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One of the worst movies of 2024 for sure
11 May 2024
"The Mother of the Bride" presents itself as a promising endeavor with its cast, including recognizable names like Miranda Cosgrove and Brooke Shields. However, the film ultimately disappoints on multiple fronts.

Brooke Shields, who has had a storied career in both film and television, unfortunately delivers a subpar performance, adding to a string of underwhelming roles in recent years. While Shields once commanded the screen with her charisma and talent, her portrayal in this film feels lackluster and uninspired, contributing to the overall negative reception.

Miranda Cosgrove, known for her roles in various family-friendly productions, also fails to shine in this film. Despite her past successes, her performance in "The Mother of the Bride" lacks depth and fails to engage the audience, leaving much to be desired.

Rachel Harris and Sean Teale, while capable actors in their own right, struggle to elevate the material they are given. Their performances feel disjointed and fail to resonate with the audience, further adding to the film's shortcomings.

The issues with "The Mother of the Bride" extend beyond the performances. The direction and writing also leave much to be desired, with the film failing to capitalize on its potential. Scenes feel forced, dialogue lacks authenticity, and the overall narrative fails to engage viewers.

Ultimately, "The Mother of the Bride" falls short of expectations and can be considered one of the weakest offerings of 2024. Despite the talent involved, the film fails to deliver on multiple fronts, making it difficult to recommend to even the most forgiving of audiences.
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Unfrosted (2024)
Should stay frosted
7 May 2024
"Unfrosted" presents itself as a promising premise, but unfortunately falls short of delivering a compelling cinematic experience. While the film boasts a talented cast, including Amy Schwimer, her performance fails to resonate, emerging as the weakest link in the ensemble. Throughout her career, Schwimer has struggled to deliver memorable performances, and "Unfrosted" unfortunately follows suit.

The movie's shortcomings extend beyond Schwimer's underwhelming portrayal, as it fails to capitalize on its intriguing concept. Despite attempts to blend humor and drama, the narrative feels disjointed, lacking cohesion and depth. Character development remains superficial, leaving audiences disconnected from the story and its players.

Despite these drawbacks, "Unfrosted" does showcase glimpses of potential. Moments of levity and genuine emotion offer brief respites from its otherwise lackluster execution. Additionally, commendable performances from other cast members provide occasional sparks of brilliance amidst the mediocrity.

Overall, "Unfrosted" falls short of expectations, failing to capitalize on its promising premise and talented cast. While it may offer fleeting moments of entertainment, its lack of cohesion and underwhelming performances, particularly from Amy Schwimer, prevent it from leaving a lasting impression.
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Expend4bles (2023)
Meghan fox was as bad as entire movie
20 February 2024
The latest installment in the Expendables franchise, "Expendables 4," is a disappointment in every sense of the word. The storyline is weak and unoriginal, recycling the same tired tropes and clichés from previous films. The action sequences are poorly choreographed and lack any sense of excitement or tension. The special effects are laughably bad, with obvious green screen work and poorly rendered CGI. The acting is wooden and uninspired, with Meghan Fix delivering a particularly weak and extremely bad performance. She was the most obvious bad part of the entire movie.

Overall, "Expendables 4" is a low-quality film that fails to live up to the standards set by its predecessors.
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Not good, Not bad!
4 February 2024
Worth watching once!

The film "Simple Wedding" treads a delicate line between humor and the portrayal of a cross-cultural relationship involving an Iranian girl from a traditional background and an American modern bisexual boy.

The attempt at humor feels fake and forced throughout, with the cast, unfortunately, struggling to deliver their best performances. Seems like everyone tries so hard to act Not Good!

Regrettably, the wedding scene stands out as a low point in the film. It comes across as painfully fake, marred by poorly written dialogue and subpar execution. The blame lies squarely on the shoulders of the writer, who seems to have fumbled the opportunity to create a compelling narrative.

Move tries so hard, so bad and so fake to include LGBT+.

The film does manage to capture the essence of Los Angeles' superficial culture, portraying it accurately from the opening scenes to the somewhat questionable "healer" moment. For those familiar with the city, the depiction resonates, but it may come off as exaggerated to those less acquainted.

In summary, "Simple Wedding" falls short of expectations. While attempting to navigate the complexities of cross-cultural relationships, it struggles to find an authentic balance between humor and substance. The wedding scene and the overall execution of the film leave much to be desired, overshadowing glimpses of the film's attempt to satirize Los Angeles' superficial culture.
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Suits (2011–2019)
Shiny shell for empty core
1 February 2024
The series commenced on a promising note, capturing the audience's attention with its intriguing storyline. However, as the seasons progressed, it began to lose its luster, succumbing to a formulaic and somewhat predictable pattern akin to a cheaply written sitcom. The recurring trope of cases miraculously solving themselves through the simple exchange of a folder became a tiresome and overly convenient narrative device, diminishing the complexity that once characterized the show.

One notable drawback is Meghan Markle's performance, widely regarded as one of the weakest links in the cast. Her presence in every episode tends to disrupt the flow, as her acting is often criticized for being subpar and weak. It appears as though the writers struggle to provide her character with substance, leading to a disjointed viewing experience for the audience.

Despite these shortcomings, the series does have redeeming qualities, particularly when excluding the segments featuring Markle and a few other underwhelming actors. Some episodes manage to stand out and maintain the show's initial allure. With a more critical approach to casting and character development, the series could potentially regain its footing and appeal to a wider audience.

Do research, all smart viewers who really enjoy and understand good acting, "fast forward" through all scenes that Meghan Markel is in it!

And the most used phrase in the entire series is "goddamnit..." :)))
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Saltburn (2023)
Copy cat of Parasite
26 December 2023
The film, unfortunately, echoes the brilliance of "Parasite" but falls short in its attempt to create opulent scenes, resulting in a pretentious art form.

Cheap production with shiny wrapping paper!

Lacking substantial content, it relies on dramatic gestures to feign quality.

Some unsettling and disgusting scenes appear forced, seemingly catering to a niche audience enamored with the grotesque.

The overused victory dance feels cliché, requiring pathetic gratuitous nudity for impact.

The plot's attempt to hide an obvious twist is apparent from the start. Weak performances, feeble direction, and bad writing contribute to an overall lackluster experience. The screenplay struggles to salvage the production but proves to be one of its weakest links.

Despite hopeful elements, the film ultimately disappoints, with its only notable aspect being its significant failure. With improved writing, directing, and acting, it had the potential to be a more watchable movie. It's regrettable that such potential was not realized.

Too bad...
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Hypnotic (2023)
Oops, Ben Aflac did it again. Bad.
26 December 2023
This movie is a train wreck, and Ben Affleck's performance is no exception-it's the same old disappointing act. It's like he's stuck in a perpetual loop of mediocrity. Ben Aflac single handedly is responsible for losing several stars of this movie.

The director and writer must have been praying for a miracle to distract from his lackluster delivery.

The script's a disaster, the directing is questionable, and Affleck's performance only adds insult to injury.

Netflix usually offers quality, but this film is a stain on their track record. It's the kind of flick that makes you question why Affleck keeps getting roles. Save yourself the agony and avoid this mess.
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Crossfire (I) (2023)
Total mess.
26 December 2023
This movie is a total mess, like the director and writer were on a crazy bender when they cooked up this disaster.

The performances are cringe-worthy, and the script feels like it was written by someone who just learned to spell.

The only saving grace is the half-decent cinematography, but that's like putting a Band-Aid on a sinking ship.

Netflix usually delivers, but this one is a major letdown, dragging their reputation through the mud. It's the kind of flick that makes you wonder if they've lost their minds over at Netflix, green-lighting low quality products like this. Save yourself the agony and skip this cinematic catastrophe.
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Kill Shot (2023)
Such a joke :))))
26 December 2023
This film is a chaotic rollercoaster fueled by questionable decisions. It's absolute joke.

It's as if the director and writer embarked on a wild escapade, leaving coherence behind.

Performances fall flat, and the script feels like a misguided experiment. Despite a somewhat salvageable cinematography, it can't rescue the wreckage.

Netflix usually sets a very low standard, but this one missed the memo, dragging the streaming service's reputation even lower down a few notches.

It's the kind of movie that makes you second-guess your Netflix subscription, wondering how something like this made it onto the screen.

Do not watch or if you do please be weather this will be one the worst movies you have watched in a long time.
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Not great!
11 December 2023
Not the greatest movie, more of disappointment.

First off, let's address the elephant in the room: Julia Roberts. While some view her as America's Sweetheart and an angel with impeccable acting skills and beauty, I must say she doesn't quite live up to the hype.

Her performance in "Leave the Earth Behind" is another underwhelming display, reminiscent of her roles in films like "Eat, Pray, Love." Admittedly, she shone in "Pretty Woman" and delivered an even better performance in "Erin Brokovich," but those seem to be exceptions.

As for the movie itself, it's not bad, but it doesn't offer anything particularly groundbreaking beyond being a glorified conspiracy theory. The overall acting is commendable, with standout performances from Ethan Hawke, Kevin Bacon, and, notably, Mahershala Ali, who arguably steals the show. The kids' performances may not be on par, but the male cast members deliver solid portrayals.

Not a great movie, worth a watch if nothing better is on the list.
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Jexi (2019)
Adam Devine, Bad again, worse than always!!!
3 September 2023
Seems like Hollywood destroying itself from inside. Just because some talentless actors such as Adam Devine know right people does not mean that he has to be in a movie to ruin it. As he always ruin any production he is in it!

Movie would have had a chance if casting people did better job.

Movie maybe has something to say but bad acting is the plague that killing every aspects of this production.

No matter how good story, directing, editing... may be when actor is bad, the movie is bad.

Adam Devine, Bad again, worse than always!!!

Adam Devine, Bad again, worse than ever!!!

Almost everyone else is delightful, Micheal Peña, Wanda Sykes and most others did a good job in this movie.

Just watch his acting skills, which is absolutely none existing for 3 minutes, exaggerated unnecessary face movements, bad facial mimics... completely useless. Talentless. Seriously bad actor.
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Bed byond bad
30 August 2023
Everything and everyone is bad in this movie.

Worst than the usual bad Sarah Jessica Parker. She never been close to acceptable in anything before but as they says; in Hollywood is all about who you know! Talentless and extremely bad actress as she is, she knows the right persons to l'an of the roles that she has and one worse than the others.

Rest of the cast and crew are not better. Directing is as bad as writing and casting as bad as producing.

Probably the most offensive movie ever to real women out there. Maybe the single most important reason to destroy image of a "woman" in western culture.

Everything about this movie is bad.

This will be most likely censored by IMDM but that's not enough to shut every voice off.
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Bad casting killed the movie.
13 August 2023
Jamie Dornan and Alia Bhatt are super bad.

Bhatt is epitome of bad actress casted for all reasons beside acting. Same as Sarah Jessica Parker or David Duchovny or many names of talentless performers who get casted Only because they are in bed with the right people!

Movie is weak all around, screenplay, acting, directing and... maybe worth watching once if casting wasn't so weak. Bhatt is the weakest link of the entire movie. Dornan is even worse.

Movie could have been more watchable if... better casting and surely better director was in place. It could actually be a good movie if entire production wouldn't been tarnished because of Bhatt and Dornan.
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Keira Knightley Bad as usual, Collin Farrell...!
5 August 2023
Keira Knightley I'd not strong actress and never performed great or delivered memorable acting. As always "connection" supersede everything else in movie industry. Keira is a just a mediocre actress at best. However she is in the roles that many can do much better job.

Collin Farrell, another example of its all about who you know in Hollywood. Besides couple of good actings in few movies, his resume is filled with one bad performance after another. Some deep accent roles, Scottish, Irish and British performing here and there and the rest was big disappointment one after another. Yet you see his painful performances over and over again!

This movie could be a good one if casting was done right without Keira Knightley!
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The Out-Laws (2023)
Adam Devine is worse than he Always has been!
8 July 2023
This movie could have been a movie that hardly worth watching if there was absolutely Nothing else to watch. Nothing!

BUT because of Bad acting of Adam Devine it's absolutely does not worth watching at all!

Adam Devine is BAD as Always! Of course we all know in Hollywood the main reason for being casted in a movie is "who you know" and has nothing to do with Talent. Well Adam Devine is probably least talented of anyone else you can think of at this moment. Well David Duchovny maybe as bad? Sarah Jessica Parker? Kristen Stewart, Adam Driver... Yes you could think of many talentless names who are absolutely overrated. But some of these names did at least one half-bad job that worth looking at, maybe once!

Bad news is Adam Devine ruined this movie single handedly beyond salvageable despite of watchable scenes of other actors.

Too bad Pierce Brosnon's image tarnished by being beside the usual super bad acting Adam Devine.

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Wrong casting
12 June 2023
Winslow Fengly was the problem. Rest of the cast did a good job but this kid was a bad choice it seems. He might be related to director or one of the big shots but acting-wise he is the rock that pulling all down with him.

The movie is repeating of similar stories that have been told many times. Same have been done about cats, dogs, birds, gremlins and even ET! Nothing new, nothing steadily yet well made enough to worth watching once. Very uncharacteristic for Javier Bardem, though he did a reasonably good job.

Winslow unfortunately is the weakest link. Rest of the cast did a "OK" job.

At the end of the day, I'd say this movie worth watching although time and time you'd wish the role of the kid was given to someone else.
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The Menu (2022)
Anya is worse than Nicholas!
29 April 2023
Ok right to the point, Anya Taylor is beyond bad and weak acting is the black hole of the entire movie. If that is humanly possible to be worse than Sarah Jessica Parker, Jennifer Aniston or , it would be hands down Anya Taylor-Joy. Hard to believe any actress can be this bad!

Nicholas Hoult very bad acting is making the entire production even less watchable.

Ralph Fiennes is as good as he can be to counter balance the "monumental bad" that Anya brings to the set and Nicholas makes it even worse!

Directing is subpar. If director was half good, better casting should have been done! If director was minimally smart. Would NOT cast Anya never ever again.
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Aquarius (2015–2016)
Another weak performance by David Duchovny
19 March 2023
It's Bad.

Another weak performance by David Duchovny Which overshadows everything and everyone else's efforts to make a decent production.

David Duchovny is famous for his emotionless face and facial mimic of an ice cube, yet his connections in Hollywood get him to some films and series, all bad!

Real viewers, not paid critics all agree that he never has any shred of emotion in his works. Always the same, always tasteless, always board look.

The series suffer David Duchovny presence, as much as every other actor and actress, writers and other element try... his character ruins it all for everyone.

Almost anyone else in his role should have changed this series to "watchable".

Not worth watching.
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The Estate (II) (2022)
Bad as in worst
14 February 2023
David Duchovny Is as bad he always is and Anna Faris is even worse. Anna Faris is as bad as she always is and David Duchovny is even worse.

David Duchovny Is undoubtably the most talentless actor in the world and his emotionally paralyzed face is the reason that every production he was at failed.

Anna Faris is always bad, in this production she I even worse!

David Duchovny And Anna Faris are the tow reasons this production is not only bad but also worst!!!

If you have any respect for yourself do not watch this.

I have to say many other people in front and behind the camera are great but these two ruined it for all. As almost always Beyond repair.
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Zero rating wasn't option.
13 February 2023
Nothing with Sarah Jessica Parker ever been great movie. Bad actress, talentless with good connections. That's what is wrong with world of entertainment now!

This is probably one of the worst e movies of the movies in entire recorded history.. Probably Sarah Jessica Parker who never ever performed well in anything did her best to ruin this one even beyond every bad job she ever did.

Unfortunately no other element in the movie could cover Sara Jessica Parker's ultra bad performance.

This movie does not worth even watching on the long , long long flight that has absolutely itching else to watch.

Looking outside the plane window, or watching top of some bald dude's head is much better than watching this movie. No joke. No exaggeration.

Do not wastes your time. Do not waste electricity.
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You People (2023)
David Duchovny Was the rock that sunk this movie.
28 January 2023
Probably David Duchovny alone lowered the rating by 6 points alone. Never been talented, David Duchovny is probably the most emotionless and talentless actor in hood Hollywood. He never showed anything beyond one lifeless face to any camera on any set in any production. That is talent itself to be this much talentless :) Jonah Hill, Eddie Morphy and couple others were OK. Julia Luis Dreyfus was not as good as she usually been here and there. All other Afrand actresses were sucked down so much by the black hole of the movie named David Duchovny.

Although the movie was never alive and have been in life support the entire time, David Duchovny was the one pulled the plug and killed it. Same as everywhere else he was... pretty much.
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Bad directing of very bad story played very badly by actors
24 January 2023
Directing is... not sure even there was a sober and awake director for this movie.

Almost everyone and everything is bad in this production.

Bad directing of very bad story played very badly by actors There is not much to say but worst policy of IMDM asking for hundreds of characters for some idiotic reason. So I'll copy and paste all of the above again!

Directing is... not sure even there was a sober and awake director for this movie.

Almost everyone and everything is bad in this production.

Bad directing of very bad story played very badly by actors There is not much to say but worst policy of IMDM asking for hundreds of characters for some idiotic reason. So I'll copy and paste all of the above again!
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Beautiful work of art
8 January 2023
This movie is what was missing for a while in cinema.

Writer and director did a great job. Well written story and well directed movie.

Christian Bale did another amazing performance of his long and successful career.

Harry Melling, new and young but powerful and talented.

This movie is like a Swiss watch. Every member of the cast and crew did an awesome job.

For a long time international cinema was suffering for year. There were few great movies here and there but majority of productions were... for lack of better word, "Junk".

Highly recommended movie, excellent job Christian Bale and Harry Manning.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Well made, but could have been much better.
4 December 2022
The series is sure worth watching.

Most actings are good. Writing though could improve a lot. Beth was written to make all viewers think she is just a drunk psychopath which acts like a drunk psychopath.

The hate for Jamie is unfounded and writers could not be less convincing!

The series could have been way better in all aspects of Writers and Directors were a bit less hasty! It seems they just wanted wrap up this episode and move to next, hoping at some point they can come back and repaint over what they painted in rush before.

Overall it's not a bad series and surly head and neck above countless useless series that all studios making.

7/10 is a fair score.
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Life of Crime (2013)
Worth watching without Jennifer A
18 November 2022
Movie is not thing to talk about, most actors doing a decent job, directing is not bad and screenplay is mediocre.

But, as almost all Jennifer Aniston's movies, she does a very bad job. She has the magical ability to put her weight on all movies that she is in it and turn the movie into the most borrrrring, emotionless, tasteless, worthless piece of boring job. It seems Jennifer Aniston can ruin almost any movie. To be absolutely fair to her, she was in couple of low end comedies which she was half decent in them, otherwise she is the epitome of "it's all about who you know in Hollywood".

No one can figure out how she can be boring, emotionless actress all the time. Well, almost all the time.

Worth watching without Jennifer Aniston in it.
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