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Marco Polo (2014–2016)
Seriously, Kung fu?!
14 May 2024
I was anticipating watching this. It's been on my Netflix list for a couple of years. I love Italy and history and have been to Venice a number of times i have often heard the story of Marco Polo so I decided to watch it with my friend: God it was awful! First, it was very confusing as to the time and places- they could've shown a map of the Silk Road. I had to pause the episode and look a map on Google. There was lots of violence, but astonishingly after he was taken prisoner by Kubla Khan, they showed him being taught kung fu! Seriously?! Additionally, there was way too much gratuitous sex. We gave up after episode one and decided not to continue. I would rather watch documentary on YouTube, which is actually what we're going to do. The series is so...Hollywood, I know who they are aiming it to : young teenage boys and college boys who have watched too many kung fu movies and are titillated by naked breast..What an awful mess.
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Three Pines: The Cruellest Month - Part 2 (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
Seriously, a grizzly bear in Quebec?
1 January 2023
I've enjoyed the series so far I love Alfred Molina and I read a number of Louise Penny's books and I've even been to her town of Knowlton , Quebec, when we visited eastern Canada from California last year. So these two episodes were very good until the very ending when lo and behold, a fat, overfed grizzly bear appeared on the road and blocked escape car. That is the lamest ending. I have ever seen it reminds me of those terrible TV detective series in the 1970's like Mannix or Columbo. And there are no grizzly bears in Quebec only black bears. But that's not the point it would be like watching "the sound of music" and non th last scene a bear chases the Von Trapp family. Or in "South Pacific", a suddenly appears on the scene. Having a beer appear in the middle. The road is so smalzy, it had no relationship to anything why the Director chose this is beyond my imagination.. hey earlier in the program there was a raccoon and I guess the Director chose an animal trainer for the beer decided to throw the raccoon in for free. So please, Director no more bear stunts!
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Changed my whole view of Meghan ...and Harry
10 December 2022
A female friend, and I decided to watch the first episode in spite of all the negative reviews.

I have to admit, I am an Anglophile, although not a lover of the monarchy, except for Elizabeth II who am I have always admired. Because I'm an Anglophile I get the Guardian every day the addition, as well as the spectator, a very conservative, get sober weekly, British political magazine reviews in both newspapers very negative towards this Netflix series- not surprising , these two periodicaks have been very negative to Meghan in the past, calling her narcissistic and self-centered. And that was my view of her until I started watching this series. I have now learned that she is an extraordinary young woman, certainly more extraordinary than any of the other royal women. I didn't know how bright she was, and how warm and social she was growing up that her father was an Emmy award, winning Director of photography and lighting, that she excelled in school and gotten Jack in very early. She also had a double major at Northwestern, hourly theater, but also international studies and that she has done so much international charity work before she met Harry and I always thought she was in third grade actress but the series she was in ran for 134 episodes and got a very high rating on IMDb. So I can now see her point of you to the prison for someone who is biracial. I think a lot of negativity toward her is not from the royal family, but from (some) racist and class conscious Brits as well as the horrible British tabloid press. I am awesome press that she had a website, TIG I had over 2 million subscribers and not only wish I had to talk fashion and food but also to feminist topics and international relations. She's quite an extraordinary person.
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Spoor (2017)
This film also highlights ageism as well as sexism
20 November 2022
A fascinating film and offers a glimpse into post communist Polish society. I don't know much about Poland, I'm an American who has never visited Poland,, but from all that I've read and glean from the last 20 years , the corruption in communism didn't just disappear overnight with a change in government. It seems to be a problem for many Eastern European post communist countries. Highlighted here is not just the indifference and corruption of the police and the political establish meant , but also the horrible way in which wildlife is treated , but also, as a geriatrician, I think discrimination against elderly people is subtle and pronounced, not just in Eastern European countries, but also in the West. The brilliant acting shows the subtle ways in which the concerns of an elderly teacher are ignored, and even ridiculed. As to the anti-hunting bias, I'm not anti-hunting, in fact, hunters in the United States, are often strong conservationists, but I just think you did don't need to kill animals in order to enjoy nature. I used to have when I was young, long ago switched to wildlife photography.
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My Brilliant Friend (2018– )
Intriguing, but lead actresses too young gor their roles
22 August 2022
I have to admit that I am enjoying this series. It is really more oriented for women, and I am a male and an Italianophile, having traveled to Italy many times. B I find it interesting because it shows the changes in Italian society during the 60's. But honestly the two lead actresses are just to carry their roles, And the acting is often mediocre.
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It doesn't get any better than this
28 May 2022
What a superb series! Absolutely fascinating and everything about it was superb including the special effects. So many great actors in this I can't say enough about how great the series is. I came to it after watching "all the right moves," " Apollo 13" and about three you Tube documentaries on the Apollo missions. Tom Hanks did a superb directing job. It's just a real shame that has been now 50 years since the last Apollo mission.
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Awful!! Why bother?
7 April 2022
I watched this on Tubi just look at the scenes of Mono Lake and the south Tufa beds. Actually I didn't really watch the movie I just scrubbed through on my iPad to the scenes I was looking for..but truly, what an awful movie!
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Hilarious. Great Italian comedy
26 March 2022
I LOVE Italian comedy. Much funnier than most junk on American TV, where they say a lame joke, then there's a laugh track. Italian comedy moves at a much faster pace.
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Napoli- another grand belleza
20 March 2022
A beautiful story based on the directors early life. I really enjoyed" La grande belleza" and this was similar in many ways, with the beautiful vignettes of life and people of Naples. And it also brought to mind "Cinema Paradiso." Of all the films that I've seen that have been nominated for the Oscars, this is my favorite.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
I can't decide if I Ted Lassi annoying and cringeworthy or...
19 March 2022
Intrigued by all the hubbub about this program and it's high ratings, I am now in episode five. I still cannot decide whether I find him annoying and cringe worthy OR enjoyable.
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Black Spot (2017–2019)
13 March 2022
It took me a while to get into this. I initially dismissed it, but kept watching. It finally sucked me in. With everything else that is going on now- a pandemic, the Ukraine invasion, accelerating climate change, it's nice to have a diversion. Also interesting culturally that in this village, people have more firearms then even in an American village. And the heroin draws her own weapon faster than an American sheriff.. Everybody in the village is armed I thought French had better gun control so when then we did.
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Between (2015–2016)
Another teen fantasy about all adults disappearing
21 October 2021
The old teen fantasy about all adults disappearing from their world so nobody will tell what to do, like clean up their bedroom or go to school...a much better treatment of a pandemic running wild was "The Rain," a Danish Netflix sci fi.."Between" suffers from poor writing, directing and awful acting..
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2012 (I) (2009)
A mess!
10 August 2021
What a mess! I had up when Woody Harrellson showed up. Hollywood at its worst.
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4 July 2021
I found this hilarious. I loved his different accents and the gentle paradise of other Scandinavian cultures. Fascinating.
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Land Ho! (2014)
Delightful Icelandic romp
4 July 2021
This is the second time I watch this it's even more July for the second time not only do we get to see Iceland but the conversations seem real, two old Ex-brothers-in-law ruminating about life. At first I found the misogynistic, vulgar Mitch to be abhorrent. But I gradually learned to appreciate his love of life and is open to try new things, his adventurist spirit. I grew to like both of these characters- this is a superbly unique film.
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Spell (I) (2018)
Poorly ending
2 July 2021
I love any movie about Iceland. And while there were good parts to this movie- The dialogue with his dead girlfriend about her addiction problems- I thought the ending was a cop out.
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A gentle, quirky coming of age film
1 July 2021
Charming little film. A warning to those who love CGI generated violence and dramatic action play Mobile with someone killed every five minutes. It's not the film for you. This coming-of-age comedy - in spite odmf a loving family, a good home life, and loving, supporting friends, she longs for a great adventure leaving the security to go out into the world. She grew up in one of the safest places in the world, rural Iceland. I wonder what she would have experienced when she made it to tapanga in the Los Angeles area. It certainly would've opened her eyes to another fast paced part of the world, and she would've learned from it. Don't many of his have the same advent when we going to college or university or go into the military. We lose our innocence. But my guess is Sigga eventually she would've gone back to Iceland.
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Katla (2021)
Iceland, volcanoes and sci-fi
28 June 2021
What's not to like about a miniseries about Iceland and volcanoes and people coming back from the dead. I have admit, I have a fascination with Iceland as an amateur landscape photographer and drone photographer. Although I've never been to Iceland I've seen lots of YouTube videos and it fascinates me. I found the series great. I've binged watched it , loved the scenery and the characters. And episode 8 was brilliant. Looking forward to season 20 that I could stop the series after season eight and it would be complete.. I thought is very poignant, don't we all wish we could see loved ones we have lost, if only for a brief time.
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24 December 2020
Painful to watch, I ended up fast forwarding it to the end.. I like George Clooney, And I love good sci-fi- also caught my interest that it was filmed in Iceland, but this was a mess..
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They ruined the real story...
27 October 2020
The real life story of Colonel John Henry Patterson is much more interesting than this Hollywooded mess. He killed the two lions by himself and didn't need some long-haired southern American redneck, as portrayed by Michael Douglas, to help him. I mean really, Michael Douglas dancing with the Masai?! Above is the real story of John Patterson amd the man-eating lions of Tsavo
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The Rain (2018–2020)
Very good series
8 September 2020
I'm surprised at all the negative reviews by the users. It's actually very good, the acting is excellent. And of course there's similarities to present cold virus. One viral epidemiologists said that the death rate of VOVID-19 is less than 1% but it's hightku infectious. Other coronavirus is like SARS and MERS have a 20 and 50% death rate respectively. He said that someday we may get a coronavirus that is both highly infective and has a high death rate. The world will look like what we're seeing in "The Rain."
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
Very well done
15 February 2020
This is a superb series. I admit I have a fascination with Norway,Just visited this last summer and drove over 1000 miles. The series is very well done, it could just as easily be about the difficulties of a young person fitting into a high school as transfer student. Unlike a Hollywood production, this series is very nuanced and is developed very slowly. I hope they continue into a season 2
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I Shouldn't Be Alive (2005–2012)
Loved this series
1 June 2018
I loved this series, so sorry they quit making them in 2006. I am an avid outdoorsman and have learned lots from the series, how to avoid getting into trouble.
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I Shouldn't Be Alive (2005–2012)
I Shouldn't Be Alive
8 October 2016
Superb program. As an experience outdoorsman (backpacking, kayaking, back country skiing, travel,to remote areas of Alaska/Yukon, Nevada, Northeen California, I am always aware how fate can quickly turn against you. I've done a couple of stupid things.

This series is so well done, they even find actors that bear a resemblance to the real persons they are personifying. I watch these as reruns all the time.

I have a few recommendations:

1. Take a screen shot of your route from Google Maps and text/email it to several good friends. Give them time/dates when you are expect to return. And tell them you will call/email/text them upon your return. Even it's a simple day hike, message someone with your route and the area you plan to be in.

2. If in a very remote area without cell phone coverage (like most of the Sierra Nevada), carry a sat phone or a less expensive alternative, the DeLorme Satellite Communicator that allows you to send an SOS message ( and text friends with your exact location.)

I hope they continue to make new episodes..
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