
21 Reviews
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My Family (2000–2011)
1st season was the best.
13 April 2024
The first season got me hooked! I thoroughly enjoyed it. All the characters were great. Unfortunately, after that season it went downhill. Albeit, Robert lindsey as the dad is great throughout as well as the eldest son. But the daughter and youngest son turn into selfish prats and are despicable. I can't even laugh at them they are horrible. And the wife? Even worse!!!! Her character isn't funny. She's deemed always in the right simply because she's a woman. She's even more selfish and deplorable than the youngest kids. And then the writers added some dimwit of a cousin or something for no discernible reason. I don't understand why series decide things that are working need to be changed. I see a lot if reviews that say this series is more American than UK. Don't blame us (US). This turned bad anywhere you see it!
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Could have been a 10
7 April 2024
Yet, another Hollywood example of HOW NOT TO DO A PREQUEL. Seriously, every Hollywood prequel movie writers either don't watch or don't care about the original movies. The THING. Alien. The list goes on. Sooo...let's start off by saying that in X2 Stryker has the great line of telling Wolverine, " You were an animal then. You're an animal now. I just gave you claws." Yet, in this movie he is the same conscionable hero we know him as. No change. No difference. We don't see any reason for Stryker to refer to him as an animal from his past. It Would have been more authentic to see the "animal " that changes.
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Doctor Who: Frontier in Space: Episode Six (1973)
Season 10, Episode 14
Not so Who!
14 February 2024
I am a huge classic Dr WHO fan. I always thought Roger Delgado passed away during the filming of this show so gave it a pass, but only to discover he did months afterwards and his final scenes were passed over due to lack of studio time, yet somehow Terrance Dicks and Barry Letts were able to reshoot the end scene. Uhhh, why not Roger Delgado then? In any case overall the whole story and plot was great but became repetitive and drawn out. Back and forth with we don't believe the Doctor's story and let's lock him up. In the end all the proof to collaborate the Doctor's account was lost sooo...How was it resolved? It wasn't. Let's move on to the next episode and leave it at that. Poor execution in my opinion.
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Nick of Time (1995)
Faulty premise
20 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
You and your child are kidnapped. They hand you a loaded gun to kill a stranger or they will kill your child. I would have grabbed it and shot the two kidnappers right away. End of movie! It would have been more plausible if they played this scenario out and it somehow failed, hence, the rest of the movie. But since they didn't, I have to awesome I'm the real action hero in this movie! I like Depp and Walken. But this is a poorly written script so I have to assume they were in desperate need of a paycheck and said whatever the shooting schedule is not too obtrusive so I can do this before something better comes along.
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The Invasion (I) (2007)
Don't believe the hate!
7 October 2023
I watched the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers as a kid and loved it. The rewatched is an adult and thought wow, a snooze fest ! Granted the ending and a few other scenes are iconic but still not worthy to give it a high rating overall. This movie is one of the few that does the original justice and exceeds. Like Ocean's Eleven 2001, The Italian Job, 2003, and a few others. And this version, even though released in 2007, really hits home with COVID-19 and the world hysteria about those getting "vaccinated" and dying others not. I can definitely identify with the heroes fighting the invading viruses and takeover! Give it a watch.
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Angel Falls Christmas (2021 TV Movie)
W T Falls
3 December 2022
I agree with other reviewers about this being kinda creepy and weird and that's from the actors playing the angels. Chad Michael Murray is enjoyable in most movies but yes, he was doing something weird with his voice. At first, I thought he was trying to fake a British accent, then I realized he was trying to articulate wise and angelic (if that's possible and apparently it isn't). The actor in Mr. Miracle that portrayed an angel in a similar story pulled it off better, or the actor that portrayed the nutcracker come to life in A very Nutty Christmas was superb, unlike the two in this movie playing angels. They didn't seem wise or inspiring but rather condescending. And the lines of wisdom were like fortune cookie sayings.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Star Trek: WOKE
7 May 2022
Some great story ideas save this woke series casting from a dismal negative rating. Albeit, there are other great cast members...but few...ok... 2! Anyway, the alternate universe incorporation, Mudd, and Pike story...brilliant! The effects are great too. Otherwise, the script ramblings are arduous. Fast forward. Michael's character (a girl with a guy's name...go figure) and Spock's are written or portrayed with so much lackluster that watching paint dry is more captivating. Again, the justice to the alternate universe, Mudd and Pike story saves this from an abysmal rating!
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20 March 2022
I appreciate the sentiment to Harold Ramis, I appreciate the use of the instrumental music of original film. That's where my compliments end. End scene should have started with Bill Murray saying, "let's show this bit*h how we do things downtown!" However, overall this is a flimsy rehash of the first movie. Like a chain restaurant trying to serve your family recipe as their own. Nothing nostalgic or new or barely relevant in this film worth watching. It could be better than the horrible sequel (Ghostbusters 2) but wars are better than that film, so not saying much. Stick with the original!
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Woke March
28 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To start, Duke is not in this. Jack Wagner's characters best friend throughout the series. And they explain it by saying he's on vacation?! Really?! The star couple is finally getting married and his best friend suddenly takes off on vacation. Then they replace him with his "brother " we've never been introduced to.

Instead of bringing back regular characters that would make sense for the star couple's marriage (finally) such as Olivia's mother who has been hounding her to tie the knot since the beginning, or their daughters, or Mick's sister, the focus is more about an invented PC/woke couple that no one cares about and takes up the majority of the story!!! What?! The only good thing is this would serve as a perfect example of how NOT TO WRITE, and how NOT TO WRITE a final episode 🙄
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Hacks (2021– )
Hacks is correct!
4 June 2021
I love Jean Smart but not the script. They got the title correct because they stole from Devil Wears Prada and even Soap Dish! Sure, I get the temptation because Hallmark steals from movies all the time but I don't give them high ratings either, yet we expect it from Hallmark, unlike HBO. I'm not saying it's unwatchable, I've seen worse, but it's not original. However, if you're a fan of any of the cast , you're bored and the QVC is just not cutting it, then go for it!
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Last Tango in Halifax (2012–2020)
28 March 2021
Overall it's watchable but annoying that the writers' premise is No one can keep a secret and rely on the daughters of main characters taking what their 80+ year old parents did as teenagers or 20's as a personal insult in order to build drama. Quite ridiculous.

Oh, and the writer must be a Dr. Who fan because one of the babies is white in season 1, then a black toddler in next season and finally an Indian 5 year old. I must imagine it regenerated each season?
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Don't believe the GRIPE!
6 December 2020
Sure, it's low-budget. I mean even the credits look like I did them in my sleep. Unfortunately, people's taste these days is based solely on high production. I've seen plenty of high dollar special effects films that I can't sit through more than 10 minutes because the writing and story and relatability to the characters is Non existent, yet they get great reviews because the CGI was great. Whatever...*eye roll* So, yes, this is a live action version of the classic. How can it NOT be different than the original when you're going from stop motion to live actors. for those expecting it to be the same as the famous stop motion are setting themselves up to be disappointed. Any good remake should tweak the story to make it interesting to watch again and the story with the Mayor and his family is a good addition. This film has a great cast and we even get to see Dylan Minnette in close to his debut year. and there's actually some pretty funny scenes that I was surprised by.
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Dickensian (2015–2016)
5 December 2020
Great take on a classic tale, yet the PC police got to it and warped the historical accuracy as usual. Ugh.
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Scrooge (1970)
5 December 2020
Sir Alec Guiness, Albert Finney? 'Nuff Said! I like pretty much every version of the Christmas Carol with the exception of that animated Jim Carrey version. This one is unique in that it's along the line of a musical and that's just fine. Plus, the demographic is accurate in that if this movie were made today the PC police would've warped the heck out of it and made it vomitous!
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The Zack Files (2000–2002)
Fun and Clever!
13 November 2020
One of those rare instances where the show is better than the book or book series. In any case, just a great ensemble of characters and cast and cleverly scripted. Great dialogue and camaraderie!!!
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Holidate (2020)
7 November 2020
It's awful when you are stealing plots from Hallmark and Lifetime channel. Then let's add how the new Hollywood formula of making movies is start with a PC checklist before story. A few funny lines, but memes give better and funnier lines without wasting your time.
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Follow Me to Daisy Hills (2020 TV Movie)
BAD even for Hallmark
24 September 2020
Of course you could give every Hallmark movie a low score simply for sticking to their formulaic script/plot. And especially the former childhood friend turn to romance trope. As well as every small town that is a teaming metropolis of shops, buildings, people and vehicles in the background. Yet, this movie is beyond aggravating for additional things. Right from the start she's checking her mail with her morning coffee and the flag is up. So she puts the flag down after checking her mail. WHAT? Are the HALLMARK cast and crew so out of touch with reality that they don't even know how a mailbox works? And then the would-be couple have to do chores in order to get the townsfolk to talk to them. Uh, has Hallmark never talked to anyone, let alone people in a small town? People will talk your ear off at the drop of a hat. In fact, you'd have to go do chores to GET AWAY from them talking to you and telling their whole life story. So skip this one, doesn't even have one interesting thing in it.
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23 August 2020
Really? They couldn't even make Pegasus white for fear of affirmative action?! 🙄why not brown then?
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No spoilers
31 July 2019
I can't spoil this movie because there's nothing to spoil!!! No plot. Nothing happens. If I submitted this same screenplay to Hollywood it would get rejected.
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The Invisible (2007)
Invisible premise!
28 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Sure, I'll be the bad guy! I know it's PC to think girls can kick guys' ass, but let's be That's the premise of this movie. Buff and even mediocre built guys are scared of a petite girl that threatens them. Mind you, the buff, incarcerated guy has obviously done some bad stuff and he's supposed to ne scared of this girl that threatens him?! Then the quiet, meek guy is about to see his best friend murdered and this same dainty girl threatens him to take no action and his friend is killed. Uh...what? The the meek guy is killed because of this same lame dame and he comes back as a ghost-ish! (Probably the only creative element in story). Essentially, she's responsible for his you'd think he'd hate her. Duh! Well he does until he follows her around (invisible) and the sees she's nice to a little brother that they are both harshly treated by a father. But that pales intro comparison of when he follows her to a night club and sees her dancing by herself. Then..! It's boner city and he forgives her for killing him and wants to help her help him! Sound lame? Then this is the movie others are rating high!!! Wtf?!!!
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Coffee Shop (2014)
Coffee Ground
30 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I don't mind made for TV Movie romantic movies. However, I have seen better. The cast are attractive and I like the night shots with the party lights and overall the ambiance. However, I never quite felt (and subsequently couldn't buy) the romantic leads connection. The sister of the lead is a C U Next Tuesday that acts atrociously towards the lead male and I couldn't wait for her to get her just desserts! Alas, this never happens and not so much as an apology or even and acknowledgment that he was a decent guy. That let me down. Don't make horrible characters without the audience getting some sort of vindication. This film leaves none. Also, this film follows the Hollywood (or is it Hallmark Channel) formula of romantic interests butt heads, get along, fall in love, and the girl feels betrayed in last 15 minutes and then everything is unsatisfactorily resolved at 2 minutes left. This film also goes right along with the formula of that the guy ends up apologizing for some non-issue at the end. The girl is always right is the moral of these stories and this film is no exception. However, this one leaves not much connection between the main characters and the way the lead woman is so angered, I don't see how she just suddenly goes, "Okay, I'm over it, let's have coffee and kids!"
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