
9 Reviews
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Three Times (2005)
Overall the film falls short of entertaining
7 March 2018
There are great aspects of Three Times, but overall the film falls short of entertaining. The camerawork is quite lovely, especially the long takes, as it gives the piece a very special rhythm. The characterization is meaningful yet shallow in all three stories, which makes it hard to connect thoroughly with the characters. The first story is fantastically charming, but the second is beautifully dull, and the third failed to bring this viewer back into the picture. Three Times is an art piece, and should be viewed as such. The majority of modern movie-goers would not enjoy this film, but it does have merit, and this reviewer can most accurately described it as an experiment in cinema.
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Agnes Varda will grab and maintain the viewer's attention for the entirety of the film.
29 August 2017
This particular documentary tells the unique story of an activity and a people that many are most likely oblivious to. And it documents and explores this historical "profession"–– though it is probably better described as a necessity for many. The form follows in Agnes Varda's French New Wave style, introducing the filmmaker as a central character who self-reflects throughout her journey. It excels in the regard of documenting these characters and their lives and their struggles. The overall picture is very simple, and does not go out of its way to entertain the audience. The viewer's interest must already be piqued, but if it is, Varda will grab and maintain the viewer's attention for the entirety of the film.
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"Mad Max: Fury Road" is a high octane, cinematic thrill ride
30 July 2017
Although the structure and plot of this film is relatively simple, make no mistake, "Mad Max: Fury Road" is a high octane, cinematic thrill ride, and makes for an incredible viewing experience. Visually, it is stunning––from the fast-paced chase/fight scenes, to the gorgeous cinematography within the barren, apocalyptic landscape. There's a whole lot you could talk about, but what really does it for me is simply the fantastic entertainment value of watching this crazy thrill ride that never seems to stop.
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Moonlight (I) (2016)
"Moonlight" is a triumph for the way stories should be told.
13 July 2017
This is a beautifully executed film that tells the heartbreaking story about a young black boy struggling with his sexuality amidst other conflict. It is a coming-of-age tale done right. Wonderfully shot, acted, directed, and scored - everything is done tremendously well. This movie does an exceptional job of including the viewer in the protagonist's journey, and it's incredibly affecting. "Moonlight" is a triumph for the way stories should be told. It relies solely on characters and story to intrigue the audience, as they hold their breath until the very end.
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It truly is a very funny movie, and a smart, touching film as well.
13 July 2017
Steve Carrell delivers a subtly fantastic performance in this hilarious comedy. But just because it's silly and funny, doesn't mean that's all that it is. Towards the end of the movie, I found myself watching a film about modern ideas of masculinity. There really is a strong narrative hidden behind uproarious comedy and obnoxious jokes. However, where "The 40-Year-Old Virgin" really demonstrates its strengths is simply in the comedy. It truly is a very funny movie, and a smart, touching film as well. Unlike similar comedies nowadays, it asks more of the film by taking the story a step further than creating laughs.
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"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" creates philosophers out of all of us.
13 July 2017
Michel Gondry tell this interwinding tale of memory with incredible skill. The plot itself, though seemingly complicated, is actually quite simple, and lends itself to a modest narrative about an ended relationship. But the way in which it is told is truly remarkable. Not many films are able to reach this level of sophistication in storytelling. "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" creates philosophers out of all of us. It allows the audience to put the pieces together for themselves, and forces them to create their own interpretation. And it is a fun story that you can allow yourself to get lost in.
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Silent Light (2007)
"Silent Light" is long, and boring. But that is also the beauty of it.
13 July 2017
"Silent Light" is long, and boring. But that is also the beauty of it. Reygadas creates this long narrative in order to capture the real feeling of the characters' lives. It's slow, and quiet, and creates for a similarly themed story. This is a hindrance, and a strength. Although it is not wholly entertaining, it is meaningful and impactful. Reygadas succeeds in painting the picture, representing the lives' of these Mennonites accurately and naturally. It might not keep the audience on the edge of their seats, but it does deserve their attention. It's landscapes are beautiful and its cinematography is equally visually interesting. And it's content is thought-provoking by exposing the viewer to an environment most of us are vastly unfamiliar with. Although it may not intrigue most film-goers, it is a well made film, and a humbling story.
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I'm Not There (2007)
"I'm Not There" excels as a work of art, and an anti-biopic – though it can be very enigmatic at times.
13 July 2017
As a disclaimer, I think it is important to say that I do not know a whole lot about Bob Dylan. I thought I knew enough when I started the film, and quickly learned I was wrong. "I'm Not There" excels as a work of art, and an anti-biopic – though it can be very enigmatic at times. The story tends to be hard to follow, as it jumps between characters and aspects of Dylan's work. This is most likely done on purpose, but it makes the narrative difficult to understand. This film is not one that allows the audience to sit back, an relax as they watch. It requires an attentive eye, and allows for an ambiguous definition, as the viewer must come to their own conclusion. After the movie has ended, you have to take the pieces of evidence given, much like pieces of a mosaic, and put them together yourself. In creating your own picture, you may find yourself missing a piece, not liking what you see, or wondering if you've put them together correctly. But that too is purposeful.
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Kelly Reichardt's movie is not overly cinematic, nor is it spectacular and filled with wonderment, but it is human.
13 July 2017
"Wendy and Lucy" tells a melancholic and harshly realistic story about what it's like living off you're last bit of money. As Wendy's struggles grow within the limited Oregon setting, it becomes clear just how bad her situation really is. Although the plot is limited, I found myself intrigued - not by some grandiose story - but by the humanism explored within this film. Kelly Reichardt's movie is not overly cinematic, nor is it spectacular and filled with wonderment, but it is human. It excels in portraying realistic characters who are struggling with problems most of us can empathize with.
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