
52 Reviews
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Watchmen (2009)
One of the Best Superhero Movies there is
17 April 2024
I find it interesting (and, to be honest, quite satisfying in a 'I was right' kind of way 😁) to see the number of reviews of this film that are now rating it highly.

From a personal point of view this film has been in my top 5 ever films since it was first made. It's a brilliant piece of work showing us a whole new side to the superhero genre and asking the big question - 'What would a superhero actually be like once you factor in human nature'? A scary thought.

It's clever, thought provoking, frightening, funny, exciting, sad, challenging and many other things all at the same time.

I understand people's point of view when they say it was ahead of its time and I think they are right. The film is ripe for modern times now. It is truly relevant to the modern world. The series was okay, but not a patch on this.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Jackie Earle Haley steal the show, but all performances are good. Excellent stylised production, well directed and some really apt music.

In my honest opinion - a must see.
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The Ark (2023– )
So Bad, It's Good
1 December 2023
I think the title says it all's so bad, it's actually quite good.

Sit back and relax. Turn off your brain, ignore the ropey acting, forgive the terrible script, look past the dodgy special effects, laugh at the plot, ignore the rubbish sets and just go with the flow. You might just enjoy it.

The first couple of episodes were bad, but then it started to improve, or maybe I just got used to it. I actually found myself liking the characters and rooting for them. The 'baddies' are hilarious.

The premise is good on the whole and the idea has promise. We'll have to see what Season 2 brings.
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Foundation (2021– )
Epic Galaxy Spanning Drama
24 October 2023
I watched the first season of this as it looked interesting and different. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've have now just finished season two and am utterly hooked.

This is thinking sci-fi. It has action but it's about the story, the characters, their lives, hopes and dreams.

There are some fantastic characters, too many to mention and all acted excellently.

The writing is sublime, the sets and special effects superb, the production excellent.

But more than anything I go back to the story and the characters.

Top notch stuff that should be on any sci-fi buffs 'must watch' list. I look forward to season 3.
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FUBAR (2023– )
Better than I Expected
18 September 2023
Well, this was better than I expected. The first couple of episodes were pretty poor, but I persevered and I'm glad I did. It improved immensely and became an enjoyable watch. With a nice little twist at the end.

Don't get me wrong, it's not perfect. There were definitely holes in the plot, it was very predictable at times and the writing was a bit lazy, but the strength of the performances pulled it together. All the actors worked well together and bounced nicely off each other.

I see there is going to be a season 2 which it deserves. It will be interesting to see where it goes. Danny de Vito as a new neighbour??
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Back to Its Roots - and it works.
6 July 2023
When the series was announced I was glad there was a new series of Trek but disappointed it was another prequel. Trek is crying out to move forward. Let's have something some time after DS9 and the Cardassian wars. Something about the troubles of reunifying Vulcan and Romulus. There's so much to explore in the future.

Anyway, back to the point. I was also slightly concerned about the return to episodic television in this day and age of the established format of serialised television.

I enjoyed the first season but it wasn't great. It hadn't found its true self yet. The actors hadn't found their characters yet. But it was fantastic to have a group of characters again as opposed to the annoying individuals of the dreaded Discovery. People who are part of the whole, and all have a part to play rather than a token 20 seconds on screen. And after that 20 seconds you just want to never see them on the screen again.

Then has come the second season and to put it simply.........stunning! I am enjoying every second of it. It's a joy to watch, a joy to be part of the crew's lives, a joy to see episodic television done so well.

May it Live Long and Prosper!
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The Old Man (2022– )
An Excellent Watch
24 October 2022
This programme just oozes quality. Okay, it's not highly paced but this is storytelling, acting and production of the highest level. Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow impress in every scene. As do all the other actors.

One of the twists I saw coming, the other I didn't. All the characters came together well and created a piece of television to be proud of. I felt the story progressed at exactly the right speed. Telling the story came before any shortcuts into action. The final episode also teed things up very nicely for Season Two which I am looking forward to.

And I wish my dog was that well behaved!
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Motherland: Fort Salem (2020–2022)
A Good Watch Ruined by the Third Season
23 October 2022
The first two seasons of this are thoroughly enjoyable. It's obviously done on a budget but is an interesting twist on reality, well told, with good action, decent acting and good production values.

Then comes the third season. It was obviously effected by Taylor Hickson's accident and no blame can be placed for this. However the whole of the third season felt rushed, out of synch with everything else and production values went out the window. The story telling was poor, gaping holes were left and you were often left wondering what had just happened. A shame.

I would still recommend watching the series but just lower your expectations for Season 3.
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Fear the Walking Dead (2015–2023)
I Give Up
1 September 2022
I enjoyed the first few seasons of this. It was an enjoyable watch and an interesting twist on The Walking Dead itself. Not great, but solid and watchable. But it has just got progressively worse, and the writing lazier and lazier. To the extent now that storylines are ludicrous and the way people act farcical. I end up sitting there marvelling that people got paid to write it. Are the actors not embarrassed to be in it? I mean - Lennie James is a quality actor. Or is it just easy money? I give up now. I shall not be watching it any more. On the plus side it's not as bad as The Walking Dead: World Beyond.
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Resident Alien (2021– )
A Fabulous Watch
23 April 2022
This is a great, laugh out loud programme. One of the very few I actively look forward to. It is well made in every way. Every cast member is superb. But you have to give special mention to the astonishing Alan Tudyk - whatever the man does is gold to watch.
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Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
Magnificent. Genre Defining
26 March 2022
I've watched it all twice and will be watching it again. This is truly genre defining television. A 'must see' for anyone who is remotely interested in sci-fi. Up there with TNG, DS9, Babylon 5 and The Expanse.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Coming Home (2022)
Season 4, Episode 13
I refuse to call this Star Trek
22 March 2022
Thank God it's Over. Boring, predictable, poorly written. Basically - crap! I really hope they cancel Season 5, but if they don't then I hope I resist watching it. I'll stick to proper Trek and just remove the ST prefix from this rubbish and not acknowledge it.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Species Ten-C (2022)
Season 4, Episode 12
How did they manage to make nothing happen??
16 March 2022
Throughout my life (50 years and hopefully plenty more to go) I have gone out of my way to watch Star Trek. I have watched and enjoyed it all. Until now.

This is the first time I have ever thought 'oh no, that's on' about Trek. And it took me 2 attempts to watch it. Ludicrous story, shockingly written, poorly acted (bloody hell, the actors look embarrassed half the time) and not even trying to stick to the lore.

Who is ultimately to blame for this garbage?
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Star Trek: Picard: Penance (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
10 March 2022
A fabulous watch with many little treats for the die hard Trekkie - cats, Q, Borg, Martok, Dukat, etc, etc, etc. Easter Egg galore.

Topped off with rapid, excellent writing and storytelling, good production, great acting and being true to Trek. Mistakes from season 1 seem to have been learned. I hope the rest of the season is this good.

Oh, and a true laugh out loud moment. The name 'Annika Seven Shots' will live forever!
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Star Trek: Discovery: Rosetta (2022)
Season 4, Episode 11
Putrid Dross
6 March 2022
I really just can't be bothered to write a proper review for this.

Same rubbish, different week. Whisper earnestly about feelings and actually do bugger all.

A disgusting, revolting pile of excrement that shouldn't have the words Star and Trek associated with it.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Star Gazer (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
Oh, What Joy!
3 March 2022
After having to endure the putrid dross that is ST Discovery, I am sure that many of you out there will be joining me in the unbridled joy I feel at the return of Jean Luc, Seven, Rios, Raffi, Elnor and Agnes.

Notice how immediately you have a crew that you can name and bond with.

Notice how a story immediately starts emerging and moving forward with pace.

Notice the smile on your face as Guinan puts Jean Luc in his place.

And notice the laughter and joy you feel when Q utters his immortal first words to Jean Luc.



Welcome back.
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Yellowjackets (2021– )
Interesting and Has Potential
2 March 2022
Overall I enjoyed this. I didn't know what to expect when it started. There are dopey moments, and there's definitely a few brain cells missing in the survivors, but it has kept me entertained over the season and left me wanting to watch a second season - always a good sign. Give it a go.
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Star Trek: Discovery: The Galactic Barrier (2022)
Season 4, Episode 10
1 March 2022
50 minutes of absolutely nothing happening. I've just watched it and can't remember most of it already.

Mainly what I remember is the usual vomit inducing, insipid shipwide announcement (full of feeling and emotion, of course), that we had a totally irrelevant backstory to 'Tarka the Otter'. And something about a barrier at the edge of the galaxy.

Nothing else to say about this pile of excrement. But I will take the opportunity to get another couple of things off my chest 1. 'Let's Fly'. By definition flying is movement through AIR. Therefore you cannot fly in space. What idiot thought this was a good line? Apart from it sounding absolutely ridiculous, it just shows how stupid Burnham is. And why hasn't she been removed from command after last week?

2. How come Starfleet rely on this bunch of inept wazzocks? They just came forward 900 years. That would be like us relying on someone from the 1100s (the time of Henry I), when windmills had only just been invented.

The writers of this show are imbeciles, and treat us, the audience, as such as well. As for the cast? All respect I had for them is gone.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Rubicon (2022)
Season 4, Episode 9
20 February 2022
Welcome back to Star Trek: Wokefest!

I see we're back to the 'let's discuss our feelings' bull. I actually want the lead characters to get killed off. Never in the history of Trek have there been such a bunch of unlikeable characters. Tribbles have more strength of character than this bunch. Cue Burnham to stare up at someone and whisper earnestly! AARGHHH. NOOOOOO!

We had Kirk, Spock, Uhura, Scott, Picard, Data, Riker, Geordie, Sisko, Dax, Worf, O'Brien, Janeway, Seven of Nine, Paris, the EMH Doctor, Archer, Trip, T'Pol, Phlox. We had Khan, Lore and the utter joy of Q. We had Klingons, Romulans, Jem'Hadar, Cardassians, Borg, Kazon, Xindi and Andorians. And I'm only touching the surface there! A glorious tapestry of wonderful characters and races. And now we have this bunch of inept muppets. Sorry, that does a disservice to The Muppets - inept amoeba. I'd be very interested to hear what Michael and Denise Okuda think of it.

And..........did I honestly hear a Vulcan say that feelings are always important??? REALLY??? And that she would be 'pleased' to do something??? Do these writers really not have a clue about what Star Trek IS? About Vulcans? Of the lore of the Star Trek universe?

Rant over - like this programme should be. If the human race ever ends up like the people in this travesty of a programme we will become extinct in a generation. And will deserve to.
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Better than Anticipated
2 February 2022
It's a tried and tested formula and it works. The story was a bit ropey at times. But the stand out part of the film, and what kept it going, was Tom Hardy's phenomenal acting. Playing against empty space for things to be added in later with such conviction was worth the watch in itself.
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Cowboy Bebop (2021)
Interesting and Grew on Me
23 January 2022
I've never seen the anime so was completely new to this. It took me a while to get used to it, but once I did, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Beautifully put together with a style all of its own, well produced and solidly acted. It might take a few episodes to settle in but it's definitely worth the watch.
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Pretty Good for the First 30 Minutes
31 December 2021
As my title suggests it was pretty good for the first 30 minutes or so. Some nice little word play and skill used to get things going, a bit OTT on the flashbacks but I can live with that. Unfortunately after that it became entirely forgettable. I can't remember the ending now and I only watched it yesterday. Overall, it was fine. Definitely not something I'd go out of my way to watch again but I'll give it a rewatch when it reaches TV. There better hadn't be a fifth.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Strangely Enjoyable
29 December 2021
For a bunch of truly detestable psychotic, money grabbing, murderers who use 'loyalty' and 'love of the land' as an excuse for every wrong thing they do on a minute by minute basis, and who deserve every bad thing that happens to them in their lie of a life, this trashy program is strangely compelling and enjoyable. Basically cowboys being the mafia crime lords in Montana! 😂
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Star Trek: Discovery: Stormy Weather (2021)
Season 4, Episode 6
Please Let it be over Soon
25 December 2021
I give up. I'm not watching the next season of this rubbish. Which breaks my heart considering I've watched EVERYTHING Trek for 45 years, and constantly rewatch it as well. Epically awful - just remotely saved from being a wokefest by Mr. Frakes.

My jaw was open in shocked horror at most of this. Even the bloody computer has named itself (it should have named itself 'Marvin the Paranoid Android') . Family tree, singing a song, thank you for your trust, dying (I wish). The bloody computer has emotional problems and whispers intently all the time. NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Bring back Majel!

This season is plumbing new depths of awfulness.
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Hawkeye (2021)
A Right Good Romp
22 December 2021
No great hidden messages, no morality shoved down your throat, no comments on modern society. Just a well written, well acted and well made fun story. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Ta.
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Star Trek: Discovery: The Examples (2021)
Season 4, Episode 5
Slightly Better but Still Rubbish
17 December 2021
Oh no. The whole universe is about to end. Only Burnham can save us. But first we must whisper intently and discuss our feelings. What a load of excrement.

Thanks to this rubbish my son is no longer interested in Trek. That hurts and the creators of this should be ashamed.
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