October 2019
Les Miserables (2019) is a well acted, loose, updated version of Victor Hugo's classic novel. Damien Bonnard plays a sympathetic police officer, assigned to a new team, policing an intercity town in France. He is met with difficulties from the people, as well as from his fellow officers, however he is able to hold it together. I would recommend this film to anyone that enjoys good cinema.
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Inside Out (1975)
Stellar fun Masterpiece
26 September 2019
I have seen this film at least 20 times and it never fails to please. It is very funny and suspense at the same time. It is actually fun to watch, and the viewer wants the characters to succeed in finding the lost, stolen Nazi gold. Telly Savalas plays "Telly" but that is just how we like him. Loaded with 70's lingo, clothes, and cars, and nice use of location filming in German, and Amsterdam, and England. Love the name of the big fat guy, Otto Blimperman, always gets a laugh. This film should be shown to teens and millennials, as a reminder of the days when films were well made and fun.
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Insight (I) (1960–1984)
Finally available for all to see
13 July 2019
The Paulists have created a Youtube channel, showcasing some of these excellent episodes from various decades. "Christmas 2025" has been uploaded, as well as "Confrontation," with Gene Hackman, and many more. The acting is superb and the stories are written with the utmost care and compassion. Perhaps they will release box sets of the show on DVD for people to have in their personal TV and Film collection. Some of my favorite stars appear on this show, many who are gone now. This is TV from a bygone era, that now can be seen by generations of new viewers.
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Not Bad for what was originally a made for TV movie
7 February 2019
The DVD release of this film runs at 106 minutes. It is an extended version, the original film aired on ABC in 1977 at 92 mins less the commercials. The extended version is enjoyable, yes some of the props and Pterodactyls look very fake, but the shots are not held long. The Last Dinosaur has some key fundamental issues about man, animal, and survival. Joan Van Ark and Steven Keats are good in the supporting cast, but Richard Boone as the determined big game hunter steals the show.
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Hilarious 80's film
6 February 2019
Yes there are lots of things in this film that one can no longer do today, like say midget, and make jokes about Asians taking tons of pictures, but remember this was the 1980's, and the film takes place in the 1930's and plays on old stereotypes. Chevy Chase is OK in this, but it is the "little people" that steal the show, and Pat McCormick. Joseph Mayer is a familiar face, and Adam Arkin is funny as the hotel bellhop/manager.
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What do you expect? Absolute Nasty Hillarity
16 September 2018
Its a shame this movie has such a low rating, it is completely hilarious. Bucky gives new meaning to moron in a likable way. Lots of nasty gags, but they are funny, and at no time is the comedy forced, as it is in many of todays so called comedies. It was well worth the dollar spent in the big Lots cut out bin. A keeper A+ Nick should continue making films.
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Good 70's time passer
16 September 2018
Yes the plot is quite preposterous, and the actors only credits to their acclaim are some TV show credits, this is still a fun fast paced film. The cinematography of the rural area is not bad, it obviously took an individual with some kind of film making experience to make this movie.
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Interesting little film made in Vancouver British Columbia
14 January 2017
Beautiful photography complements this film about 3 people searching for a lost mine. The 3 leads are technically the principle cast, and do a good job with what they have to work with. Donald Pleasance is as eccentric as ever in the role of Logan, the man the mine was left to by his father. Kate Reid is a friend of Logan's, and Don Calfa plays Mazzella, a guy from Brooklyn NY, traipsing across the Canadian Countryside. I enjoyed Calfas performance, it reminded me somewhat of his role as the crazy mobster in "Weekend At Bernies" On the whole I would recommend this film to people who like independent cinema, and film with beautiful scenery of the great outdoors.
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Great Soundtrack and History of LA piece
7 January 2017
This film has a great soundtrack, and the footage of the places along the Sunset Strip is excellent. There is lots of footage of signage and advertisements of albums and events of classic rock stars. There is a great emphasis on pop music and the radio in general. I give the film a 5 for these sounds and images, as for a story it is a ridiculous victim of circumstance type situation, sad, making the lead characters look like fools. This is sort of similar to one of the directors, earlier films "Dusty and Sweets McGee". This film is a decent time passer for about 90 mins, but not a film that demands repeated viewings, see it at least once.
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Critically Panned, but not really a bad film
7 January 2017
This film is very enjoyable, due to the fact that Richard Burton was probably drunk through much of this film, and his dialogue is quite funny at times. I know this film borrows heavily from "Tobruk," but it is still a fun film, with fast moving action sequences. We do see the same birds flying in the sky in numerous shots, and Richard Burton is filmed wide, so he can match up with George Peppard, since they were lifting scenes from Tobruk. The part where the Nazi and the Britsh doctor are talking about stamps is pretty funny. A good way to pass 2 hours on a rainy or snowy day. See it if you are a fan of war films, or a fan of Richard Burton.
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