
23 Reviews
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Fast X (2023)
18 January 2024
OMG, I just saw it on PRIME for FREE and even i want a refund. Such a horrible film, still not worst than Fast9 but just as absurd, cartoonish unrealistic action sequences and cheesy cringe dialogue.

After FURIOUS 7 the FF films have gone downhill under Vin Diesels' supervision. The plot are terrible to the point that nothing makes sense anymore. NOBODY dies cuz they are all cartoon characters with the same odds of always surviving. The ones that got killed are revived completely taking the stakes from the old films away.

The acting has gone downhill as well, the scrip is super B-Level film for the amount of budget invested in nothing but VFX. The writing, dialogue and acting are all B-Level quality.

Just an abomination of a film that has completely lost its identity.
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9 December 2023
If this movie doesn't Win an Oscar, I quit cinema. Period.

This is not just a monster movie, this is a War Film. Pure perfection from start to finish, I just can't believe how good this film was. I got tears by the end of the film.

Absolutely outstanding.

I do not want to spoil anything but I have to fill the character requirements here. The cinematography is the BEST of any monster film. It's on par with great War films like Dunkirk. The writing, acting, music is just phenomenal. Everything just works in harmony. Godzilla is terrifying, a real menace to humanity. The atomic breath is literally an atomic blast as it should be.

A must watch.
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Blue Beetle (2023)
Amazingly Good
19 August 2023
This movie, Wow it really took me by surprised how good it is. The family drama was very well done, it is better than all Fast & Furious films combined with their cheap family slang. The entire family cast did an outstanding job bringing it home. I cried a few times cuz their relationship was so good and so well done. You do care about them and you do root for the hero. Xolo was excellent as Blue Beetle bringing his top acting and humbleness to the role that we have seen in Cobra Kai.

The action sequences are very good as well and they are very entertaining overall. This film is easily one of THE BEST DC films out there right now (No joke). I highly recommend it to everyone.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Near Perfection
17 June 2023
Definitely one of THE BEST DC films out there. Definitely in the Top 5 with: Joke, The Dark Knight, Zack Snyder's Justice League, Wonder Woman, The Flash. I enjoyed every minute of it, Ezra was great at playing the annoying and more composed version of him self. The dramatic moments he did a great job at them.... The film had action, drama, jokes. Ben's Batman is a beast as always. Michael Keaton's Batman 89 is just PERFECTION. We get to see him kicking a$$ like Batfleck and Battinson.

(The ONLY bad part was the CGi faces that looked weird, thats the only issues for me)

The story was great and everything made sense giving each character a purpose to do what they are doing. Nobody was jus thrown there for the sake of it. The WORLD COLLIDE scene was just a BIG fan service frenzy that i loved till the last drop. I am definitely watching it again. People had laughs and pump reactions in the theater. Is such a GOOD FILM. You got to watch it cuz even if is not in your Top 5, it will definitely be in your Top 10 best comic book films.
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BEST Transformers since Bumblebee
11 June 2023
This one is easily the BEST Transformers film since Bumblebee and T1. The story starts good and then it slows down due to the usual suspects (Humans shenanigans)..... I think the main actor and his little brother did an excellent job in their roles. They actually acted like people and not like eccentric maniacs like they do in the Michael Bay films.

I am glad this was not directed by Michael Bay and it is very noticeable since the pasting is slower and leaves time for the story to breath and people to bond with the characters.

The Maximals sadly were not a big part of the film until the 3rd act, but we still get a lot of Autobots in the 2nd act of the film. Talking about 3rd act, this film has THE BEST 3rd act of any of the Transformers film, it is so GOOD OMG. People were screaming and applauding almost the entire time. It was a good time and easily the one thing that made the movie stood out and leave you with a smile on your face. Highly recommend it to everyone and specially Transformers fans who loved Bumbleblee.
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Great Biopic of Ferruccio Lamborghini
22 April 2023
The movie is focus more on the Man and his story and vision than the engineering Pros of every vehicle the brand built. Lamborghini did boats and tractors as well as Cars. So you wont have a movie ONLY focused on the Car aspect but the overall aspect of his life that led him to build all these things.

It is a good film that suffered from over the top expectations from other fans of the Car Brand side of things that got him all the fame. Frank Grillo did an AMAZING performance ver different from his badass usually casting choices.

I would definitely recommend if you are interested in the personal part of his life, but i can understand if you only care about the Car Brand and what went on it the most.
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Boring and All over the Place
10 April 2023
This is probably the most boring TV Series Apple TV has produced so far. I've enjoyed pretty much everything they have made up until this point.

The show has a good concept that eventually gets lost in the execution. They are trying to focus the main topic around Climate Change and it starts very good but as the Episodes go, it drags to the point that you forget what the show was even about by the next Episode (No Joke).

I am so far very uninteresting in following up on this show. They need a better writer to get the message home and not keep dragging side characters with pointless situations that should connect but you just don't care anymore.

The show suffers from a very very poor execution and its all due to the writing. Maybe this should've been a film.
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17 December 2022
Another visual MASTERPIECE by the man himself James Cameron. This movie is nothing short of REMARKABLE. I saw it on IMAX and i was looking for 1 visual flaw, fake or that it didn't belong.... I couldn't find one in the entire 3hr. This movie is perfection on itself.

The story is about family and unlike the Fast and Furious family theme, this one actually does explore what that is. Union, family, love, compassion, strength, all of these topics are explored across this film in a masterful way.

James Cameron can take the most basic of plots and the most basic of sets and turn them into a very complex original work of art. The entire final fight in the marine ship during the day looked very basic but then at night, it turns into an action survival arena that helps develop the family relation even more.

I could keep going, this film is a cinema expectable like no other.
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Black Adam (2022)
Very Entertaining
22 October 2022
Very Entertaining film.

The Bad: -Rushed character introduction for Black Adam and the JSA. The movie needed to be longer.

-Too many overused of Slow motion scenes. I have never been bother by them but they did used a lot here in places that were not needed.

The Good: -Everything else. The cast was perfect, their performance was great. The action sequences were really good. The Rock was very charismatic despite being a killing machine. I had a lot of fun with the film.

It definitely sets the world of DC for more things to come. Stay after the mid credit scene cuz people went wild after that.
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2 Episodes so far - Still feels flat
2 September 2022
So here is the argument. The show debuted with 2 Episodes and thats an equivalent of 2hr. Thats around the same amount a feature film like LOTR theatrical released.

YET, the show doesn't feel like it captures the attention even after 2hr. I am not saying its terrible but its certainly not very engaging to make me wait for the next Episode to come.

I am bot looking at this from the eyes of the source material which I already know is not faithful due to lack of licensing and rights. So they changed stuff up, sadly none of what they did feels as interesting as HOUSE OF DRAGONS for example.

You figure these studios would have learned from GOT not following the source material by now. But nope, they do it again and this time with LOTR.
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Prey (I) (2022)
13 August 2022
Easily the BEST Predator since the 1st. I loved everything about it. Its Original and shows a different take on the classic Predator formula of Hunter and prey. The title is fitting for a new take on the Sagal like Prometheus did for Alien.

The story, concept and execution were outstanding, loved the Actress and how she was portrayed. Very WELL DONE!
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Its a Horror..... To Watch lol
13 April 2022
I guess now we know why its in the Horror genre for all the people wondering. Its cheap at $9.99 but i don't think is worth the effort or money.

The cinematography looks great but thats it. Just watch the Trailer and you will see they didn't even bother on explaining what the he11 this movie was about.
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The Batman (2022)
The Most Batman we've ever got
5 March 2022
This movie is like legit 90% Batman all the time, 10% Bruce and thats fine. We have a lot of detective exposure something that should have been done before but for some reason never happened. This movie probably the BEST Batman movie we have ever got. Detective work is comic accurate, the fights are like the Arkham games, the BEST riddler on screen.

The story takes from the Halloween storyline and mixes the riddler in the mix very well executed. Robert played an excellent Batman thats still dealing with the truth behind his parents murder.

All in all this is an excellent Batman film for the noir fans, crime fans, action fans and comic fans. Its just perfection in my book. The only thing I didn't like is how it ends cuz i wanted to see more.

We'll have to wait for the inevitable sequel.
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Horribly and Offensively Bad film
16 February 2022
I am giving it a 2 star cause they nailed the 90s horror aesthetics. Thats all the good on this film.

Anyone who didn't play the game will see this as a bad somewhat watchable film.

Anyone who played the games and are familiar with EVERY character, their behavior and motives... will find this film appalling, unwatchable and highly offensive to the integrity of the source material.

Is not just LEON who was out of character, but every single actor that was cast.

Leon, Claire, Chris, Jill, Wesker, William, (Barry is not even here). Every character behaved out of character, their motives, behavior and storyline were completely change into an unknown, unrelated retelling that fell flat on its face.

You can change stuff about the story but it's important to keep the essence of each character the way it's supposed to. Thats why people love them and care about them (good or bad), otherwise just make another RE movie with Alice and other unknown cast members.

My expectations were low and this film manage to be even lower.
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Best Zombie Film since World War Z
17 May 2021
This movie was great in all aspects. Drama, Action, plot, character development.

Very original take from Snyder and i really enjoyed the Zombie Alpha and Queen dynamic. Outstanding performance by the Zombie actors and superb performance by Dave Batista which has been getting better and better every time.

Definitely watch it on Theaters if you can.
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BEST Videogame Movie
16 February 2020
Absolutely delightful and entertaining for all Sonic fans.

Everything was great, from the plot, jokes and acting.

Even thou the movie was done primarily for kids, everyone was having a blast with the action and jokes. I would definitely recommend to everyone.
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On Par with Force Awakens
22 December 2019
Despite all the people nitpicking over every little thing. I went to see it and i do not regret it.

The movie was very enjoyable and and a solid culmination to Rey and Kylo's story. Both actors played their roles perfectly and gave outstanding performance on regards to the struggles that come from choosing the right path and the dark side.

Overall the movie is as enjoyable and entertaining as The Force Awakens.... i don't think is netter or worst, but just as good.

The bad; There are a lot of scenes that were rushed and provided little explanation to was was happening or how it happened. This movies should have been 3+ hours easily, I don't understand why it was so short.

Because of the rushed scenes and the lack of explanation you will feel like things don't make much sense at the precise moment. However they will make sense as the story progresses and you put the pieces together. The problem with that is that MOST people are not smart enough to do that and will leave the theater complaining over it.

And.... thats what happened here.

Conclusion: The movie plot follows in line with what the Force Awakens started out and ignored the lack of attention The Last Jedi provided to this poorly executed Trilogy.

JJ Abrams did the best he could to conclude the story of Ben and Rey. His efforts were commendable at best but this is not the best SW film nor the one you want to end a saga.

Its still enjoyable and left a better taste over The Last Jedi..... if you enjoyed Force Awakens the you will enjoy this one.
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Joker (I) (2019)
5 October 2019
This movie is a complete masterpiece of film making. Phoenix pulls off by far THE BEST Joker performance of all time. Ledger can't even come close to how good this is. The cinematography and the music score were outstanding and nicely fit the performance that was delivered.

Just pure perfection!!!
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Undone (2019–2022)
Another TOP Original from Amazon
15 September 2019
Holy s$&)&, That was a good watch... after i saw the 1st Episode i had to finish the whole thing.

Superb! Storytelling that goes beyond the usual stereotypes we see on ever streaming service. The acting was amazing, the art style was soooooo GOOD!.

I was really no expecting anything from this show and it blew me away with how FRESH! It felt while also being so relatable.

Its hard to tell people this series is about TIME TRAVELING" cuz it has such a good family Drama that deals with psychological disorders, death, suicide, love, trust...........

I mean, you've got to understand why i opened up with the whole "HOLY $H!t" thing.

I would give it a 10 but that ending was bonkers...
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The Boys (2019– )
15 September 2019
The Best Superhero TV series around, no questions asked. The best way to tell a story of "WHAT IF" Superheros were corrupted by the Government.
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Terrible Performance
11 March 2019
After coming out of this film i couldn't tell whether i care about Captain Marvel or whether Brie Larson even cared about the role. The character has the likeness of Kristen Stewarts on Twilight. She is very unlikable and she shows NO emotion whatsoever through the entire film. You could count with 1 hand the amount of times she laughs or shows some kind of empathy or anything.

The action is nothing we haven't seen before and the plot was hard to get into cuz i did not care to know who this wooden character is.

At the end the movie was very Meh" imo
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Therrible Performance
11 March 2019
After coming out of this film i couldn't tell whether i care about Captain Marvel or whether Brie Larson even cared about the role. The character has the likeness of Kristen Stewarts on Twilight. She is very unlikable and she shows NO emotion whatsoever through the entire film. You could count with 1 hand the amount of times she laughs or shows some kind of empathy or anything.

The action is nothing we haven't seen before and the plot was hard to get into cuz i did not care to know who this wooden character is.

At the end the movie was very Meh"
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12 January 2019
This Movie has shown what a DragonBall film could be at the TOP of their game. Superb Animation with an emotional storytelling that finds its heart despite the massive action sequences. You will feel for the Saiyan Race for the first time. You WILL care about the Broly character and what he has endure since his exile.

Akira Toriyama manage to give the proper place not just to the origin of the franchise but to Broly himself, not as an evil killing machine but more of a result of the terrible circumstances of his childhood.

The soundtrack of this film is superb as well, hitting all the good notes where they need to, in the drama and the action scenes the music just felt right.

This is a great film for Fans and definitely Newcomers who have no idea where the Saiyans come from or what fuzz is about.

As a big fan who owns a big part of their classic films i can say without a shadow of a doubt, this is their BEST WORK!
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